Johnny D. Symon
Global sickle cell anemia
By Johnny D. Symon
After declaring my wildest and woolliest imaginings last week, I kind of figured to turn my attention elsewhere and take care of some long-outstanding business. I began to think that this ed would turn into next week's, but if like me you have eyes to see and ears to hear, outside events overcome internal decisions.
I was told by someone a few weeks back that Germany's Angela Merkel said, while addressing a crowded convention, that no one need ever earn more than €500,000 a year. And if it's true that she stated this, then it's the first time I can honestly say that I'm disappointed with her, for I believe in laissez faire capitalism, which therefore means that no politician has a right to dictate a person's level of income. It is in fact none of their damn business. And since, of truth, Western politicians have en masse overridden and controlled my favored system, I began throughout this week to perform yet another sortie of retrospection.
Laissez faire capitalism provides the operators with the inalienable right to dictate their own level of annual income, which I guess is only fair because politicians get together to dictate their own annual incomes too, in spite of the fact that they're nothing more than unproductive, time and money-wasting, bloodsuckers. So why should productive individuals not have the same rights as unproductive cretins? And besides, there are people like myself who prefer the simpler things in life, having no desire to gain power and riches, unlike many who have achieved that very goal, yet still are as miserable as the day they embarked on their yellow brick road to riches.
Walt Whitman once remarked,
"I think that I could turn and live with the animals ...
Not one of them is demented with the mania of owning things."
Old Walt was as sharp as a tack, so what he offered was an insight into the workings of an individual. We all have differing levels of desire, and if we exceed any particular level, mania sets in, then our desire becomes self-destructive, whether the desire is for booze, work, food, tobacco, love, or more in line with the general flow of this week's scribblings, money.
The Bible says that "the love of money (riches) is the root of all evil," it didn't say that riches in themselves were evil, it said that a person's "love" for the object in question constitutes evil, therefore, to live according to one's means and to sensibly plan one's own income level, is part and parcel of the road to wisdom and understanding.
As our ears were singed over the past few months by politicians who spoke of a "world economic crisis," many listeners failed to gaze East to discover that the "world economic crisis" did not exist in most Muslim countries, because the Western credit system is not practiced in Islamic Law. Capitalism is practiced in those parts, but it's capitalism that's out of reach of politicians. In Western political circles the term "capitalism" has been so used and abused that politicians can no longer commonly explain how the thing works, and the reason is simple;
Western politicians ride on the backs of industry and milk it for their own ends, their ends being, of course, "globalism" and "welfare." And while it's true, as many Western political leaders state, that the credit crisis and market instability was caused by toxic mechanisms in the free market, it's also true that those bums sat quietly over the decades, receiving masses of tax revenue from it. I call it partnership in crime. In normal circles you and I would find ourselves in the slammer if we set about sharing the profits with a crime syndicate's ill-gotten gains, though then again, as with the terms "democracy," or "capitalism," the rule of law is also, to politicians, a double-edged sword with one edge razor-sharp and the other roundly-blunt; That's what Western judges experience in the open court. If Joe Public gets blown into a courtroom with a whiff of supposed guilt, they'll get the sharp edge of the law, but when it's Joe Politico, that sword becomes as the proverbial "falling toast" ... it always lands on the jelly side, and the double-edged sword falls on, then bounces off, the politico with its roundly-blunt edge.
As Barack Obama began to name some of the inner workings of his new regime, I for some strange reason, began to liken his near future government to a rare type of anemia, for as each name departed from Obama's lips I couldn't shake an inner mind picture of them as an advancing form of sickle cell anemia within a governing body. This type of anemia is unique to Africans, and is apparently one of the most painful ailments a human being can suffer, because it distorts the red blood cells into a crescent shape, which then digs and cuts its way around the bloodstream. But with Obama's governmental strain, each name, each cell, is not just crescent shaped, they also each sport a maxwell's silver hammer in the sickle center. The end result is no less painful than the African sort, but the addition of little hammers ensure that the resultant pain will be terminal.
As mentioned at the start of my present scribblings, this week I embarked on a sortie of retrospection, for if you wish to understand the present, then the past is a fine school master, and I firmly believe that a strong knowledge of history equips you, not just with the ability to determine present events, it can also provide a route map to the future, for there's nothing new under the sun in respect of human behavior.
As all is said and done, politically speaking and on a world-wide basis, and also in respect of our perceived world economic crisis together with what I wrote on the US Constitution last week, leads me to strengthen my views on a future One World Government.
If the Book of Daniel and the Apocalypse are melded together, we can clearly see a Central Source of World Power, a power that will hold and control people and resources. No one could trade without being a slave to this power. I'm also convinced in the view that in the future world there will only be one financial currency, though this currency will not physically exist, it will only exist in cyberspace, those enslaved by that single super-system will access their money through being scanned and verified as the rightful owner of nothing but code.
I've found in Europe many Christians who have assured me that the United States will be the Center of world power, a belief that I strongly disagree with because already the United States is hated throughout about 80% of the populated earth. Nations would never come together and agree to it's Center being placed in the US.
However, I've held the view for many a long year that a World Government could not govern without a Unified Constitution, and a Unified Constitution could not be realized without the eradication of all other Constitutions. Therefore, to my mind and my vision, the US Constitution is headed for destruction, to be destroyed by those elected to uphold it, and this, shocking as it may sound, is something I'm certain of.
I see the future as I understand the past and present. We're witnessing a false rebalancing of world power, and a harmonizing of nations in a "positive discrimination" sense, that ignores merit and substance, in favor of an un-Godly balance. All of this goes by the name "Alliance of Civilizations," involving "social reform," and redistribution of wealth. Whereas in reality it all spells and spills out as nothing less than "Global Sickle Cell Anemia."
© Johnny D. Symon
November 15, 2008
After declaring my wildest and woolliest imaginings last week, I kind of figured to turn my attention elsewhere and take care of some long-outstanding business. I began to think that this ed would turn into next week's, but if like me you have eyes to see and ears to hear, outside events overcome internal decisions.
I was told by someone a few weeks back that Germany's Angela Merkel said, while addressing a crowded convention, that no one need ever earn more than €500,000 a year. And if it's true that she stated this, then it's the first time I can honestly say that I'm disappointed with her, for I believe in laissez faire capitalism, which therefore means that no politician has a right to dictate a person's level of income. It is in fact none of their damn business. And since, of truth, Western politicians have en masse overridden and controlled my favored system, I began throughout this week to perform yet another sortie of retrospection.
Laissez faire capitalism provides the operators with the inalienable right to dictate their own level of annual income, which I guess is only fair because politicians get together to dictate their own annual incomes too, in spite of the fact that they're nothing more than unproductive, time and money-wasting, bloodsuckers. So why should productive individuals not have the same rights as unproductive cretins? And besides, there are people like myself who prefer the simpler things in life, having no desire to gain power and riches, unlike many who have achieved that very goal, yet still are as miserable as the day they embarked on their yellow brick road to riches.
Walt Whitman once remarked,
"I think that I could turn and live with the animals ...
Not one of them is demented with the mania of owning things."
Old Walt was as sharp as a tack, so what he offered was an insight into the workings of an individual. We all have differing levels of desire, and if we exceed any particular level, mania sets in, then our desire becomes self-destructive, whether the desire is for booze, work, food, tobacco, love, or more in line with the general flow of this week's scribblings, money.
The Bible says that "the love of money (riches) is the root of all evil," it didn't say that riches in themselves were evil, it said that a person's "love" for the object in question constitutes evil, therefore, to live according to one's means and to sensibly plan one's own income level, is part and parcel of the road to wisdom and understanding.
As our ears were singed over the past few months by politicians who spoke of a "world economic crisis," many listeners failed to gaze East to discover that the "world economic crisis" did not exist in most Muslim countries, because the Western credit system is not practiced in Islamic Law. Capitalism is practiced in those parts, but it's capitalism that's out of reach of politicians. In Western political circles the term "capitalism" has been so used and abused that politicians can no longer commonly explain how the thing works, and the reason is simple;
Western politicians ride on the backs of industry and milk it for their own ends, their ends being, of course, "globalism" and "welfare." And while it's true, as many Western political leaders state, that the credit crisis and market instability was caused by toxic mechanisms in the free market, it's also true that those bums sat quietly over the decades, receiving masses of tax revenue from it. I call it partnership in crime. In normal circles you and I would find ourselves in the slammer if we set about sharing the profits with a crime syndicate's ill-gotten gains, though then again, as with the terms "democracy," or "capitalism," the rule of law is also, to politicians, a double-edged sword with one edge razor-sharp and the other roundly-blunt; That's what Western judges experience in the open court. If Joe Public gets blown into a courtroom with a whiff of supposed guilt, they'll get the sharp edge of the law, but when it's Joe Politico, that sword becomes as the proverbial "falling toast" ... it always lands on the jelly side, and the double-edged sword falls on, then bounces off, the politico with its roundly-blunt edge.

As mentioned at the start of my present scribblings, this week I embarked on a sortie of retrospection, for if you wish to understand the present, then the past is a fine school master, and I firmly believe that a strong knowledge of history equips you, not just with the ability to determine present events, it can also provide a route map to the future, for there's nothing new under the sun in respect of human behavior.
As all is said and done, politically speaking and on a world-wide basis, and also in respect of our perceived world economic crisis together with what I wrote on the US Constitution last week, leads me to strengthen my views on a future One World Government.

I've found in Europe many Christians who have assured me that the United States will be the Center of world power, a belief that I strongly disagree with because already the United States is hated throughout about 80% of the populated earth. Nations would never come together and agree to it's Center being placed in the US.
However, I've held the view for many a long year that a World Government could not govern without a Unified Constitution, and a Unified Constitution could not be realized without the eradication of all other Constitutions. Therefore, to my mind and my vision, the US Constitution is headed for destruction, to be destroyed by those elected to uphold it, and this, shocking as it may sound, is something I'm certain of.
I see the future as I understand the past and present. We're witnessing a false rebalancing of world power, and a harmonizing of nations in a "positive discrimination" sense, that ignores merit and substance, in favor of an un-Godly balance. All of this goes by the name "Alliance of Civilizations," involving "social reform," and redistribution of wealth. Whereas in reality it all spells and spills out as nothing less than "Global Sickle Cell Anemia."
© Johnny D. Symon
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