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May 9, 2022
RUMBLE — Ted Cruz strikes again, and you need to see it! The Texas senator recites actions by Democrats that contributed to the unprecedented recent leak of the Supreme Court's "draft opinion" in the current abortion-related case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which concerns the constitutionality of a 2018 state law banning most abortions in Mississippi.... (more)

May 9, 2022
LINDA GOUDSMIT — Election integrity and freedom of speech are the two most basic requirements for a democracy—that is, a government by the people, exercised directly or through elected representatives. The 2020 United States presidential election breached them both. Unprecedented in U.S. election history, Democrat-run cities in battleground states suspended vote-counting, and then mysteriously resumed with drastically changed trajectories of the vote count. 2000 mules... (more)

May 9, 2022
WORLDNETDAILY — It's likely few people still believe newspapers are neutral providers of "news," after the legacy media's agenda to suppress bad information about the Biden family's international business schemes and portray everything President Trump accomplished as bad over recent years. The few who still held on to that ideal now likely are having their beliefs shattered, as the Denver Post has given up any pretense of neutrality with an article that promotes abortion, and directs readers where to donate money for the operations of the lucrative industry.... (more)

May 9, 2022
PJ MEDIA — I'm so glad we all know what the theme of this summer's riots will be and can finally start our shopping and planning! To no one's surprise, Leftist brownshirts have quickly spasmed from caterwauling to committing terrorism in their quest to interfere with the official business of the Supreme Court. And anyone else who dares to hold pro-life views had better watch their back, too.... (more)

May 9, 2022
JOSEPH FARAH — With the release of the film "2000 Mules," the overwhelming evidence, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the 2000 election was stolen, rigged and covered up becomes clear for all to see. There were countless acts of "insurrection" involved. Democrats were successful at committing treason. It was a coup d'etat. It was an outright act of rebellion, a successful revolution, an overthrow not just of a democratic election but a coordinated effort to defraud even the Founding Fathers of this great country.... (more)

May 9, 2022
JACK DAVIS — Twitter employees reading the tea leaves as they try to discern the future in an Elon Musk-owned company received some bad news last week. Musk recently prepared a presentation for investors, known as a pitch deck, that outlines some of the moves he's planning for the social media giant, according to The New York Times.... (more)

May 8, 2022
NBC NEWS — Georgia's top election official said Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene will remain on the GOP primary ballot following a judge's ruling earlier Friday that rejected a bid to remove her over actions tied to the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. "In this case, Challengers assert that Representative Greene's political statements and actions disqualify her from office. That is rightfully a question for the voters of Georgia's 14th Congressional District," Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said in a decision upholding an administrative law judge's ruling.... (more)

May 8, 2022
PJ MEDIA — INews, an independent news source in the UK, is reporting that a network of former Soviet sanatoriums and other sites in regions including Siberia, the Caucasus, the Arctic Circle, and the Far East, are housing Ukrainians forcibly removed from their homeland. Some of the camps are up to 5,500 miles from Ukraine. Moscow had ordered towns and cities across Russia to prepare for the arrival of nearly 100,000 "refugees." The Russian government now claims it has "evacuated" one million people from the war zone. Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said in April that 500,000 Ukrainians had been sent to Russia.... (more)

May 7, 2022
PJ MEDIA — When Hunter Biden entered John Paul Mac Isaac's computer repair shop, he reeked of alcohol and entitlement. He was carrying three MacBook Pros, and even though it was 6:50 p.m. and Mac Isaac's business, The Mac Shop in Wilmington, Del., closed at seven, he expected full service. Mac Isaac, who is publishing an entire book, American Injustice: My Battle to Expose the Truth, about Hunter's laptop and his ordeal over being accused of disseminating Russian disinformation, has now revealed exactly what happened on that fateful night.... (more)

May 7, 2022
REV. MARK H. CREECH — There is a book I came upon years ago simply titled Mothers. The volume gives short biographies of the mothers of one hundred prominent men and women of various time periods and nationalities. Their names were chosen somewhat at random and are household names like Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Fidel Castro, Benjamin Franklin, Adolph Hitler, John F. Kennedy, Abraham Lincoln, Vladimir Lenin, Florence Nightingale, Josef Stalin, etc.... (more)

May 5, 2022
YAHOO — Ukraine deputy defense minister Hanna Malyar recently described how Western arms supplies are safeguarded from Russian interference. She also noted that information on the volume, pace, and types of supplies of Western weapons to Ukraine – in particular through the newly approved lend lease program – is classified.... (more)

May 5, 2022
YOUTUBE — With the Russian invasion of Ukraine now 2 1/2 months old, people throughout the world are concerned about where it will all end – and what devastation still lies ahead. With such thoughts in mind, here is a God-centered song by veteran country music group Diamond Rio that puts all earthly things into perspective.... (more)

May 5, 2022
JERRY NEWCOMBE — President Biden has more than his share of gaffes. But he made a remark last week on education, as he and his wife Jill hosted a Teacher of the Year event at the White House. It was not a gaffe. Biden said to teachers: "They're not somebody else's children. They're yours when you're in the classroom." Excuse me? Teachers suddenly supplant the children's parents when the school bell rings? The left doesn't get it. They really do think the state owns the children.... (more)

May 5, 2022
NEWSMAX — Journalists and attendees from Saturday night's White House Correspondents' Dinner have started testing positive for COVID-19, the Daily Mail reported. During the event, President Joe Biden gave a speech declaring: "We're here to show the country that we're getting through this pandemic. Plus, everyone had to prove they were fully vaccinated and boosted."... (more)

May 4, 2022
NEWSMAX — The United States helped the Ukrainian armed forces kill "many" of the Russian generals who have died in combat during the Russia-Ukraine war, through the sharing of intelligence, anonymous senior American officials told The New York Times.... (more)

May 4, 2022
TIMES UNION — She stood in just her bathrobe in the freezing basement of the Mariupol theater, coated in white plaster dust shaken loose by the explosion. Her husband tugged at her to leave and begged her to cover her eyes. But she couldn't help it – Oksana Syomina looked. And to this day, she wishes she hadn't. Bodies were strewn everywhere, including those of children. By the main exit, a little girl lay still on the floor.... (more)

May 4, 2022
HOLLYWOOD IN TOTO — Dinesh D'Souza's brand is easy to spot after five successful features. His documentaries are conservative op-eds, brimming with fiery attacks on progressive leaders and principles. Critics pounced, and seized, on them, revealing liberal biases in the process. Still, a D'Souza film had a distinct feel, recognizable to those on both sides of the ideological aisle. "2000 Mules" is different, radically so in almost every way except one. You'll never hear the arguments made by the film in the media or other traditional ecosystems.... (more)

May 3, 2022
LIFE SITE NEWS — The U.S. Supreme Court has confirmed the authenticity of a leaked draft opinion by conservative Justice Samuel Alito regarding the overturn of Roe v. Wade, though it stressed that the draft does not reflect a final decision in the case. On Monday evening, Politico published a leak of what appeared to be a draft of a 5-4 majority opinion written by conservative Justice Samuel Alito in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, which concerns a Mississippi law banning abortion at 15 weeks. The opinion indicated that if real and final, the justices have voted 5-4 to finally overturn the 1973 ruling that forced all fifty states to permit legal abortion, as well as 1992's Planned Parenthood v. Casey, which reaffirmed Roe's conclusion while modifying some of its details.... (more)

May 3, 2022
NEW YORK POST — With great power comes great responsibility -- a motto taken to heart by Sony recently, when it defied the demands of the Chinese Communist Party to delete the Statue of Liberty from "Spider-Man: No Way Home" ahead of its release. Apparently, China's censors asked the Japanese entertainment giant if it could cut Lady Liberty from the film's ending, but was rebuffed given the prominence the statue plays in the film's climax, in which the three spidermen swing around one of the world's most identifiable markers of freedom whilst battling supervillians.... (more)

May 3, 2022
SYLVIA THOMPSON — America is finally seeing the result of its total abdication of Christian principles, after having bowed to the homosexual agenda. When two homosexual men, Marshall Kirk and Hunter Madsen, first published After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's and then proceeded to create a masterful psyop on the public, I'm sure the authors never dreamed how far they could go with their scheme.... (more)

May 2, 2022
PETER LEMISKA — It's no secret that Democrats and Republicans have always held opposing views on issues like government spending, welfare programs, and personal responsibility. Over the years, most Democrats and Republicans have gone along with the evolving positions of their respective parties. But just a few short years ago, the Democrat Party began to change dramatically, and has since morphed into a political party that no 20th century American would recognize. What is utterly incomprehensible, though, is that so many party members have blithely followed their leadership down their new pathway -- a pathway leading to socialism and anti-Americanism.... (more)

May 2, 2022
TOWNHALL — In a rare occurrence that shocked Supreme Court observers, a "first draft" of a majority opinion in Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization leaked Monday night that shows the highest court in the country has apparently voted to overturn Roe v. Wade. The nearly 100-page opinion, obtained by POLITICO, is authored by Justice Samuel Alito, a George W. Bush appointee who's served on the Court since 2006. POLITICO, in releasing the leaked draft, admits its emergence is "a rare breach of Supreme Court secrecy and tradition around its deliberations."... (more)

May 2, 2022
NEW YORK POST — A Russian oligarch was forced by Russian President Vladimir Putin's administration into selling his entire stake in the bank he founded after he publicly criticized Russia's war in Ukraine on Instagram last month. Oleg Y. Tinkov, the founder of one of Russia's biggest banks, slammed the Russian government's decision to invade Ukraine as "crazy" in the social media post, in which he said he didn't see any beneficiary to the war and claimed 90 percent of Russians did not support the war.... (more)

May 1, 2022
BREITBART — Nina Jankowicz, the newly-appointed head of the Biden administration's Disinformation Governance Board, told Congress in October 2020 that she saw no role for the federal government in policing disinformation online. "I do not think government should be in that business," she said during testimony before the House Intelligence Committee. Jankowicz, who has since argued for a strong government role in pushing back against "disinformation," was questioned by Rep. Jim Himes (D-CT), who said that his experience growing up in tyrannical countries in Latin America had made him "violently allergic" to governments that claimed to be regulating the flow of information.... (more)

May 1, 2022
JOSEPH FARAH — I'm feeling better about America than I have in a long time – since about 2016, to be exact. Who knew it would be Elon Musk who would deliver us? Nobody else saw the severity of the crisis we faced. Nobody had the wealth to do what he did. Nobody had the vision to do it.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
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