Nathan Tabor
Real racism
By Nathan Tabor
The media lovefest over our new President makes much of the fact that he is the first African-American to hold the highest office in the land. One would expect, then, that the nation's most prominent black leader would pursue policies that would benefit blacks as never before.
However, based on his statements on the campaign trail, it appears that Barack Obama is poised to implement programs that will wreak havoc on the black family — and could, in fact, decimate the African-American population.
For instance, Obama has embraced an old-school liberalism which will put Uncle Sam on a high-octane spending spree, creating massive government programs which will weaken American initiative. Minorities are likely to be especially vulnerable to such strong-arm government tactics. Instead of teaching people how to fend for themselves, the Democrat-in-Chief and Democrats in Congress would rather control them through federal programs of questionable economic value.
Obama told Planned Parenthood in 2007 that the first thing he'd do as President would be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act — a radical piece of legislation which would go beyond Roe versus Wade in declaring abortion to be a fundamental right, such as the right to free speech. Since the Freedom of Choice Act would result in the elimination of virtually all restrictions on abortion, abortion rates under Obama could conceivably skyrocket. African-American women already obtain a disproportionate number of abortions, meaning that the African-American child could be particularly at risk under the Obama Administration. The black genocide, which has already claimed millions of lives since 1973, could escalate.
But blacks are not the only minority group which could suffer under the Democratic regime in Washington. Democratic leaders believe that children must be taught evolution, and they cringe at the common-sense notion of intelligent design. The evolutionary theory promoted by Charles Darwin teaches survival of the fittest. That would place homosexuals at the bottom of the chain, since they cannot procreate. Under evolution, they are destined to die out, forced out of existence by the heterosexuals who can procreate.
The idea that our nation's Democratic leaders are anti-black, anti-minority, and anti-homosexual is an inconvenient truth. It is uncomfortable to read because it is uncomfortable to write. But, as an old adage goes, the truth will make you free. Only when Democrats confront their own bigoted demons can true progress begin, can we finally heal as a nation.
For Barack Obama to be the uniter he claims to be, he must confront the Democratic old guard and forge a new path, one that recognizes that big government spending programs, big abortion businesses, and government-mandated evolution programs should be relegated to the past. That would be the kind of change we really could — and should — embrace.
© Nathan Tabor
January 26, 2009
The media lovefest over our new President makes much of the fact that he is the first African-American to hold the highest office in the land. One would expect, then, that the nation's most prominent black leader would pursue policies that would benefit blacks as never before.
However, based on his statements on the campaign trail, it appears that Barack Obama is poised to implement programs that will wreak havoc on the black family — and could, in fact, decimate the African-American population.
For instance, Obama has embraced an old-school liberalism which will put Uncle Sam on a high-octane spending spree, creating massive government programs which will weaken American initiative. Minorities are likely to be especially vulnerable to such strong-arm government tactics. Instead of teaching people how to fend for themselves, the Democrat-in-Chief and Democrats in Congress would rather control them through federal programs of questionable economic value.
Obama told Planned Parenthood in 2007 that the first thing he'd do as President would be to sign the Freedom of Choice Act — a radical piece of legislation which would go beyond Roe versus Wade in declaring abortion to be a fundamental right, such as the right to free speech. Since the Freedom of Choice Act would result in the elimination of virtually all restrictions on abortion, abortion rates under Obama could conceivably skyrocket. African-American women already obtain a disproportionate number of abortions, meaning that the African-American child could be particularly at risk under the Obama Administration. The black genocide, which has already claimed millions of lives since 1973, could escalate.
But blacks are not the only minority group which could suffer under the Democratic regime in Washington. Democratic leaders believe that children must be taught evolution, and they cringe at the common-sense notion of intelligent design. The evolutionary theory promoted by Charles Darwin teaches survival of the fittest. That would place homosexuals at the bottom of the chain, since they cannot procreate. Under evolution, they are destined to die out, forced out of existence by the heterosexuals who can procreate.
The idea that our nation's Democratic leaders are anti-black, anti-minority, and anti-homosexual is an inconvenient truth. It is uncomfortable to read because it is uncomfortable to write. But, as an old adage goes, the truth will make you free. Only when Democrats confront their own bigoted demons can true progress begin, can we finally heal as a nation.
For Barack Obama to be the uniter he claims to be, he must confront the Democratic old guard and forge a new path, one that recognizes that big government spending programs, big abortion businesses, and government-mandated evolution programs should be relegated to the past. That would be the kind of change we really could — and should — embrace.
© Nathan Tabor
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