Paul Craft column

Paul Craft lives in Kentucky, and is a graduate of the University of Kentucky. He maintains a website that is meant to offer the Good News of Jesus Christ to everyone. The URL is
Paul Craft
June 26, 2013
You might be wondering what gay marriage and secession have to do with one another. American society has changed to a society where there is no longer a sense . . .
Paul Craft
March 7, 2013
Sports and entertainment have influenced America culture and moral values. If you reflect back just 50 years, the sports stadiums or arena's were lucky to hold . . .
Paul Craft
March 2, 2013
The Bible is very clear about sex before marriage:
"Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither . . .
Paul Craft
August 14, 2012
This opinion article is for everyone to consider, but the targeted audience is believers in Jesus Christ.
I have been surprised by the number of people in my . . .
Paul Craft
August 6, 2012
Americans that believe in Judeo-Christian values that have been the cornerstone of American culture since its founding have come to the conclusion that the . . .
Paul Craft
July 14, 2010
I would like state upfront that I have been a big fan of Glenn Beck's until he crossed the line yesterday. As you might know he is a Mormon and is not ashamed . . .
Paul Craft
June 11, 2010
America has been blessed where other nations have failed because this country was established on a Christian foundation regardless of what those on the Left say . . .
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