Johnny D. Symon
The "seeth" syndrome
By Johnny D. Symon
July 10, 2009

Two nights back I watched a Spanish TV Documentary called "75 Minutos." The entire show dealt, in every respect, with the lifestyles of the ultra-rich, and when I say ultra-rich I mean just that, we're not talking small-time millionaires here, which is just as well because I heard last week that more than 20% of millionaires in Spain are no longer so. I'm still waiting for the details on this, because I suspect that a large number of those within that 20% have upped tools and expatriated to the likes of Singapore, to invest the remains of their wealth in that wonderful region.

Singapore is one of the few remaining sanely run economies left in the world. Most Western economies are run on a snatch-and-grab basis. America's no different.

Though I digress, and hark back to the point in hand, which is the lifestyle of the ultra-rich in Spain. Most of those guys are Russian, Eastern European, and Arab Muslim. I did not detect the presence of British or American well-endoweds. Why is this so? you may be wondering, well the answer is simple: Most Western governments over the past 60 years have treated their subjects like cattle and slaves. The US Dollar for instance, has depreciated so much over that time period that it's virtually worthless. To all intents and purposes it's headed down the same road as the Zimbabwe dollar. I anticipate that it'll go the whole hog by the third quarter of next year.

Though yet again I digress. The ultra-rich consisted of those in the above list, and a large percentage of them chose to live like the super-elite of Ancient Greece and Rome. It's all the rage in top restaurants of Southern Spain to include pure gold as a prime ingredient in gourmet dishes and in a brand of champagne too. Gold is also used to coat people as they're massaged. And if that ain't decadent enough, many of them swill down copious amounts of bottled H2O which I'm told is rain water, at 100 bucks a bottle! For me that's sick and, again for me, it's evidence in itself that those people are spiritually sick too, for to face facts one would have to accept that anyone needing this type of treatment is hollow inside, the vital element that makes us stand out from the rest of creation is either hidden or sadly missing.

During the show they paid a visit to one of the Costa del Sol's most exclusive wine shops, housed in the city of Marbella. The owner proudly held up a bottle of vintage French hooch, "This is priced at 1000 bucks per bottle!" The interviewer asked what kind of customer buys this wine, to which he replied, "Oh, politicians!" Now I know what politicians are paid in and around Spain, so none of them should be able to buy this wine so regularly, unless they're doing something else on the side. Maybe I'll cover this aspect in a future ed, or a future book perhaps, for I have the knowledge and the inclination, but time's another matter entirely. So presently that subject's beside the point, let's concentrate for the time being on the ultra-rich and their dietary habits.

For, as I watched rich folks eating and drinking gold last night, I began to connect this act with a TV commercial shown throughout Spanish TV channels day and night, offering to buy up your gold family heirlooms for a reasonable market price. Apparently all of this family treasure will be melted down; mom's gold wedding ring, grandma's treasured necklace, and granddaddy's favorite pocket watch, all consigned to the melting pot, and I wondered to myself how much of this physical history, objects most loved and treasured by those long gone, could end up on the dinner table of some ultra-rich sickos to be devoured in a moment, with the hope of filling up that void within them that's never satiated. What a sad thought that is. And it further reminded me of a true event in an old Rabbi's life, who one day was approached by some most rich in his synagogue. They wished to provide a charity box for the poor, to stop them begging at the entrance. The old Rabbi was saddened by this, and explained that what they proposed to do had already been done in Sodom and Gomorrah.

He said, "Can't you remember what happened to an innocent and well-meaning girl who dared to give bread to a beggar? They stripped her, covered her with honey, and left her to be eaten by insects. All because of 'that terrible crime she had committed!'"

"I wonder," he said, "If they too had provided a poor box for the rich to drop their alms into, so as they would not be troubled to stare their poor brothers and sisters in the eye."

Well the point he made there was most strong, and with the division between rich and poor ever widening in the Western world, consisting of a smaller though far richer elite, and a larger and far poorer general populace, maybe there's a growing tendency for those wildly in wealth to cast their alms of guilt further afield via a third party. I reckon the verse below says it all, and further reinforces our old Rabbi's point above.

"But whoso hath this world's good, and seeth his brother have
need, and shutteth up his bowels of compassion from him, how
dwelleth the love of God in him?"
— 1 John 3:17

I've taken this verse from the KJV. Let's see what I can do with it myself: If you're rich and see a neighbor in need, yet you steadfastly refuse to help, you ain't one of God's chosen, far from it. That's my version according to popular abusage, though I reckon it still hits the mark. Many rich folks I personally know boast about how much they give to charity, yet everything they give is tax deductible, and all of it is sent to far off places. That's not serving a brother or sister in need.

I once had the misfortune of knowing a lady who owned a restaurant. She too boasted about how much she gave in foreign aid. Well one night she caught the head chef out back of the restaurant handing a piece of pizza earmarked for the trash to a hungry old beggar. The lady's apparent charitable nature failed to surface that night, for although she could see with her own eyes that the beggar was genuine, and desperately hungry, she promptly fired the chef. The chef lost his job because he handed over some food that was to be thrown out anyway.

The sentiments of Sodom and Gomorrah relived, reenacted ... reborn. It's okay to give, but first make sure the whole world knows about it, and doubly sure that what you give is not by your own hand ... send it abroad and settle your conscience, without having to look into the eyes of a desperate physical neighbor. That's what that lady was all about really. She gave to charity in order to try and heal her own inner wounds, and her wounds were self-inflicted because blind self-serving greed, pride, and gluttony come with a price, and the price she and many other rich people, including the late Michael Jackson, pay to try the "physician heal thyself" trip is to send their alms abroad.

How many of those rich sickos rub shoulders day by day with the desperately poor I know not, with exception of course, to those I personally have had dealings with. Those pigs pay their workers slave wages, and the restaurant lady I mentioned employed illegal workers, paying a pittance every week, thus holding them to ransom. She stole from her workers and stole from the State, and through her actions despised and avoided those most in need around her. Yet unlike those rich pigs, I'm not afraid neither am I guilty to look into the eyes of the poor, because I know where my charity begins and ends, for you see, it ends at home, and home should be where the heart is, and not a heartless space.

Foreign Aid is a cop-out, and it serves only the dark and divisive hearts of the evil rich. That's not to say that all the rich are evil. Far from it. But there's an old Hassidic saying that translates from the German as, "The rich need the poor more than the poor need the rich." That proverb has always been for me one most profound. I've plumbed its depths over the years, and over the Continents of dear old planet earth. It's been like a marker or signpost beckoning me each once in a while to stop and take stock of things going on around me. It's called out on occasions and ordered me to check out the state of my heart, to search my being. It's helped me decipher the chemistry around me, impelling me to dig deeper, for within the deepest aspect of a human being is harbored a revelation on how our world ticks. We're all inter-related and bound into the fabric of our present-day world. Maybe it can be better described as a spiritual primal instinct. We're traveling a road that's already been scouted by prophets of old. Where it's taking us should therefore be no mystery, neither should there be any mystery as to the intent behind those who are leading us on it.

Here's a little ditty taken from page 405 of David Rockefeller's published Memoirs:

"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working
against the best interests of the United States
characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists'
and conspiring with others around the world to build
a more integrated global political and economic structure
- one world, if you will. If that's the charge,
I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."

What is it David admits to being guilty of and proud of? Well, he admits on the first line to being "part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States," and trying to build a One World Government. The Trilateral Commission and The Bilderberg Group are basically one and the same on this. The Bilderbergs wish to remove National Sovereignty from each and every Sovereign Nation, to be replaced with a Single Sovereign One World State.

Therefore, through bearing in mind what's quoted above, it should be no mystery now as to why The Great Pretender, President Barry White House, handed over US Sovereignty to the EU Commission during the G-20 in London earlier this year. It's no mystery at all because the truth is far stranger than fiction, and it's a truth that envelops Biblical Prophecy to the letter. The mark of the Beast is administered by our very elect, an elect that sells out their nation and betrays their people.

"A cynic is not merely one who reads bitter lessons
from the past, he is one who is prematurely
disappointed in the future."
— Sydney J Harris

Possibly I too am a cynic, as a historian undoubtedly so, though I reckon that it's better to be prematurely disappointed in the future than to face a sudden and most devastating disappointment when the time comes, and the pinnacle of evil design is mounted and established.

Strangely enough, others have written on the subject of One World Government, especially in light of the treachery of the Bilderbergs. Generally it's been found that the ideal model being emulated to build a One World State, is in fact "The Poopholes Republic of China." Recent events in China, laid upon their famous events of the past, are a sure sign of what Western slaves can expect in the near future.

So if after reading this your interest has been peaked and you wish to study further, my highest recommendation is to buy the new edition of Daniel Estulin's book entitled "The True Story of the Bilderberg Group." I've not read this year's revised edition, so you'll be one up on me, for I've only read the first that was published back in 2005. You'll find some great names constituting members of the Bilderberg Group, they're household names, and all of them are traitors who should be tried, convicted, then shot at dawn.

Why the Bilderberg Group are not deemed terrorists is for me the saddest part behind the West's betrayal. We have to be nuts to allow such cloak and dagger treachery to remain in place year in year out, or maybe it's because our leaders have shed the things of the Spirit, and sold out to the wrong side. That's what I believe has happened, yet few have noticed.

I've been on the Bilderberg thing for nigh on 10 years. During that time I've gathered copies of original documentation containing lists of names behind former European governments, and the list represents to me the shame of the West. Almost everything behind the march to a One World Government of recent times are tools that this treacherous excrement use to align the nations. The pig flu scare. Foreign Aid. Global Warming. The World Economic Crisis Lie. Nuclear Disarmament.

This week's proud announcement by The Great Presidential Pretender and Traitor, Barry White House, that an agreement has been reached with Russia on the nuclear weapon's issue is another step in that direction. It's worthy of note that no apparent agreement has been reached on chemical and biological weapons, leaving a well-known Biblical Prophecy of a future situation of eyeballs "melting" in their sockets, pointing away from nuclear.

I wonder if Barry managed to persuade our enemy to give up on the misuse of Polonium 210? Though somehow I doubt it, because the 21st Century reality of East meets West, and West meets East, leaves Russia still flying their daily nuclear bomb flights over Western territory. Yes indeedy, you bet they are! But what if they stealthily replaced nuclear warheads with biological ones? What's to stop 'em? And if used, no mushroom cloud would be visible, primarily because it's a silent and hidden enemy, though secondly one's eyesight would fail before we became aware that we had already been attacked.

What a grim thought for the week that is, and a terrible start to a weekend. Well if that's the case I'll add a further layer:

Spain's presidential Communist and terrorist-choice Monkey, Zapatonto, although refused entry to the G-8 gathering in Italy during the past week, was finally permitted to speak today, Friday, on his greatest love; the poor in Africa. The butt head will no doubt spew long and hard about his "love and care" for that Continent, and call on all the other nations to misappropriate their peoples' tax money to be sent there too. And it won't make a dang bit of difference, because the average African as always will never receive it, and I should know, for I've been there, seen it, done it, and got the T-shirt. I'm still alive to tell the tale, and it's a tale of woe. Well really it's a tale of whoah ... and the buck stops here.

But on it goes, for after Zappo promised a further 240 million for Africa out of Spain last month, he ordered a rise in the cost of electric. Even 2% on a bill is no problem for the ultra-rich, but I happen to know of many ultra-poor throughout Spain. I've seen them first-hand and spoken to them. Everywhere I go I see ghettos and shanty towns, much like a prime example I know of on the outskirts of Lisbon, Portugal. Yet for all of Zappo's professed "care" for the wellbeing of Africans, the ultra-poor Spanish I know of are conveniently permitted to slip through Zappo's net. He's really the creator of Spain's open-air bed-in-the-street formula.

Every time lunatics like him play god abroad, the little people at home pay a higher price. It's an insanity throughout the West remaining unchecked. But in Zappo's case I reckon I'll have the last laugh today, because I know what other European leaders think about him. So he'll most likely be yacking into an empty room. Most of those guys will be headed back home by then. And with all that's said and done nowadays, I'm beginning to think of doing likewise.

Western political leaders are concertedly playing a game of treachery against their own nations and peoples. They, in effect, are gobbling down gold as if it were their staple diet. They're playing second fiddle to a lightning conductor, and a cloud the size of a man's hand can be seen and understood to be heading in our direction. There is a solution to counteract our leaderships evil intent, and it's called Patriotism. Real patriots do give alms, but only to those they personally deem to be genuinely in need. The "seeth" syndrome.

They, for instance, wake up to the fact that they employ a lady from the Philippines and pay her next to nothing for her troubles ... the need is dealt with by paying her the going rate. The gardener has been driving a graveyard ready truck for many years, so they buy a new one. That's real charity first hand, and according to the eye.

They learn of the plight of an illegal Mexican about to be deported, and they offer to pay for his education back home, or to set him up in a small business. That's true charity, everything else is a lie, a sham, and a scam, that's leading your nation ever forward towards the homogeny of a Common One World State.

True charity is of the eye, and of the hand, though above all, it's of the heart, leaving no place for the heartless. True charity will lead the way of return to national sovereignty and economic growth and strength. It's the eye, hand, and heart of an ultimate free market system.

© Johnny D. Symon


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