Lisa Fabrizio
Doin' what comes natur'lly
By Lisa Fabrizio
Lots of folks were astounded and confounded by Sarah Palin's sudden announcement that she was resigning her post as the Governor of Alaska a year and a half early. While the reaction from the mainstream media represent the all-out attack mode we've come to expect, it seems she's taking what amounts to formerly-friendly fire from those on the right. Compelled by mysterious forces to fill their bylines and airspace with negative commentary, they seem eager to jump on the 'dump Sarah' bandwagon and label her a "quitter" and worse.
Would that such vitriol were aimed at the true enemies of the conservative movement; our leftist President and his socialist yes-men in Congress. Apparently this rifle-toting, hockey mom from nowhere-ville has been abandoned by all those who really matter: except for the millions of Americans who make up the conservative electorate, who love her lack of citified manners and adore her homespun charm.
But take heart lovers of liberty; there was once another pistol-packin' mama who wowed them out in the sticks before bringing her act to the big city and making good. But just like Annie Oakley, I'm betting that Alaska's Little Miss Sure Shot will prevail simply by Doin' What Comes Natur'lly:
Folks are numb where I come from
Because the weather's frigid;
But they melt when they see me
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
If you roam just east of Nome
You'll find the common people;
There won't be a Mitt Romney
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
You don't have to kow-tow or be polite
When you're out rubbing noses with the wing that's right;
You don't have to roll out a poll to find
What they think of the country or what's on their mind.
That comes natur'lly!
(That comes natur'lly!)
Old Karl Rove the Texan
Is sore as he can be;
He said that I'm perplexin'
With my "risky strategy."
Girls like me will never see
An Ivy League diploma;
Bill Buckley you needn't be,
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
Freddie Barnes is up in arms,
He says that I'm a quitter;
Unlike me, he's GOP
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
You don't need refinement or a prim cachet
When you talk to the people of the USA;
You don't need advisors or fancy charts
To appeal to the voters and what's in their hearts.
That comes natur'lly!
(That comes natur'lly!)
The RINOs and the spineless
We sent to do our will,
Have got us in this fine mess;
We can only go uphill!
Juneau's grand but I can't stand
To see those liberals grinnin';
Stick with me, we'll free DC
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
Can't you see that Pelosi
A-fumin' and a-fussin',
Lose the House majority
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
You don't need a think-tank to present your facts
To show that the liberals want to spend and tax;
You don't need to orate with a Yalie's skill
To point out that the answer is to cut and drill.
That comes natur'lly!
(That comes natur'lly!)
The mainstream press is sweatin'
Their poison pens can't wait;
The punditry is bettin'
I won't fish but just cut bait.
Three more years and they'll be tears
A-flowin' round the Beltway;
When they see Jindal and me
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
© Lisa Fabrizio
July 9, 2009
Lots of folks were astounded and confounded by Sarah Palin's sudden announcement that she was resigning her post as the Governor of Alaska a year and a half early. While the reaction from the mainstream media represent the all-out attack mode we've come to expect, it seems she's taking what amounts to formerly-friendly fire from those on the right. Compelled by mysterious forces to fill their bylines and airspace with negative commentary, they seem eager to jump on the 'dump Sarah' bandwagon and label her a "quitter" and worse.
Would that such vitriol were aimed at the true enemies of the conservative movement; our leftist President and his socialist yes-men in Congress. Apparently this rifle-toting, hockey mom from nowhere-ville has been abandoned by all those who really matter: except for the millions of Americans who make up the conservative electorate, who love her lack of citified manners and adore her homespun charm.
But take heart lovers of liberty; there was once another pistol-packin' mama who wowed them out in the sticks before bringing her act to the big city and making good. But just like Annie Oakley, I'm betting that Alaska's Little Miss Sure Shot will prevail simply by Doin' What Comes Natur'lly:
Folks are numb where I come from
Because the weather's frigid;
But they melt when they see me
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
If you roam just east of Nome
You'll find the common people;
There won't be a Mitt Romney
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
You don't have to kow-tow or be polite
When you're out rubbing noses with the wing that's right;
You don't have to roll out a poll to find
What they think of the country or what's on their mind.
That comes natur'lly!
(That comes natur'lly!)
Old Karl Rove the Texan
Is sore as he can be;
He said that I'm perplexin'
With my "risky strategy."
Girls like me will never see
An Ivy League diploma;
Bill Buckley you needn't be,
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
Freddie Barnes is up in arms,
He says that I'm a quitter;
Unlike me, he's GOP
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
You don't need refinement or a prim cachet
When you talk to the people of the USA;
You don't need advisors or fancy charts
To appeal to the voters and what's in their hearts.
That comes natur'lly!
(That comes natur'lly!)
The RINOs and the spineless
We sent to do our will,
Have got us in this fine mess;
We can only go uphill!
Juneau's grand but I can't stand
To see those liberals grinnin';
Stick with me, we'll free DC
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
Can't you see that Pelosi
A-fumin' and a-fussin',
Lose the House majority
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
You don't need a think-tank to present your facts
To show that the liberals want to spend and tax;
You don't need to orate with a Yalie's skill
To point out that the answer is to cut and drill.
That comes natur'lly!
(That comes natur'lly!)
The mainstream press is sweatin'
Their poison pens can't wait;
The punditry is bettin'
I won't fish but just cut bait.
Three more years and they'll be tears
A-flowin' round the Beltway;
When they see Jindal and me
Doin' what comes natur'lly!
(Doin' what comes natur'lly!)
© Lisa Fabrizio
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