Johnny D. Symon
To Amityville in a handbasket
By Johnny D. Symon
Three days short of the British General election, a news team stopped to question a number of English people as to their voting intentions. I grew frustrated watching this, for most of them were much more than noncommittal. One elderly man said, "At this late stage I still have not made up my mind!" Three days to go, and the boy still couldn't make up his mind. Thirteen years of Marxism, and this guy's too far gone to make a sound decision. The team questioned him no further. So let's guess, let's read between his lines. "Three days to go, and still I'm undecided between the Lib Dems, Conservatives, or the British National Party."
Well, whatever lay behind the man's empty statement, it proved itself to be a form of litmus test for the election result. A hung Parliament courtesy of a hung British electoral jury. Consequently, Britain shall be governed by a coalition Conservative-Lib Dem conglomeration, then Wednesday's open-air press shindig, hosted by Cameron and Clegg, told me all I needed to know surrounding their forthcoming term together.
One reporter reminded Cameron of an occasion when the press asked him what was his favorite joke, to which he replied, "Nick Clegg!" At this, Clegg feigned a walkout, and David Cameron called out, "Ooooh. Come back!"
And I'm danged if I know why, but I suddenly pictured both of them on the set of Will and Grace, with Cameron shrieking out the line, "Nick's not my vice, he's my bodyguard!"
Okay, I'm first to admit that more often than not, my imagination usurps my sense of sanity, but hey, it's fun.
Mark Twain once said,
"When I was younger, I could remember anything,
whether it had happened or not."
And I can relate to that. But I can't relate to those holding a mindset where they forget what really happened during 13 disastrous years of a lousy Labor government sufficiently to help usher in a new era of touchy-feely coalitionism, a political body that's unsure of its own symmetry, action and hydra.
Already ministers have been named and appointed, one Lib Dem is to be in charge of "Climate Change" issues ... an empty post whether or not it implies "anthropogenic." Basically, this coalition is a recipe from hell, unless the Conservatives move further Left, and the Lib Dems further Right, and that's really "high apple pie in the sky hopes," or is it?
Well, truth be known, the British Conservative party have been sliding Left to catch the voters' changing attentions and sentiments, for more than 15 years. Ironically, they've continued Leftward at a time when Right-wing Conservatism is most sought after and required. They purchased a ticket for a round-trip red boat, and forgot it was a return.
Globalism melts ideals, and waters down spirit. Political movements have fallen under the ax of Globalism, and their ideals pour out as the blood of a new-slain victim. What remains is nothing more than a cold, headless, corpse, for really the road to any nation's ruin is paved with political rhetoric, such as, "EU Accords," "International obligations," "Foreign aid agreements," "UN Resolutions," and "Climate change issues."
Here's where I feel compelled to exhume an old, true, borrowed and blue, quote by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, that I last used some years back in an ed entitled "The Security of Nations."
"Let us have a little less of 'hands across the sea,'
and a little more of that elemental distrust that is
the security of nations.
War loves to come like a thief in the night;
professions of eternal amity provide the night."
And the darkness of night has become our eternal amityville. Most of us fumble around like blind people, especially during election time, because we ourselves, and our available political choices, have all slipped into complete darkness. We can't find a handhold, though not solely through not being able to find it in the dark, but because that handle has been removed. Deep down we know that all choices have gotten funneled into one, and that one is always the wrong one. A governmental system universally controlled by money-burnin' treacherous evildoers and half-wits.
The Bible describes this system in a perfect way. Plain, simple, and irrefutable. Wherever you go in the world, here's how it works;
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:
but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
— Proverbs 29:1
It's that simple. Plain as the nose on one's face. At least to those of us with faith. For if a nation is buoyant and happy, it's leadership are doing something right. Whereas, if a nation is on a downer, and the people are unhappy, it's leadership have gone to hell in a handbasket.
President Barry White House is historically unpopular, not because the people are wrong and don't understand him, on the contrary, they've grown to understand him only too well. Barry White House is unpopular because America, remaining a nation of faith, recognizes where he's coming from, therefore the majority are in mourning.
They're mourning because they remember an assurance made way back in 1992, in Rio de Janeiro's Earth Summit, by G W Bush Sr., that ...
"The American way of life is not negotiable."
Whereas today they understand, through the treacherous acts of their leader, that the American way of life has already passed the negotiation stage, and has acceded into the sticky "hands across the sea" realm of International amityville empathy horror.
When Europe, through default, passed through the Treaty of Lisbon, the United States of Europe became a reality. The hoary head of democracy slithered into being haphazardly throughout Europe. Some nations chose to let the people decide, yet others, pretty much knowing which way their people would vote, chose to keep the decision on a political level. That being the case, the Treaty of Lisbon signed and sealed the European Union. The United Kingdom, however, through not being a complete member of the Nuthouse, can still by popular vote leave Europe to roast in its own unrighteous juices. Except of course for the little fact of a shaky British Coalition government, this makes the possibility of a British referendum on Europe pretty unlikely, until Europe crashes and busts into flames, a condition I strongly and gleefully anticipate for the near future.
Angela Merkel has lost her majority due to a regional Red vote. Spanish President Zapatonto was forced by the EU Commission last Friday to belatedly enact strong anti-crisis measures, something he's refused to do for more than 2 years. Coincidentally, Zapatonto's translator (for he can't speak English) conveyed some information to him from Barry White House last Tuesday in a phone call. It would seem that the Red flag of Spanish Socialism is vitally important and must continue to fly at all costs. For you see, with Gordon Brown gone and Zappo on the wane, Barry White House is fast losing his little Red comrades in Europe.
Joe Biden arrived in Spain last Friday, met with King Juan Carlos, who was about to have an operation. Then Saturday saw him with Zapatonto, where he said that the relationship between the US and Spain has never been better. I guess Joe has a sense of humor after all, because Zappo, not Aznar, refused to stand for the US flag back in 2003. Zappo, not Aznar, is close friends with Castro, Chavez and Morales. And Zappo, not Aznar, destroyed the Spanish economy. And Zappo's insiders, not Aznar's, covered up the real truth behind March 11, 2004. That truth, however, shall come to light next year when a certain dude named Sánchez Manzano is forced to give evidence. And what a strange but true set of affairs that is. Vital evidence withheld from the judge. Film footage of a well-known ETA terrorist at the scene of the bombing, holding two remote control devices in his hand. What a scandal this is, a scandal involving Zapatero, not Aznar.
Basically, that terrorist-choice chump has played into the hands of the Unions since he entered office. For 6 years the syndicates have held him in their grip, so for them there's no question of letting him go now. The two main unions, UGT and CCOO, headed by Méndez and Toxo, held a press conference yesterday, shortly after meeting with Zappo, where they politely told him "no way José!" They told the press that Zappo's measures were unacceptable, agreements had already been made. Toxo added that Zappo had chosen the wrong road. They're now speaking of a general strike, and from them that's serious talk.
Suffice to say, this week has not been so much fun for Zappo, but he earned it. To make matters worse, his very own Speaker of the House, José Bono, is facing court over some alleged financial irregularities. One allegation is that old José trotted off to buy a thoroughbred race horse, with a big bundle of 500 euro notes under his arm, wrapped in newspaper. Apparently in reply to this allegation, he stated that the race horse was not a thoroughbred!
Then there's the little matter of judge Balticzar Garzón I spoke about last year. He's an ex-PSOE Socialist Minister, and now Audencia Nacional judge. He faces 3 charges. One involves some undeclared bounty he apparently received from the University of New York. Another concerns his personal involvement with the Spanish Civil War genocide issue.
Another, which to me is clear cut, is the sorry fact that he ordered secret recordings of attorneys and clients as they discussed their case in jail, over the Gurtel case. Legally speaking, a judge of this level is clear to do this, but only if the case involves terrorism or narcotics. The Gurtel affair contains neither of those elements, since its an investigation into supposed fraud involving members of the Spanish Conservative Party and other groups. For me this is a clear breach of attorney client privilege. Today, in fact, the Balticzar could well be suspended from duty. He's one of Zappo's helpmeets, therefore all looks less than rosy for Zappo and his Red Party.
The total anarchy I alluded to last week is fast becoming a reality. Germany, Spain, Britain, Greece, Portugal, Ireland, and so the story unfolds, is leading Europe into the eye of a hurricane. A fate well-earned and deserved in my opinion, because the only thing they're good at is wasting tax-payers' money.
750 billion between the IMF and the EU to sustain the European financial system, announced last weekend, though met with a slight market euphoria on Monday, began to wax and wane throughout the rest of this week. The Spanish Ibex fared worst, worse even than Greece. By 12.30 am Spanish time today (Friday) the Ibex was 4.2% down on yesterday's close at 1.1% down.
Therefore the question must arise as to where we go now if the trend continues, and how much more loot must be conjured out of the hat to sustain the failed European Socialist System. A further question should arise as to where exactly all this dough came from in the first place! For if there's a crisis so deep as to require a direct injection of 7.5 trillion euros, should not this out of the blue unexpected windfall have been directed to better use? How much dough of this nature remains floating around? And is it just another example of politicians ordering a fresh printing of worthless paper? For there's real money, and pulp fiction dough.
Maybe politicians world-wide should be informed about the nature of wealth and commerce, the value of money, that money is the direct result of hard work, business acumen, and ingenuity. In other words, a nation's wealth, it's riches, begin with people who are not afraid to break sweat each and every day. A nation's riches have nothing whatsoever to do with politicians. These guys are the downside.
The American way of life starts with God and Country, it's riches begin in Heaven and rain down on those who put their best foot forward every day. The American way has been mishandled as a potter's clay, into a poor representation of a Ming vase. The potty potter is suffering from an acute version of yellow fever, and his greatest hope is that all Americans will catch it off him. An impossible dream son. But dream on, at least until the next election, if you're permitted to stand that is, for that's as far as you're gonna get.
© Johnny D. Symon
May 14, 2010
Three days short of the British General election, a news team stopped to question a number of English people as to their voting intentions. I grew frustrated watching this, for most of them were much more than noncommittal. One elderly man said, "At this late stage I still have not made up my mind!" Three days to go, and the boy still couldn't make up his mind. Thirteen years of Marxism, and this guy's too far gone to make a sound decision. The team questioned him no further. So let's guess, let's read between his lines. "Three days to go, and still I'm undecided between the Lib Dems, Conservatives, or the British National Party."
Well, whatever lay behind the man's empty statement, it proved itself to be a form of litmus test for the election result. A hung Parliament courtesy of a hung British electoral jury. Consequently, Britain shall be governed by a coalition Conservative-Lib Dem conglomeration, then Wednesday's open-air press shindig, hosted by Cameron and Clegg, told me all I needed to know surrounding their forthcoming term together.
One reporter reminded Cameron of an occasion when the press asked him what was his favorite joke, to which he replied, "Nick Clegg!" At this, Clegg feigned a walkout, and David Cameron called out, "Ooooh. Come back!"
And I'm danged if I know why, but I suddenly pictured both of them on the set of Will and Grace, with Cameron shrieking out the line, "Nick's not my vice, he's my bodyguard!"
Okay, I'm first to admit that more often than not, my imagination usurps my sense of sanity, but hey, it's fun.
Mark Twain once said,
"When I was younger, I could remember anything,
whether it had happened or not."
And I can relate to that. But I can't relate to those holding a mindset where they forget what really happened during 13 disastrous years of a lousy Labor government sufficiently to help usher in a new era of touchy-feely coalitionism, a political body that's unsure of its own symmetry, action and hydra.
Already ministers have been named and appointed, one Lib Dem is to be in charge of "Climate Change" issues ... an empty post whether or not it implies "anthropogenic." Basically, this coalition is a recipe from hell, unless the Conservatives move further Left, and the Lib Dems further Right, and that's really "high apple pie in the sky hopes," or is it?
Well, truth be known, the British Conservative party have been sliding Left to catch the voters' changing attentions and sentiments, for more than 15 years. Ironically, they've continued Leftward at a time when Right-wing Conservatism is most sought after and required. They purchased a ticket for a round-trip red boat, and forgot it was a return.
Globalism melts ideals, and waters down spirit. Political movements have fallen under the ax of Globalism, and their ideals pour out as the blood of a new-slain victim. What remains is nothing more than a cold, headless, corpse, for really the road to any nation's ruin is paved with political rhetoric, such as, "EU Accords," "International obligations," "Foreign aid agreements," "UN Resolutions," and "Climate change issues."
Here's where I feel compelled to exhume an old, true, borrowed and blue, quote by Samuel Taylor Coleridge, that I last used some years back in an ed entitled "The Security of Nations."
"Let us have a little less of 'hands across the sea,'
and a little more of that elemental distrust that is
the security of nations.
War loves to come like a thief in the night;
professions of eternal amity provide the night."
And the darkness of night has become our eternal amityville. Most of us fumble around like blind people, especially during election time, because we ourselves, and our available political choices, have all slipped into complete darkness. We can't find a handhold, though not solely through not being able to find it in the dark, but because that handle has been removed. Deep down we know that all choices have gotten funneled into one, and that one is always the wrong one. A governmental system universally controlled by money-burnin' treacherous evildoers and half-wits.
The Bible describes this system in a perfect way. Plain, simple, and irrefutable. Wherever you go in the world, here's how it works;
"When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice:
but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn."
— Proverbs 29:1
It's that simple. Plain as the nose on one's face. At least to those of us with faith. For if a nation is buoyant and happy, it's leadership are doing something right. Whereas, if a nation is on a downer, and the people are unhappy, it's leadership have gone to hell in a handbasket.

They're mourning because they remember an assurance made way back in 1992, in Rio de Janeiro's Earth Summit, by G W Bush Sr., that ...
"The American way of life is not negotiable."
Whereas today they understand, through the treacherous acts of their leader, that the American way of life has already passed the negotiation stage, and has acceded into the sticky "hands across the sea" realm of International amityville empathy horror.
When Europe, through default, passed through the Treaty of Lisbon, the United States of Europe became a reality. The hoary head of democracy slithered into being haphazardly throughout Europe. Some nations chose to let the people decide, yet others, pretty much knowing which way their people would vote, chose to keep the decision on a political level. That being the case, the Treaty of Lisbon signed and sealed the European Union. The United Kingdom, however, through not being a complete member of the Nuthouse, can still by popular vote leave Europe to roast in its own unrighteous juices. Except of course for the little fact of a shaky British Coalition government, this makes the possibility of a British referendum on Europe pretty unlikely, until Europe crashes and busts into flames, a condition I strongly and gleefully anticipate for the near future.

Joe Biden arrived in Spain last Friday, met with King Juan Carlos, who was about to have an operation. Then Saturday saw him with Zapatonto, where he said that the relationship between the US and Spain has never been better. I guess Joe has a sense of humor after all, because Zappo, not Aznar, refused to stand for the US flag back in 2003. Zappo, not Aznar, is close friends with Castro, Chavez and Morales. And Zappo, not Aznar, destroyed the Spanish economy. And Zappo's insiders, not Aznar's, covered up the real truth behind March 11, 2004. That truth, however, shall come to light next year when a certain dude named Sánchez Manzano is forced to give evidence. And what a strange but true set of affairs that is. Vital evidence withheld from the judge. Film footage of a well-known ETA terrorist at the scene of the bombing, holding two remote control devices in his hand. What a scandal this is, a scandal involving Zapatero, not Aznar.
Basically, that terrorist-choice chump has played into the hands of the Unions since he entered office. For 6 years the syndicates have held him in their grip, so for them there's no question of letting him go now. The two main unions, UGT and CCOO, headed by Méndez and Toxo, held a press conference yesterday, shortly after meeting with Zappo, where they politely told him "no way José!" They told the press that Zappo's measures were unacceptable, agreements had already been made. Toxo added that Zappo had chosen the wrong road. They're now speaking of a general strike, and from them that's serious talk.
Suffice to say, this week has not been so much fun for Zappo, but he earned it. To make matters worse, his very own Speaker of the House, José Bono, is facing court over some alleged financial irregularities. One allegation is that old José trotted off to buy a thoroughbred race horse, with a big bundle of 500 euro notes under his arm, wrapped in newspaper. Apparently in reply to this allegation, he stated that the race horse was not a thoroughbred!
Then there's the little matter of judge Balticzar Garzón I spoke about last year. He's an ex-PSOE Socialist Minister, and now Audencia Nacional judge. He faces 3 charges. One involves some undeclared bounty he apparently received from the University of New York. Another concerns his personal involvement with the Spanish Civil War genocide issue.
Another, which to me is clear cut, is the sorry fact that he ordered secret recordings of attorneys and clients as they discussed their case in jail, over the Gurtel case. Legally speaking, a judge of this level is clear to do this, but only if the case involves terrorism or narcotics. The Gurtel affair contains neither of those elements, since its an investigation into supposed fraud involving members of the Spanish Conservative Party and other groups. For me this is a clear breach of attorney client privilege. Today, in fact, the Balticzar could well be suspended from duty. He's one of Zappo's helpmeets, therefore all looks less than rosy for Zappo and his Red Party.

750 billion between the IMF and the EU to sustain the European financial system, announced last weekend, though met with a slight market euphoria on Monday, began to wax and wane throughout the rest of this week. The Spanish Ibex fared worst, worse even than Greece. By 12.30 am Spanish time today (Friday) the Ibex was 4.2% down on yesterday's close at 1.1% down.
Therefore the question must arise as to where we go now if the trend continues, and how much more loot must be conjured out of the hat to sustain the failed European Socialist System. A further question should arise as to where exactly all this dough came from in the first place! For if there's a crisis so deep as to require a direct injection of 7.5 trillion euros, should not this out of the blue unexpected windfall have been directed to better use? How much dough of this nature remains floating around? And is it just another example of politicians ordering a fresh printing of worthless paper? For there's real money, and pulp fiction dough.
Maybe politicians world-wide should be informed about the nature of wealth and commerce, the value of money, that money is the direct result of hard work, business acumen, and ingenuity. In other words, a nation's wealth, it's riches, begin with people who are not afraid to break sweat each and every day. A nation's riches have nothing whatsoever to do with politicians. These guys are the downside.
The American way of life starts with God and Country, it's riches begin in Heaven and rain down on those who put their best foot forward every day. The American way has been mishandled as a potter's clay, into a poor representation of a Ming vase. The potty potter is suffering from an acute version of yellow fever, and his greatest hope is that all Americans will catch it off him. An impossible dream son. But dream on, at least until the next election, if you're permitted to stand that is, for that's as far as you're gonna get.
© Johnny D. Symon
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