Barbara Kralis column
Barbara Kralis, the article's author, writes for various Christian and conservative publications. Her columns have been featured at, Catholic World Report, Catholic World News, Alliance Defense Fund, Intellectual Conservative,,, Catholic, The Wanderer newspaper, New Oxford Review, Phil Brennan's WOW, MichNews, ChronWatch, North Carolina Conservative, Catholic Citizens, Illinois Family Institute, and others. She and her husband, Mitch, live in the great State of Texas. She can be reached at:
Barbara Kralis
February 24, 2025
My husband and I were in the waiting room of Baylor Hospital’s Sammons Cancer Center in Dallas, Texas. It was Wednesday afternoon, March 13, 2013.
. . .
Barbara Kralis
January 25, 2025
I was wholly fixed on a particular portion of President Trump’s inauguration, which took place inside the historic Capitol Rotunda. Did you, too, see . . .
Barbara Kralis
January 2, 2023
Republished from April 20, 2005
[NOTE: Cardinal Josef Rattzinger was elected Pope on April 19, 2005, and he resigned his Papacy on February 28, 2013.
. . .
Barbara Kralis
October 8, 2021
(Note: Republished from 2004)
Several U.S. bishops have recently voiced their opposition and ersatz reasoning why no one should be denied the Eucharist . . .
Barbara Kralis
February 9, 2021
(Updated February 12, 2021, 10:46 am)
"What you're seeing is another name, fake impeachment. The Democrats...want to destroy the President. . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 16, 2020
Like the mythological bird from paradise, Donald Trump helped America rise again and then again, against all odds, during his first four years in office . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 29, 2020
We live today in a most difficult time, perhaps the time foretold by the Holy prophets before us when Satanic evil will happen so quickly and so often . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 24, 2020
I believe that the 2020 election is being sabotaged by a fake "lockdown mail-in ballot" scam caused by the man-made SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic of 2019. Truth is . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 11, 2020
Note: Republished from June 3, 2015
The prevalent "outing" of immoral world Catholic hierarchy at the highest levels is giving a poor example to families . . .
Barbara Kralis
June 22, 2020
Note: Previously published September 27, 2017
Will someone remind the anti-American BLM (Black Lives Matter) rioters and protesters that black populations . . .
Barbara Kralis
June 2, 2020
On the first day of June, in the year two thousand and twenty, President Donald J. Trump reconsecrated our United States of America back to God.
The . . .
Barbara Kralis
March 10, 2020
In the old days during the Golden Age of Airline Travel, in the early and mid-1960s, all U.S. airlines allowed their pilots to direct fresh outside air at 3 . . .
Barbara Kralis
January 6, 2020
Following the recent shooting at the West Freeway Church of Christ in White Settlement, Texas, which left three dead, including the perpetrator, USA Today . . .
Barbara Kralis
February 28, 2019
Archbishop Naumann recently wrote a column to all the Catholic Church's members, to all of us, explaining his plan to stop manifest sinners from receiving Holy . . .
Barbara Kralis
January 22, 2019
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo has again threatened his people with extreme abortion legislation that only causes a further deChristianization of the state's . . .
Barbara Kralis
March 30, 2018
Throughout the history of mankind, God has used the most unlikely ordinary souls to fulfill His Divine Plan by giving them extraordinary charisms. If the soul . . .
Barbara Kralis
February 6, 2018
Originally published February 5, 2004
Unquestionably, canon 915 is the most discussed canon in the Codex Iuris Canonici, or Code of Canon Law, in recent . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 27, 2017
Will someone remind the anti-American BLM (Black Lives Matter) rioters and protesters that black populations today in Africa are still being sold as slaves . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 17, 2015
(Originally published August 10, 2004 and August 17, 2015)
© Catholic Online 2004
As children we asked the pretty nun, "How did the Blessed Mother die? . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 10, 2015
Pope Francis' conciliatory language toward irregular sexual unions for the past two years has caused the fiercest fighting within the Catholic Church . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 1, 2015
On Saturday, July 4th, 'We, The People of the United States' will celebrate 239 years of the birth of our once great democratic nation. Sadly, the SCOTUS . . .
Barbara Kralis
June 3, 2015
The prevalent "outing" of immoral world Catholic hierarchy at the highest levels is giving a poor example to families worldwide. People ask, "Who do we . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 18, 2013
The Catholic Church's teachings support the legitimate defense of "Stand Your Ground" laws in that people have a legitimate right, and even the duty, to . . .
Barbara Kralis
May 2, 2013
A friend from New York asked me the following question: "If our government succeeds in banning guns for private citizens, what next will be banned?" Did I . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 1, 2012
Artwork: "The Alchemist" by Marcel LorAnge
Recently, it was learned that New York City is dispensing the abortifacient "morning-after pill" (Mifeprex, . . .
Barbara Kralis
March 1, 2011
Abortion providers — such as Planned Parenthood (PP), with their 850 U.S. abortion mills — certainly know of the power of a single, truthful graphic . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 20, 2009
Reading the Wall Street Journal this morning, I found most interesting the revealing personal accounts of high-level financial leaders who recently lost their . . .
Barbara Kralis
June 9, 2009
Bishop Rene Henry Gracida, Bishop Emeritus of the diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas, celebrates his 86th birthday today, June 9, 2009. On May 23, 2009, Bishop . . .
Barbara Kralis
November 18, 2008
In this second part, let's examine what the Catholic Church, its Popes and those Bishops in unions with the Pope, teaches us about its Church members forming . . .
Barbara Kralis
November 17, 2008
Recently, a Charleston Catholic diocesan pastor, Father Jay Scott Newman, JCL, wrote a column to his flock which he published within his November 9, 2008 St. . . .
Barbara Kralis
November 1, 2008
California voters are once again fighting for the 'life of the family.' Same sex marriage is on their November ballot for the second time, bringing many people . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 15, 2008
In a recent interview, Bishop Gerald Kicanas of the diocese of Tucson made some interesting comments that deserve public scrutiny. He discussed the upcoming . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 18, 2008
The Democrat National Convention of what many refer to as the "pro-abortion party of the United States" will take place within the Archdiocese of Denver from . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 30, 2007
The Supreme Vicar of Christ on earth, Pope Benedict XVI, has recently spoken in a most wonderful way for the spiritual benefit of all the universal church, for . . .
Barbara Kralis
January 25, 2007
Of the many attacks against the Catholic Church today, most all come from members within the Church. In fact, reports from Rome indicate that the Pope is . . .
Barbara Kralis
January 4, 2007
One of the chief symbols of the early Church is the fish symbol, the Symbolum maius. The Sacred and essential characteristic of the Christian fish symbol passes . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 8, 2006
Pro-life people unambiguously value human life from its conception in the womb to its natural death, and therefore certainly want to protect the safety and well . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 7, 2006
Slavery is an issue that affects everyone, everywhere. Thankfully, there are many effective efforts that show promise of helping to end human slavery.
This . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 4, 2006
The Catholic Church has assumed a pastoral responsibility to promote the human dignity of persons exploited through trafficking and slavery and to advocate for . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 3, 2006
The United States is leading the global battle to fight human trafficking and the slavery usually attached to it. The U.S. government has declared such . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 2, 2006
For the most part, criminal traffickers and slave lords are not recognizable thugs, but are usually known as "respectable" businessmen within their . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 1, 2006
You may think, "This cannot happen to anyone in my family...." However, human trafficking and slavery happens to children just like yours all over the . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 31, 2006
Human trafficking takes root in industries that already are known to have labor violations — sub-poverty wages, no benefits, no labor relations, and illegal . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 28, 2006
Trafficking of humans for slavery is a trans-national criminal enterprise that typically is found in regions plagued by poverty, instability of government, and . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 27, 2006
Thousands of children as young as two years of age from Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sudan are trafficked each year into the Persian Gulf states' dangerous camel . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 26, 2006
Involuntary servitude: This sordid form of servitude is experienced mainly by migrant low-skilled laborers trafficked into prosperous areas from poverty . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 25, 2006
Wars produce slaves used by the triumphant forces, who often sexually abuse women and children taken from ravished war-torn villages. The U.S. State Department . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 24, 2006
Human slavery exists as domestic servitude in thousands of households throughout the world. In most cases, domestic servitude among women and children also . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 21, 2006
Child Sex Tourism [CST] entails tourists, mostly men, engaged in sex trafficking by purposely traveling to known sex destinations, seeking anonymity in . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 20, 2006
Despite centuries of struggle, slavery has not been eradicated from our world. Slavery is readily found on the farms of India, the heritable debt-bondage . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 19, 2006
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 18, 2006
"Slave labor [in the Soviet Union] made no demands, could be transferred anywhere at any moment, was free of family ties, had no need for housing, schools or . . .
Barbara Kralis
June 16, 2006
A Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority [WMATA] Board member, Robert J. Smith, a Catholic husband, father of four and a seasoned Republican activist, . . .
Barbara Kralis
February 9, 2006
Supporters of the abortion movement have deceived mankind with bumfuzzling statements that Partial Birth Abortion is a rare occurrence, being performed "less . . .
Barbara Kralis
February 6, 2006
What is going on again in the Dallas diocese, again?
Jesuit speaker Fr. Robert E. Kennedy, S.J. has been invited to be the speaker and the leader of a Zen . . .
Barbara Kralis
December 1, 2005
On November 29, as President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops [USCCB], Bishop Skylstad, Bishop of Spokane, WA, released a USCCB Press . . .
Barbara Kralis
November 30, 2005
On November 29, as President of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops [USCCB], Bishop Skylstad, Bishop of Spokane, WA, released a USCCB Press . . .
Barbara Kralis
November 10, 2005
The recent successful Texas November 8 elections resulted in record number turnouts for the successful passage of a state constitutional amendment 'Proposition . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 18, 2005
Many years ago, Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen wrote a theological book in which he capitalized the word Hell. His editor corrected it by putting in a small "h." . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 1, 2005
It is imperative that the will of the American people to protect this vital institution from arbitrary redefinition be acknowledged in our Federal Constitution. . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 30, 2005
It is imperative that the will of the American people to protect this vital institution from arbitrary redefinition be acknowledged in our Federal . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 29, 2005
It is imperative that the will of the American people to protect this vital institution from arbitrary redefinition be acknowledged in our Federal . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 28, 2005
It is imperative that the will of the American people to protect this vital institution from arbitrary redefinition be acknowledged in our Federal Constitution. . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 29, 2005
An ancient tradition tells us that Our Lord appeared to St. Jerome, priest and doctor of the Church, asking,
"Jerome, what have you to offer me?"
The . . .
Barbara Kralis
May 4, 2005
Updated June 3, 2005
It is a rare person who has not heard of the recent cruel homicide of the Florida woman, Terri Schiavo. Everyone, it seemed, had a . . .
Barbara Kralis
April 23, 2005
Frequently, we Catholics have been asked from those outside the Church,
"Why confess your sins to a priest when you can go directly to God yourself?"
. . .
Barbara Kralis
April 20, 2005
He took the name Benedict from the co-patron of Europe who founded over 40,000 communities of monasticism to combat widespread corruption. It should be no . . .
Barbara Kralis
March 24, 2005
Why would the influential president of a Catholic Dominican theological institute recently teach moral theology that is markedly different than that of Pope . . .
Barbara Kralis
March 21, 2005
The question is asked, "Why does Pope John Paul II, and the Popes before him, strongly urge the use of Frequent Confession when Church Law does not mention this . . .
Barbara Kralis
February 28, 2005
"No one can be the arbiter of life except God himself."
America suffers from the rule of judges supplanting the rule of law and the will of the people. Men . . .
Barbara Kralis
January 31, 2005
Juridically, why can't this teacher of faith see the clarity and simplicity of Cardinal Arinze's recent admonition: "Rainbow Sash wearers are showing their . . .
Barbara Kralis
January 23, 2005
During the past five years, at the time of the Catholic Church's most holy day of Pentecost Sunday, openly 'gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender' persons . . .
Barbara Kralis
November 1, 2004
(See Part One)
It's impossible to discuss Holy Purity without visiting the The Sermon on the Mount.
When Jesus taught the multitudes the twelve Beatitudes . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 29, 2004
The Catholic Church possesses the fullness of truth, the complete moral teachings of our age. We thank God for the Magisterium of the Church, for the solemn . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 28, 2004
Pope John Paul II, and the Bishops who teach in union with the Pope, speak loud and clear what the church's priorities are for voting as a Catholic. They . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 25, 2004
Presidential candidate, Senator John Kerry is urgently pressing uncatechised or 'dumbed down' Catholic voters to believe he is a faithful Catholic that best . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 19, 2004
What is the single greatest gift a young man and woman can give each other in marriage? It is their holy purity or chastity. Without holy purity, human love . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 15, 2004
Sixty million U.S. Catholic laity is scandalized and confused by the refusal of most Bishops to dutifully govern and correct pro-abortion candidates.
The . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 12, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
Why do we hear so little mention of this virtuous idiom, Rectitude of Intention? Is it because the very meaning, per se, is a pox . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 8, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
A long time ago, Sister Christine Joseph taught us to make the heroic minute on waking each morning. She taught our first grade . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 28, 2004
Heaven or hell, it is our choice. Which will it be? Will we choose the place and state of perfect and eternal happiness where we will see, face to face, the . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 21, 2004
What does the Church mean when she uses this theological phrase, 'Fons Misericordiae' or 'Fountain of Mercy?
Let us first look at the Church's definition of . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 18, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
The medical and scientific communities have recently proclaimed what Catholics have known for centuries — reciting the Rosary is . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 16, 2004
In a recent column of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis' newspaper, 'The Catholic Spirit,' Archbishop Harry Flynn wrote that the Eucharist was a . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 15, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
In Romans 3:8, we read that 2,000 years ago the Apostle St. Paul is falsely accused of teaching that 'evil can be done to bring about . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 14, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
(This letter to Pope John Paul II was written on behalf of a group of pro-life people nationwide, ‘National Fight4Terri Volunteer . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 7, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
The history you are about to read is a miraculous event authenticated and recorded at the Vatican over 400 years ago. Sacred . . .
Barbara Kralis
September 2, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
“My sin is always before me,” Ps.50
In the face of spreading agnosticism and relativism, the term 'reparation' is most unusual . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 27, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
Sac•ri•fice, n. the surrender or destruction of something valued for the sake of something else.
Suicide or killing oneself is . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 20, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
No other Vatican memorandum has caused so much controversy in recent times as has that written by the head of the Vatican's second . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 16, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
Augustine's account of his early life of wrongdoing would not shock very many in America today. His sins in the fourth century are . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 10, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
As children we asked the pretty nun, "How did the Blessed Mother die? Where is her body?"
Taking a deep breath, Sister Christine . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 5, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
Recently, Archbishop Raymond L. Burke, Bishop, D. D., J.C.L., of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, 'the new John Fisher for our times,' . . .
Barbara Kralis
August 2, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
It was more than 150 years ago. The recently defined and promulgated dogmatic title was miraculously given to an illiterate peasant . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 27, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
It was the fall of 1951. He wore a black cassock with violet 'abito piano' or piping. The wide violet 'sincture' was wrapped at . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 18, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
A faithful and courageous prelate, Bishop Robert Francis Vasa, M.Div., J.C.L., Bishop of Baker, Oregon, kindly granted this writer a . . .
Barbara Kralis
July 6, 2004
Is it possible that after so much scandal and hurt in the Catholic Church, Bishop Wilton Gregory and Cardinal Theodore McCarrick would withhold and distort an . . .
Barbara Kralis
June 24, 2004
© Catholic Online 2004
The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops met recently in Denver for their June plenary conference. This year's meeting, . . .
Barbara Kralis
June 7, 2004
We have watched Cardinal George in Chicago and Cardinal McCarrick in Washington D.C. rightfully deny Holy Communion to manifest sodomites wearing Rainbow sashes . . .
Barbara Kralis
May 24, 2004
Several U.S. bishops have recently voiced their opposition and ersatz reasoning why no one should be denied the Eucharist according to Code of Canon Law n. 915. . . .
Barbara Kralis
May 17, 2004
"In times of great crisis there are two types of men: those who are overwhelmed by the crisis and those who rise up to resist the trend of events and so change . . .
Barbara Kralis
May 10, 2004
(CatholicOnline) — A surprising turn of events recently took place on the political scene. It may have gone unnoticed by most of the top analysts, politicos . . .
Barbara Kralis
April 26, 2004
Therefore, "do everything in your power to protect the Eucharist from every irreverence"
If every cardinal, bishop, priest, and layman submitted to the . . .
Barbara Kralis
April 19, 2004
The real title of this column, if we want to get rough (and we do) might be "Dumbed down Catholics voting for dumbed down Kerry." Or, "Welcome to Kerry's party . . .
Barbara Kralis
April 6, 2004
On April 6, 2004, Bishop Fabian W. Bruskewitz, D.D., S.T.D., of the Lincoln, Ne. diocese, stated through his office to this writer that his diocese would deny . . .
Barbara Kralis
March 29, 2004
There are a myriad of false perceptions on what constitutes being pro life among pro life groups. Some groups' work is counter productive to authentic pro life . . .
Barbara Kralis
March 15, 2004
As Senator John Kerry travels throughout the U.S. in his bid for the Democratic nomination for the Presidency, this pro abortion, dissenting 'Catholic' . . .
Barbara Kralis
February 27, 2004
The Pontifical Academy for Life has recently published their new book "Sexual Abuse and the Catholic Church: Scientific and Legal Perspectives." It is a . . .
Barbara Kralis
February 5, 2004
Unquestionably, canon 915 is the most discussed canon in the Codex Iuris Canonici, or Code of Canon Law, in recent Church history. Many in the media have . . .
Barbara Kralis
December 19, 2003
"If we continue to promote contraceptives, civilization will revert to barbarism"
Today, December 16, 2003, is an important day in the United States. After . . .
Barbara Kralis
December 5, 2003
Bishop Raymond Burke, appointed Archbishop of St. Louis on December 2, 2003, privately and publicly proclaimed boldly in August, 2003, that pro abort Catholic . . .
Barbara Kralis
November 15, 2003
Tuesday, November 11, 2003, the USCCB attempted to consider which Catholic politicians who dissent from Magisterial teachings should be denied the Sacrament of . . .
Barbara Kralis
November 13, 2003
(Editor’s Note: Following is the complete text of an open letter to the bishops of the United States, urging them to speak out and act on the Terri Schiavo . . .
Barbara Kralis
October 3, 2003
Archbishop Sean O'Malley made the following statement on July 29, 2003, from his Archdiocese's Public Release Office, "a Catholic politician who holds a public, . . .
Barbara Kralis
February 6, 2003
How many of us are ready and willing, spiritually, and catechically, "fearlessly proclaim the complete and authentic truth on Christ, the Church and the world, . . .
Barbara Kralis
November 15, 2001
During our U.S. Civil War, from 1860-1865, few Americans knew what was really taking place on the battlefields. One man in 1863, Alexander Gardner, a . . .
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