Johnny D. Symon
Faith over reflection
By Johnny D. Symon
Yesterday late morning, I sat at breakfast to watch The Fellowship and invited guests at their very own breakfast shindig. To be quite frank I hadn't paid them a blind bit of notice over the years, until now that is, yet only because Spain's President, Zapatonto, had been invited over to give an oration of his very own.
My interest was piqued because Zappo is a firm communist and atheist. He'd, prior to this event, removed both Bibles and Religious education from all Spanish schools, replacing said articles with a Good Communist Training program, and being a high genocidal believer in laissez-faire abortion, his spiritual views were of little doubt. How therefore, I wondered, would Zappo deal with verses of scripture? For everything a person is inside is bound to come out and color the true direction of biblical thought. His misuse therefore of Deuteronomy 24:14,15 came as no surprise. Albert Einstein once said;
"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
This sentiment for me sums up the failed and fallen character of Zapatonto. The boys a punk, a madman, and a Prince of Thieves, yet above all he's a spiritual inebriate. He cited Deuteronomy 24:14,15;
"Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and
needy, whether he be of thy brethren, or of thy strangers
that are in thy land within thy gates:
At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun
go down upon it; for he is poor, and setteth his heart upon it:
lest he cry against thee unto the LORD, and it be sin unto
Using both verses he attempted to say that all immigrants in your country are to be treated in the above manner. A communist would say this of course, but it does not rewrite the true meaning of the above verses, for Deuteronomy 24:14,15 are in respect of those in the Hebrew community. The word "strangers" in the KJV is in fact "proselytes," according to the standard Hebrew translation, converts to Judaism, and cannot therefore be used in respect of general legal or illegal immigrants.
Nonetheless, Zappo's misuse of Divine text provided us with a clearer understanding of Zappo's evil. For in stark contrast to Zappo's wresting of scriptural verse, Hillary Clinton, whether she knew it or not, provided a prime key to unlock the Zappo-hypocritical toolbox, for she quoted;
"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,
To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to
keep himself unspotted from the world."
— James 1:27
For me Hillary's discourse, credit where credit's due, hit the mark in more ways than one. Undoubtedly heartfelt and sincere, a discourse starkly in contrast to the one provided by Zappo. Some of us will no doubt be wondering why Zappo too did not use this passage in James in place of Deuteronomy, and others will find themselves in no doubt as to the reasons why. So here's one prime example;
Spanish soldier, John Felipe Romero, a Colombian immigrant, died in Afghanistan and his burial ceremony was held at 10 am Wednesday last. All main political party leaders were present, including Mariano Rajoy of the PP, though one remained sadly missing, and has been found missing on three occasions that dead soldiers were put to rest. His name is none other than José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, President of the Spanish government. On three occasions he denied the fatherless and widows in their affliction the honor of his presence. Last Wednesday he explained his absence by stating that he was too busy rehearsing his breakfast script of Deuteronomy 24:14,15 for the following morning's Fellowship oration in Washingto DC.
Thanks Hillary. I believe God was working in you when you outlined James 1:27. Perhaps you also considered 2 Peter 3:16, if you did I'm sorry you left it out, for Zappo and his ilk are a sad and sorry part of it;
"As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things;
in which are some things hard to be understood, which they
that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the
other scriptures, unto their own destruction."
The Bible stands unique as a work that is not open to private interpretation, and to do so will result in sure and certain destruction for its abuser.
Zapatero is in dire straits. His political future rests in the balance, as does the Spanish economy. His professed care for immigrants does not spill over into the care of his own people, for last Saturday morning on live TV he outlined to the Spanish people a Plan of national recovery. Within it, though I failed to hear it from his lips, only from a subtitle, did he state that folks would have to work 2 more years to earn their pension. 67 years was the magic retirement age. He covered the crisis of the economy and its most grave Federal debt. Then, shortly after the close of his live communist vaudeville act he flew to Africa to promise a further 300 million euros to the African cause.
Sadly no one drew the correlation between his momentous and self-made Federal debt, the sacrifices he intended to force on the Spanish people to make things right, then his subsequent 300 million "gift to Africa!"
A few days later on, and shortly before he wrested the scriptures in Washington DC, his government sent a document to EU HQ highlighting their economic recovery plan. It was sent at 11 am. and rescinded less than 4 hours later, because the press discovered it. In this document Zappo had plans to raise from 15 years to 25 the time people must work and pay into the system to receive a normal, though lowest in Europe, pension, along with retiring at 67 not 65. The average Spaniard therefore could thank the press for telling them that they were to further pay the ferryman for Zappo's extra 300 million gift to Africa the previous Saturday, and his destruction of the Spanish economy.
When Barry White House came on to speak directly after Hillary Clinton, he too unwittingly shed light on his very own darkness. Within his discourse he dealt with that thing called "civility," quoting Abe Lincoln when he said that, "Even in the eyes of Confederate soldiers he saw the face of God."
Maybe Barry should be reminded that there are two gods in the Bible, and to know which is which requires strong biblical knowledge, subsequent behavior, then the spirit of discernment will provide you with a mechanism to determine which god shines in the eyes of another. Barry White House does not have that mechanism. But Abe's Confederate soldier story leaves me unimpressed, for I reckon that the Confederate soldiers he spoke of would have been in no doubt as to which god shone in their oppressors face.
For all the stories about Abe Lincoln freeing the slaves, he still called them by the n**ger word, and openly desired to repatriate them back to Africa. Those acts are far from the character of a man who desired freedom and equality for all. Yet truth be known, he never abolished slavery, he widened its scope to enable the modern world an opportunity to enslave us all under One Big government.
What verses from the Bible would Abe have used had he come back to life last Thursday morning and attended The Fellowship breakfast? Might he have broken his own mold by mentioning Jesus for the first time? God knows.
Sad to say that apart from the US it's most rare to hear anyone using the Bible, and when we do hear that rarer than hen's teeth thing, it's most always in reference to the re-building of Babel idea that Barry made frank admission of last Thursday morning.
Politicians in general use the Bible as a side reference manual to their Little Red Book. They slide their Red ideologies across verses of spiritual wisdom, attempting to hammer them together as lead typeface in the hope that both will appear as one. As a firm libertarian I have no problem with those attempting to live alternate lifestyles; gays, lesbians, etc, I regard it as none of my business, my business is living the Bible. It's only when alternates try to blend my Book with their lifestyle that I have problems with it. Both Barry and Hillary contradict the New Testament on this matter, because instead of leaving scripture out of it and dealing with those matters as secular and independent of biblical law, last Thursday they tried to reconcile both; an impossible matter.
91% of Republicans in a recent poll supported the death penalty, as does the Bible, yet others attempt to reconcile humanism with the Bible ... another impossible matter, for the penalty for murder is death. Spain's Zapatonto reworked the Spanish penal code to ensure that even the direst mass murderer will remain no longer than 30 years behind bars. He also ensured that the worst of the worst would be subject to parole after just 15 years. Hardly the workings of a God-fearing man, unless it's the other god mentioned earlier in this here ed !!
But look here, the bottom line in all of this is plain and simple. Even the stupidest Zappoterronian can understand it. And here it is:
"Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and
ensue it.
For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears
are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is
against them that do evil."
— 1 Peter 3:11,12
To eschew evil is to push it away and have no fellowship with it. In other words you don't even invite it to breakfast. "What's evil?" you may ask, and here's the answer; Anything and anyone or ones that contradict the Commandments. "Thou shalt not kill" includes abortion, as outlined in a previous ed entitled Zapatero's marginal arts. Again, as I said earlier, my libertarian side leaves those with an opposite view to do their thing, for I believe in a Righteous Judge and they don't.
"Thou shalt not steal," though primarily a law against kidnapping (terrorists beware!) also includes the forced taking of property from another against their will and consent. (Personal tax-hungry politicos beware!)
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what
communion hath light with darkness?
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he
that believeth with an infidel?
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?"
— 2 Corinthians 6:14-16
Hey, are those passages really saying "stay away from those who contradict the Bible? Push 'em away, have nothing to do with them? What concord hath Christ with Belial?" Come to think of it, Pilate forced Jesus to come to him, it was not of his own accord, for hey, he might well have invited Pilate to breakfast, gaze into his eyes and "see the face of God!"
Yet in the fullness of time God Himself will gaze into your eyes and mine, then He and He alone shall decide which god is reflected in them. That's when the final hot-eschew may or may not start cookin'. Earth ain't in the balance, but our spiritual future is.
"Not everything that can be counted counts,
and not everything that counts can be counted."
© Johnny D. Symon
February 5, 2010
Yesterday late morning, I sat at breakfast to watch The Fellowship and invited guests at their very own breakfast shindig. To be quite frank I hadn't paid them a blind bit of notice over the years, until now that is, yet only because Spain's President, Zapatonto, had been invited over to give an oration of his very own.

"Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."
This sentiment for me sums up the failed and fallen character of Zapatonto. The boys a punk, a madman, and a Prince of Thieves, yet above all he's a spiritual inebriate. He cited Deuteronomy 24:14,15;
"Thou shalt not oppress an hired servant that is poor and
needy, whether he be of thy brethren, or of thy strangers
that are in thy land within thy gates:
At his day thou shalt give him his hire, neither shall the sun
go down upon it; for he is poor, and setteth his heart upon it:
lest he cry against thee unto the LORD, and it be sin unto
Using both verses he attempted to say that all immigrants in your country are to be treated in the above manner. A communist would say this of course, but it does not rewrite the true meaning of the above verses, for Deuteronomy 24:14,15 are in respect of those in the Hebrew community. The word "strangers" in the KJV is in fact "proselytes," according to the standard Hebrew translation, converts to Judaism, and cannot therefore be used in respect of general legal or illegal immigrants.
Nonetheless, Zappo's misuse of Divine text provided us with a clearer understanding of Zappo's evil. For in stark contrast to Zappo's wresting of scriptural verse, Hillary Clinton, whether she knew it or not, provided a prime key to unlock the Zappo-hypocritical toolbox, for she quoted;
"Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this,
To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to
keep himself unspotted from the world."
— James 1:27
For me Hillary's discourse, credit where credit's due, hit the mark in more ways than one. Undoubtedly heartfelt and sincere, a discourse starkly in contrast to the one provided by Zappo. Some of us will no doubt be wondering why Zappo too did not use this passage in James in place of Deuteronomy, and others will find themselves in no doubt as to the reasons why. So here's one prime example;
Spanish soldier, John Felipe Romero, a Colombian immigrant, died in Afghanistan and his burial ceremony was held at 10 am Wednesday last. All main political party leaders were present, including Mariano Rajoy of the PP, though one remained sadly missing, and has been found missing on three occasions that dead soldiers were put to rest. His name is none other than José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, President of the Spanish government. On three occasions he denied the fatherless and widows in their affliction the honor of his presence. Last Wednesday he explained his absence by stating that he was too busy rehearsing his breakfast script of Deuteronomy 24:14,15 for the following morning's Fellowship oration in Washingto DC.
Thanks Hillary. I believe God was working in you when you outlined James 1:27. Perhaps you also considered 2 Peter 3:16, if you did I'm sorry you left it out, for Zappo and his ilk are a sad and sorry part of it;
"As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things;
in which are some things hard to be understood, which they
that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the
other scriptures, unto their own destruction."
The Bible stands unique as a work that is not open to private interpretation, and to do so will result in sure and certain destruction for its abuser.
Zapatero is in dire straits. His political future rests in the balance, as does the Spanish economy. His professed care for immigrants does not spill over into the care of his own people, for last Saturday morning on live TV he outlined to the Spanish people a Plan of national recovery. Within it, though I failed to hear it from his lips, only from a subtitle, did he state that folks would have to work 2 more years to earn their pension. 67 years was the magic retirement age. He covered the crisis of the economy and its most grave Federal debt. Then, shortly after the close of his live communist vaudeville act he flew to Africa to promise a further 300 million euros to the African cause.
Sadly no one drew the correlation between his momentous and self-made Federal debt, the sacrifices he intended to force on the Spanish people to make things right, then his subsequent 300 million "gift to Africa!"
A few days later on, and shortly before he wrested the scriptures in Washington DC, his government sent a document to EU HQ highlighting their economic recovery plan. It was sent at 11 am. and rescinded less than 4 hours later, because the press discovered it. In this document Zappo had plans to raise from 15 years to 25 the time people must work and pay into the system to receive a normal, though lowest in Europe, pension, along with retiring at 67 not 65. The average Spaniard therefore could thank the press for telling them that they were to further pay the ferryman for Zappo's extra 300 million gift to Africa the previous Saturday, and his destruction of the Spanish economy.

Maybe Barry should be reminded that there are two gods in the Bible, and to know which is which requires strong biblical knowledge, subsequent behavior, then the spirit of discernment will provide you with a mechanism to determine which god shines in the eyes of another. Barry White House does not have that mechanism. But Abe's Confederate soldier story leaves me unimpressed, for I reckon that the Confederate soldiers he spoke of would have been in no doubt as to which god shone in their oppressors face.
For all the stories about Abe Lincoln freeing the slaves, he still called them by the n**ger word, and openly desired to repatriate them back to Africa. Those acts are far from the character of a man who desired freedom and equality for all. Yet truth be known, he never abolished slavery, he widened its scope to enable the modern world an opportunity to enslave us all under One Big government.
What verses from the Bible would Abe have used had he come back to life last Thursday morning and attended The Fellowship breakfast? Might he have broken his own mold by mentioning Jesus for the first time? God knows.
Sad to say that apart from the US it's most rare to hear anyone using the Bible, and when we do hear that rarer than hen's teeth thing, it's most always in reference to the re-building of Babel idea that Barry made frank admission of last Thursday morning.
Politicians in general use the Bible as a side reference manual to their Little Red Book. They slide their Red ideologies across verses of spiritual wisdom, attempting to hammer them together as lead typeface in the hope that both will appear as one. As a firm libertarian I have no problem with those attempting to live alternate lifestyles; gays, lesbians, etc, I regard it as none of my business, my business is living the Bible. It's only when alternates try to blend my Book with their lifestyle that I have problems with it. Both Barry and Hillary contradict the New Testament on this matter, because instead of leaving scripture out of it and dealing with those matters as secular and independent of biblical law, last Thursday they tried to reconcile both; an impossible matter.
91% of Republicans in a recent poll supported the death penalty, as does the Bible, yet others attempt to reconcile humanism with the Bible ... another impossible matter, for the penalty for murder is death. Spain's Zapatonto reworked the Spanish penal code to ensure that even the direst mass murderer will remain no longer than 30 years behind bars. He also ensured that the worst of the worst would be subject to parole after just 15 years. Hardly the workings of a God-fearing man, unless it's the other god mentioned earlier in this here ed !!
But look here, the bottom line in all of this is plain and simple. Even the stupidest Zappoterronian can understand it. And here it is:
"Let him eschew evil, and do good; let him seek peace, and
ensue it.
For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears
are open unto their prayers: but the face of the Lord is
against them that do evil."
— 1 Peter 3:11,12
To eschew evil is to push it away and have no fellowship with it. In other words you don't even invite it to breakfast. "What's evil?" you may ask, and here's the answer; Anything and anyone or ones that contradict the Commandments. "Thou shalt not kill" includes abortion, as outlined in a previous ed entitled Zapatero's marginal arts. Again, as I said earlier, my libertarian side leaves those with an opposite view to do their thing, for I believe in a Righteous Judge and they don't.
"Thou shalt not steal," though primarily a law against kidnapping (terrorists beware!) also includes the forced taking of property from another against their will and consent. (Personal tax-hungry politicos beware!)
"Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what
fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what
communion hath light with darkness?
And what concord hath Christ with Belial? or what part hath he
that believeth with an infidel?
And what agreement hath the temple of God with idols?"
— 2 Corinthians 6:14-16
Hey, are those passages really saying "stay away from those who contradict the Bible? Push 'em away, have nothing to do with them? What concord hath Christ with Belial?" Come to think of it, Pilate forced Jesus to come to him, it was not of his own accord, for hey, he might well have invited Pilate to breakfast, gaze into his eyes and "see the face of God!"

"Not everything that can be counted counts,
and not everything that counts can be counted."
© Johnny D. Symon
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