Johnny D. Symon
The Bewilderbergs: History in the masking
By Johnny D. Symon
With the Bewilderberg session underway in Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, an event chock full of wildly rich people and entities, the Spanish taxpayer is about to find out that 600,000 euros of their taxes are helping to support Bewilderberg security. And as tight a security as it undoubtedly is, a little bird has told me that it ain't so secure as they believe it to be. If that's true then, in point of fact, a little item called poetic justice is underway.
The war against terrorism, so-called, has virtually wiped out individual Western liberties; email communications, phone calls, snail mail, etc, so why should things be any different just 'cos you're a Bewilderberg? After all, those folks are in the supreme position to alter national and international destiny. As globalists they've shed national allegiances, for that's what globalism's all about, and if they no longer feel a responsibility to their nation of birth, they therefore should be viewed in the light of possible traitors.
For you see, only folks with conspiratorial motives would require the strictest of secrecy. Isn't that the case? For if it isn't, then why are normal folks of the West viewed in this manner? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Aren't all men born equal? Do we not hold a right to own property? Well that depends, it depends on how much property you own, and how much power you can grasp. To conspire in secret against the interests of a sovereign nation would lead normal folks like you and I into slammerland for a very long time indeed. But not if you're a Bewilderberg.
Why, you can even outline your treason in a biography, knowing that you'll remain free and easy ...
"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working
against the best interests of the United States
characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists'
and conspiring with others around the world to build
a more integrated global political and economic structure
- one world, if you will. If that's the charge,
I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
— From the Memoirs of David Rockefeller (p405)
I note from the list of attendees at Sitges, that Dave Rockingfellow is there again. Who else is there I wonder? Well how about Spain's terrorist-choice President Zapatonto, a notorious America hater until the advent of a Far Left and Far Out President. Funny thing is that Zappo's visit to the Bewilderbergs does not appear in his diary.
But old Pedro Solbes is there. Pedro, like Dave Rockingfellow, is openly proud of working against his country's interests on two occasions. For he wiped out the Spanish economy in the Felipe Gonzalez government, then mirrored his success as Economy Minister in the Zappo Banana Republic regime, thus taking the term "Economy Minister" to greater depths of meaning. Therefore the very fact that Pedro Solbes is invited into the Bilderberg camp is a further, and less glowing, example of the Dr Peter's Principle.
But you know, Pedro is a prime example of one thing, and that's how best to work against the interests of his own nation, through driving it into bankruptcy. The lady who succeeded him, Elena Salgado, is a further and much talked of example, for if you want to learn anything about the Spanish economy, or any form of economy or economics, don't ask Salgado. Recent history is my witness.
Seems to me that the basic formula behind the Bewilderbergs, to build a One World Godless State, is to recruit as many inepts in their chosen fields as possible who destroy their own nations from within, while also recruiting and harboring people and entities who share global interests, with scant regard for nationhood. A Secret Cabal indeed. Internationally above and beyond the Law, that we little folks live under.
Are the rumors true? That the Bewilderbergs wish Iran to be attacked. I have no proof. But to attack Iran would create a bigger oil crisis than we faced back in the 70's, driving the availability and cost of crude into the stratosphere.
I note that Israel still does not rule out strategic attacks against Iran. And its recent soiree onto the so-named "Freedom Flotilla" cruise to break the blockade, sponsored by a radical Islamic group in Turkey and Hamas, which the European Union class as a terrorist organization, makes the possibility of an Israeli strategic attack more likely, through our old friend the "heightened tension" trick.
With all this, I happen to hold an opposite view. I believe in the "give 'em a rope" formula, and I know I've covered this subject before, but here it is again. I believe in an all-encompassing right to bear arms. Israel has nuclear weapons, and they're not part of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, neither do they court inspection. I've no problem with that. It's their business, and their right. So why should Iran be any different? Because they might use them? Is that the new criteria behind the right to bear arms? Well its a lousy criteria, and a convenient excuse that could cross over to remove Americans' right to bear arms.
With Iran, I'm talking appeasement, not confrontation, and only appeasement can lead to lower oil prices; an anathema to the Bewilderbergs. Their meeting in Sitges, Barcelona, is to me of scant interest, it's what occurs afterwards in the world that draws my attention; Further tension in the Middle East perhaps? An increase in radicalism in Turkey? Leading to a closing of ranks in the Arab League, forcing Israel to over-retaliate, thus impelling the West to support that tiny nation, the only one in the region holding a form of democracy. Time will indeed tell, for it always does.
And when time reveals its story, and the story is a bloody one, how many innocent people will turn their attention on the Bewilderbergs secret meet at Sitges, wondering if their best kept secret agreements could have led on and up to the Third World War and a consummation of prophetic history?
© Johnny D. Symon
June 4, 2010
With the Bewilderberg session underway in Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, an event chock full of wildly rich people and entities, the Spanish taxpayer is about to find out that 600,000 euros of their taxes are helping to support Bewilderberg security. And as tight a security as it undoubtedly is, a little bird has told me that it ain't so secure as they believe it to be. If that's true then, in point of fact, a little item called poetic justice is underway.
The war against terrorism, so-called, has virtually wiped out individual Western liberties; email communications, phone calls, snail mail, etc, so why should things be any different just 'cos you're a Bewilderberg? After all, those folks are in the supreme position to alter national and international destiny. As globalists they've shed national allegiances, for that's what globalism's all about, and if they no longer feel a responsibility to their nation of birth, they therefore should be viewed in the light of possible traitors.
For you see, only folks with conspiratorial motives would require the strictest of secrecy. Isn't that the case? For if it isn't, then why are normal folks of the West viewed in this manner? What's good for the goose is good for the gander, right? Aren't all men born equal? Do we not hold a right to own property? Well that depends, it depends on how much property you own, and how much power you can grasp. To conspire in secret against the interests of a sovereign nation would lead normal folks like you and I into slammerland for a very long time indeed. But not if you're a Bewilderberg.
Why, you can even outline your treason in a biography, knowing that you'll remain free and easy ...
"Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working
against the best interests of the United States
characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists'
and conspiring with others around the world to build
a more integrated global political and economic structure
- one world, if you will. If that's the charge,
I stand guilty, and I am proud of it."
— From the Memoirs of David Rockefeller (p405)
I note from the list of attendees at Sitges, that Dave Rockingfellow is there again. Who else is there I wonder? Well how about Spain's terrorist-choice President Zapatonto, a notorious America hater until the advent of a Far Left and Far Out President. Funny thing is that Zappo's visit to the Bewilderbergs does not appear in his diary.
But old Pedro Solbes is there. Pedro, like Dave Rockingfellow, is openly proud of working against his country's interests on two occasions. For he wiped out the Spanish economy in the Felipe Gonzalez government, then mirrored his success as Economy Minister in the Zappo Banana Republic regime, thus taking the term "Economy Minister" to greater depths of meaning. Therefore the very fact that Pedro Solbes is invited into the Bilderberg camp is a further, and less glowing, example of the Dr Peter's Principle.
But you know, Pedro is a prime example of one thing, and that's how best to work against the interests of his own nation, through driving it into bankruptcy. The lady who succeeded him, Elena Salgado, is a further and much talked of example, for if you want to learn anything about the Spanish economy, or any form of economy or economics, don't ask Salgado. Recent history is my witness.
Seems to me that the basic formula behind the Bewilderbergs, to build a One World Godless State, is to recruit as many inepts in their chosen fields as possible who destroy their own nations from within, while also recruiting and harboring people and entities who share global interests, with scant regard for nationhood. A Secret Cabal indeed. Internationally above and beyond the Law, that we little folks live under.
Are the rumors true? That the Bewilderbergs wish Iran to be attacked. I have no proof. But to attack Iran would create a bigger oil crisis than we faced back in the 70's, driving the availability and cost of crude into the stratosphere.
I note that Israel still does not rule out strategic attacks against Iran. And its recent soiree onto the so-named "Freedom Flotilla" cruise to break the blockade, sponsored by a radical Islamic group in Turkey and Hamas, which the European Union class as a terrorist organization, makes the possibility of an Israeli strategic attack more likely, through our old friend the "heightened tension" trick.

With Iran, I'm talking appeasement, not confrontation, and only appeasement can lead to lower oil prices; an anathema to the Bewilderbergs. Their meeting in Sitges, Barcelona, is to me of scant interest, it's what occurs afterwards in the world that draws my attention; Further tension in the Middle East perhaps? An increase in radicalism in Turkey? Leading to a closing of ranks in the Arab League, forcing Israel to over-retaliate, thus impelling the West to support that tiny nation, the only one in the region holding a form of democracy. Time will indeed tell, for it always does.
And when time reveals its story, and the story is a bloody one, how many innocent people will turn their attention on the Bewilderbergs secret meet at Sitges, wondering if their best kept secret agreements could have led on and up to the Third World War and a consummation of prophetic history?
© Johnny D. Symon
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