Lisa Fabrizio
Sacred secularism
By Lisa Fabrizio
Many folks have pointed out that Barack Obama has been treated by his supporters in and out of the media like a new messiah, the savior, the chosen one. Many other folks, including me, thought that this was not only sacrilegious but a case of downright overblown rhetorical politics. Now I'm not so sure.
After witnessing some of the inaugural high-jinks — including the shabby treatment of George W. Bush — I tried to be magnanimous, remembering the relief I felt when the reign of Bill Clinton ended and the GOP had regained the White House. Then I recalled how those of us who supported our 43rd president were scorned as "Bush-bots" and worse.
Well, it's one thing to be a supporter, or even a sycophant, it's quite another to view our Commander-In-Chief as an object of sacred adoration, even for liberals. But convinced as I now am that liberals regard government as their primary religion, the pronouncements of Obama as a God-like figure are right on the money.
At first this worship took the form of a schoolgirl crush, where 21st Century bobbysoxers swooned at his campaign rallies and chesty women jiggled in rapture at the mere sound of his name. This was easy enough to laugh off in this age of comparing people of note to 'rock stars,' where adolescent girls plaster their bedroom walls with beefcake photos of their idols.
But this teenybopper infatuation soon morphed into something more sinister, assuming cult-like qualities. Eerie videos featuring angelic children singing psalms (note the hands crossed over the breast, a traditional prayer posture) to their leader and even more creepy, youths clad in paramilitary gear giving praise to the Big O; chanting inspirational lines like, "Obama's health care plan will simplify paperwork for providers."
After the iconic inauguration festivities, the worship segued into the bizarre, with scads of so-called celebrities making saccharine "pledges" to their Dear One. This truly noxious video features promises "to smile more" and "to never give anyone the finger when I'm driving again." At one point, former NFLer Michael Strahan curiously vows "to consider myself an American, not an African-American." The paean ends with a pledge "to be a servant to our president and to all mankind." One can only take these devout folks at their word and trust that these vows will continue to be fulfilled should a mere mortal assume the throne.
All of this would be humorous were it not so ominous. Those who spent the last eight years reveling in comparisons of George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler, might want to examine the parallels between their sworn devotion to their leader and those of the National Socialists and their use of "religion" as a tool to promote their agenda.
Perhaps the best illustration of this is a new website launched by Norman Lear and his buddies at the Christian-bashing People for the American Way. Now, you'd think that after finally realizing their dream of banishing the GOP from the White House and the majority on Capitol Hill, those on the left would be gracious in victory and leave the Religious Right to lick their wounds. But that's not how our liberal friends operate. To rub further salt into the wound, they've repulsively named their site, Born Again American.
Although its main purpose seems to be promoting a dreary, complaint-rock folk song by Keith Carradine, the site claims that it is, "committed to the rebirth and re-expression of citizenship through informed and thoughtful activism." This activism it seems, would make Hitler and the boys happy, suggesting as it does that citizenship should supersede divine worship: Carradine's bio at the site brags, "my bible is the Bill of Rights."
Even more sickening is a video of Lear delivering an oration on his love for the Declaration of Independence, bemoaning the fact that "you don't feel a lot of sacred honor in our country today." He goes on to call laughter "a spiritual experience," and claims that music and laughter are God's proof that "we are one."
Now call us Christians crazy — our Lord predicted that this would be the case — but we have all the proof we need from God every time we contemplate the Cross, and none of the secular alternatives in the world will ever separate us from that belief. We also believe that those who risked their sacred honor to found this country, would recoil in horror that Americans would someday bow down in homage to its government, and worse, to its president.
© Lisa Fabrizio
February 5, 2009
Many folks have pointed out that Barack Obama has been treated by his supporters in and out of the media like a new messiah, the savior, the chosen one. Many other folks, including me, thought that this was not only sacrilegious but a case of downright overblown rhetorical politics. Now I'm not so sure.
After witnessing some of the inaugural high-jinks — including the shabby treatment of George W. Bush — I tried to be magnanimous, remembering the relief I felt when the reign of Bill Clinton ended and the GOP had regained the White House. Then I recalled how those of us who supported our 43rd president were scorned as "Bush-bots" and worse.
Well, it's one thing to be a supporter, or even a sycophant, it's quite another to view our Commander-In-Chief as an object of sacred adoration, even for liberals. But convinced as I now am that liberals regard government as their primary religion, the pronouncements of Obama as a God-like figure are right on the money.
At first this worship took the form of a schoolgirl crush, where 21st Century bobbysoxers swooned at his campaign rallies and chesty women jiggled in rapture at the mere sound of his name. This was easy enough to laugh off in this age of comparing people of note to 'rock stars,' where adolescent girls plaster their bedroom walls with beefcake photos of their idols.
But this teenybopper infatuation soon morphed into something more sinister, assuming cult-like qualities. Eerie videos featuring angelic children singing psalms (note the hands crossed over the breast, a traditional prayer posture) to their leader and even more creepy, youths clad in paramilitary gear giving praise to the Big O; chanting inspirational lines like, "Obama's health care plan will simplify paperwork for providers."
After the iconic inauguration festivities, the worship segued into the bizarre, with scads of so-called celebrities making saccharine "pledges" to their Dear One. This truly noxious video features promises "to smile more" and "to never give anyone the finger when I'm driving again." At one point, former NFLer Michael Strahan curiously vows "to consider myself an American, not an African-American." The paean ends with a pledge "to be a servant to our president and to all mankind." One can only take these devout folks at their word and trust that these vows will continue to be fulfilled should a mere mortal assume the throne.
All of this would be humorous were it not so ominous. Those who spent the last eight years reveling in comparisons of George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler, might want to examine the parallels between their sworn devotion to their leader and those of the National Socialists and their use of "religion" as a tool to promote their agenda.
Perhaps the best illustration of this is a new website launched by Norman Lear and his buddies at the Christian-bashing People for the American Way. Now, you'd think that after finally realizing their dream of banishing the GOP from the White House and the majority on Capitol Hill, those on the left would be gracious in victory and leave the Religious Right to lick their wounds. But that's not how our liberal friends operate. To rub further salt into the wound, they've repulsively named their site, Born Again American.
Although its main purpose seems to be promoting a dreary, complaint-rock folk song by Keith Carradine, the site claims that it is, "committed to the rebirth and re-expression of citizenship through informed and thoughtful activism." This activism it seems, would make Hitler and the boys happy, suggesting as it does that citizenship should supersede divine worship: Carradine's bio at the site brags, "my bible is the Bill of Rights."
Even more sickening is a video of Lear delivering an oration on his love for the Declaration of Independence, bemoaning the fact that "you don't feel a lot of sacred honor in our country today." He goes on to call laughter "a spiritual experience," and claims that music and laughter are God's proof that "we are one."
Now call us Christians crazy — our Lord predicted that this would be the case — but we have all the proof we need from God every time we contemplate the Cross, and none of the secular alternatives in the world will ever separate us from that belief. We also believe that those who risked their sacred honor to found this country, would recoil in horror that Americans would someday bow down in homage to its government, and worse, to its president.
© Lisa Fabrizio
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