Lisa Fabrizio
We feel your pain
By Lisa Fabrizio
For you young conservatives, the first five years of the Obama presidency must have seemed like a lifetime, with the prospect of three more a thought almost too awful to bear. And it's not hard to see why. It's not just the lies behind Obamacare that rankle, but his broken promises of good-paying jobs and a stronger and more peaceful America that has the respect of other nations around the world, which must daily drive you crazy.
And then there's the shame and embarrassment you must feel when you realize that it is largely your generation who has embraced and emboldened the reign of Barack Obama; how it seems that while you spend most of your time worrying about our country's future, your friends spend theirs idly pursuing the latest video game or iPhone rollout. How you must cringe at the sound of the president's egotistical, teleprompted speeches and recoil at the news of his latest socialist fiats.
They say misery loves company, and so I want you to know that yours is not the first such misery at the hands of leftists. For those of us who grew up in the 1960s, we still have the memory of what this nation was like before the big revolution turned our country upside down; before notions like "never trust anyone over thirty" and "black power" took hold. We recall a time before atheists, communist sympathizers and sexual perverts poisoned our culture. We remember an entire populace who believed in our national motto: In God We Trust. So I say to you young conservatives and you other young adults who may now be on your way to the right side of the political spectrum: we, your older brothers and sisters feel your pain, because we have been here before.
Believe me when I tell you that the four brief years of Jimmy Carter's presidency – the Iran hostage crisis was only a symbol of our national captivity to his towering incompetence – had to be the most interminable period in conservative memory; especially when one considers the two years leading up to it when the national press morphed from unbiased reportage into the homogeneous, left-leaning mass media it has become today. Yes, the Nixon Watergate fiasco was a hugely seminal event in our land, with repercussions which are felt more strongly every day. For without this unhappy transformation, which accounts for the fawning idol-worship and willful incuriosity over Barack Obama's background, it's doubtful that this grossly unqualified man could have gained the White House.
And then there was the eight-year reign of the Clintons; a seemingly endless parade of dirty-dealing and deception, exacerbated by the sight of the press corps shaking their pom-poms during the Impeachment proceedings while virtually ignoring the many other darker and more disgraceful doings of Bill and Hillary. Think of your rage at the media's apparent lack of interest in Benghazi and Fast and Furious and multiply that by a dozen times, and you'll get an idea of how long it took those woefully long 1990s to pass.
But a brighter dawn broke with the new millennium and is about to break over America once more. In the last 30 years or so, the American people have been unusually tolerant of the various foibles of their elected officials; there have been other lies, broken promises and no shortage of immoral and/or illegal acts committed. But Americans are very intolerant when it comes to things that personally affect them. The Democrats, in yet another demonstration of their incredible hubris – and who can really blame them considering they own the media – managed to pass a disaster of a bill that has such far-reaching effects on our national misery-index, that nearly every American family will feel its impact in their lives. In doing so, they have inadvertently let the great genie out of the bottle: big government doesn't work. And this, my friends, bodes very well for 2014 and thereafter.
So, my fellow conservatives, to console yourselves on these cold winter nights when you find yourselves too slow to change the TV channel before viewing another pitch from the Oval Office used car salesman, smile and think about the twelve years of liberal pain during the Reagan/Bush era. Go back and read of liberal entertainers threatening to leave the country if George W. Bush were elected, or enjoy watching Dan Rather's refusal to call Ohio for Bush in 2004. And most of all, as you suffer through the next few years remember: this too shall pass away.
© Lisa Fabrizio
December 12, 2013
For you young conservatives, the first five years of the Obama presidency must have seemed like a lifetime, with the prospect of three more a thought almost too awful to bear. And it's not hard to see why. It's not just the lies behind Obamacare that rankle, but his broken promises of good-paying jobs and a stronger and more peaceful America that has the respect of other nations around the world, which must daily drive you crazy.
And then there's the shame and embarrassment you must feel when you realize that it is largely your generation who has embraced and emboldened the reign of Barack Obama; how it seems that while you spend most of your time worrying about our country's future, your friends spend theirs idly pursuing the latest video game or iPhone rollout. How you must cringe at the sound of the president's egotistical, teleprompted speeches and recoil at the news of his latest socialist fiats.
They say misery loves company, and so I want you to know that yours is not the first such misery at the hands of leftists. For those of us who grew up in the 1960s, we still have the memory of what this nation was like before the big revolution turned our country upside down; before notions like "never trust anyone over thirty" and "black power" took hold. We recall a time before atheists, communist sympathizers and sexual perverts poisoned our culture. We remember an entire populace who believed in our national motto: In God We Trust. So I say to you young conservatives and you other young adults who may now be on your way to the right side of the political spectrum: we, your older brothers and sisters feel your pain, because we have been here before.
Believe me when I tell you that the four brief years of Jimmy Carter's presidency – the Iran hostage crisis was only a symbol of our national captivity to his towering incompetence – had to be the most interminable period in conservative memory; especially when one considers the two years leading up to it when the national press morphed from unbiased reportage into the homogeneous, left-leaning mass media it has become today. Yes, the Nixon Watergate fiasco was a hugely seminal event in our land, with repercussions which are felt more strongly every day. For without this unhappy transformation, which accounts for the fawning idol-worship and willful incuriosity over Barack Obama's background, it's doubtful that this grossly unqualified man could have gained the White House.
And then there was the eight-year reign of the Clintons; a seemingly endless parade of dirty-dealing and deception, exacerbated by the sight of the press corps shaking their pom-poms during the Impeachment proceedings while virtually ignoring the many other darker and more disgraceful doings of Bill and Hillary. Think of your rage at the media's apparent lack of interest in Benghazi and Fast and Furious and multiply that by a dozen times, and you'll get an idea of how long it took those woefully long 1990s to pass.
But a brighter dawn broke with the new millennium and is about to break over America once more. In the last 30 years or so, the American people have been unusually tolerant of the various foibles of their elected officials; there have been other lies, broken promises and no shortage of immoral and/or illegal acts committed. But Americans are very intolerant when it comes to things that personally affect them. The Democrats, in yet another demonstration of their incredible hubris – and who can really blame them considering they own the media – managed to pass a disaster of a bill that has such far-reaching effects on our national misery-index, that nearly every American family will feel its impact in their lives. In doing so, they have inadvertently let the great genie out of the bottle: big government doesn't work. And this, my friends, bodes very well for 2014 and thereafter.
So, my fellow conservatives, to console yourselves on these cold winter nights when you find yourselves too slow to change the TV channel before viewing another pitch from the Oval Office used car salesman, smile and think about the twelve years of liberal pain during the Reagan/Bush era. Go back and read of liberal entertainers threatening to leave the country if George W. Bush were elected, or enjoy watching Dan Rather's refusal to call Ohio for Bush in 2004. And most of all, as you suffer through the next few years remember: this too shall pass away.
© Lisa Fabrizio
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