Michael Bresciani
Millions of Americans, both friend and foe, are offering their congratulations to Donald Trump for his historic win just days ago. The entire battle of the campaigns was without doubt an American saga, an epic, and a true revelation of how the will of the people is the perfect demonstration of this thing we call democracy.
Kamala ended her dash for the Whitehouse with a late and dark concession speech. She spoke of defending everyone’s liberty and dignity. That, of course, did not include the millions of unborn children that were counted as superfluous waste and an interference. They had no choice, no liberty, and certainly no dignity.
What is dignified for mother or child about being laid out on a table and having forceps, scalpels, or vacuums ripping out a perfectly healthy human being, and discarding their tiny remains into a medical waste bucket?
That is not dignity – it is demonic.
When a landslide is like an anointing
In the ancient world, prophets were sent to anoint the person who God chose to be King. We are now millennia away from theocratic rule, so we must work with what we’ve got. If the tables were turned, I expect someone like me would go to Washington, and pour that oil on Donald’s head and pray over him.
But we have witnessed churches, prayer groups and Christian leaders both praying and calling for prayer for several years now. It might be safe to say we don’t need someone like Samuel the prophet who anointed David and said prayers for him (1 Sam 16:1-13). But we will always need the people, the prophets, and the preachers to keep Donald Trump in their prayers.
After four years of attacks, impeachments, lawfare, and two attempted assassinations – we have a mandate to pray.
Pollsters, predictors, and would be prophets create doubt and confusion
Prognosticators carried on like the "chief announcer" for the Indianapolis 500. They had Kamala and Trump neck and neck to the last minute with only slight fluidic variations on a day-to-day basis. It looked as if one of the candidates would spin out and crash at any minute leaving the whole race in a pandemonium.
What a farce.
Known for his much-heeded prediction was historian Allan Lichtman. He was wrong and his much touted “13 Keys to the Whitehouse” also came up bogus. After predicting the last nine out of ten election correctly according to USA TODAY, he has earned the respect of some, but we can only thank God he did not call himself a prophet. The prophets of old were not afforded even that much room for error. If they were wrong, they could be put to death.
Then along comes Nate Silver, who also predicted Harris would win, posting on X the day before the election. Lichtman said it best, in an attempt to explain Silver’s swing and a miss. He proclaimed that Silver seems to have given the whole prediction up to dumb luck.
Some of the best Christian ministers seemed to lean to Trump’s win, but few came right out and said it. Lots of prophecies were cast, but in a general or veiled manner at best. A few of the more obscure prophets, not well trumpeted by media or Christan outlets said, "God chose Trump." They took a risk, but when God really speaks, there is no risk at all.
In an article written in December of 2023 (Prophecy 2024: Major Prophecies are Closing Fast), I declared what God showed me about the 2024 election outcome. I understand that even though my website now gets tens of thousands of visitors each month, it is still quite limited compared to major media outlets.
I don’t have a list of 13 keys to the White House. I have only two major rules. One is, I will never say anything God has not spoken regardless of my own proclivities and notions. Rule two is that I will not refuse to say something God has spoken, even if it makes me look like a fool.
This is what I did say:
As a young believer I saw the future in dreams and visions hundreds of times. In fact, it happened so often that I began to worry about it. None of my Christian friends saw the future, and if they did, it was very rare and quite infrequent.
I became so concerned that I implored the Lord to give me an answer for why I saw future events so often. His answer was twofold. First, it was to show me that he can see the future just as clearly as anything in the past or present. Secondly, the answer took more time to reach my understanding.
I came to understand, that my prophetic visions were to be supplementary and never substitutional. Biblical prophecy is what God wants all men to know and by seeing how easy it is to see future things; I learned to completely trust in biblical prophecy.
Most of the revelations given to me were personal and only a few had to do with the future of the entire world. But seeing the future became like child’s play to me and involving myself in biblical prophecy was to become a life’s calling.
It was well over fifty years ago that I saw my first picture of the future. At my present age, these will be the last few times I can share these revelations with anyone.
One such revelation was given this past year. God showed me that our elections will come out fine in 2024. We will all be happy with the outcome, or almost all.
He did not reveal which candidate won, but he assured me it will not be someone that is bad for our nation.
I, of course, thought Trump would win, but that was my bias, and I did not dare mix that into the revelation.
God never asks me to tell people my opinion and call it prophecy – God has no opinion; his word is the future.
About the future – Wouldn’t you like to know?
As long as I live, there will be more to say about Biblical prophecy and personal revelations as they may occur. It is my calling and destiny.
To start with, even though Donald Trump has great plans to restore our nation, the rest of the world is a big part of the mix. Trump can influence the world, but at the moment others are controlling their respective countries and kingdoms.
The geo-political make-up of today’s world and the tension now seen around the globe are a perfect setup for the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.
Trump has some control over events, but it will not stop the predicted outcome for the near future.
This article will not detail the events. It suffices to say that it will get very bad, and then Christ will set his feet on the Mount of Olives in the City of Jerusalem. He will begin a 1000-year reign upon the earth.
More articles are to come, just like these and these take a look. With the help of some of the best writers and Christian journalists in the world, we will attempt to keep you informed, inspired, and biblically literate, before that great day arrives.
"...the Most High ruleth in the kingdom of men, and giveth it to whomsoever he will" (Daniel 4:32b).
Photo: standard.co.uk
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© Michael BrescianiThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.