Johnny D. Symon
From evil to the glorious inevitable
By Johnny D. Symon
May 22, 2009

I believe the late Democratic Senator, Patrick Moynihan, once penned the following:

"We are each entitled to our own opinion,
but no one is entitled to his own facts."

Strangely enough I find myself firmly in accord with the man's sentiments, though probably for other reasons than his own. I happen to see them in a wider sense still, which means the quote translates from his original into:

"We are all entitled to our collective opinions,
but no collective is entitled to apply its own facts."

And that's where those with faith and a conviction that everything we believe in emanates down to us from a Higher Power, leaves our opinion therefore as not really our own in an originating sense, but something we've willfully, and with growing conviction, let loose in our personal and public life's walk, the facts encasing our adopted opinions stand proud for all to see and are carefully documented and written out for all who care to study and determine.

This, I believe, separates Patrick Moynihan's understanding of opinions and facts from the opposite article, namely those opinions emanating from what we believe to be facts conveyed to us from the Highest Power of all. In reality our so-called opinions and facts can be summed up as "spiritual wisdom," and spirituality, to our minds, is the dominion of the wise. We don't believe that wisdom can be attained from anywhere else than the Spirit, whereas those holding the opposite view believe themselves to be entitled to their own facts, unfortunately those so-called facts tend to spill out and attach themselves onto other unsuspecting human beings.

Spanish government minister for equality, Bibiana Aído, two days ago, answered the press on the proposed new abortion law, chiefly the government's plan to provide abortion for 16-year olds without their parents' knowledge or consent. One question that Zapatero refuses to answer was answered by this minister two days ago, the question being, "Is a fetus a living human being?" The lady answered by saying, "Living? Yes. But human? We have no scientific proof!"

Well I'll say this, at least this lady had the guts to answer, whereas Zappo, as European leaders go, is a notorious yellow-backed coward. But what the lady stated were solely "hechos partidarios," ... "political party beliefs," and nothing more, wisdom played no part and stupidity prevailed, because whether or not the fetus in question was 3-weeks, 13, 16, or 21-weeks on and up to its final occupation of the womb, there should be no question of "what" shall appear. It's unlikely to be a cat or dog, wildebeest or snake, and most likely to be just another human being. The stupidity behind the politician's statement begs belief.

Many Spanish Socialists find themselves at enmity with the PSOE government's anti-life policies, and I should know, for some of them have told me themselves. They don't like the morning-after pill proposal either, where the government intends it to be freely available, without prescription, to anyone of any age and no questions asked. Well some have asked a few questions about it, such as, "Is a 16-year old fully capable of making an abortion decision on their own? And if they are, as the government assures, then why are they too young to buy tobacco and alcohol in Spain?"

These kind of questions tear open the surface shell of "hechos partidarios" revealing nothing more or less than empty and useless "facts," dressed up then forced upon others as if they contained a form of trustworthy bulletproof wisdom. Yet it takes those holding and applying true wisdom to unearth and present empty and worthless "facts" in their true colors. It crosses boundaries, the Wisdom of the ages, the wisdom of the wise, both in the political spectrum and indeed within the religious spectrum, for if we inquired of a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, North American Indian or South American, Aborigine, Maori, Jew, Christian, and most every other group with legitimate faith, whether or not a pregnant rat held within its person a rat fetus, I reckon they'd have no problem coming up with the right answer, even if I inquired of them of the fetus within a human being, saying, "Is that an authentic monkey in there?" I feel sure they'd all believe I was crazy, and so would I, least wise I hope so!

Well as I said, wisdom also crosses political boundaries too, and a prime example of this is heading the Catalonia CiU party, his name being Josep Duran. Josep is someone I admire in spite of his far Left leanings, solely because he's deftly harmonized his political stance with the alter ego of his religious convictions. The man's a keen Roman Catholic, therefore in spite of the undoubted political pressures on him, he'll always fall on the side of morality when push comes to shove. I don't envy him though, because his balancing act must be like canoing down some fast, rocky rapids without a paddle. Josep recently dropped his party's support for the Zappo government mainly, I believe, on moral grounds.

But that's what it's all about in 21st Century Zappatating Spain. They call a spade an asparagus, and a human fetus everything else but human; a nuisance, for example, and something that interferes with a woman's dignity. And that's a fact. But the strange thing is that according to the Bible, that contains personal opinions though not of my making, the act of murder is the greatest act of degradation a human can perform. Though then again, some Spanish politicos may argue about whether or not murderers are human either, because they have no concept of true morality, spirituality, leastwise authentic humanity.

Carme Chacón, Spanish ministra for defense, recently openly commended the employment minister for doing a great job, and it really depends on what one regards as great; For every 10 seconds of Spanish time, a worker loses their job, and I reckon that by late summer, (and in direct contradiction of this week's statement by world banker, Señor Zoellick, that the Spanish economy will not go as badly as originally thought,) Spain's unemployed figure will have reached 5 million.

That's quite a figure, quite a disaster, in the lives of 5 million people when one considers that the total number of those legally in work Spainward ranges between 12 and 14 million, depending on which database you check. The southernmost autonomous region of Andalusia, a Socialist stronghold, can now boast of more than 27 percent unemployed. Worst still, there's a law that appeared shortly after Zappo entered government with a bang back in 2004, preventing indigenous Spaniards from working the fruit harvests, only foreigners, mainly Romanians and Moroccans, are permitted to work. It's a framework that just happens to dehumanize human beings. Business failures have tripled in the past year, as have loan defaulters.

Ex-Spanish President, José María Aznar, appeared last Monday morning on Antena 3's "Espejo Público" to promote his new book, "España puede salir de la crisis." One political commentator on the show afterwards described the entrevista, or interview, as the best he'd ever seen, a sentiment I personally share. At one point José María discussed the "renewable energy source" argument. He said it costs 150 euros to produce a unit of power with windmills, and 2 euros to generate the same amount with nuclear. That being the case, the PP have approached the loon regime on numerous occasions asking them to consider building new generation reactors. Each time the request has been met with a stark "No!" They've asked for details why, but all they get is, "No."

With all that's said and done over the past 5 years in Spain, and with all economic figures pointing towards the reality of a deepening crisis, Zoellick's apparent enthusiasm for Spain's future lends some of us to suspect that the guy's in the wrong job. I mean, the present Spanish government on numerous recent occasions wrongfully stated that "No one in the know, worldwide, predicted the onset of this world economic crisis!" True or not, I can find no reference to Zoellick predicting it either, and if he didn't see it, why then should anyone believe him about the Spanish economy.

Well regarding the present crisis I know a few that did predict it, and that includes yours truly, who wrote on it several years back. I knew it would happen because the whole credit system is against my Book. For me it was inevitable that the walls would come tumbling down, for greed is not a virtue, and the only things you can call your own are things that you've fully paid for. Though even that is becoming less than certain in our ever growing greedy and highminded globalist society.

I was a little surprised about the reaction two weeks back by the world's press to EU President, Barroso's declaration that Brussels was "the world's capital city!" I say that I was surprised about the reaction because, more or less, there was no reaction whatsoever. I mean that's quite a claim, right? To declare Brussels to be the world's capital city when all it can boast as its claim to fame is failed and failing control-freak politicos, and a vegetable that's a stalk with an array of what looks like tiny cabbages that, when boiled, smells a little like an NFL locker room. Oh yes, and let's not forget one other thing about Brussels, the world's capital city, it can proudly boast of a fountain simply consisting of a little naked kid who's busying himself by urinating. Oh well, yet another example of art reflecting the surrounding culture I suppose.

I can't see why anyone could call Brussels capital city of the world, and suspect that President Barroso might well have altered his name from the original; Borracho, perhaps? I mean, that region failed the Eurovision test last weekend, Norway took the cup. I watched the whole thing, as I did last year, when Russia won it. I'm sure you'll all recall the Olympic skater, Strad fiddle player, and Russian yodeler. Well this year's winner took to the fiddle and sang his own tune. Several of the other contenders jumped onto the stage with violins and one or two with cellos. Maybe they'd all learned a simple moral from last year's Russian win; "If you're on the fiddle you can't lose!" It's a moral that's been practiced and working successfully in the English Parliament for about 300 years, until a newspaper named The Telegraph wrote about it some weeks back.

Panoptic cross-party expense fiddling was part of the political nod and wink scene in this region for far longer than anyone cared to remember. One MP charged the taxpayer with pet food expenses, another to pay for the upkeep of his garden. Yet another laid the burden of his mortgage interest on the taxpayer, even though his flat was full paid up. Though worst of all, I guess, is that strange little guy who lives in 10 Browning Street, London, that boy can proudly boast of making England what it is today, the biggest control-freak and surveillance nation on planet earth. And if that wasn't enough, he also made sure to wipe England off the map as a viable 21st Century economy.

Brown, I'm told, happens to be a dyed-in-the-wool Trotskyite, and I have no trouble believing this because Gulag's his middle name. But if you placed Gordon Gulag Brown, the Leftist, alongside Josep Duran, Left as he is, Josep would stand out as big chief papa-wisdom.

Now before I reveal this year's winner of The Caligulam Vitae Award, I've still a few things to cover on The Eurovision Song Contest. The French offering was as good as it goes, though mostly it'll be remembered for being very French in every respect. The lady looked French, moved French and her French was most French. Nonetheless, she failed to take the prize. Germany offered a sort of male Liza Minelli singing and performing the sequel to Cabaret. It wasn't German enough, the guy sang in English, the performance was very Anglo-American/ Multicultural, therefore Germany lost the war too.

Israel's offering, a kind of Palestinian-Israeli hybrid, slumped, mainly I guess due to the fact that the sentiment denied Biblical Prophecy to the letter on that regions age-old conflict, and they sang "There must be a better way." Well there is, and come it will in the fullness of time, but the end result of it, and bloody it shall be afore it's closing, will be regarded as the best solution ever, and to others condemned to the fires of hell shall not share the enthusiasm of the winners.

On a lighter note, or is it? The UK offering to my mind was first rate. The singer, Jade Ewen, was a star performer in every respect, and her song was composed and played on the piano by none other than Andrew Lloyd Webber. But since the performance failed to achieve #1, I was further convinced that Europe in general is lacking in taste and judgment. But that's not to say the winner was a loser, the act, in my opinion, was excellent. But look here, the truth is that for several days before the Eurovision final I was suffering from an acute inner-ear infection, and when I heard Alexander Rybak sing, I thought the lyrics went,

"I'm in love with a furry tail
Even though it hurts
Cause I don't care if I lose my mind,
I'm already cursed."

Now I swear with that swollen ear of mine that I thought those were the words the guy sung. So I turned and said to my wife, "He's in love with a furry tail?" "No," she replied, "he said, "Fairytale!"

"Oh, of course. But his pronunciation was close, right?"

However my favorite of the contest, strangely enough, was from the rock group Regina, the Bosnia and Herzegovina act. I especially liked this one because it reflected the strength and culture of the region, which made it all the more poignant for me when I found out that Joe Biden arrived in Bosnia earlier this week to warn the government of its "strong nationalistic bent." For you see, I always applaud nations and peoples of nations that reflect true individual identity, for that's the way God intended it to be. Above all He called for Israel to remain firmly separate and distinct from the other nations, whereas Joe and his cross-party ilk are all working on the side of evil ...

"And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have
all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing
will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do."
— Genesis 11:6

There's a clear and sombre message here, and it's extremely profound, that as nations strive to become one, the fruit of their labor is always evil. Distinct nations of the world are there by Divine Plan and concerted action. To be on the right side is to respect and uphold each nation's right to be unique in itself, whereas to strive to build a unity toward one goal, is the plan of Satan. I believe Joe Biden is a Christian, yet his works are in direct defiance of the words of Jesus, who promised "wars, rumors of wars, and nations rising against nations." This is an integral part of the Divine Plan. But to attack nationalism is to call God a liar. Sure, extreme nationalism leads to evil acts, but evil will ultimately bow the knee to good.

The Divine Plan and political peace-making can be likened to two soon to be born sons who fought to reach the light of day first; Jacob and Esau were described in the Bible as two distinct nations, and they were described as such before they were born as they struggled for supremacy. Now here lies yet another strange point that's strongly in reference to the human argument surrounding a fetus, referred to at the beginning of this ed, for if two unborn children can be regarded as future leaders of opposing nations, why should we question the humanity of a fetus? And why should we oppose any nation's right to national strength and cultural identity?

Well here's the aforementioned time to present this year's Caligulam Vitae Award. Congratulations, yet again falls on The Russian Conflict Federation, and it's puppet leader Dmitri Medvedev. He receives the Award on the behalf of Vladimir Putin because no one can convince me that Vladee has let go of the reins of power. Nevertheless, Dmitri and Poot are doing a fine job through pulling the world and it's nations together, and making Divine Prophecy a surer than sure conclusion to all the world's ills. Unlike Western leaders, who are simply led by the nose, those guys are the true leaders of prophetic development. That's why they alone, heading The Russian Conflict Federation, are deserving of the Award.

Well-read Christians and Jews should applaud their efforts for the fruit of their labors will bring an end to the world's troubles, whereas our political dorks who strive to end national character, are simply trying to delay a glorious inevitable.

© Johnny D. Symon


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