Johnny D. Symon
Morality's the spice of life
By Johnny D. Symon
Lately, and quite possibly owing to my awareness of how many years I've survived on planet earth so far, I began to suspect that the term "soul-searching" had become a misnomer, at least for people like myself who've performed heaps of living, and survived several bouts of dying too. I reckon that people like myself will realize that soul-searching is a thing of the past, for by now we should know all about our inner spirit. Soul-searching, therefore, should be superseded by a form of stocktaking. For you see, what's inside us should be no mystery by now, but every once in a while we should check to see if some of our stock's gone missing, and if so, replace it.
So what does a soul contain? some may ask. Well, it contains everything we should be in the physical, and is available to be used, but only if you know it's there and desire to use it. Let's call it "the storehouse of our moral nature," an entity within an entity, built and bestowed on us by The Greatest Entity of all.
The storehouse of our moral nature must be searched, and its contents understood, then after a while when it's mysteries are plumbed, we need only to take stock as we conduct our worldly affairs, affairs that must be governed from the seat of our correct inner self, our true moral nature.
But for those who fail to plumb their depths, or choose to disregard the warehouseman's instructions, their sense of morality, by way of how to treat their fellow man, will most certainly be flawed. Morality of the spirit, and morality from ideology are not one and the same. Morality of the spirit provides an understanding of how our Creator wishes us to behave, whereas morality of the world consistently contradicts the Commandments laid down in the Bible.
When the Bible states that "thou shalt not murder," our little warehouseman verifies it's content, likewise goes "the penalty for murder is death," or "thou shalt not steal." Yet those who reject, ignore, or misunderstand their inner contents, and choose another set of morals from an opposing force, calling itself by many names, one of them being "ideology," will view the Bible's Commandments in a different light. They'll deny the efficacy of capital punishment and insist that murderers have as much right to live as anyone else.
Some will concord that stealing is wrong, except when it goes by the way of compulsory taxation, and the stark truth is that every command and instruction, every piece of guidance that's written into the Bible, and stored in the house of our moral nature, is countered, rejected, and substituted by those who worship the god of ideology.
I heard President Obama's words earlier this week, when he assured the listeners that the only entity left with the resources to beat the crisis is the Federal government. Now I know full well that I said last week that it'll take some months before we can try Obama on his performance, but with his declaration this week he tried and convicted himself.
Over 70% of Americans still believe in the God of creation, an Entity effusing aeontity that Barack failed to include in this week's rant. Furthermore, by axing new offshore drilling programs, he's proven that his heart and mind are not fixed, and especially focused, on serving his nation through acknowledging the only genuine Entity able to supply America's demands. As he boasted that his government will be the most moral ever, he failed to provide the first step to morality for himself, which was to supply an original copy of his Birth Certificate. I reckon Captain Kenya is heading for very troubled waters indeed.
Two nights back I finished work just in time to watch this week's installment on Moroccan TV, of a series devoted to a complete history of WW2. There's some excellent footage of Adolf Hitler's master-race rants, his vision of a new Deutschland, the Fatherland, and a people ready and able to take on the future. And you know? Some of what he said held enough water to hold more than enough people.
"You can't say civilization doesn't advance,
for in every war they kill you a new way."
— Will Rogers
But as he outlined his vision, another vision far more serious was already underway. His grand vision was not to be shared by certain sections of German society. His pogroms were quietly taking place as he promised the earth to an unsuspecting Germany. As it so happens, his dream of a Master Race failed to reach the production line, and millions of innocent human beings were deprived of even the humblest of futures.
Mr Hitler finally paid the price for his wicked vision, and I, from as far back as I can recall, began to piece together his moral and ideological plans and actions, and started to recognize similarities nestled within the speeches of earlier and later world leaders ... the promise of a brave new world ... for while Adolf Hitler openly declared himself Supreme Leader, and one whom everyone would obey, other leaders formed their plans in a similar style, styles such as, "The only entity able to ...." Those kind of statements serve as prime examples highlighting the dark side of the portent-making classes.
Ideologists are like mushrooms, they take what's in the air and on the ground and seem to appear from nowhere, puff up, and before you know it, they're rotting and getting eaten by maggots. Hitler placed himself and his spores on the pedestal of a supreme entity, the "only entity able to ...," whereas The Supreme Entity who provided the Commandments that would control our conduct and affairs is locked out in the hall.
Morality begins at home, and spins out from there, and real morality, the genuine article, lasts and lasts. We can take stock of this morality and find all the shelves full of quality products, things we can trust and rely on. But if we start to trust a Federal entity that insists it's the only thing that can save the day, we're on the road to ruin.
The political ideology of the Spanish Communist government serves as a lesson in itself for those caring to look, because their idea of the sanctity of life is worlds apart from that contained in the Bible. Zapatero and some of his top cohorts are extreme atheists. They believe that the only thing within themselves is guts and bile. Therefore, quite understandably, their bile manifests itself in the fruit of their ideological actions, though somehow their guts do not follow suit, so Spain is suffering through a time of gutless wonderdom. Real morality is beyond this type of cowardly and cretinous animal, and something else fills that space.
Recent events orchestrated by Judge Baltasar Garzón against the Conservative party (Partido Popular), in order to damage their electoral chances in Galicia and Pais Vasco held next month, is a good illustration of how evil folks can become, that reject their true inner self and it's Giver. On three occasions in the recent past, Garzón, who erstwhile served at the top of the government of Felipe Gonzalez, took action at what was alleged to be corruption in the Partido Popular. On all three occasions they were timed for just before an election, and again on those three occasions, when the elections were over the cases were dismissed, and the alleged corruptos were declared innocent.
This present action is yet another Garzón electoral witch hunt on behalf of a morally and spiritually bankrupt government. His "spanner-in-the-works" jones, this time round, is about to meet with some legal opposition because Garzón is most likely out of his jurisdiction on this matter, and his bias is without question.
I well remember another situation involving that loon, where after two years or so on sabbatical in the US, professing to be an "expert in terrorism" and lecturing on that subject, he suddenly packed his bags and rushed back to Spain in order to relieve the superb judge Grande-Marlaska, who was too successful at pulling in the bad guys forming part of ETA that the Zappo government were secretly negotiating with.
On Marlaska's departure, and now in the hands of Garzón, (which in English means "waiter,") the terrorists felt able to rest easy, and gather their strength and resources on and up to their big day of December 30, 2006, and the T-4 bombing at Madrid airport.
"You may delay, but time will not."
— Benjamin Franklin
This proved to me that Garzón, far from being knowledgeable on terrorism, knows only enough to write it down with a thick crayon on a postage stamp. I reckon that about the only way to save bums like that from themselves and others, is to give 'em a good wafting down with a stout two by four.
Political ideologists and their little helpers are spiritually in the same boat as Adolf Hitler, and every dictator like him. They hold one special characteristic, all power must be seen to emanate from themselves and revolve around their very being. They wish to become the hub of a large ideological wheel, the wheel of "the only entity who can!"
© Johnny D. Symon
February 13, 2009
Lately, and quite possibly owing to my awareness of how many years I've survived on planet earth so far, I began to suspect that the term "soul-searching" had become a misnomer, at least for people like myself who've performed heaps of living, and survived several bouts of dying too. I reckon that people like myself will realize that soul-searching is a thing of the past, for by now we should know all about our inner spirit. Soul-searching, therefore, should be superseded by a form of stocktaking. For you see, what's inside us should be no mystery by now, but every once in a while we should check to see if some of our stock's gone missing, and if so, replace it.
So what does a soul contain? some may ask. Well, it contains everything we should be in the physical, and is available to be used, but only if you know it's there and desire to use it. Let's call it "the storehouse of our moral nature," an entity within an entity, built and bestowed on us by The Greatest Entity of all.
The storehouse of our moral nature must be searched, and its contents understood, then after a while when it's mysteries are plumbed, we need only to take stock as we conduct our worldly affairs, affairs that must be governed from the seat of our correct inner self, our true moral nature.
But for those who fail to plumb their depths, or choose to disregard the warehouseman's instructions, their sense of morality, by way of how to treat their fellow man, will most certainly be flawed. Morality of the spirit, and morality from ideology are not one and the same. Morality of the spirit provides an understanding of how our Creator wishes us to behave, whereas morality of the world consistently contradicts the Commandments laid down in the Bible.
When the Bible states that "thou shalt not murder," our little warehouseman verifies it's content, likewise goes "the penalty for murder is death," or "thou shalt not steal." Yet those who reject, ignore, or misunderstand their inner contents, and choose another set of morals from an opposing force, calling itself by many names, one of them being "ideology," will view the Bible's Commandments in a different light. They'll deny the efficacy of capital punishment and insist that murderers have as much right to live as anyone else.
Some will concord that stealing is wrong, except when it goes by the way of compulsory taxation, and the stark truth is that every command and instruction, every piece of guidance that's written into the Bible, and stored in the house of our moral nature, is countered, rejected, and substituted by those who worship the god of ideology.
I heard President Obama's words earlier this week, when he assured the listeners that the only entity left with the resources to beat the crisis is the Federal government. Now I know full well that I said last week that it'll take some months before we can try Obama on his performance, but with his declaration this week he tried and convicted himself.
Over 70% of Americans still believe in the God of creation, an Entity effusing aeontity that Barack failed to include in this week's rant. Furthermore, by axing new offshore drilling programs, he's proven that his heart and mind are not fixed, and especially focused, on serving his nation through acknowledging the only genuine Entity able to supply America's demands. As he boasted that his government will be the most moral ever, he failed to provide the first step to morality for himself, which was to supply an original copy of his Birth Certificate. I reckon Captain Kenya is heading for very troubled waters indeed.
Two nights back I finished work just in time to watch this week's installment on Moroccan TV, of a series devoted to a complete history of WW2. There's some excellent footage of Adolf Hitler's master-race rants, his vision of a new Deutschland, the Fatherland, and a people ready and able to take on the future. And you know? Some of what he said held enough water to hold more than enough people.
"You can't say civilization doesn't advance,
for in every war they kill you a new way."
— Will Rogers
But as he outlined his vision, another vision far more serious was already underway. His grand vision was not to be shared by certain sections of German society. His pogroms were quietly taking place as he promised the earth to an unsuspecting Germany. As it so happens, his dream of a Master Race failed to reach the production line, and millions of innocent human beings were deprived of even the humblest of futures.
Mr Hitler finally paid the price for his wicked vision, and I, from as far back as I can recall, began to piece together his moral and ideological plans and actions, and started to recognize similarities nestled within the speeches of earlier and later world leaders ... the promise of a brave new world ... for while Adolf Hitler openly declared himself Supreme Leader, and one whom everyone would obey, other leaders formed their plans in a similar style, styles such as, "The only entity able to ...." Those kind of statements serve as prime examples highlighting the dark side of the portent-making classes.
Ideologists are like mushrooms, they take what's in the air and on the ground and seem to appear from nowhere, puff up, and before you know it, they're rotting and getting eaten by maggots. Hitler placed himself and his spores on the pedestal of a supreme entity, the "only entity able to ...," whereas The Supreme Entity who provided the Commandments that would control our conduct and affairs is locked out in the hall.
Morality begins at home, and spins out from there, and real morality, the genuine article, lasts and lasts. We can take stock of this morality and find all the shelves full of quality products, things we can trust and rely on. But if we start to trust a Federal entity that insists it's the only thing that can save the day, we're on the road to ruin.
The political ideology of the Spanish Communist government serves as a lesson in itself for those caring to look, because their idea of the sanctity of life is worlds apart from that contained in the Bible. Zapatero and some of his top cohorts are extreme atheists. They believe that the only thing within themselves is guts and bile. Therefore, quite understandably, their bile manifests itself in the fruit of their ideological actions, though somehow their guts do not follow suit, so Spain is suffering through a time of gutless wonderdom. Real morality is beyond this type of cowardly and cretinous animal, and something else fills that space.

This present action is yet another Garzón electoral witch hunt on behalf of a morally and spiritually bankrupt government. His "spanner-in-the-works" jones, this time round, is about to meet with some legal opposition because Garzón is most likely out of his jurisdiction on this matter, and his bias is without question.
I well remember another situation involving that loon, where after two years or so on sabbatical in the US, professing to be an "expert in terrorism" and lecturing on that subject, he suddenly packed his bags and rushed back to Spain in order to relieve the superb judge Grande-Marlaska, who was too successful at pulling in the bad guys forming part of ETA that the Zappo government were secretly negotiating with.
On Marlaska's departure, and now in the hands of Garzón, (which in English means "waiter,") the terrorists felt able to rest easy, and gather their strength and resources on and up to their big day of December 30, 2006, and the T-4 bombing at Madrid airport.
"You may delay, but time will not."
— Benjamin Franklin
This proved to me that Garzón, far from being knowledgeable on terrorism, knows only enough to write it down with a thick crayon on a postage stamp. I reckon that about the only way to save bums like that from themselves and others, is to give 'em a good wafting down with a stout two by four.
Political ideologists and their little helpers are spiritually in the same boat as Adolf Hitler, and every dictator like him. They hold one special characteristic, all power must be seen to emanate from themselves and revolve around their very being. They wish to become the hub of a large ideological wheel, the wheel of "the only entity who can!"
© Johnny D. Symon
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