Jenn Giroux column
Jenn Giroux has been a Registered Nurse for 29 years, where she has witnessed firsthand the physical, emotional, and spiritual fallout of the women's movement, especially in the areas of contraception and abortion. In response, she has answered God's call to be a witness to the hidden truths on these subjects.

Jenn has worked in the pro-life movement at the national level for 30 years. She worked in Kansas with Former Attorney General Phill Kline in the only criminal case against Planned Parenthood. She is the former CEO of One More Soul and also previously worked with Human Life International as founder and Executive Director of HLI America.

Jenn recently founded an educational outreach called "Speaking of Motherhood" for conferences, colleges, and high schools. She presents a counter-cultural message by shedding light on both the medical harms of contraception and its abortifacient, cancer causing side effects as well as the beauty of accepting God's gift of children.

Jenn is a former radio talk show host on Salem Radio network and a frequent guest on Catholic Radio and other media outlets. She is a writer and regular contributor for Catholic News Agency, LifeSiteNews, and Catholic Exchange. Jenn considers her greatest gift and accomplishment to be that of her marriage and motherhood. She and her husband, Dan, have 9 children and live in Cincinnati.

For more information, visit

Ohio Catholics forgive and embrace Donald Trump for President
Jenn Giroux
October 11, 2016

As a Catholic wife and mother of nine with many other friends and family members who feel the same, we would like to speak out from Ohio to tell the world that . . .

Catholic teaching on contraception cannot be changed by Pope Francis
Jenn Giroux
February 19, 2016

"There are times that lay Catholics have to step forward to say what we as priests cannot." These were the words spoken to me during a time in my life that I . . .

Indiana: You do not stand alone
Jenn Giroux
April 1, 2015

For 25 years now God-fearing Americans have gasped in horror at the boldness of the Abortion/Gay advocates as they shamelessly forced their morally depraved . . .

Will the Kansas Supreme Court remove Phill Kline's license on November 15?
Jenn Giroux
November 13, 2012

On Thursday, November 15, 2012, the Kansas Supreme Court will hold a final hearing in its politically motivated effort to strip former Kansas attorney Phill . . .

Three words, Cardinal Dolan: "Cancel the Dinner"
Jenn Giroux
August 9, 2012

According to the New York Times, "The Archdiocese of New York confirmed that both Mr. Obama and Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee, had accepted an . . .

Allegations and lawsuit about Fr. Tom Euteneuer: Can we believe anything this woman says?
Jenn Giroux
July 1, 2012

Sadly, the saga of Fr. Tom Euteneuer is back in the news. For ten years, Fr. Tom provided fearless and uncompromising leadership as President of Human Life . . .

Choose 'Divine Love'
Jenn Giroux
June 7, 2012

Not too long ago I attended a Catholic funeral of a close friend. Knowing that half of the family in attendance was of the Muslim faith I asked the non . . .

Don't enforce abortion laws or this feminist judge might ruin your life
Jenn Giroux
May 19, 2012

On May 15, 2012 the legal team of former Kansas Attorney General Phill Kline filed a motion in the Kansas Supreme Court seeking the recusal of two justices who . . .

Cardinal Burke explains: Catholic employers cannot provide contraceptive coverage because they would be materially and formally cooperating with sin
Jenn Giroux
April 10, 2012

The upcoming episode of Catholic Action Insight hosted by Thomas McKenna to air on EWTN on Wednesday, April 11 at 2:30pm and April 13 at 9:00pm EST will surely . . .

The "War on Women" began with the "War on Words"
Jenn Giroux
March 28, 2012

Everywhere we look we are seeing accusations that there is a "War on Women." Despite what we are being told, the "War on Women" is not some evil plan . . .

"What is the big deal about Catholics using birth control?"
Jenn Giroux
March 3, 2012

It is more vital than ever that Catholics who understand the teaching of the Church on Birth Control be ever so patient with those who do not. After all, the . . .

Deadly health risks for women: The unspoken side of the Obama birth control mandate
Jenn Giroux
February 14, 2012

For far too long there has been an ominous silence across America on arguably the most controversial and devastating issue of the day — birth control.  . . .

Religious liberty is the American way
Jenn Giroux
January 27, 2012

For many years there has been an ominous silence here in America about arguably the most controversial and devastating issue of our day: contraception. It is . . .

Now, more than ever, pray for our priests
Jenn Giroux
September 14, 2011

"I know your deeds; I know you are neither hot or cold. How I wish you were one or the other — hot or cold. But because you are lukewarm, neither hot nor . . .

If every life is worth saving, the Pro-life Movement must now oppose hormonal birth control
Jenn Giroux
September 7, 2011

September 2, 2011 ( — August 1, 2012 the new government-mandated guideline for 'free birth control' will be forced upon our nation. It . . .

Government mandated birth control coverage: Who pays for the regret?
Jenn Giroux
August 10, 2011

The Obama Administration is mandating that all insurance providers provide free FDA approved birth control methods to women as well as permanent sterilization . . .

Government mandated birth control coverage: placing women at higher risk for Cancer and Catholic hospitals at risk of closing
Jenn Giroux
August 2, 2011

It is recommended by the U.S. Institute of Medicine (IOM) , in a report commissioned by the Obama administration, that all U.S.-approved birth control . . .

Michele Bachmann's migraines versus the stress management of male politicians
Jenn Giroux
July 21, 2011

Is Michele Bachmann striking the fear of God in the liberal Republicans, Democrats, and the media? As soon as it hit the news that an "anonymous" source . . .

"Just one abortion" can take 73+ lives
Jenn Giroux
June 19, 2011

I have a simply amazing Dad. I can never recall a time that he didn't do the right thing. Even in the most difficult of circumstances, times of financial . . .

'You may kiss the cross'
Jenn Giroux
May 25, 2011

We live in a time that is very difficult on marriages. Due to our failures to properly prepare our young people for marriage many enter the commitment of . . .

Motherhood: 'Because God sees'
Jenn Giroux
May 8, 2011

I received the following from a dear friend and beautiful mother herself. It is a tremendous reminder to Mothers everywhere and of all ages that we are doing . . .

Cohabitation: a royal mistake
Jenn Giroux
April 29, 2011

Did you ever notice that there is a different tone and feel to a wedding and the celebration that follows when a couple has been living together prior to taking . . .

Mother-daughter fashion wars
Jenn Giroux
April 19, 2011

It is springtime and the first truly warm day on campus. Girls are returning from morning class scantily clothed with tight shorts, mini- skirts, and shirts . . .

Father Tom Euteneuer: his hour of spiritual warfare
Jenn Giroux
January 28, 2011

It has been said that if you defend the cross, you better be ready to take up the cross. Lately I have been reading many disturbing things about Fr. Tom . . .

Giving a pass to the pill
Jenn Giroux
November 28, 2010

(Originally from The Washington Times, Nov 27,2010) Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Commissioner Margaret A. Hamburg says "some very explicit, almost . . .

Does the Pope approve the use of condoms?
Jenn Giroux
November 21, 2010

The media is at it again. They are trying to say that the Pope approves the use of condoms Below Professor Janet E.Smith. provides explanation and . . .

Race for the truth about the Susan G. Komen Foundation
Jenn Giroux
November 1, 2010

CINCINNATI, Ohio, OCT. 29, 2010 ( Everywhere I looked this month I saw a pink ribbon. It was on my dry cleaning bag, grocery bag, coffee cup, mail . . .

"Show me your marks": the piling on of Christine O'Donnell and Sarah Palin
Jenn Giroux
September 23, 2010

Evidently the elected leadership offices in our country are off limits for any female candidates that speak of the traditional values on which this country was . . .

Mel Gibson and the cleverness of Satan: "It is the reality"
Jenn Giroux
July 27, 2010

St. Padre Pio was reported to have said when he got his first look at the television: "The devil will be in the living room." He is also manifestly a "live . . .

'Crazy is the new normal'?
Jenn Giroux
July 23, 2010

Who would have ever guessed that contraception would move to center stage in women's health and in the political arena in 2010? The New York Post reported that . . .

Healing the hole in the Gulf--and in our Hearts
Jenn Giroux
July 19, 2010

The following article (originally printed in Our Sunday Visitor, July 2010) is an incredibly brilliant analogy of what has taken place in the Gulf and what is . . .

"Women.....where are your children?"
Jenn Giroux
June 29, 2010

With the release of the Census Bureau's Current Population Survey, the past few days we have seen the analysis of women who are having (and not having) children . . .

Unveiling the evils of contraception
Jenn Giroux
October 20, 2009

It is important to take a hard look at the research that is reported from Planned Parenthood's own research arm, The Guttmacher Institute. Any discerning eye . . .

The real Governor Sebelius
Jenn Giroux
April 21, 2009

Governor Kathleen Sebelius of Kansas, President Obama's nominee for Health & Human Services Secretary, has been less than truthful on some very serious . . .

Easter 2009: Choosing the perfect plan
Jenn Giroux
April 12, 2009

Recently a new study has revealed that 40% of births are born to single mothers. Also, this past week Planned Parenthood's annual report tells us that they . . .

How the 'not guilty' verdict was secured for abortionist George Tiller
Jenn Giroux
March 31, 2009

The following is a brief explanation of why late term abortionist George Tiller was found "Not Guilty" last Friday of the 19 Misdemeanor charges that were . . .

Hold the celebration, the Defendant, Tiller, has accidentally uttered the truth
Jenn Giroux
March 27, 2009

The Governor's Mansion in Kansas is readying for another party for the abortion industry. Two years previous, in 2007, Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius hosted . . .

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