Armand C. Hale
Send an uncompromising message
By Armand C. Hale
October 20, 2010

As Nov 2 approaches, voters must look at the impact of any vote this election. They must also look at what has transpired these past two years along with the direction this country is headed.

Currently the person elected was the most inexperienced individual in history. He has had no accomplishments to speak of in his short time as a state senator, as a senator, and his record in the Oval Office is as dismal as they come. Basically, he has not held a job longer than 2 years. No foreign policy experience, never having authored any major piece of legislation, never being in an executive position where the buck stopped at his desk, this person continues to exhibit the inexperience in his decisions.

The current Democratic controlled congress has given this person the wide open road to do whatever he damn well pleases. After being sworn in (and flubbing the oath of office; it should have been an indication of things to come), he immediately took over the banks, the auto industry, health care (by bribery). He is intent on ending freedom of speech on the Internet, AM radio and TV by fees and fines. He is intent on using the myth of human-caused global warming to usurp control over our energy by Cap 'n Tax, which would limit the number of minutes we take a shower and the kind of light bulbs we use.

Summary of the Communist Manifesto

The Communist Manifesto calls for the overthrow of capitalism, and the establishment of socialism.

The manifesto also contains a list of reforms

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.

2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
(control over our energy by Cap 'n Tax)

3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.

4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.

5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly. (he immediately took over the banks)

6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
(ending freedom of speech on the Internet, AM radio and TV by fees and fines)

7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan. (the auto industry, health care)

8. Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.

9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equal distribution of the population over the country.

10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labor in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

Numbers 2, 4, 6, and 7 has been done since the Democrats controlled congress and the White House (smells like communism to me)!

This person never believes he is wrong and assumes to be all seeing knowing of what is good for the subjects; just as kings in the middle ages did in running their kingdoms. He, and his Queen are power hungry and look at things with their skewed vision of "all is fine." Here, have $250 just before voting day for you "seniors" so you know we haven't forgotten about you. Thank you for your vote.

I will not be bought with $250.00 dollars!

This country cannot afford to be under this type of rule for another 2 years. A message must be sent that "we the people" are not the type to fold when things are grim. We are not like the European countries where we want "hand outs." This country was founded on hard work and self-sacrifice, concepts the liberals in general and this administration in particular does not have a grasp of. Put a stop to this socialistic/communistic tyranny and cast your vote saying "we the people" will not be led into the dungeons of socialism/communism! We will not be dictated to in direct contradiction to the constitution! We will not roll over and apologize for the greatness of our country. We will not go quietly into the night. "We the People" still determine the direction we will go and elect the leaders that will take us there.

For you Mr. Sotero, the bus has stopped and it is time for you and your hand-appointed communists Czars to exit at this station. Don't let the doors hit ya where the good lord spilt ya.

Let us pray and vote this Nov 2nd.

© Armand C. Hale


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Armand C. Hale

MSgt Armand C. Hale retired from the U.S. Air Force serving his country for over 23 years. His many tours of duty included the Republic of Korea, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and the State of Qatar. He has a Bachelors degree in business & management and has written a book on his experiences in the country of Qatar. You can purchase his book at and Lulu Books.


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