Lisa Fabrizio
March toward life
By Lisa Fabrizio
Last week, hundreds of thousands of Americans made their way to Washington, DC, thronging its stately streets and avenues with messages of love and hope. They came from diverse backgrounds and represented a variety of age groups, but the majority of them were young people, filled with adoration for the Anointed One. They came together to pledge themselves to do his bidding despite the best efforts of his adversaries.
Were these joyous people in DC for Martin Luther King Day? Had they gathered to offer homage to newly inaugurated President Barack Obama? Actually, they converged on our nation's capital to celebrate life and fight for its protection in this country. And although you'd never know it from watching the network news or reading the major newspapers, the participants in the 36th annual March for Life comprise the most attended annual event in Washington.
As is usual for those whose message is one that the media finds unpleasant, pro-lifers are ignored or arrogantly dismissed as kooks or worse; religious freaks. Yet, to those gathered to defend life, it is the Obama worshippers and MLK celebrants whose priorities are skewed: there can be no hope or equality in a nation that allows its future to be sacrificed on the altar of convenience.
And so they gather each year to make their voices heard, ending their march at the steps of the Supreme Court building, over whose portal are the words: "Equal Justice Under Law." At this site, where the right to abortion was arrogantly and illegally injected by unelected judges into our U.S. Constitution, they appeal to their fellow Americans for equal justice for their future countrymen, and ask God for his forgiveness.
Among those speaking to the crowd was Dr. Alveda King, a woman who does not celebrate her uncle Martin's birthday with empty platitudes or sugary testimonials. Instead, she speaks bluntly and truthfully:
We too should weep when our president shows the ultimate respect for the lives of terrorists at Gitmo by conferring on them the protection of our precious constitutional rights, but none for the innocents for whom that document was specifically written; namely "ourselves and our posterity." And no one was surprised when he signed an Executive Order that rescinded the Mexico City policy, which restricted foreign aid money to NGOs that perform abortions.
But it is not only the Executive and Legislative branches of our government that are feeding our national culture of death. Which brings us to the recent pronunciation by the Speaker of the House of the United States of America: that federally financed birth control and abortion will help the economy. Were this idiocy not so representative of the quality of our elected leadership, it would be astounding. As it is, even the White House has distanced itself from this lunacy, which is not even worthy of further comment.
And just over the bleak horizon, our government may soon give us the Freedom of Choice Act, a truly repulsively-named piece of legislation aimed at taking the individual states out of the process of limiting abortion. It aims to do legally what the courts did illegally: make abortion-on-demand the law of the land. All of this — God, help us — in the name of so-called women's reproductive health.
Barack Obama has followed into office the most pro-life president since the dark stain of legalized abortion was visited on this land. And if some of his campaign rhetoric is to be believed, he is nearly George W. Bush's polar opposite on this issue; famously saying that if his daughters "make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."
When all who fight for life mourn the millions of lives lost in the past 36 years, let us also grieve for those born in that span who have been brainwashed into thinking that abortion is somehow beneficial to this country or to American motherhood. Let us pray that the day never comes when President Obama needs to explain to his two little girls that their precious lives were the result of punishment.
© Lisa Fabrizio
January 29, 2009
Last week, hundreds of thousands of Americans made their way to Washington, DC, thronging its stately streets and avenues with messages of love and hope. They came from diverse backgrounds and represented a variety of age groups, but the majority of them were young people, filled with adoration for the Anointed One. They came together to pledge themselves to do his bidding despite the best efforts of his adversaries.
Were these joyous people in DC for Martin Luther King Day? Had they gathered to offer homage to newly inaugurated President Barack Obama? Actually, they converged on our nation's capital to celebrate life and fight for its protection in this country. And although you'd never know it from watching the network news or reading the major newspapers, the participants in the 36th annual March for Life comprise the most attended annual event in Washington.
As is usual for those whose message is one that the media finds unpleasant, pro-lifers are ignored or arrogantly dismissed as kooks or worse; religious freaks. Yet, to those gathered to defend life, it is the Obama worshippers and MLK celebrants whose priorities are skewed: there can be no hope or equality in a nation that allows its future to be sacrificed on the altar of convenience.
And so they gather each year to make their voices heard, ending their march at the steps of the Supreme Court building, over whose portal are the words: "Equal Justice Under Law." At this site, where the right to abortion was arrogantly and illegally injected by unelected judges into our U.S. Constitution, they appeal to their fellow Americans for equal justice for their future countrymen, and ask God for his forgiveness.
Among those speaking to the crowd was Dr. Alveda King, a woman who does not celebrate her uncle Martin's birthday with empty platitudes or sugary testimonials. Instead, she speaks bluntly and truthfully:
Oh, God, what would Martin Luther King, Jr., who dreamed of having his children judged by the content of their characters do if he'd lived to see the contents of thousands of children's skulls emptied into the bottomless caverns of the abortionists pits?
We too should weep when our president shows the ultimate respect for the lives of terrorists at Gitmo by conferring on them the protection of our precious constitutional rights, but none for the innocents for whom that document was specifically written; namely "ourselves and our posterity." And no one was surprised when he signed an Executive Order that rescinded the Mexico City policy, which restricted foreign aid money to NGOs that perform abortions.
But it is not only the Executive and Legislative branches of our government that are feeding our national culture of death. Which brings us to the recent pronunciation by the Speaker of the House of the United States of America: that federally financed birth control and abortion will help the economy. Were this idiocy not so representative of the quality of our elected leadership, it would be astounding. As it is, even the White House has distanced itself from this lunacy, which is not even worthy of further comment.
And just over the bleak horizon, our government may soon give us the Freedom of Choice Act, a truly repulsively-named piece of legislation aimed at taking the individual states out of the process of limiting abortion. It aims to do legally what the courts did illegally: make abortion-on-demand the law of the land. All of this — God, help us — in the name of so-called women's reproductive health.
Barack Obama has followed into office the most pro-life president since the dark stain of legalized abortion was visited on this land. And if some of his campaign rhetoric is to be believed, he is nearly George W. Bush's polar opposite on this issue; famously saying that if his daughters "make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby."
When all who fight for life mourn the millions of lives lost in the past 36 years, let us also grieve for those born in that span who have been brainwashed into thinking that abortion is somehow beneficial to this country or to American motherhood. Let us pray that the day never comes when President Obama needs to explain to his two little girls that their precious lives were the result of punishment.
© Lisa Fabrizio
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