Johnny D. Symon
The Rap
By Johnny D. Symon
Just three days short of a half decade since The Rap reached light of day, and here we are again. I full recall the reasoning behind my strong sentiments and now feel that although the person behind the subject was defeated, his hopes, dreams, and machinations became a reality on and up to the life and times of Barry White House rule.
Ah yes, we live in the Age of Politicians, a fabric diversely matched and sewn into the fabric of God's making, leaving a garment which will never stay together, constantly ripped and rent asunder under the slightest strain. Somehow our present-day political leaders remind me of a situation where a little punk finds himself in a court of law, and the judge says to him,
"So you claim you stole the bread because you were hungry."
"Yes, your Honor. Very hungry indeed."
"Well," said the judge, "Why did you then rob the bank?"
"Because your Honor, as you may recall, it's clearly written that 'man shall not live by bread alone'!"
James A Michener once made a most notable remark, worthy of repeating here, when he said:
"An age is called Dark,
not because the light fails to shine,
but because people refuse to see it."
The Rap, as I recall, was written in the light of noonday, yet light and darkness alter according to time, therefore how we perceive events must be determined by the quality of light in the times that we ourselves face.
Till next time.
Johnny D
A Rap for a Joke, a Rap in C,
Joke's C Rap for the Presidency
(First Published August 24, 2004)
The red seas are partying
The limp-wrists are here ...
"Our votes on a Joke
For president dear." [yo!]
Their votes on a Joke
And a clone-comin' queen ...
with the passive-fists'
Pacifist's dream.
It's Cozen the Barbarian
A miss-it slippy scheme-goat in a liberal's ravine
A medal reamer, puddle-steamer,
A cozenage lifeboat with holes unseen. [word up!]
A same-sex president
Of fruitless waste nonplussed ...
"Our vote's a must for
'In bod we trust' and for Sodom we lust." [yeah]
America's the faithless
The rank and defile
Shall vote for a Joke and murder on the Nile
In true and democratic style.
The blank-eyed peas
And the sicko's [more please!]
The weepin-willo's, Jane Fondlers,
And public funds squanderers —
The Chicken Littles
And the caviar victuals.
A jactitatin' Joke and gesticulatin' jerk
With palsies that don't work ...
It's the billion-airs
And billion hair-brained
Presidential candidate less candid
And least able-handed.
The road most traveled
With deep secrets to unravel.
The socialists' choice —
The one who would "Peking"!
The dork that the stork dragged in.
A birth without worth.
A donkey with the wrong key.
A booby-prize and arty-splicer of lies.
For an America with no mirth,
A land of great dearth.
A Joke for president?
Do ya dig it? [woe!]
© Johnny D. Symon
August 21, 2009
Just three days short of a half decade since The Rap reached light of day, and here we are again. I full recall the reasoning behind my strong sentiments and now feel that although the person behind the subject was defeated, his hopes, dreams, and machinations became a reality on and up to the life and times of Barry White House rule.
Ah yes, we live in the Age of Politicians, a fabric diversely matched and sewn into the fabric of God's making, leaving a garment which will never stay together, constantly ripped and rent asunder under the slightest strain. Somehow our present-day political leaders remind me of a situation where a little punk finds himself in a court of law, and the judge says to him,
"So you claim you stole the bread because you were hungry."
"Yes, your Honor. Very hungry indeed."
"Well," said the judge, "Why did you then rob the bank?"
"Because your Honor, as you may recall, it's clearly written that 'man shall not live by bread alone'!"
James A Michener once made a most notable remark, worthy of repeating here, when he said:
"An age is called Dark,
not because the light fails to shine,
but because people refuse to see it."
The Rap, as I recall, was written in the light of noonday, yet light and darkness alter according to time, therefore how we perceive events must be determined by the quality of light in the times that we ourselves face.
Till next time.
Johnny D
A Rap for a Joke, a Rap in C,
Joke's C Rap for the Presidency
(First Published August 24, 2004)

The limp-wrists are here ...
"Our votes on a Joke
For president dear." [yo!]
Their votes on a Joke
And a clone-comin' queen ...
with the passive-fists'
Pacifist's dream.
It's Cozen the Barbarian
A miss-it slippy scheme-goat in a liberal's ravine
A medal reamer, puddle-steamer,
A cozenage lifeboat with holes unseen. [word up!]
A same-sex president
Of fruitless waste nonplussed ...
"Our vote's a must for
'In bod we trust' and for Sodom we lust." [yeah]
America's the faithless
The rank and defile
Shall vote for a Joke and murder on the Nile
In true and democratic style.
The blank-eyed peas
And the sicko's [more please!]
The weepin-willo's, Jane Fondlers,
And public funds squanderers —
The Chicken Littles
And the caviar victuals.
A jactitatin' Joke and gesticulatin' jerk
With palsies that don't work ...
It's the billion-airs
And billion hair-brained
Presidential candidate less candid
And least able-handed.
The road most traveled
With deep secrets to unravel.
The socialists' choice —
The one who would "Peking"!
The dork that the stork dragged in.
A birth without worth.
A donkey with the wrong key.
A booby-prize and arty-splicer of lies.
For an America with no mirth,
A land of great dearth.
A Joke for president?
Do ya dig it? [woe!]
© Johnny D. Symon
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