Lisa Fabrizio column
Lisa Fabrizio is a freelance columnist from Stamford, Connecticut. You may write her at

A bridge too far
Lisa Fabrizio
June 26, 2014

I live in the Southwest corner of Connecticut, one of the bluest states in the nation. But despite the influx of New York liberals that have ruled the roost . . .

Singin' the blues
Lisa Fabrizio
June 13, 2014

Ah, nostalgia! Merriam-Webster online defines it as, "pleasure and sadness that is caused by remembering something from the past and wishing that you could . . .

Jolting Joe?
Lisa Fabrizio
May 30, 2014

It has been an important hallmark of the conservative movement during its 50 year run to point to the steady decline of Western Civilization; to a broad . . .

King of the Monsters
Lisa Fabrizio
May 17, 2014

Some years ago, I predicted the coming bomb that was the 2008 remake of the classic 1939 comedy, The Women. I wrote at the time: In 1939, nearly all of the . . .

Democrats' snoopy dancing
Lisa Fabrizio
April 25, 2014

The other day I came across an article on CNN entitled, "Why are Some Democrats Running Away from Obamacare?", a truly comical piece which would be even funnier . . .

Hollywood's real heroes
Lisa Fabrizio
April 11, 2014

Going unnoticed amid this week's entertainment news – the various selfies and jokes of jester-in-chief Barack Obama – came news that, according to a . . .

The real bullies
Lisa Fabrizio
March 28, 2014

A few years ago, I was privileged to hear Justice Antonin Scalia speak at my husband's alma mater, Iona College. On display, among other things, were the wit . . .

Replay it again, bud
Lisa Fabrizio
March 13, 2014

In a few weeks my beloved New York Yankees will once again take the field for another opening day, one that brings many changes. Gone are the suspended Alex . . .

View from the couch
Lisa Fabrizio
February 26, 2014

Having been forced into a prone position following surgery two weeks ago, I was necessarily bound to recumbent furniture and was therefore a captive audience of . . .

A really big show
Lisa Fabrizio
February 6, 2014

Fifty years ago this week, the Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan show, giving America it's first taste of what became known as The British Invasion. As . . .

Unsportsmanlike conduct
Lisa Fabrizio
January 24, 2014

The news from Sunday's NFC title game between the Seattle Seahawks and the San Francesco 49ers was not so much about the action on the field, but what . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
January 9, 2014

This being the time of year for looking back and looking ahead, many have made their predictions for the coming year; most dealing with the premise that . . .

We feel your pain
Lisa Fabrizio
December 12, 2013

For you young conservatives, the first five years of the Obama presidency must have seemed like a lifetime, with the prospect of three more a thought almost too . . .

JFK: Liberal legend
Lisa Fabrizio
November 28, 2013

JFK: Liberal Legend I never intended to write about the life or death of John F. Kennedy, seeing how that subject has been infinitely covered for the past . . .

Health cares
Lisa Fabrizio
November 14, 2013

Earlier this year I wrote a column about the perception that Democrats truly care about people while Republicans are unfeeling slugs who are content to see . . .

Obamacare's media mandate
Lisa Fabrizio
October 31, 2013

The recent government shutdown was, as to be expected, a time of great joy for the assassins in the mainstream media; revolted as they are by Republicans and . . .

Blood, sweat and tears
Lisa Fabrizio
October 17, 2013

When I was in junior high school many years ago, we had a class called Civics, where we discussed current governmental issues and generally learned what it . . .

Fair play
Lisa Fabrizio
October 3, 2013

Liberté! Égalité! Fraternité! is the national motto of France. Liberty, equality and brotherhood were first employed as watchwords for the French Revolution . . .

Presidential osmosis
Lisa Fabrizio
September 19, 2013

And so another September 11th anniversary has come and gone without much notice, except for a few maudlin mentions on the nightly news and the perfunctory . . .

Growing up
Lisa Fabrizio
August 31, 2013

Let's face it; America has a lot of problems: problems with our economy, our foreign policy, our schools, our government and especially with our culture. But . . .

Vacuous verbiage
Lisa Fabrizio
August 14, 2013

A few weeks ago I was taking a test drive while shopping for a new car, when I asked the salesman about an idiot light that read 'Eco.' He gave me an . . .

Racial warfare
Lisa Fabrizio
August 2, 2013

Two months ago, President Obama declared again, that the War on Terror is over. As if the side under attack can simply decide that the hostilities are ended . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
July 19, 2013

Greetings from somewhere on the border of Indiana and Kentucky on the great Ohio River; cruising along at eight miles per hour on the beautiful American Queen . . .

Self-evident truth
Lisa Fabrizio
July 4, 2013

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among . . .

The role of the federal government
Lisa Fabrizio
June 13, 2013

We are often lectured that a major difference between liberals and conservatives is that the former "care" about the common people, while the latter are . . .

The seriousness of the charge -- thoughts on presidential scandals
Lisa Fabrizio
May 30, 2013

When I was a teenager during the presidency of Richard Nixon, with all the upheaval at home and around the globe, you'd have thought the fate of the world . . .

The seventeen year itch
Lisa Fabrizio
May 16, 2013

Fifty-one years ago on a bright spring day in a sun-dappled grove, a pair of young lovers rose from slumber, spread their wings and burst into song. For the . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
May 2, 2013

In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon attack, many questions thought to have been answered, remain quite maddening mysteries. From the FBI, the BPD, the ATF . . .

Stifling our children
Lisa Fabrizio
April 16, 2013

Boy the way Glen Miller played; Songs that made the hit parade. Guys like us we had it made; Those were the days. And you knew who you were then. Girls . . .

Thoughts on gay marriage
Lisa Fabrizio
March 28, 2013

With all the propaganda surrounding homosexual marriage blaring at us from every direction – most distressingly on ads during the nightly broadcast of Fox . . .

Baseball saints and sinners
Lisa Fabrizio
March 14, 2013

With Spring just around the corner, it's time to take a break from the dreaded deprivations of sequestration and concentrate, of course, on baseball. And so, . . .

Let us return to prayer
Lisa Fabrizio
February 22, 2013

When I first heard that Pope Benedict XVI had announced his plans to resign, I made a pledge to avoid all media for the duration. I knew all too well what to . . .

Handle with care
Lisa Fabrizio
February 8, 2013

A few weeks after the presidential election, I sat down with some folks to talk about the results and got the surprise of my life. Hoping to commiserate with . . .

Love it and list it
Lisa Fabrizio
January 26, 2013

A few years ago, during the height of the real estate bubble, my husband and I set out to buy a house in an extremely glutted market; "a buyer's market," we . . .

Groupthink America
Lisa Fabrizio
January 10, 2013

Recent events in our nation have baffled those of the conservative stripe; none more so than the decisions made by our fellow Americans this past November. The . . .

The toy department
Lisa Fabrizio
December 20, 2012

I first heard of the horrific slaughter of innocent women and children in the nearby town of Newton, CT while listening to a sports-talk radio station in my car . . .

Not just another pretty face
Lisa Fabrizio
December 7, 2012

The other day, I happened upon a piece by the Washington Post's Richard Cohen; a columnist with whom I rarely agree. In it, he dealt with the casting of hunky . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
November 22, 2012

In the thousands of years before the inventions of the telegraph, television and the internet, continents and even countries were isolated from each other for . . .

Alien voices
Lisa Fabrizio
November 2, 2012

Having spent the prior two weeks soaking up the sun and scenery of sumptuous Italy, I returned to these shores on Friday to good news: Mitt Romney had retained . . .

Have the terrorists won?
Lisa Fabrizio
September 28, 2012

Everyone remembers the days immediately after September 11, 2001. Amid the anger tinged with mourning and the brief but unnerving sense that our great land was . . .

Convention intentions
Lisa Fabrizio
September 14, 2012

What to say about the Democratic Party's convention problems? Specifically their infamous decision to remove the word God from their official party platform? It . . .

A plethora of platitudes
Lisa Fabrizio
August 30, 2012

Now that the convention action is finally heating up, we can fully expect the liberal propaganda machine to spin into high gear, as it were. From the phony . . .

The sum of all fears
Lisa Fabrizio
August 16, 2012

So here we were again, sleepily slogging through the dog days of summer in another election year, only to be awakened by the announcement of Mitt Romney's . . .

Obama mamas
Lisa Fabrizio
August 2, 2012

There's one thing I love about recent Democratic presidents; or should I say, the treatment they receive at the hands of those in the national press who worship . . .

Guilt and innocence
Lisa Fabrizio
July 19, 2012

(Who are the sexual abusers of our children?) During the interminable days of baseball's All Star break came news of Louis Freeh's report on Penn State's . . .

The states -- our last best hope
Lisa Fabrizio
July 6, 2012

Way back during the interminable weeks between the 2000 presidential election and the final decision in Bush v Gore, I spent hours upon hours explaining to . . .

Are Democrats listening?
Lisa Fabrizio
June 15, 2012

When our Founding Fathers drafted our system of governance, they decided that a constitutional republic would most benefit the people; that it would suffice to . . .

American sins
Lisa Fabrizio
May 31, 2012

I never, ever thought these words would escape my lips, let alone be offered for public consumption, but here goes: I miss President Bill Clinton. With his . . .

No profile in courage
Lisa Fabrizio
May 17, 2012

We've been hearing a great deal lately about Barack Obama and his courage; or what passes for courage when a lapdog media is in control of its definition. . . .

Square deal for America
Lisa Fabrizio
May 3, 2012

My father was a unique character. I never met a man who was more set in his ways or more unwilling to change them, especially when it came to his looks. His one . . .

Past presidential punditry
Lisa Fabrizio
April 19, 2012

As it becomes more and more evident that Mitt Romney will be the Republican presidential nominee, a strange thing is happening; strange as in outlandish, but . . .

Plain speaking
Lisa Fabrizio
April 5, 2012

I was speaking the other day to my friend Charles who's a very intelligent man; in fact, a brilliant polyglot, who opined that the U.S. Constitution, like the . . .

The silent sorority
Lisa Fabrizio
March 22, 2012

For years, there has existed in America what came to be known in the 1960s as 'the silent majority.' This referred to the great number of folks who did not take . . .

Does anyone deserve to lose their rights?
Lisa Fabrizio
March 1, 2012

Short weeks ago, the political world was in welcome upheaval at the news that Barack Obama's latest healthcare fiat was being met with great opposition, . . .

Sex: an inalienable right?
Lisa Fabrizio
February 16, 2012

Of all the hubbub rightly surrounding the healthcare mandate handed down from the imperial throne of Barack Obama, one aspect of this issue has not been . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
January 27, 2012

So let me see if I've got this straight; because being a brainwashed, knuckle-dragging, bitter clinger sometimes makes it hard for me to absorb all of the . . .

Election deceptions
Lisa Fabrizio
January 19, 2012

As often happens in our quadrennial game of presidential pursuit, certain assumptions become accepted by the political cognoscenti by virtue of their very . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
January 4, 2012

It's a weird thing in this country. When it comes to state and local elections, American citizens seem to act in a responsible manner; that is, they actually do . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
December 15, 2011

So what's the deal with Tim Tebow? Is the Denver quarterback a miracle worker, inspirational role-model or the most over-hyped NFL player since Brian Bosworth? . . .

Too much talk?
Lisa Fabrizio
December 1, 2011

As the first primaries draw near, the complaint from both sides of the political aisle is that there are just too many Republican debates. So far there have . . .

The real case against sexual harassment
Lisa Fabrizio
November 10, 2011

Here we go again. A powerful, intelligent and charismatic conservative black man seeks high office in the United States of America, and is subject to the . . .

Occupational therapy
Lisa Fabrizio
October 27, 2011

If you are old enough to remember the so-called "Summer of Love" that was perpetrated on this land by a bunch of bored, spoiled kids and their liberal enablers . . .

To rise and not to rest
Lisa Fabrizio
October 13, 2011

In the news of late are all sorts of accusations concerning hate, prejudice, race-baiting and class warfare. Not surprisingly, these indictments have been . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
September 29, 2011

The vice-presidency of the United States was once infamously compared to "a bucket of warm spit" by the 32nd man to assume that office, John Nance Garner, who . . .

Blown away
Lisa Fabrizio
September 1, 2011

How to handle a hurricane? Well, to heed the non-stop advice available via 24/7 TV coverage, I suppose that the order of business at minimum was to stock up on . . .

They won't believe me
Lisa Fabrizio
August 18, 2011

They Won't Believe Me was a 1947 Alfred Hitchcock movie starring Robert Young as a charming yet roguish hustler whose duplicitous ways finally lead to personal . . .

Red, white & Republican
Lisa Fabrizio
August 5, 2011

Lost in all the debt ceiling hubbub are a few stories which, at first glance seem odd but on further reflection are downright bizarre. One such of these was a  . . .

Runs, hits and errors
Lisa Fabrizio
July 14, 2011

The longest day of the year came and went a few weeks ago and now we are in the midst of its longest week; for baseball fans, that is. And so we are at the All . . .

The bear in the woods
Lisa Fabrizio
June 24, 2011

Way back in 1984 when the Cold War still raged, the re-election campaign of Ronald Reagan ran an ad that cautioned, "There is a bear in the woods. For some . . .

TV turnoff
Lisa Fabrizio
June 9, 2011

Now that summer is nearly here, there are some Americans who will be heading off for weeks away in exotic locations or to endless rounds of golf, unburdened by . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
May 26, 2011

Much has been made about Barack Obama and his outrageous stance on Israel. His demand that she revert to her 1967 borders thereby relinquishing lands won in . . .

How should conservatives view the Osama killing?
Lisa Fabrizio
May 12, 2011

Now that the world's most infamous killer has been taken out of circulation, how should conservatives feel? I mean, apart from the pride in our military and . . .

Sacred cows
Lisa Fabrizio
May 6, 2011

Quickly eclipsed by the precipitous earthly departure of Osama bin Laden, last week's big story was the royal wedding between Kate and William of Great Britain, . . .

Why not Santorum?
Lisa Fabrizio
April 28, 2011

I've always subscribed to the notion that, by and large, the leaders most admired by the American people are those who speak plainly; that is, they represent . . .

American Mastery
Lisa Fabrizio
April 14, 2011

I'm not the most ardent or knowledgeable golf fan in the world, but my husband is. And so it was that he and his friends were in the unenviable position of . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
April 1, 2011

The war on organized religion usually manifests itself in battles around Christian holidays like Christmas and Easter, yet minor skirmishes abound at other . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
March 10, 2011

I read with interest somewhere that last Tuesday was National Sportsmanship Day, as advanced by a group called the Institute for International Sport, with an . . .

Union blues
Lisa Fabrizio
February 25, 2011

Back in the good old days, if you weren't a union supporter, you were un-American. Those of a certain age remember movies like Norma Rae, where poor, . . .

American love
Lisa Fabrizio
February 17, 2011

I have a sister who's around a decade younger than me. One day, a few years ago, we were discussing the presidency of Ronald Reagan when she made a most . . .

Evicting Jesus?
Lisa Fabrizio
February 4, 2011

I have often written that the reason some folks persist in calling themselves Catholic is to be ready when reporters from the New York Times come to call. . . .

Gone to the devil
Lisa Fabrizio
January 20, 2011

In a reading group I belong to, we studied the first monks to go out into the Egyptian desert in the 2nd and 3rd centuries. We read of heroic men and women who . . .

A few grown men
Lisa Fabrizio
January 14, 2011

Anyone who reads this column knows I am no fan of modern culture with its crudity, inanity and especially the constant noise which blots out the desire for all . . .

Truth or consequences
Lisa Fabrizio
January 6, 2011

Two thousand years ago, one man said to another, "For this I was born and for this I came into the world; to testify to the truth. Everyone who belongs to the . . .

A liberal carol -- Part II
Lisa Fabrizio
December 24, 2010

Sometime during the night — he was never sure when, since the clock in his office ever-after remained at twelve midnight — he was awakened by what . . .

A liberal carol
Lisa Fabrizio
December 16, 2010

Liberalism was dead; as dead as a doornail. This must be distinctly understood, or nothing wonderful can come of the story I am going to relate. The problem was . . .

Happy Holydays
Lisa Fabrizio
December 3, 2010

The conclusion of Thanksgiving, originally a day of solemn acknowledgement that all that we have that is good is a gift from God, brings us to the celebration . . .

Nothing but grit
Lisa Fabrizio
November 25, 2010

While watching a football game last week I noticed with interest the PR campaign surrounding the release of the remake of the 1969 classic, True Grit. It was at . . .

Deo Gratias
Lisa Fabrizio
November 18, 2010

We've come to a weird place in the history of our nation. With the advent of the Tea Party movement has come a neo-nascent appreciation for our founding . . .

A Grander Old Party
Lisa Fabrizio
November 11, 2010

Not a day. Not even for one day were conservatives allowed to bask in the glow of the tremendous victory of last Tuesday. No sooner had the Democrats delayed . . .

Some 'splainin' to do
Lisa Fabrizio
October 28, 2010

Hopefully, a week from today all of conservative America — nearly half of the country according to pollsters — will be in the warm embrace of a . . .

From apathy to action
Lisa Fabrizio
October 21, 2010

Every few decades or so, the electorate of our nation manages to produce leaders who almost immediately prove to be so disastrously inept, that many Americans . . .

Independence for the Constitution State?
Lisa Fabrizio
October 6, 2010

The other night in my hometown of Stamford, Connecticut, I had the fortune to be in the audience for a marvelous local production of 1776; a show which, in its . . .

November Song
Lisa Fabrizio
September 30, 2010

Many of you may be familiar with the haunting American pop standard, "September Song." It was written by Kurt Weill and Maxwell Anderson as a vehicle for the . . .

Cafeteria constitutionalists
Lisa Fabrizio
September 24, 2010

Those of us who are faithful Catholics have the misfortune of coexisting with those of our brethren who are not in communion with all the teachings of the . . .

Ready for their close-ups
Lisa Fabrizio
September 17, 2010

The other night, I happened to flip on Turner Classic Movies and came upon a film called The Student Prince in Old Heidelberg. This was a silent version of a . . .

The islands of lost boys
Lisa Fabrizio
September 2, 2010

Most people live on a lonely island, Lost in the middle of a foggy sea. Most people long for another island, One where they know they will like to be. So . . .

Advice from the ledge
Lisa Fabrizio
August 26, 2010

It's really not a great time to be a Democrat. The economy remains, for the most part, as depressed as the millions of Americans who cannot find work, while . . .

What's broken
Lisa Fabrizio
August 12, 2010

For those of you who can idly pass these dog days of summer contentedly dozing on a beach, letting the soft hot breezes flip the pages of the book beside you . . .

Created equal
Lisa Fabrizio
August 5, 2010

As the winds of prevailing opinion blow, I would seem to be a pretty vile individual. I am a faithful Catholic which, in the eyes of most liberals, makes me a . . .

A paean to the printed page
Lisa Fabrizio
July 29, 2010

When you are a child, little things make a big impression on you. One of the first things I can remember as a little girl was huge. My father was always . . .

How to party in November
Lisa Fabrizio
July 22, 2010

It had to happen. The Tea Partiers — a term which covers a whole range of folks from conservatives to libertarians whose uniting commonality is a biting . . .

Hot fun in the summertime
Lisa Fabrizio
July 15, 2010

Summertime means many things to many people. For some it's time for a few days to get together with family and friends to beat the heat; to others it represents . . .

War of words
Lisa Fabrizio
July 2, 2010

As we know, the world of political journalism has radically changed in the post-WWII decades. The methods, the tone and the very role of media have morphed over . . .

The world's game, but not mine
Lisa Fabrizio
June 17, 2010

Now I'm not one to complain, but right in the middle of a fine baseball season, one replete with triple plays, perfect games and a heckuva start by the . . .

Reagan days
Lisa Fabrizio
June 4, 2010

When I wrote last week that I was encouraged by recent events in the Northeast — particularly the potential purpling of some of the truest, bluest states — . . .

A tale of three states
Lisa Fabrizio
May 27, 2010

Folks outside of the Northeast have long been perplexed by an apparent electoral anomaly; for years, these states that consistently send liberals to congress . . .

The blame game
Lisa Fabrizio
May 21, 2010

Regardless of what you may read in the papers or see on TV, these are not the best of days for Barack Obama and his administration; double digit unemployment, . . .

Speaking of sports
Lisa Fabrizio
May 13, 2010

The late Howard Cosell is reported to once have opined that "Sports is the toy department of life;" meaning that watching sports was a way to slip into a . . .

Return to Hollywood
Lisa Fabrizio
April 29, 2010

It's not often that I write a column in answer to feedback from a previous one, but last week's piece on Hollywood generated a great deal of criticism. And . . .

All about Hollywood
Lisa Fabrizio
April 23, 2010

The other day, a friend of mine asked if I had seen a recent broadcast of All About Eve on TV. We laughed as we recalled how many times we'd seen the flick and . . .

The view from the left
Lisa Fabrizio
April 18, 2010

We find ourselves in the midst of the latest leftist media attempt to explain to us exactly who and what we conservatives are. You know the drill; racist, . . .

Fear itself
Lisa Fabrizio
April 1, 2010

So, mean right-winger Tea Partiers are hurting the feelings of our sainted elected officials in Washington. There are rumors of intimidation, death threats and, . . .

Vive la différence
Lisa Fabrizio
March 25, 2010

I'm so confused. Whenever I've entered the voting booth, I foolishly believed that I was in there in order to elect a representative to conduct the business of . . .

Aborting healthcare reform
Lisa Fabrizio
March 18, 2010

And so it comes down to this: President Obama wants his signature healthcare reform bill passed this week, no matter what; whether or not the American people . . .

The gales of November
Lisa Fabrizio
March 11, 2010

As each day goes by, the ink of the headlines themselves seem to grow darker in bold desperation; "The Time to Debate Healthcare is Over," declares President . . .

The perils of progress
Lisa Fabrizio
February 24, 2010

For months we've been bombarded from both sides of the political aisle with the idea that when it comes to healthcare, and nearly anything else in Washington, . . .

The summer game
Lisa Fabrizio
February 18, 2010

Now that the NFL season is thankfully behind us with all of its macho violence and general inanity, we can finally look forward to the end of winter. While I . . .

Super Bowl beefs
Lisa Fabrizio
February 11, 2010

I'm as big a sports fan as the next person when it comes to my favorite teams. And I've had some good luck rooting for the Yankees and my homestate Huskies of . . .

Are some Americans more equal than others?
Lisa Fabrizio
January 28, 2010

All men are created equal. This was the noble sentiment expressed by our founders at the birth of our nation; a statement of a religious truth yes, but also a . . .

Are some Americans more equal than others?
Lisa Fabrizio
January 20, 2010

All men are created equal. This was the noble sentiment expressed by our founders at the birth of our nation; a statement of a religious truth yes, but also a . . .

The Catholic case for immigration reform
Lisa Fabrizio
January 14, 2010

Servant of God, Bishop Fulton Sheen, once said, "There are not more than 100 people in the world who truly hate the Catholic Church, but there are millions who . . .

Tinseltown nostalgia
Lisa Fabrizio
January 7, 2010

Now that the holidays are over, many of us must return to the wintery world of work without the warmth of those lucky enough to holiday in Hawaii. Despite its . . .

Ten years in the life of a nation
Lisa Fabrizio
January 2, 2010

It seems like only yesterday that old Ross Perot was waving bye-bye and making a beeline into his private bunker to avoid the certain doom that surely awaited . . .

Twas the night before Christmas -- 2009
Lisa Fabrizio
December 24, 2009

If you're like me, you're not at all surprised by the holiday gifts doled out by Harry Reid and friends in order to give the ultimate legacy-saving present to . . .

Nuptial disagreements
Lisa Fabrizio
December 16, 2009

The latest allegations by numerous women involved in the Tiger Woods flap took many folks by surprise, including me. I bought into his external show of . . .

Yes, Virginia
Lisa Fabrizio
December 10, 2009

When we talk, as we are forced to do every year, about the 'war on Christmas,' we generally focus on the efforts of the ACLU and their ilk to continue their . . .

The lady and the tiger
Lisa Fabrizio
December 3, 2009

So a man and his wife have some kind of falling out late in the evening after a long and claustrophobic Thanksgiving Day and he, in a pique of frustration, . . .

Plain talk
Lisa Fabrizio
November 25, 2009

Today's world can be quite a confusing place. It was only short decades ago that everyone woke up in the morning and knew exactly who and what they were. If you . . .

We win, they lose
Lisa Fabrizio
November 12, 2009

Another week in the life of our nation sweeps by, and with it comes more evidence that the gloom and doom which has enveloped conservatives for the past year . . .

Scouting report
Lisa Fabrizio
November 5, 2009

When the first nip of chill is in the air and the trees become enflamed with the beauty of God's love, one's mind naturally turns to baseball; specifically the . . .

The friend of my enemy is whom?
Lisa Fabrizio
October 15, 2009

They say you are known by the company you keep and boy, what a rollercoaster ride the past few months have been for President Obama and friends. It started . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
October 8, 2009

One of the few good upshots of the thrashing conservatives took on Election Day 2008 is that we now get to be on offense nearly all the time; to challenge the . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
October 1, 2009

Short months ago, the first real taste of warm weather blew gently across the Northeast and the sight of blossoming trees with their explosions of brilliant . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
September 23, 2009

Last week, former president Jimmy Carter, sounding much like a man desperate to reclaim his relevance in a world that's passed him by, told NBC News: "I think . . .

The limits of self-hate
Lisa Fabrizio
September 9, 2009

It started decades ago in this country; the hammering away at the notion that ours is a noble and commendable history. From the demonization of Christopher . . .

Teddy Kennedy: history lessons
Lisa Fabrizio
September 3, 2009

In the wake of the death of Senator Edward Kennedy, many verbal monuments have been erected to his memory. During the days-long outburst of love from a truly . . .

A tribute to Martha
Lisa Fabrizio
August 27, 2009

It was often said of George W. Bush that he was one of the most polarizing figures in this country. Of course, this was said mostly by his enemies and referred . . .

Man bites dog
Lisa Fabrizio
August 19, 2009

The strange and sad case of Michael Vick got a bit stranger this week when the newly-signed Eagles quarterback appeared on 60 Minutes — complete with a . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
August 13, 2009

It has been difficult to decipher some of the Beltway buzzwords in use now that Democrats are in firm control of our national government. Of course it's . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
August 5, 2009

News was made last week in the sleepy village of Cooperstown, NY at the annual induction ceremonies at the Baseball Hall of Fame. As the former stars of the . . .

Calling all new Americans
Lisa Fabrizio
July 29, 2009

The news from Washington, DC has not been good for the president and his party this week. With his personal approval numbers dipping below 50 per cent for the . . .

Truth and heresy
Lisa Fabrizio
July 23, 2009

What faithful, practicing Catholic does not cringe when he hears the Kennedys referred to as "one of the United States' most prominent Roman Catholic families?" . . .

Polling the Constitution
Lisa Fabrizio
July 16, 2009

Once again, all those who pay attention to national politics turn their eyes to Washington to witness the Senate confirmation hearings of a U.S. Supreme Court . . .

Doin' what comes natur'lly
Lisa Fabrizio
July 9, 2009

Lots of folks were astounded and confounded by Sarah Palin's sudden announcement that she was resigning her post as the Governor of Alaska a year and a half . . .

The Gilded Age
Lisa Fabrizio
July 1, 2009

Having concluded my nuptial celebration last week, my new hubby and I embarked on a short but welcome retreat up the Hudson River in New York. We chose a small . . .

Runs, hits, and errors
Lisa Fabrizio
June 17, 2009

This past week saw the second round of Interleague baseball and, as usual here in the New York metro area, the sparks as well as the horsehide were flying as . . .

An American quiz
Lisa Fabrizio
June 10, 2009

Is it all over in America? This is a question which has been asked, I suppose, since its founding. It is reported that when Ben Franklin was asked after the . . .

The hits just keep on coming
Lisa Fabrizio
June 3, 2009

Having returned to these fair shores after an overseas trip, the end of which culminated in a total of 13 hours of flight time, it was with a general sense of . . .

Horsehide hangover
Lisa Fabrizio
May 27, 2009

When you're out of the country as I was for the past two weeks, no matter how wonderful your destination or how glorious the sites you visit there, some . . .

Shine the light
Lisa Fabrizio
May 7, 2009

With the coming defection of Arlen Specter to his rightful place in the Democratic Party, all of the talk has centered on how far 'to the right' the Republican . . .

Speaking truth to power
Lisa Fabrizio
April 30, 2009

Some years ago, a priest friend of mine suggested that the legalization of same-sex marriage might be even more morally harmful to our nation than the scourge . . .

A fateful trip
Lisa Fabrizio
April 23, 2009

Only mere months into the Obama presidency and already my head is spinning. Massive chasms of debt, class warfare in the streets, government takeovers of . . .

Barack Obama: a blessing for Catholics?
Lisa Fabrizio
April 16, 2009

In the 1960s, the American Catholic Church, like the rest of the nation, underwent a period of tremendous upheaval. Proceeding from, though not limited to, the . . .

If it's Tuesday, this must be Strasbourg
Lisa Fabrizio
April 9, 2009

Barack Obama is now in the second week of his second overseas tour in less than a year. Not content with being the President of the United States it seems, the . . .

Spring ahead
Lisa Fabrizio
April 1, 2009

(Please refrain from following links until reading the note at the end of this piece.) They say it's always darkest just before the dawn and that every cloud . . .

The MTV president
Lisa Fabrizio
March 26, 2009

In America, those who exude a certain type of attraction or charisma are often christened with the sobriquet of 'rock star.' For those of us who've outgrown the . . .

Clerical errors
Lisa Fabrizio
March 19, 2009

Last week I wrote about the bold incursion against the Catholic Church launched by Connecticut lawmakers who sought to wrest parish financial control from the . . .

Power, politics, and freedom of religion
Lisa Fabrizio
March 11, 2009

The history of the Catholic Church in the state of Connecticut has never been pretty. Until 1818, the Congregational Church was the official religion, and the . . .

Crossing the Delaware
Lisa Fabrizio
March 4, 2009

Despite the temporary elation delivered by a Rush Limbaugh pep talk at CPAC, conservative morale is at an all-time low. Painfully aware of the hold that . . .

Apology psychology
Lisa Fabrizio
February 18, 2009

In the past few weeks we have been treated to a flurry of national apologies. Foul and foolish deeds of various degrees of severity have been owned-up to across . . .

Knitting the defeat of capitalism
Lisa Fabrizio
February 12, 2009

In these recessional times, it is often uncomfortable to watch TV or read the newspapers; especially when we recognize that our fellow citizens are too often . . .

Sacred secularism
Lisa Fabrizio
February 5, 2009

Many folks have pointed out that Barack Obama has been treated by his supporters in and out of the media like a new messiah, the savior, the chosen one. Many . . .

March toward life
Lisa Fabrizio
January 29, 2009

Last week, hundreds of thousands of Americans made their way to Washington, DC, thronging its stately streets and avenues with messages of love and hope. They . . .

Hooray for Hollywood
Lisa Fabrizio
January 21, 2009

My friend Ken, the innkeeper at my favorite bar is a big movie fan as am I, but while 99% of my favorites were made before 1950, he still forks over big bucks . . .

George W. Bush, winner
Lisa Fabrizio
January 14, 2009

Friends, Americans, conservatives; lend me your ears. I come to praise George W. Bush, not to bury him; I'll leave that to our famously unbiased media. Now that . . .

Non compos mentis
Lisa Fabrizio
January 7, 2009

Now that the new year is officially upon us, the time for reflection is over and it behooves us to look ahead. Normally, human nature bids us to do this with . . .

Lisa Fabrizio
December 31, 2008

One of the many gifts that separate men from animals is that of memory. Not the sort that makes a dog shy away from a chair after being hit on the nose with a . . .

A visit from St. Hillary
Lisa Fabrizio
December 25, 2008

With sincerest apologies to Democrats everywhere and, once again, to Clement Clark Moore. Twas the night before Christmas in 2008, All the liberals were . . .

Birds of a feather
Lisa Fabrizio
December 17, 2008

As the year 2008 winds down and President Bush's days in office draw to a close, liberals all over the world are celebrating the Iraq shoe-throwing incident. . . .

State of the unions
Lisa Fabrizio
December 10, 2008

I have a friend named Mike who is a very intelligent and sensible man. He is a strong supporter of lower taxes, the rule of law, the military and especially of . . .

Happy days
Lisa Fabrizio
November 13, 2008

We have just witnessed an historical election to be sure. Not because we have sent a black man to the seat of power, but because a fortuitous confluence of . . .

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Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

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Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

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Gaza’s ancient and modern Jewish History

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How the Communist Comrades Fool Conservatives

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The ailing Francis and his ailing church

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Florida voter fraud case could overturn U.S. House race

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