Victor Sharpe
Over the centuries in Islam, there developed basic ideas which are critical to understanding the Middle East conflict today, but especially the Israel – Palestinian dispute. One is that all lands once conquered by the followers of Islam are to be subjected to Allah and that once a land is thus subjected, it must forever remain in Allah’s dominion. Thus Jihad (Holy War) becomes an urgent necessity in order to reclaim all lands which have been lost to Islam.
This, of course, is the dire situation facing modern reconstituted Israel today. But it is also the same condition for other sovereign territories freed from Islamic conquest in the past, including Spain, Portugal, Sicily, parts of France, Greece, the Balkans and southern Russia, which all fell at one time under the yoke of Islamic occupation and Sharia Law.
In a sense, the rebirth of ancient Israel undermines the credibility of Islam. The Muslims are obligated by Allah’s injunction to wage relentless aggression, warfare and terror against the Jewish state and its people. Thus, any ancestral and Biblical Jewish territory Israel gives away in the fruitless hope of appeasing the Muslim world – known as the so-called "land for peace" and "two-state solution" – is a tragic and fatal delusion for if Israel was reduced to one square city block in Jerusalem, the Muslim and Arab world would still wage endless war against it.
Connor Cruise O’Brien back in 1965 tried to warn the world that what is happening is not some aberrant phenomenon called radical Islam, but the revival of authentic Islam itself and always has been so since its founding in the seventh century. Not so long ago, the would-be modern day Caliph, namely Turkey, President Recip Tayyip Erdogan, railed against a journalist for using the term “Radical Islam.” Erdogan shouted, “No! there is no such thing as radical Islam, there is only Islam.”
I first began to understand the Moslem concept of Jihad in Islam by reading a book when still in my teenage years. The book was titled "Judaism and the Koran" written by Abraham I. Katsh in 1962. The author wrote as follows. “The duty of all Moslems to Jihad and the waging of so-called Holy War is both chilling and unchanging. To Moslems, the world is divided into regions under Islamic control, the dar-al-Islam, along with regions not subjected as yet, the dar al-harb. Between this area of eternal warfare and the Moslem dominated part of the world there can be no peace.
“Thanks to this concept, the Moslem is required to subdue the ‘infidel’ and he who dies in the path of Allah is considered a martyr and assured of Paradise and of unique privileges therein.”
Tragically far too many people in government, the media and within most houses of worship remain under a veritable veil of deception. It would be well for all who live within what is left of the Free World to be educated before it is too late. The doleful and terrifying experiences under Islamic duress wracking Western Europe, the UK and many other areas, including our own United States of America, where Jihad is a growing menace should be taken to heart urgently.
Victor Sharpe is a prolific writer and published author of seven books including the acclaimed four volumes of Politicide: The attempted murder of the Jewish state.
© Victor SharpeThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.