Johnny D. Symon
The Source of wisdom
By Johnny D. Symon
During five weeks of absence from the busy bee-dom of Renew America, I spent some time studying the world and all that is therein. Never in my life have I witnessed full-blown sales during the run-up to Christmas. Throughout Europe and the US, bargains are to be had. I noted in some cases 70%-off tags in New York clothes stores, and 50% to 80%-off some goods in Spanish and German stores. The value of crude dropped below $40 last week, which equates in the medium to long-term, as further good news for the consumer, because industry's energy costs are becoming markedly lower.
But with all the price cutting going on, where presumably a profit is still being made, I asked myself the question, "If they can make a profit through cutting 20-80 off during the worst economic crisis since 1929, why were prices so high during the buoyant two decades or more? We lived through and partook of far more than Egypt's seven golden years of fatted kine, while seeing prices on most goods on the up and up, then when the going got tough, and the tough became untenable, prices started to fall, at a time or a season when most of us are preparing to pay top dollar for our chosen gifts."
Well I reckon the answer to be a simple case of greed and avarice overcoming our good common sense. Egypt's seven years of fatted kine were provided as a means to a later end, not an immediate end in itself. The nature of those seven golden years was interpreted correctly by one wise man, then used astutely to offset a further seven of leanness and tragedy. Perhaps many of us have fallen into a trap of believing rhetoric behind an argument of separating Church and State. I prefer to see this argument through substituting God for the Church. When I do that the whole thing takes on a different glow, for I don't believe that any State should be separate from God, yet I reckon that's exactly what's happened.
We've replaced God with religion, drawn both the State and our multifaceted religious system together, and found it wanting. I reckon it's a neat trick. A ruse that's proven mighty successful, for most of us in our right minds would never consider a government acting through, by, and of itself. There must be a balance and a uniting Presence preventing the State and politicians from creating their own personal form of religion, thus making themselves rise above God in the peoples' mind.
This new religion is, I firmly believe, in place and control at this very moment in time. It's multifaceted, though centered within Western governments unique axis'. The religion is formed from several types of idolatry, "world worship," such as "ecology," "socio-communism," and a uniting belief or notion that mankind, "personkind," is solely in control and charge of planet earth, the so-called eco-system, or more simply put, " earth in the balance!" Nowhere within this religious dogma can be found a space for God and His Word, yet we find Christians, Jews, and their leadership stating that we are "stewards" of the planet, a term that is in fact unbiblical, dark and satanic.
"Religion begins in awe, and ends in politics."
— Martin Buber
Now that's an interesting quote from the great Martin Buber which requires a closer looksee, for if religion ends in politics, and I'm certain it does, and has, then surely we should substitute religion with God and His Word, then watch as it permeates and purifies our rancid and murky political ponds. But that would require a return to Biblical values and collective rebirth into respect for and service of the God of creation. The source of our very on-going existence. And that, my friends, sad to say, is pie in the sky, and Obama in the White House. For if our world waxes worse and worse, why should a new presidential incumbent promise to be better than the last? and besides, his idea of the rule of law differs from our own, since he's ignored numerous court orders to hand in a copy of his original birth certificate, which to my mind constitutes contempt of court and the rule of law.
I'm certain that the next term will prove to be worse than all terms before it, though it's appearance will require more careful inspection.
Will capital punishment disappear under Obama? Well if it does, he'll conclusively prove that he also holds God and His Word in contempt, for not only does the Bible state that the penalty for murder is death, it also states most clearly that ...
"These shall be the rules of law for you for all generations, no matter where you may live . If anyone kills a human being, the murderer shall be put to death on the basis of eyewitness testimony." (Numbers 35;29,30)
Furthermore this section goes on later to state that the only way to purify a nation is to put murderers to death, for the shedding of innocent blood is the sole thing that pollutes a country. To cleanse it requires the shedding of the blood of the murderer. And that's where a distinct difference between Church and State and God and State become readily apparent. The truth is that although I believe that the gap between God and State will widen over the next four years, the distance between the State and Satan will draw ever closer.
Social reform is a sickness, a disease, that permeates all Western nations, and again, social reform is unbiblical, dark and satanic. We need an exact opposite; Spiritual reform, and a return to the solid, tried and tested, timeless wisdom of God's Word. How social reform could slip through the Conservative net remaining unrecognized as Socialism's camel's nose under our tent, is sad to contemplate.
The Fathers of the US Constitution were not plagued and permeated by Socialist dogma, they held and they represented a truth and a morality that's worlds higher than we ourselves could ever hope to attain in this dark day and age. Nonetheless, and in spite of it all, I reckon, at least personally, that if I fail to uphold as much of those values as I possibly can during our darkest time in history, I've not only let them down, and their vision, I've let myself down most of all. It's still available to seek out and comprehend the truth, though perhaps our desire to search and discover that illusive philosopher's stone, and convert our present lead weight of failed religious politics into the pure and lasting gold of Biblical wisdom sent forth in the right direction, is fast dissolving. The world waxes worse and worse because we're in part responsible for it.
"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice;
it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
— William J Bryan
I still believe that even in this day and age, one single man or woman could turn around and rebalance the world to the extent or outer limits of their personal destiny, thus causing a positive chain reaction in others around them, but if this ever happens then rest assured it will not occur in the political realm.
A recent Spanish survey provided some shocking statistics, and the biggest of all was that out of a list of Spanish concerns, including terrorism, unemployment, and immigration, number 6 on the list of top concerns was the fear of politics and politicians; they were regarded as an integral part of the problem during this crisis, not part of a solution, and I reckon they had a point there, for while Dodge cars were unveiling their new Nitro SUV on TV and newspapers in Spain a couple of years back, the Spanish government made public their new plan to place a tax surcharge on what they claimed to be gas-guzzlers.
Politicians, en masse, have signed the Kyoto Agreement, then set about placing restrictions on industry forcing them to produce less CO2, when no one has ever provided genuine scientific proof in support of their supposition, for that's all it is ... a lying supposition, and a lie that's beaten down jobs and business. The crisis is a crisis of politics and politicians, and industry is simply mugged by the mugger. The bad guys are in the top jobs, yet we've accepted them as fit to take care of our business, when in reality they simply take care of themselves and ruin our business for life.
But look here, this is the season of good will, a time when we wish all the best to others, and mean it. My season is just like that, though it's 12 months long. Each year I hope the best for others and try my best for others, month in month out. But I never make New Year resolutions. I'm convinced that not making them is a wise choice, because in this dark day and age it's nigh on impossible to be resolved about anything, in the secular sense. I look for meanings behind those undoubted signs that rain down upon each and every one of us, as we conduct our daily and nightly affairs.
Some of us are in professions where we needs must find our hands dirty once in a while, jobs like that are undoubtedly lamentable, though without doubt most necessary in the fight to balance the scales of evil and good. Yet something I find to be a great mainstay for those with soiled hands is to remember and take heed of such words as these ...
"He who fights against monsters
should see to it that he doesn't become one"
— Nietzsche
I'll remember and take heed of those words all the more during the coming year, for monsters are most times unaware of their own dark private, and or public, vocation. I reckon that throughout past ages some folks embarked on a new year to all intents and purposes, as balanced individuals, then by year's end others sprung back on their heels with horror and high dudgeon at the spectacle of this dark changeling before them, and I don't intend to become someone like that. Life's all about balance, and ordered restraint. To become sufficient in all things is part and parcel of that power called wisdom, though to become sufficient, or over sufficient, in the things of others, is an entry point to the black hole of fallen and wretched human-unkind.
Our 2008 crisis was our business and our fault, because many of us took to loving riches and trusted in the power of riches, rather than trust more fully in that Power that created and sustains us. We trusted in the power of riches, and we also continued to trust in the power of men and politics, disregarding an admonition most of us have still not forgotten, which states ... Cursed is the man that trusteth in man.
I long for a world bereft of politics and politicians, it's a world that my chosen Book promises, but it's a promise yet to be fulfilled. Therefore I intend to conduct my life and my affairs in such a way throughout next year that I can stave off the worst excesses, not just of yours truly, though more importantly, the ever growing worst and worsening excesses of our gulag-minded control-freak politicos. As I've said before, and I believe history is my witness, that politicians never end wars, though they sure as hell cause them. I'd much rather suffer the best laid plans of mice and find my way out of reach of the plans of men.
Hey, you know what? I believe I've unwittingly fallen into the trap of making a New Year's resolution ... maybe yes, maybe no, though I'd rather see it as an intended and most personal re-evolution, a return to my spiritual super highway. To re-don those walking shoes, and head out on a road less traveled and much less frustrating. Though sadly I must accept that even on that road I'll still encounter bad political interference. My life began in awe, then I found it immersed in politics, and until our future paradise is realized, politics will control from up top of the heap.
I had an encounter with an old Spanish business friend yesterday. We hadn't seen each other for more than 4 years. Last time we met he supported the Partido Popular (Spanish Conservative Party,) but yesterday he told me something that had escaped my notice. He's now part of a new political movement that began last January, called Nuevo Centro. He handed me the party's url. I found that, to me, this movement almost mirrors The Constitution Party in the US, and I reckon that Spain's next general election will find Nuevo Centro taking more nuevo votos from the PSOE and IU than from the PP. If I'm correct, then this movement will help strike a balance between Left and Right of the Spanish political spectrum, and make a positive difference to a now negative nation.
"Ah, let a man beware, when his wishes, fulfilled,
rain down upon him, and his happiness is unbounded."
— Fouque, Der Zauberring
Yes sir, I still believe that during our darkest day and age, one man or woman can turn around and change the world for the better, and I believe that someone or ones within Nuevo Centro could be part of the club, so long as they avoid falling into the trap of believing party political rhetoric, and remember from whence they came and to where they are going. It's possible for them to gather together as a party of people and provide positive change, whereas a party of politicians is a different thing entirely. For to work solely for and on behalf of the people of a nation does not require political chicanerous-machinery, rather a heart to serve, and a desire to positively create on behalf of He who positively created ourselves in His image with a desire for us to conduct our lives in His image too, is all that's needed to reorientate a nation, and thereby our world. But our vision and our heart must be centered and sourced in The Source of wisdom.
© Johnny D. Symon
December 23, 2008
During five weeks of absence from the busy bee-dom of Renew America, I spent some time studying the world and all that is therein. Never in my life have I witnessed full-blown sales during the run-up to Christmas. Throughout Europe and the US, bargains are to be had. I noted in some cases 70%-off tags in New York clothes stores, and 50% to 80%-off some goods in Spanish and German stores. The value of crude dropped below $40 last week, which equates in the medium to long-term, as further good news for the consumer, because industry's energy costs are becoming markedly lower.
But with all the price cutting going on, where presumably a profit is still being made, I asked myself the question, "If they can make a profit through cutting 20-80 off during the worst economic crisis since 1929, why were prices so high during the buoyant two decades or more? We lived through and partook of far more than Egypt's seven golden years of fatted kine, while seeing prices on most goods on the up and up, then when the going got tough, and the tough became untenable, prices started to fall, at a time or a season when most of us are preparing to pay top dollar for our chosen gifts."

We've replaced God with religion, drawn both the State and our multifaceted religious system together, and found it wanting. I reckon it's a neat trick. A ruse that's proven mighty successful, for most of us in our right minds would never consider a government acting through, by, and of itself. There must be a balance and a uniting Presence preventing the State and politicians from creating their own personal form of religion, thus making themselves rise above God in the peoples' mind.
This new religion is, I firmly believe, in place and control at this very moment in time. It's multifaceted, though centered within Western governments unique axis'. The religion is formed from several types of idolatry, "world worship," such as "ecology," "socio-communism," and a uniting belief or notion that mankind, "personkind," is solely in control and charge of planet earth, the so-called eco-system, or more simply put, " earth in the balance!" Nowhere within this religious dogma can be found a space for God and His Word, yet we find Christians, Jews, and their leadership stating that we are "stewards" of the planet, a term that is in fact unbiblical, dark and satanic.
"Religion begins in awe, and ends in politics."
— Martin Buber

I'm certain that the next term will prove to be worse than all terms before it, though it's appearance will require more careful inspection.
Will capital punishment disappear under Obama? Well if it does, he'll conclusively prove that he also holds God and His Word in contempt, for not only does the Bible state that the penalty for murder is death, it also states most clearly that ...
"These shall be the rules of law for you for all generations, no matter where you may live . If anyone kills a human being, the murderer shall be put to death on the basis of eyewitness testimony." (Numbers 35;29,30)
Furthermore this section goes on later to state that the only way to purify a nation is to put murderers to death, for the shedding of innocent blood is the sole thing that pollutes a country. To cleanse it requires the shedding of the blood of the murderer. And that's where a distinct difference between Church and State and God and State become readily apparent. The truth is that although I believe that the gap between God and State will widen over the next four years, the distance between the State and Satan will draw ever closer.
Social reform is a sickness, a disease, that permeates all Western nations, and again, social reform is unbiblical, dark and satanic. We need an exact opposite; Spiritual reform, and a return to the solid, tried and tested, timeless wisdom of God's Word. How social reform could slip through the Conservative net remaining unrecognized as Socialism's camel's nose under our tent, is sad to contemplate.
The Fathers of the US Constitution were not plagued and permeated by Socialist dogma, they held and they represented a truth and a morality that's worlds higher than we ourselves could ever hope to attain in this dark day and age. Nonetheless, and in spite of it all, I reckon, at least personally, that if I fail to uphold as much of those values as I possibly can during our darkest time in history, I've not only let them down, and their vision, I've let myself down most of all. It's still available to seek out and comprehend the truth, though perhaps our desire to search and discover that illusive philosopher's stone, and convert our present lead weight of failed religious politics into the pure and lasting gold of Biblical wisdom sent forth in the right direction, is fast dissolving. The world waxes worse and worse because we're in part responsible for it.
"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice;
it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
— William J Bryan
I still believe that even in this day and age, one single man or woman could turn around and rebalance the world to the extent or outer limits of their personal destiny, thus causing a positive chain reaction in others around them, but if this ever happens then rest assured it will not occur in the political realm.
A recent Spanish survey provided some shocking statistics, and the biggest of all was that out of a list of Spanish concerns, including terrorism, unemployment, and immigration, number 6 on the list of top concerns was the fear of politics and politicians; they were regarded as an integral part of the problem during this crisis, not part of a solution, and I reckon they had a point there, for while Dodge cars were unveiling their new Nitro SUV on TV and newspapers in Spain a couple of years back, the Spanish government made public their new plan to place a tax surcharge on what they claimed to be gas-guzzlers.
Politicians, en masse, have signed the Kyoto Agreement, then set about placing restrictions on industry forcing them to produce less CO2, when no one has ever provided genuine scientific proof in support of their supposition, for that's all it is ... a lying supposition, and a lie that's beaten down jobs and business. The crisis is a crisis of politics and politicians, and industry is simply mugged by the mugger. The bad guys are in the top jobs, yet we've accepted them as fit to take care of our business, when in reality they simply take care of themselves and ruin our business for life.

Some of us are in professions where we needs must find our hands dirty once in a while, jobs like that are undoubtedly lamentable, though without doubt most necessary in the fight to balance the scales of evil and good. Yet something I find to be a great mainstay for those with soiled hands is to remember and take heed of such words as these ...
"He who fights against monsters
should see to it that he doesn't become one"
— Nietzsche

Our 2008 crisis was our business and our fault, because many of us took to loving riches and trusted in the power of riches, rather than trust more fully in that Power that created and sustains us. We trusted in the power of riches, and we also continued to trust in the power of men and politics, disregarding an admonition most of us have still not forgotten, which states ... Cursed is the man that trusteth in man.
I long for a world bereft of politics and politicians, it's a world that my chosen Book promises, but it's a promise yet to be fulfilled. Therefore I intend to conduct my life and my affairs in such a way throughout next year that I can stave off the worst excesses, not just of yours truly, though more importantly, the ever growing worst and worsening excesses of our gulag-minded control-freak politicos. As I've said before, and I believe history is my witness, that politicians never end wars, though they sure as hell cause them. I'd much rather suffer the best laid plans of mice and find my way out of reach of the plans of men.
Hey, you know what? I believe I've unwittingly fallen into the trap of making a New Year's resolution ... maybe yes, maybe no, though I'd rather see it as an intended and most personal re-evolution, a return to my spiritual super highway. To re-don those walking shoes, and head out on a road less traveled and much less frustrating. Though sadly I must accept that even on that road I'll still encounter bad political interference. My life began in awe, then I found it immersed in politics, and until our future paradise is realized, politics will control from up top of the heap.
I had an encounter with an old Spanish business friend yesterday. We hadn't seen each other for more than 4 years. Last time we met he supported the Partido Popular (Spanish Conservative Party,) but yesterday he told me something that had escaped my notice. He's now part of a new political movement that began last January, called Nuevo Centro. He handed me the party's url. I found that, to me, this movement almost mirrors The Constitution Party in the US, and I reckon that Spain's next general election will find Nuevo Centro taking more nuevo votos from the PSOE and IU than from the PP. If I'm correct, then this movement will help strike a balance between Left and Right of the Spanish political spectrum, and make a positive difference to a now negative nation.
"Ah, let a man beware, when his wishes, fulfilled,
rain down upon him, and his happiness is unbounded."
— Fouque, Der Zauberring
Yes sir, I still believe that during our darkest day and age, one man or woman can turn around and change the world for the better, and I believe that someone or ones within Nuevo Centro could be part of the club, so long as they avoid falling into the trap of believing party political rhetoric, and remember from whence they came and to where they are going. It's possible for them to gather together as a party of people and provide positive change, whereas a party of politicians is a different thing entirely. For to work solely for and on behalf of the people of a nation does not require political chicanerous-machinery, rather a heart to serve, and a desire to positively create on behalf of He who positively created ourselves in His image with a desire for us to conduct our lives in His image too, is all that's needed to reorientate a nation, and thereby our world. But our vision and our heart must be centered and sourced in The Source of wisdom.
© Johnny D. Symon
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