Joseph Pecar
Open letter to America's black Catholic bishops
By Joseph Pecar
October 26, 2010

Your Excellencies,

Lord Jesus, Author of Life and our defender against evil, hear our prayer!

Can there be any doubt that we find ourselves in the midst of the most egregious moral evil of this era — and perhaps in all history. The practice of "legal" unrestricted Abortion — and the Infanticide and Black Genocide it gives rise to — has bought about more lost and maimed lives (now nearing 50 million) than the Jewish holocaust, the Civil War, the Iraqi, the Afghanistan, and indeed all the wars in which the United States has been involved — combined. Horrendously, just the number of Black babies aborted since Roe-v-Wade (16 million) is more than twice the number of all of those other tragedies.

As one who is proud to be an American, I am distressed and ashamed that the grievous evil of Abortion is taking place under the auspices of the United States Government. In fact, the way in which Abortion is practiced in the US could only happen as the result of official Government Judicial, Legislative, and Executive Order sanctions and actions, as well as the outrageous use of taxpayer money to fund those engaging in and profiting from the gruesome and barbaric acts of Abortion.

Clearly, if the evils of Abortion, Infanticide and Black Genocide are not stopped and eradicated in America, what is transpiring may well signal the end of the only nation on earth founded on the Judean-Christian creed expressed so eloquently in the words, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness."

Beyond denying life to the unborn in the womb, those who promote a "Culture of Death," seek to also deny the right to life through acts of Infanticide (the so-called mercy killing of those already born but judged unwanted or defective), Euthanasia of the elderly and others judged incompetent or incapable of a productive life, and the conduct of human embryonic stem cell research.

As a lifelong Catholic, I am deeply grieved that armed with its long-established sanctity of life teachings, actions taken by the Church in the United States have persuaded neither those controlling of the Government, nor the voters who elect them, that the judicial decisions and laws making Abortion legal are themselves the most grievous civil rights violations imaginable.

Lamentably, US judicial decisions and laws are even interpreted as bestowing a "right" to deny a human being his right to life — on other single persons or panels of people. As Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, so succinctly expresses it, the point we've come to "fosters the notion that the baby is a baby only if the mother thinks it is, that the child has value only if the mother says it does and that we have responsibility only for those we choose to have responsibility for."

Clearly there is a growing consensus that the Church has had 45 years now and has made so little progress in ending the moral crisis gripping this nation, that mournfully, politicians now know they can do whatever they want and the Church will not in any effective way publically hold them accountable.

If what our Church has tried has failed, we can not give up — rather we must commit to reform the Church's actions in these matters. That is, we must in a unified way make the actions of all Church members — the laity, clergy and the hierarchy — more effective in influencing Government officials to, (as happened in the Supreme Court Dred Scott decision case), retract laws, judicial decisions and Government powers that deny any person's right to life.

We must strive to plan the actions of all Church members so as to rekindle the moral fiber of the American culture that in the past embraced the wisdom of Founding Father's who sought to make every person's right to life the very foundation of all other rights. Rights that made the United States the freest, the most productive, generous and powerful country in all history. However, as Saint John Leonardi counseled in the 16th century, where remedies applicable to the improving the actions of the whole Church Militant are concerned, "reform must begin with high and low alike, with superiors and inferiors."

Strategies for planning actions that can lead to our Government's adoption of policies that reflect the truth of the Church's teachings can best be discovered by separately analyzing stumbling blocks that have prevented the laity and the Bishops from succeeding in the past. I'll attempt to summarize the key impediments below.

Factors impeding effective Pro-Life Laity actions

As a group, because of their numbers and the fact they vote, the laity possesses the greatest potential to directly impact Government structures and policies. People who represent themselves as Catholics comprise 23.6% of the population but sadly 56% of them voted for Obama, the most radically Pro-Abortion politician in history. Similarly 96% of Black voters routinely vote Democratic — the political party that actually has a pro-death component in its platform.

Overall, as will be expounded further below, where moral issues are concerned the Catholic laity can be described as both "confused" and "scandalized." Perhaps the Black community including those who are not Catholic can be characterized as being unaware of, or never having been told of the massive scale on which Black Genocide is and has taken place in America. If most are aware of the Genocide, how would one explain why 96% of Blacks would vote for candidates who knowingly or unknowingly support their own extermination?

It appears that because some people do not believe that human life begins at conception, they, for that reason, do not consider Abortion intrinsically evil. But let us pray that no such rationale or doubt exists among the voting public that the practice of Genocide and Infanticide are surely both abhorrent evils. Certainly most citizens would be ashamed and aghast to discover that both of these abominations are now and have for many years been taking place under the formal aegis of the US Government.

A conclusion that one reaches is that black or white, Catholic or not, most voters are currently unaware that the way Abortion is practiced in the America is provably, intentionally Black Genocide. While some Catholic Bishops like Martin Holley have called attention to this fact, the USCCB as a unified body has taken no extraordinary action to speak plainly and make this fact widely known. If it were widely known, the reality of Black Genocide would likely have an enormous impact on elections.

Beyond the Bishop's "silence" or reticence to widely and explicitly instruct the laity regarding these abominations, the laity must also struggle not to be beguiled by the horrendous scandals rendered when prominent Catholic politicians openly campaign and vote for permissive abortion and euthanasia laws. Of course the mainstream liberal media that normally support Pro-Abortion candidates delights in broadcasting such statements and actions — known to be condemned in Church teachings — to as wide an audience as possible thus planting the seed that perhaps Church teachings are out of date and no longer relevant to Catholic and non-Catholic voters alike.

Making such scandals significantly more harmful is the great disparity among Catholic Bishops in how they react to politicians who publicly manifest such heresies. Some Bishops publicly condemn and deny them access to the Eucharist until a public retraction is made. Others impose no restrictions. What is the lowly laity to make of all this except perhaps to think that in the highest levels of the hierarchy there exists a disparity of opinion regarding Abortion and its terrible consequences. And that would mean that the hierarchy does not have its act together (at best) or at worst force the laity to conclude that even some Bishops feel the Church's historical teachings may indeed be wrong or not binding.

Factors impeding effective Pro-Life Hierarchy actions

Beyond not taking consistent actions regarding how to deal with prominent Catholics who publicly transgress official Church teaching and yet maintain they remain Catholic, as a unified body the USCCB has largely remained silent about a wide spectrum of moral issues beyond those that pertain to the sanctity of life. Examples include Georgetown University's sanctioning homosexual groups, Notre Dames scandalous invitation and honoring of Obama, while bringing charges against protesting Catholics, and others to numerous to list here.

With regard to people who identify themselves as Catholics, one can even question whether the Church's hierarchy made it its highest priority to promulgate to its own members a clear and unambiguous teaching that Abortion, Black Genocide and Infanticide are intrinsically evil and hence a grave mortal sin for Catholics who practice, enable or vote for people who commit such damnable acts — when Pro-Life alternative candidates exist?" Does not the fact that 56% of the people who identify themselves as Catholics voted for Obama answer that question?

Recall that prior to the 2008 elections, instead of using our powerful modern media to promulgate a plain-spoken Pro-Life teaching, the USCCB chose to published its Faithful Citizenship booklet, which regrettably contained so many nuanced statements — statements only a Pharisee could appreciate — that instead of clarifying the Church's Pro-Life teaching, had exactly the opposite affect.

The booklet led many to wrongly conclude that other issues, like the pursuit of "common ground," "common good," or "social justice" are of equal or greater consequence or as worthy goals could be used as an excuse to vote for Obama and other known Pro-Abortion candidates. This despite Obama's actions to fund legal and unrestricted Abortions, Black Genocide and Infanticide (which specifically include instances when babies surviving Abortion procedures are born alive, but would be "legally" left to die — many without even palliative care).

The reason why the booklet had this effect is apparently because it reflects a belief on the part of many (certainly not all) Bishops that without clearly defining what they mean by "common good" and "social Justice," they really do believe some human rights like freedom from poverty, health care, housing, etc. actually do take precedence over the right to life. Apparently, judging from their homilies, many in the clergy follow the lead of these bishops.

One would expect that when John Paul II declared, "Above all, the common outcry, which is justly made on behalf of human rights — for example, the right to health, to home, to work, to family, to culture — is false and illusory if the right to life, the most basic and fundamental right and the condition for all other personal rights, is not defended with the maximum determination," that his instruction would have ended the debate — clearly it did not.

More recently, in his October 6, 2010 article, Archbishop Chaput clearly established why Abortion must be recognized as the highest priority item on any individual bishop's, or collectively all the bishop's calendars, when he said:

"Abortion is not merely one among many other urgent issues. It cannot be forgotten or covered over for long, because it attacks the cornerstone for a whole architecture of human dignity. When we revoke legal protection for unborn children, we violate the first and most important human right — the right to life itself. And once we do that, and then create a system of alibis to justify it, we begin to put every other human and civil right at risk."

Supporting Archbishop Chaput's counsel of the supremacy that stopping Abortion holds among other issues, in his October 16 address at Human Life International's 5th annual Prayer Congress, Archbishop Raymond Burke (Pope Benedict XVI appointed him to the office of Prefect of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, a position roughly equivalent to that of Chief Justice of the United States), explicates how the pursuits of the goals of "common good" or "social justice" relate to one another and can often be mutually exclusive, saying:

"The common good refers to an objective perfection which is not defined by common agreement among some of us. The common good is defined by creation itself as it has come from the hand of the Creator. Not only does the notion of common ground not correspond to the reality of the common good, it can well be antithetical to it, for instance, should there be common agreement in society to accept as good for society what is, in reality, always and everywhere evil."

Father Frank Pavone characterizes seeking "common ground" as essentially a proposal for calling for a truce on social issues like Abortion. In his October 13, 2010 Washington Times article, he makes the following points:

"Sorry, but this is a proposal we in the pro-life movement can't accept. There can be no truce.

First of all, to ask us to 'agree to disagree' about abortion is to ask us to change our position on it. Why do we disagree in the first place? When we oppose abortion, we disagree with the notion that it is even negotiable. We do not only claim that we cannot practice abortion, but that nobody can practice it, precisely because it violates the most fundamental human right, the right to life. To 'agree to disagree' means that we no longer see abortion for what it is — a violation of a right so fundamental that disagreement cannot be allowed to tamper with it."

The cogency of the above arguments should end the debate over whether stopping Abortion is the Church in America's highest priority. Likewise they establish an irrefutable case for initiating whatever extraordinary Church actions that may be needed to widely promulgate its established Pro-Life teaching — to its own members, to politicians of any or no religious belief, and to the general public.

However, there are many many other Bishops and clergy who do not want to do what needs to be done. In the words of Cardinal Marc Oullette, the new Prefect for the Congregation for Bishops, "They hold back preaching the truth and doing the right thing because they dither around weighing the political consequences and public relations aspects of declaring the truth of Christ." In an interview this week, Bishop Fabian Bruskewitz concurs saying, "Prudence and caution are not bad, but can be used as an excuse for inaction."

It is often said that some Bishops shy away from extraordinary and public actions because they generally want to "stay in the role of teachers and not get involved directly in elections." Since the evil of Abortion in the United States is clearly the result of Roe v Wade and the laws and Presidential Orders that respond to and implement its decisions, there is no way in which any Bishop can vigorously and widely promulgate the Church's Pro-Life "teaching" and not impact elections. Is it not obvious that in the absence of a coup bought about by force, that in the United States the only path to end Abortion is through the electoral process?

So what can be done? What can the Bishops do? What can the clergy and the laity do to purge this abomination from our country?

In determining priority actions that have greatest likelihood of stopping the practice of Abortion in our country, here are a few suggestions.

As noted, some people do not believe that a human life begins at conception and therefore do not consider Abortion intrinsically evil. So the Church's attempt to stop Abortion, might advisably begin with appeals to eradicate what almost every US citizen agrees are the repugnant evils of Black Genocide and Infanticide.

In other words, the best way to stop "Abortion" — and the "Black Genocide and Infanticide" that result from the way Abortion is practiced in the United States — is to first enlighten and convince the majority of voters that indeed Black Genocide — on a scale that dwarfs Hitler's holocaust against Jews — not only is and has taken place for years in America, but that scandalously it is promoted and supported by the US and most liberal Government officials and politicians.

In terms of identifying people that would be most likely to succeed in a campaign to alert and convince voters of the reality of Black Genocide, what group could possibly be more efficacious, believable and trusted than the Black Bishops of the Catholic Church, united under the leadership of Bishop Martin Holley? An effective starting point those Bishops might consider would be to produce a short "Black Genocide Declaration," (similar in-type, composition and approach to that of the Manhattan Declaration drafted and released in 2009 by a individuals representing Orthodox, Catholic, and Evangelical Christians).

It is highly likely that just the existence of such a Black Genocide Declaration — with all or most of the Black Catholic Bishops as signatories, would become a blockbuster news event resulting in 24/7 coverage in every major media. Ideally after launching such an extraordinary effort, Bishop Holley and his compatriots would make themselves available for interviews and do everything possible to achieve the widest possible notoriety, effectively leveraging the use of our powerful modern media outlets to explicate the goals set forth in the Declaration itself.

It is important that this extraordinary effort on the part of the Catholic Church be accomplished in time to effect the result of the 2010 elections since it is becoming more and more obvious that President Obama is engaged in, working at or otherwise committed to fundamentally transforming our free-enterprise, free-market capitalistic democratic republic into either a totalitarian socialistic state (at best), or a Marxist Communist or an Islamic dictatorship form of government (at worst).

In short, if the Church has found it difficult to deal with and to have a positive moral impact on the various government institutions and legislatures in the past, dealing with essentially the big-Government dictatorship that Obama envisions will be immeasurably more difficult if not impossible. Respected institutions like the Heritage Foundation have warned that the move to bigger and more powerful central government has already taken our great country to the brink of a systemic collapse. So it is urgent that an effort like the one outlined be initiated with the greatest haste. It is not too late. An aggressive and extraordinary effort on the part of the Catholic Church could very well produce an "October Pre-election Surprise" of monumental proportions.

I am attaching a letter I wrote to Bishop Holley pleading with him to become the leader of and spearhead actions that provide the best possible chance to bring a near-term end to the slaughter of innocents — especially those targeted by eugenicists — that occur as result of how Abortion is practiced in the United States. I hope that you will lend your voices of support in convincing him to accept the challenge. I will also attach an Addendum which presents a collection of statements and other evidence that establish conclusively the practice of Black Genocide in the United States.

May God's Grace, Life and Peace be with and in us all!

Joseph A. Pecar

Below is a copy of my letter to Bishop Holley

The Most Reverend Martin D. Holley
Washington Archdiocese Pastoral Center
P.O. Box 29260
Washington DC 20017

October 3, 2010

Your Excellency,

Thank you so much for your February 16 E-mail letter responding to my February 4, 2010 letter to you in which I attempted to convince you that as a Successor to the Apostles and as a black Bishop who chairs the USCCB's African American Affairs, you of all people may be our single best hope to bring a near-term end to the slaughter of innocents — especially those targeted by eugenicists — that occur as result of how Abortion is practiced in the United States.

In your letter you thoughtfully declared, "Can more be done by all of the bishops, yes, and from each of us, and no, there can never be enough done when it comes to being an advocate for the life of an innocent infant in its Mother's womb."

I don't think there is any disagreement between us that we indeed find ourselves in the midst of the most egregious moral evil of this era — and perhaps in all history. And that the practice of "legal" unrestricted Abortion — and the Infanticide and Black Genocide it gives rise to — has bought about more lost and maimed lives (now nearing 50 million) than the Jewish holocaust, the Civil War, the Iraqi, the Afghanistan, and indeed all the wars in which the United States has been involved — combined. Horrendously, just the number of Black babies aborted since Roe-v-Wade (16 million) is more than twice the number of all of those other tragedies.

As I am sure you are aware of, since our February exchange of letters, under Obama and the liberal politicians supporting him, even more pro-death Abortion rights inroads have been made, and Obama promises more. Sorrowfully, the evil we confront is one in which the USCCB continues to abet by scandalous silence and conflicting actions. As Father Benedict Groeschel says, "Just as our Lord told St. Francis . . . 'Rebuild my house which, as you see, is falling into ruin!'. . . we too are called by God to repair that Church which Christ purchased with His own blood . . . Once again the Church and many of its institutions are in need of renewal."

So with both our Church and our Country in the greatest of peril, after much research and writing about this scourge, my assessment remains that you are truly the only person in the world that has even the remotest chance of stemming the tide.

While the country seems inextricably headed to become a totalitarian socialist state (at best) or a Marxist communist or an Islamic dictatorship form of government (at worst), there is still one remaining chance that under the strongest and most dedicated leadership of someone like yourself, that an end to Abortion and the restitution of our Country back to the Judeo-Christian based ethics demanded in our Constitution and our Declaration of Independence, can be achieved by a non-violent, all out effort to impact the forthcoming November 2010 elections.

Here is what I on bended knee petition you to do. First make your most auspicious role in stopping Abortion your highest priority. Immediately get yourself in front of every lame and conservative media outlet that you can as often as you can. And when in front of the media, don't mince words — speak plainly and clearly. In particular, speak directly to our black citizens. Make it clear to them that a vote for Obama or anyone that supports him is a vote that supports the genocide of their own race. Make the connection between our Country going Godless, and the Abortion abomination.

Rally together and enlist the support of the 150 Bishops who prior to the last election spoke up and explicitly declared the moral imperative of "not voting for candidates supporting or promoting the culture of death — whenever alternative life-affirming candidates are available" — Bishops like Chaput, Slattery, Morlino, Paprocki and others.

Because of the horrendous scale on which Abortion, Infanticide and Black Genocide is now being carried out, were you to be successful in at least beginning to stop these barbarisms, it would be true that in the entire history of our Church, no other saint, Apostle or even John the Baptist could equal the good you can do. If successful, in terms of the sheer numbers of saved souls you will be perpetually revered from this moment by all faithful members of Christ's Church.

Yours in Christ's name,

Joseph A. Pecar

PS There is a surfeit of documentation that establishes facts regarding genocidal objectives of the way Abortion is practiced in the United States. Two key comprehensive videos exist. They are MAAFA-21 produced by Life Dynamics Inc. and directed by Mark Crutcher. It can be viewed at . The second is entitled "Bloodmoney" which is narrated by Dr. Alveda King. I purchased that DVD from and would be happy get it to you or to assist you in obtaining any other information you need.

Addendum: Statements and other evidence that establish conclusively the practice of Black Genocide in the United States

Lori Hoye sums up this abominable (or should we say Obaminable) situation as follows:

  1. In the black community, every 72 seconds, a preborn baby is being brutally murdered in the womb of his or her mother. The baby wants to live and expects those who have the power to save him or her to do it RIGHT NOW. Abortion has taken more lives in the African-American community in 37 years (over 14 million) than slavery took from Africa in more than 400 years (12 to 13 million African forbearers ripped from their homes and forcibly transported to the Americas in a massive slave trade dating from the 1400s).

  2. From the American Revolutionary War in 1775 to the Iraq and Afghanistan War today — 235 years — America has lost over 2.5 million lives. In the past 37 years, abortion has taken over 50 million American lives, more than 20 times the totality of lives loss in ALL the wars America has ever fought in 1/6th of the time. In fact, according to AGI, abortion took over 2.6 million lives in its first three (3) years of legalization: 1973 (744,600 abortions), 1974 (898,600 abortions), and 1975 (1.03 million abortions).

  3. From 1608 to 2007–400 years — 7,451 blacks were executed by the death penalty (48% of the total executions) out of a total of 15,576 executions (all races including blacks). Abortion in the black community surpasses that number (7,451) in 6 days, and abortion in the United States surpasses the total number (15,576) in less than 4 days.

  4. Abortion is the number one killer in the African-American community (452,000 deaths due to abortion, 292,808 deaths from all other causes combined excluding abortion) and America (1.21 million deaths due to abortion, 631,636 deaths due to heart disease, 559,888 deaths due to cancer). As a people and as a nation we cannot afford hundreds of years of abortion — there will be no one left. There is no better time than right now to fight for life on EVERY front.

Beyond Lori Hoye's summary, there is a mountain of irrefutable evidence that the practice of abortion in America constitutes a Black Genocide. For example consider the following testimonies:

1. "The number one cause of death in the African American community has been abortion. . . . . Since 1973, twice as many Black Americans have died from abortion than from AIDS, accidents, violent crimes, cancer, and heart disease combined." From an Oct. 16, 2008 article by Black Catholic Bishop Martin Holley.

2. "We make up about 12% of the population and about 34% of all abortions are Black babies. In the last 36 years over 17 million African American babies have died by abortion alone." (That is one third of our present Black population.) From a speech by Black Pastor Luke Robinson at the March for Life in Washington D.C., Jan. 22, 2009.

3. "The early seduction of Black Americans by the Birth Control League and Margaret Sanger's (Planned Parenthood's founder) eugenics programs set into motion today's dilemma. From the beginning, the birth control movement's 'Negro Project' (launched in 1939) was especially appealing to eugenicists determined to check the climbing birthrates of those they defined as the 'unfit.'" From an Oct. 28, 2008, Witherspoon Institute publication by Anne Hendershott.

4. "The aim of ... [The Negro Project] was to restrict — many believe exterminate — the black population. Under the pretense of 'better health' and 'family planning,' Sanger cleverly implemented her plan. What's more shocking . . . is Sanger's beguilement of black America's crème de la crème — those prominent, well educated and well-to-do — into executing her scheme. Some within the black elite saw birth control as a means to attain economic empowerment, elevate the race and garner the respect of whites." From a May 10, 2001 article, "The Negro Project — Margaret Sanger's Eugenic Plan for Black Americans" by Tanya L. Green.

5. Rev. Johnny M. Hunter, National Director of Life, Education and Resource Network (LEARN) exposed Planned Parenthood's nefarious extermination motivations and the monumentally effective duping of Black leaders by declaring at the "Say So" March on Columbus Day 1999, that the Negro Project has had lasting repercussions in the black community: "We have become victims of genocide by our own hands."

6. "We must demand an end to the victimizing of African American children, women, families and communities by Planned Parenthood and others in the abortion industry. Over 80 percent of Planned Parenthood clinics are located in minority neighborhoods." From Bishop Holley's article.

7. "Nearly half of all African-American pregnancies end in abortion." From Anne Hendershott'a article.

8. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr., Black Pastor of The New Calvary Baptist Church in Montclair, NJ and founder of summarizes the situation with this revelation. "According to Allan Guttmacher's statistics, today the most dangerous place for an African-American to be is in the womb of their African-American mother."

Two key comprehensive videos exist that greatly expand upon the above evidence of America's ongoing Black Genocide. They are MAAFA-21 produced by Life Dynamics Inc. and directed by Mark Crutcher. It can be viewed (at no cost) at . The second is a DVD entitled "Bloodmoney" which is narrated by Dr. Alveda King and can be purchased from .

© Joseph Pecar


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