Johnny D. Symon
Lies, damned lies, and statistics
By Johnny D. Symon
April 23, 2010

This week the IMF placed Spain back of the line, shoulder to shoulder with Haiti, on economic recovery, and while they had slightly improved their synopsis for Spain by a few points for this year, I am certain, as I was with Zoellick's prognosis last year, that the IMF have fallen foul on the wishful thinking stakes. Spain will only get worse, governed by Zappo's Communist Banana Republic government. Ex-Spanish President, José María Aznar, this week yet again spoke out on Spain's Zapatestrophic situation, he said Spanish Socialism equals unemployment, crisis, and that grand Spanish term "derroche"; "waste, squander, and spendthriftness."

Zapatonto and his crew are scatterdudesgoods, they've taken Aznar's Spanish Socialist formula to greater primal depths than their predecessor Felipe Gonzalez ever could have hoped. They're so bad at all they lay their hands on, save waste and destruction, that it's a constant wonder to folks like myself that anyone, save Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales, could take them seriously anymore, unless of course those heaping praise on them, and that includes President Barry White House, are really entertaining the thought that to destroy one's own Western nation from the inside out is to become Nobel Prize-worthy.

As someone with years of hands-on knowledge of Spanish politics, to cover even a few aspects of Spain's destruction under Zapatonto would require me to write a full-size book, here's one example as to why;

On March 30 this year Spain became the first European nation to go fully digital on TV and radio. Apparently it cost the taxpayer 12 billion to achieve it. And you know, in the right hands it wasn't such a bad idea, but in the wrong hands, stupid hands, true to form and yet again, it became a man-made disaster. Zappo announced about two years back that folks could anticipate around 35 channels, totally free, all they had do was to go out and buy a decoder, and that's all she wrote. Then last fall as Andalusia awaited its complete changeover to digital from December 15, Zapaloony announced that one TV channel would be pay only, it was a soccer channel named Gol TV.

The trouble was that in their haste to buy decoders and with the presumed promise from their galootinous president, that ALL digital channels were free, most folks bought decoders without card slots, so if you wanted Gol TV your latest purchase was already out of date and headed for the trash can.

Worse still, their terrorist-choice Communist government had, according to Telecinco's G20 program, chosen the wrong bandwidths. To my mind it was politically motivated, and not just another stupid move, for Zappo's bandwidth choice favored chiefly the government sponsored channels 1,2, and 24. Antena 3, not always in agreement with the PSOE government, were placed on 858 MHz which meant they ultimately, nay hopefully, would appear on the 99% point of a band-scan.

Resultantly from March 30 on and up to the present the most popular program on Spanish digital TV is a show entitled "NO SIGNAL." This show's become quite a talking point with Spaniards, nonetheless, Zappo and his band of loons refuse to acknowledge that there's a problem. When the region of Cadiz discovered that more often than not they'd be forced to watch nothing else but the "NO SIGNAL" show, a telecommunications "expert" for the Spanish Communist loon government claimed that the signal was thwarted by water reflection. It was a damn lie of course, because if it were true yours truly and many others like me, though further north than the Cadizonians, would not therefore have found to our great delight that we could receive 6 digital TV channels from Morocco, over the water at the entrance to the Mediterranean, on a solid and trustworthy 100% signal.

I say it was with great delight because most of those channels are priceless. Aflam is great for movies, the latest out, top American films most times in original English with Arabic subtitles. On other channels, if the fancy takes, you can learn the Berber language from scratch, what a beautiful language that is. And there are full courses in math, English, French, and of course Arabic. Those channels are beyond price yet, unlike Gol TV, you don't need a card slot in your decoder to watch 'em, and even better, the "NO SIGNAL" TV show is not available there. What a stupid little communist Zapatonto genuinely is.

To cut a long story short on the digital TV saga, and more importantly to cancel out the need of a book on this, Spain's "Digital Revolution" as with the Russian one fell into a sorry state. When the decoder fiasco subsided, the next excuse was that everyone had to buy a special aerial. Some months ago I bumped into an irate Spaniard as he stormed out of a house he rented out clutching one of those new fangled digital aerials in his hand. He said, "I put this up and it turned out to be worse than the old one! I put the old one back because with that I could at least get five channels. With this I get nothing!"

Well, over a period of time even the digital aerial lie failed to hold water, so the next excuse was best of all; The government said that even with a decoder and digital aerial, if your TV's old you'll have to get a new one. The trouble with this excuse was that yours truly can boast to all around that I get the most channels and best reception in spite of the fact I've an analogue aerial and a monster Philips Matchline TV, yet with all this analogue artifact I get a further 6 Moroccan channels and most don't.

Suffice to say that the government's promise of 35 channels, though true in my experience before Zappo interfered, became little more than 23; 4 or 5 can be seen, the rest are simply alluded to by the decoder. Sony TV disappeared without trace, and with it, most conveniently for Zapatonto, went Veo 7, which has the hottest anti-socialist breakfast show in Spain, hosted by the great, and I mean great, Federico Losantos.

My assurance last year that Spain was becoming Europe's version of Hugo Chivato's Venezuela has now been realized.

Former British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, once said,

"There are lies, damned lies and statistics."

And as old as this statement is, for it was made more than 130 years back, its truth has gathered momentum and today stands white-hot on truth's bandstand, for statistics are far bigger lies than plain to damned ones. Statistics therefore should be placed ever closer to an honest to goodness microscope than any other lying trick offered up by world-crass politicos.

Yes indeed, statistics are worst of all, they're a politician's flexible friend, jello for the lying fellow. Last year the UN's Bunk Eye Loon held a convention in Valencia, Spain. At the end of the show the little geek said that Spain, according to his "experts," would be hardest hit in Europe due to "anthropogenic climate change," desertification was a key point in the convention's lying strategy. Shortly after the loon left Spanish soil it became clear that his experts were soon to be proven wrong.

Around September the dark clouds slid in and down came the rains. On it went and down it poured even unto this day. Most reservoirs throughout Spain are 100% full, many had to open the sluice gates and let the surplus flow. Underground water tables are also, not surprisingly, near maximum, there's been so much rain that the ground in most parts can take no more, the rest just floats on top. I basically advise old Bunk Eye to a. Not talk to Spaniards about desertification, and b. Most certainly not to me, otherwise I'll whup that punk's ass to Kingdom Come ... or, wait a minute, let's please the boy by being politically correct and say Queendom Come. Aw, shucks, even that don't sound right, let's go the whole hog and say Thingdom Come, for that's the only place that would have him.

I watched a documentary in Morocco named "Doomsday Called Off." This program was chock full of world class experts, oceanographers, climatologists and such like. Virtually all of them proved scientifically within their chosen fields that the anthropogenic climate change/global warming lie was just that. I began to wonder as the show went on why Al Gore had never heard of them, for often I've heard him say things like "NO scientist disagrees with me on this!"

In actual fact all honest to goodness sane and non-corruptible scientists indeed do disagree with him. I reckon that statement to be one of the greatest lowbrow, high-minded, ignorant statements of the Century so far, for he himself is not a scientist. It's kinda like some mental deficient going to NASA to inform them that the moon's made of cheese, returning to the funny farm to tell all his buddies that no NASA scientist disagreed with him on it. Of course they wouldn't, they're too intelligent and caring to hurt his feelings!

One section I found of greater interest was the part where famous oceanographer, Nils-Axel Morner, flew to the Maldivian Islands, south of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean. My interest in this part was simply due to the fact that I've been to those islands and know quite a bit about them. But you know something, I felt like kicking myself for being so stupid, then realized that my ignorance was in fact understandable, for you see I first visited the Maldives shortly after they were opened for tourism in the 80's, and long before the "rising sea levels" lie had properly been cooked up with fraudulent statistics.

The Maldivian government get paid cash sums from those nasty polluting Western governments in compensation for "causing the damage" that makes the sea levels rise. Axel, on the other hand, proved that the opposite had occurred. While Western governments talk about rising sea levels drowning out the Maldives, Axel demonstrated that the only sea level move was down, in fact the sea level had fallen back in the 1970's by a full 20-30 cm, (about a foot), and never risen again. I saw those sandbanks and thought nothing of them, they'd become just like dry rocks and part of the scenery. When Axel explained this to the Maldivian President he didn't want to know, because to acknowledge the truth might stop the money flowing in.

I hate to think about how large the figure is being paid by western taxpayers around the world to governments as "compensation" for a man-made accident that's never happened and never will. Man, I'm tired of being ripped off and taken for a sucker by corrupt political leaders and their Third World deadbeat buddies. Apparently, and chiefly due to the University of East Anglia's climategate scandal, the IPCC claim that they'd be willing to hand over their lying and corrupt research for independent study. If they do I sure hope Axel and Lord Monckton, and Anton Uriarte of Spain, et al, are permitted to take a looksee. Quite frankly I don't see the need, for those UN bums are clearly convicted, so I personally would give all of them 20 years hard labor.

By an amazing coincidence the next day, back in Spain, I saw another documentary strongly pro-anthropogenic climate change and global warming. I sat back to watch it with Axel's account of the previous day concerning that now famous green leafed tree on the shores of a Maldive Island ringing in my ears. He said that when his documentary was shown, some Australian "researchers" for IPCC were seen by eye witnesses to concertedly pull the tree down to destroy the evidence that the sea level has never risen. I've yet to hear the IPCC's boss, Mr Rajurassic park Pachyderm, make mention of this. The hurricane story was a lie that they used with the start point and end point trick. The polar bears becoming extinct was another lie, so on and so forth.

Then, as I watched that documentary the following day in Spain, I saw first hand how subtle and tricky those bums are, because one of them, an Australian, showed some charts. One set depicted world temperatures from early to mid century last, most of them were blue, on the other side, 80's to the present, the charts were deep to bright red. Unfortunately the boy was too corrupt to point out that the early blue charts clearly displayed the term "Observation," whereas the deep to bright red ones clearly displayed the term "Model," computer model that is. The IPCC hockey stick trick. The Big Fix. The Grand Statistics Model Lie.

Nevertheless, for me the anthropogenic climate change/global warming lie has proven to be the most destructive force against America and the West's free market capitalist system. It's astonishing how such a plainly stupid and irrational theory could be permitted to enter and destroy the greatest nation on planet earth, acting like systematic herbicide. Its greatest proponents are worthy of this thought from Nikola Tesla,

"The scientists from Franklin to Morse were clear
thinkers and did not produce erroneous theories.
One must be sane to think clearly,
but one can think deeply and be quite insane."

I'll never forget the time when a deep thinking proponent of the big statistics lie told folks in South America that he wished he'd learned Latin at school so he could speak to them in their own language. What a dork!

Sho' nuff, Benjamin's quote at the start of this week's scribblings,

"There are lies, damned lies and statistics."

is profounder than ever, for in the 21st Century there are liars, damned liars and statistical liars, and there are Presidential liars, damned Presidential liars, and statistically bankrupt Presidents waging war against America's capitalist system, a system that should have remained self-regulating.

I found an interesting headline in Thursday April 8 edition of the Spanish newspaper La Razon. A recent poll revealed that more than 30,000 Muslims living in Spain declared themselves radicals in defense of Islam. For a country with just 45 million inhabitants this is a serious figure, especially so in light of Spain's lunatic terrorist-choice President Zapatero's love of Islam. There's not much for Muslims to grieve about in Spain, and I should know, for all of my Muslim friends are delighted to live there, the percentage of radicals are merely using Spain as a platform for their hate, so undoubtedly, sooner rather than later, trouble will rear its ugly head.

Possibly "head" is the optimum word here because I'm losing count of those who are just a little unhappy about the body scanners issue. All of them cite the privacy angle, and few believe that those scans will be deleted afterwards. Yet the privacy angle is simply due to the fact that not just the body but the head is scanned. Some wonder why the head should be scanned at all, after all you can't hide much up there, unless of course you're wearing a turban or burka.

Ah yes, maybe this, yet again, is an example of political correctness. "We don't want to be accused of picking on the Muslims, so we scan all heads, covered or not!" Personally I think that policy to be yet again counterproductive, we anger Westerners by treating them as potential terrorists, then watch as tourism into America goes down. I've spoken to many a Brit over the past few months who told me that due to the body scanner issue they chose not to visit America this time, but instead to visit Europe and North Africa.

The Green Card Lottery is yet another example of America destroying itself from within, for if you take one look at the nations eligible to try their luck, near all of them are notorious America haters. Again, political correctness undoubtedly rears its ugly head, though I suspect a deeper and darker aspect to be floating beneath its surface: Barry's revelation last January at the Fellowship Breakfast, that he was building Babel ... and that's the root cause of all of our troubles, including those highlighted above.

Babel-minded politicians are the enemies of progress. Enemies of a laissez-faire capitalist system, free market economies. They bleed their nations dry to feed the ravenous wolves of the dark outer wilderness. They'll rip out our GDP with an excuse that a large amount of poor require health care, when in fact, and in truth, the poor need to be made wealthy so they can fend for themselves. I've seen this as a common link across the globe, even last night as Prime Minister Gordon Brown of England debated with Clegg and Cameron, he said there are 2 million reasons to remain in the European Community, 2 million jobs depend on it!

To the untrained ear this would sound well and good, while in reality Brown was openly confessing his inability to create employment on English soil. Whereas in stark contrast to Brown-the-failure, José María Aznar in just a few short years created more than 5 million jobs, and that in a nation of barely 40 million people. Those jobs, in point of fact, were real cash-generating ones, and not tax-burning Federal jobs that Brown referred to last night.

Here endeth this week's lesson, but it's a lesson that contains a timeless moral. A counter-Babel moral. For all the troubles listed above, and many more, emanate directly through the ages from Babel. To Unite the Nations of the World is Biblically-speaking a dark and evil sin. Whereas the Book clearly and distinctly orders Separation of Nations. Furthermore, in stark contrast to ALL the nation's economic systems, the Bible provides the sole economic recovery plan, which includes removing all poor people from the poverty trap. It actually promises this, yet no nation has put this plan to the test, though America came close up until the close of the 19th Century.

"Knowledge comes by taking things apart: analysis.
But wisdom comes by pulling things together."
— John Morrison

Deuteronomy 15 remains as the only economic formula never to be tested, yet everything else world-wide is doomed to failure. Why therefore does it remain untouched by politicians? Some may be asking. Well here's the plain and simple answer;

The plan bans credit within its own nation, and promotes it elsewhere. Furthermore, it forbids the writing-off of foreign debt, and gifts to foreign bodies are not in the picture. Everything political leaders do is roundly condemned in this plan, that's why none of those skunks will adopt it; Right, Left, or Center! So much for those in power professing faith in God and His Word. Their faith rings hollow, and the future looks grim. Some moral, huh?

© Johnny D. Symon


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