Johnny D. Symon
Of evil good, and the good man
By Johnny D. Symon
August 13, 2009

For nigh on 6 months I've followed an ongoing Spanish saga, or shenanigans, named "el caso Gürtel." Basically it spins out like this:

Spain's corrupt leadership manipulated the judiciary to open a case against the local Conservative government in Valencia. Why? Because they wanted to control Valencia, in spite of the fact that each election time the Valencians don't want them, which is hardly surprising since Valencia is one of the most prosperous and productive regions of Spain. It's a hive of industry. The region has proven to be an impregnable Conservative stronghold for nigh on two decades. The Valencians are a special people, when opportunity knocks they're among the first to open the door. So 6 months back some of the top guys in Valencia, including it's leader, Fransisco Camps, were accused of taking bribes. Señor Camps was arraigned for happily receiving 3 suits and not paying for them. During this fiasco another Autonomous Conservative leader sent Camps a can of anchovies as a joke, or possibly a moot point, for openly he raised the question, "Is this a breach of law too?"

Well only last week the case was archived (thrown out) by the investigating judicial body, in favor of Camps. Simply put, they found no wrongdoing through receiving gifts if no connection in a reciprocal sense could be found. Passive gift giving and receiving is legal and above board. Yet shortly after the court's decision the dashingly-handsome alternative to hot-blooded Spanish womanhood, and gubermental Vice President, "De la Vaguely," announced from South America that the "fiscalía" (Prosecutor's office) intended to raise the matter before the Supreme Court, an announcement so new and fresh that no one in Spain knew about it, which ain't so surprising since it was De la Vaguely's big idea.

Yet with the Gürtel affair fresh in our minds, vice presidenta De la Vaguely's big idea with it mirrors another vice president's big idea that barely hit the headlines, let alone the court, Manuel Chaves before becoming vice, handed over 10.1 million euros worth of taxpayers' money to a multinational company, then later on the Conservatives discovered that Manuel's daughter held a high position in that very company. What's good for the goose therefore is not according to the Socialists suitable fare for the gander, or so it would appear.

Resultantly, with Gürtel many cries rang out using the witch-hunt angle, an angle I concord with, though my main argument is that cases of this nature are open to abuse because Spain's legal system is not adequately harmonized. In terms of Gürtel, an office in Valencia dealt with one particular investigative aspect, and another entity in Madrid held sway on another level, and on it went. With this uncertain mechanism, time and taxpayers' money flowed and stuck like honey. It's reckoned that the Supreme Court could take more than a year to reach a decision on this, a year fueled by yet more wasted taxpayers' money, and I predict at the end of that year Camps will remain innocent.

Gürtel is merely a politically engineered Legal Farce. It's all about a morally and spiritually bankrupt government shedding their much touted mechanism "democracy" with a view to shaking down the unshakable pillars of Spanish Conservatism. And this is only to be expected when one considers Zapatero's praise recently for Venezuela's Hugo Chavez when he said, "Hugo is a great patriot!" Oh really? Then why didn't Zappo say this about General Franco, G W Bush, José María Aznar, General Galtieri, and Benjamin Netanyahu and the rest? For they were, and are, patriotic for their countries too. It would appear to the unbiased eye that Zapatonto, Zapacorrupto, only ever gives praise to evil communists like himself, for undoubtedly he recognizes the right to patriotism if the leader is from the Left, but patriotism Zappo denies to anyone Right of Center. Though somehow I wonder if Zappo's praise for Hugo is shared by much of Venezuela's Free Press? Then again, to strike a balance, Zappo's enthusiasm for the United States was sore lacking when he refused to stand when the US Flag passed by during "Día de la Hispanidad," Madrid 2003.

I've written several times on this sad and sorry episode, generally pointing out that a nation's flag is not representative of it's leader, it represents the heart of the entire population. And while bad leaders can indeed dent the image of a great nation, usually through foreign doings, the people, the populace, remain innocent bystanders. To respect their flag therefore is to respect the nation's people, their history, their ancestry, and indeed their patriotism. Yet, you see, many fail to understand that Zappo and his crew for many years have stood out as America's greatest haters in the West.

My personal respect for the Spanish Flag goes without question. All the Spanish that know me are witnesses to this. The Spanish Flag represents the good, the bad, and the ugly, as all other flags do, and I repeatedly remind myself that those flags barely, or scantly, represent the evils of bad leadership. The Spanish Flag does not reflect Spain's destruction by the hand of Zapatonto, an economy in tatters and an unemployment rate the highest in Europe, while the average European figure is 8.9%, Spain is top of the heap at 18.1%. That's the official figure, though far from authentic, because many people are removed from the register during the summer period to fill in for those on vacation; nurses, orderlies, office staff, civil servants, etc, two- to three-month contracts, that come September will dissolve and bear down most greatly on that "official" bogus figure.

There are other facts and figures freely offered by the Spanish government that many of us wish were truly bogus, unfortunately they're hard facts. Bankruptcies at this year's first quarter are 300% up on last year. Divorce is up 140% since Zappo took office and installed his quickie divorce law; 10 days all said and done! And the government are officially spending double of what they receive in taxes. Yes, you read it right; double!! That being said, we're about to take a trip down memory lane, all the way to March 21, 2005, and my ed entitled, "Show me a road or leave me alone!" Therein I anticipated Spain's present-day dilemma when I offered ...

"I predict a re-run of what occurred back in the 80's ...

Many nonresident foreigners, and that includes many Americans, were lured over to Southern Spain due to low property prices and low taxes. The Socialist government, headed by Felipe Gonzalez, waited until the time was ripe and, in less than one year, pumped up taxes and charges by almost 2000% — that was in the year of 1988. Shortly after the big hike the market collapsed, property prices reached rock bottom and many people went bankrupt. The sole winner in this situation was the Socialist government ..."

Well, here we are more than 4 years on, and my projection became a reality. I said it'd be far worse than the Gonzalez years and it already is.

Of late I've noted that the Spanish government are pointing everyone's attention toward the IBEX. They claim that the rising IBEX points to success, when in actual fact it's pointing in the opposite direction, for when an economy, in all major aspects, is suffering while it's Stock Exchange gets busier, it can be likened to a Bargain Basement deep down in a department store; most items are things erstwhile rejected, then consigned to become "top manta" for fashion victims. The truth is that most buying activity on the IBEX is via foreign speculation. They're buying with the hope of making a kill shortly before the big crash that will completely wipe out the Spanish economy next year.

I found out recently that new Chinese business owners in Spain pay no tax. It's a ludicrous situation I know, but it happens to be a reality. Positive discrimination for foreigners and bankruptcy for domestic business owners is far from a sane situation, though it serves most ably to highlight the madness behind the works of "Social Democracy." We're assured that Social Democracy promotes "equality," then discover through it's application that equality is a flexible thing.

Early last week the EU Commission issued a Press Release on immigration. They claimed that around 1.5 million new immigrants are living in and around Europe. This is, yet again, an "official" though bogus figure. And I can say this with great certainty because the EU figure deviates from the Spanish government's own internal figures, for more than 800,000 Romanians, according to the Spanish government, are living in Spain, and one government official told me that a figure close to that is of the Moroccan community. Then there's Argentinians, Bolivians, Colombians, Ecuadorians, Mexicans, Peruvians, Russians, Chinese, Senegalese, Mauritanians, Americans, Canadians, etc, etc, in fact a good old friend of mine high up in the National Police, told me he reckoned that no less than 5 million immigrants are now in and around Spain from that which constitutes the above list.

So even if the EU have quietly removed Romanians from the immigrant population because Romania has joined the EU Community, the sum total of genuine immigrants is far higher than 1.5 million.

But lookee here, there's something else on the Spanish immigration issue that seems to have escaped everyone's attention, yet to me it's a vital aspect in determining the extent of illegal immigration in any nation: Anonymous pre-paid card cell phones. You see, the Spanish government a few months back laid down a new law that they claimed would help in the "war against terrorism," so before November everyone owning an anonymous cell phone must report in to a local dealer and provide all of their details, otherwise their service shall come to an end. Yet with just several weeks to go on the deadline, 12 million active cell phones remain unregistered!

But here's the crunch. When we're talking about cell phones and the "war against terrorism," most other folks have missed the point, a point most definitely outstanding, which is that all Western cell phones contain a spy chip, and anyone with the authority to exercise can swiftly determine the nature and background of the owner. Not so in Eastern countries though, for anyone in Prankistan, Indonesia, Sudan, and a host of other colorful locations, can buy cell phones that do not contain a spy chip.

The truth is that truly anonymous cell phones are only available to folks living in and around terrorist-loving regions. And the only ones to get spied-on phones are the majority of innocents living in the Western World. Even stranger is the fact that those spy-free phone owners can also feel free to use those self-same phones in the West.

That being said, I'll retrace my steps back to the European bogus immigration figure issue; What a bunch of puff-headed beguilers they are in Brussels. I sure hope that the Irish roundly reject the Treaty of Lisbon at their second referendum in the fall, partly as a second protest vote against their own puff-headed Biffo-boy leader, I believe there's a good chance that they will, for the Irish are a strong independent-minded people, sharp as a tack with it, their nation is a robust performer in the European Market, and after all, they threw out the Treaty first time round, so the fact there's a second proves that the EU Commission are bad losers. Bad losers with ulterior motives. And ulterior motivators with barely a handful of brain cells to rub together, small wonder the electric bills are so high in EU Departments come fall.

And you know something? If you chained every EU politico in front of a typewriter for 1000 years, not only would they fail to rewrite one of Shakespeare's master works, they'd also fail to spell his name correctly or even know who he was. Okay, let's be fair here. I'm the kind of guy to give credit where credit's due, so maybe after 1000 years or so, they may possibly have re-written the Bible ... having failed to remember Whose Master Work it originally was, or how to spell His Name.

According to the Kabbalah the world is as a body, each part harmonizing with the other; the finger, the hand, forearm, and so on. Should the world operate in this manner, the world will be in harmony. But if a sphincter tries to rise up and become the head and the head heads on down, then chaos will reign. This, in actual fact, is the situation the Western world finds itself in today. Multiculturalism and Alliance of Civilizations reject a supernatural reality and order behind spiritual physiology. To "rebalance" the world is to rearrange the body from one of set order to complete disarray.

Terrorist acts are yet another attempt at re-ordering a set balance. The working head of Spain for instance was replaced with that of a sphincteral idiot on March 11, 2004, and today we see and experience the results.

I guess that most positive and progressive thinkers are really all about the search for harmony and natural balance. If they bear in mind the Origin of their origins, their search will be free and easy, and harmony shall indeed be attainable, at least in their own chosen sphere. But only an ordered environment provides the correct atmosphere for positive change. The proper application of Truth, Justice, and the Rule of Law, are most vital in achieving this, and without them, as is the case with Gürtel and the Spanish Loon Regime, chaos reigns.

I sat back a long ways away for quite a spell last week to consider all aspects behind the more than 30 death threats a day to Barack Obama, which according to the Secret Service are 400% higher than those faced by G W Bush. The race issue is indeed a main mover, and for me a very sorry one, though then again, with the exception of Abe "there were two in the bed, and the bodyguard said, 'Roll over!'" Lincoln, I can find no legitimate reasons for others to be assassinated, and by others I strongly include Barack Obama. I'm not saying though that through his works he's instilling a sense of harmony, only to say that a majority of Americans placed their trust in him, unlike numerous other world leaders, including Biffo the Iranian Butthead whose authoritative position is severely in doubt, Barack's victory was genuine and should be honored, for this I pay my respects.

Yet try as I might, my respect for some of America's Overseeing Bodies shall be held in abeyance until they finally begin to do their job properly. For while President Barack Obama unquestionably received America's voter confidence last election, I suspect that some death threats are due to his dubious, nay doubtful, birth credentials, for this I do not hold Barack responsible. You see, it's like the human body, each member is responsible to work in harmony with its closest neighbor, therefore America's Overseeing Bodies in the electoral sense, must be held responsible for any doubt or confusion on the "birth" matter.

Truth, Justice and the Rule of Law, concerning this case, are most certainly on a prolonged vacation, and it's about time they were forced back to work, for if some of those death threats are due to this strange and shameful dilemma, and I suspect they are, they could easily be quashed through the receipt of a copy of the original certificate. How this situation could ever arise in the world's most powerful and advanced nation leaves me dumbfounded. And if the truth eventually comes out differing from the truth Barack claims is the truth, I reckon it'll make America look most silly throughout the rest of the world.

Personally speaking, the document provided by Barack's camp is the most unbelievable piece of trash I've ever encountered. There's no hospital, no doctor or midwife named on it, and it bears little resemblance to others of the same location and era. As I said earlier, I don't blame Obama for this, I blame the System. For what kind of body would a body be if the white blood cells went on prolonged vacation? There is to me, however, the strong smell of contempt behind the presentation of that fake Birth Certificate. Contempt for the system that should be respected, protected, and upheld. That's the way I see it.

Spanish Conservatives, even this very day, are crying out for an investigation, chiefly regarding el caso Gürtel. The government are accused of leaking illegally tapped phone conversations of innocent and uncharged Conservatives to their own friendly press, though this is far from the sole case available. Conservatives en masse are accusing the government of operating a Police State and one curiously similar to the Venezuela of Hugo Chavez, though again it's all about disharmony in the body, for if those Police State allegations are true, one can hardly expect the government to investigate themselves, Spain has an already sophisticated White Cell System in place, though possibly on vacation as well as Obama's Constitutional overseers!

When a nation begins to suffer from internal conflicts, those conflicts are a symptom of the onset of anarchy, and anarchy is the bond-slave to it's master, Atheism. When Truth takes a backseat, and the Rulers of the Law embark on extended vacations, that pitiful Western god named "Democracy" is revealed in it's true colors; "the color of the law!"

Last week's press release from the lips of Barry White House, that he was inviting Spain's Zapatonto to the G20 next month (Spain incidentally is not in the Lunchbox G20 Club,) and his reference to Zapatonto as "a good man," proved to me conclusively that Barry's judgment in certain matters requires a little scrutiny. Firstly the "good" tag contradicts the Bible, for it states that "no man is good," furthermore, it warns us against calling "good evil, and evil good." So since Barry has already contravened both Biblical sections, it may come as no surprise to find that people like myself can easily dent that which he has praised.

"A good man"? Oh really? A laissez-faire abortion law, that denies the parents of 16-year old girls input on, or even knowledge of, their daughter's plight, is the work of a good man? Fransisco Caamaño, Zappo's Minister for Justice, warned all the doctors and nurses campaigning against Zappo's Satanic law, that their attempt to utilize the conscientious objection section of the Spanish Constitution will be regarded not as conscientious objection, but "civil disobedience." This remark is clear proof that Spain is governed by a Totalitarian Regime, yet Barry believes it's leader's a good man? Are all those fruits hanging around the Zappo tree ones that Barry finds edible? Well if that's the case, America watch out, you're in for some of the same, for ancient sages once said, "You will know a man from his friends and the company he keeps," and most certainly from those he heaps praise on.

Zappo's latest proposal to remove all religious symbols from public schools, save those that he regards as works of art, is the act of a good man? Compulsory Communism training in schools and an end to opt-out Religious Education. That's the works of a good man? Well some of us would prefer to take the side of God and the Bible, and from that standpoint we're compelled to differ, simply because, dear Barry, God Himself disagrees with you, and I reckon, in your case, that your swollen praiseworthy tongue is simply a matter of "it takes one to know one," whereas, where we stand "it takes God to help us know folks like you."

Back at the time of Barack's inauguration, Will Smith, actor and musician, appeared on the Spanish TV show entitled "El Hormiguero." He mentioned how proud he was that Barack had become President and remarked, "for that's what America is meant to be all about. Right?" And indeed Will is right. Now I like Will, and know little about his politics, he's a very gifted man and has brought joy and happiness to many millions of people. He himself, in fact, is what America's meant to be all about, and should he feel inclined sometime in the future to go for the presidency, I believe he stands a strong chance of winning, and his credentials are above suspicion.

But with an African African american President, of doubtful credibility, doing everything that America is not meant to be about, like Margaret Thatcher, who through her works stopped the progress of women in a political sense from becoming Prime Minister for many untold years, Barack Obama, should he be found to be an imposter, might well ruin the chances of an African American presidential candidate in the future. That would be a grave tragedy.

Well, there it is. The closing of another ed. More thoughts from The Far Side, thoughts roasted on the fire of Barry's invitation for a "good man" to attend, at his behest, next month's still un-democratic G20 meeting. I see Barry's praise as the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and misfortune, though for me I can find some comfort in the knowledge that neither Zapatonto or Barry White House can ever anticipate an invitation from me to attend dinner or anything else. Nevertheless, I'm fully convinced that some time in the future I will receive an invitation, one from the Creator, to stand and watch some folks feebly trying to give account of their evil and wrongdoings. I'll pick out many a familiar face I'm sure, and hear many familiar excuses, heading on and out to Eternity. With this event, the lie behind "Social Democracy" will perish, together with it's proponents.

© Johnny D. Symon


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