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June 22, 2018
NEWSMAX — The House is prepared to file articles of impeachment against Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein if the Department of Justice fails to fork over documents related to the Russia probe that lawmakers have requested by Friday.... (more)

June 22, 2018
NEWSMAX — Attorney General Jeff Sessions told Newsmax TV on Thursday night that embattled FBI agent Peter Strzok no longer has an active security clearance. Sessions appeared on "The Howie Carr Show" and confirmed one of the central figures in the Russia investigation is facing an uphill battle.... (more)

June 22, 2018
BYRON YORK — It was the most damaging of all the damaging texts exchanged between FBI officials Peter Strzok and Lisa Page. On Aug. 8, 2016, in the second week of the Trump-Russia investigation on which both were working, Page texted Strzok to say, "[Trump's] not ever going to become president, right? Right?!" Strzok responded, "No. No he won't. We'll stop it."... (more)

June 22, 2018
BYRON YORK — The struggle to uncover the FBI's conduct in the Trump-Russia probe has made some congressional investigators deeply suspicious of the bureau. But what do those investigators think the FBI actually did in its investigation of the Trump campaign, Russia, and the 2016 election?... (more)

June 22, 2018
WES VERNON — As acknowledged by most of the non-communist world, Ronald Reagan did civilization a monumental favor by "bringing down the Soviet Union without firing a shot." The fact that destroying the "evil empire" did not "end communism," which still spreads its influence largely unabated, or that the Soviet Union (Russia) may not have been crushed as thoroughly as it might have been, is, for the time being, a matter for another day. The truth is that in the post-Soviet world, today's Russia is no longer a "super power" and is relatively weak, which for the time being bodes well (or so we hope).... (more)

June 21, 2018
CLIFF KINCAID — In regard to the illegal invasion by criminal traffickers and child abusers from the narco-state of Mexico, Senator Tom Cotton noted on Tuesday that the liberals were promoting a "solution" to "family separation" that should be called the Child Trafficking Encouragement Act. He said the liberals want criminals to know that if they show up at the border with a minor and claim to be its parent, they get released into the U.S. He added, "The children will be abducted & sold to drug cartels & slave-traders as a free ticket into U.S."... (more)

June 21, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — A majority of voters blame the parents of the separated children at the southwestern border for the current immigration crisis, not the federal government, according to a new poll. "When families are arrested and separated after attempting to enter the United States illegally, 54 percent of likely U.S. voters say the parents are more to blame for breaking the law," says a Rasmussen Reports survey released Thursday.... (more)

June 21, 2018
CAL THOMAS — Need proof that the current controversy over children of undocumented immigrants is more political than humanitarian? Hillary Clinton said she was "adamantly against illegal immigrants" and supported a border wall until she ran for president in 2016.... (more)

June 21, 2018
THE GUARDIAN — Donald Trump has always proudly paraded his Time Magazine covers but the latest may not make it on to the walls at the golf club. The powerful image on this week's cover depicts the US president looking down at a sobbing two-year-old girl next to the caption "Welcome to America"...though this girl's father, Denis Valera, told Reuters she was kept with her mother, Sandra Sanchez, during their detention in the Texas border town of McAllen.... (more)

June 21, 2018
WASHINGTON FREE BEACON — ABC News issued an apology Wednesday after a banner during a live report claimed that former Donald Trump aide Paul Manafort had admitted to killing five people. The network covered President Donald Trump's afternoon meeting live in anticipation of his announcement that he was issuing a directive to end the practice of separating parents and children caught crossing the border illegally.... (more)

June 21, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — One of the shouting socialists who chased Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen out of a D.C. Mexican restaurant Tuesday night is a Justice Department worker. Democratic Socialists of America member Allison Hrabar reveled in her actions Wednesday to the Washington Examiner, saying it "feels really good to confront people who are actually responsible" for arresting any illegal immigrants. One of the chants on the video says Immigrations and Customer Enforcement should be abolished.... (more)

June 21, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Senators voted Wednesday to block President Trump's $15.4 billion spending cuts package, with lawmakers saying it trimmed the budget too much. Brushing aside administration promises that the cuts were chiefly to money that was never going to be spent, the Senate voted 50-48 to keep the bill bottled up. Two Republicans -- Susan Collins of Maine and Richard Burr of North Carolina -- joined Democrats to defeat the package.... (more)

June 21, 2018
ART MOORE — Amid a national outcry over the temporary separation of children from parents prosecuted for entering the country illegally, President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to keep the families together.... (more)

June 21, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Three of the five FBI employees dinged for anti-Trump bias in the inspector general's report ended up on the special counsel's investigation into Donald Trump's presidential campaign, raising still more questions about the team Robert Mueller assembled. Two of those -- FBI lawyer Lisa Page and her paramour, agent Peter Strzok -- became known when their vehemently anti-Trump text messages came to light. But the inspector general's report identifies a third person, labeled "FBI Attorney 2," who also fired off messages denigrating Mr. Trump and saying, "Viva le resistance."... (more)

June 20, 2018
DAILY CALLER — The media and political class become more and more outraged over the Trump administration's decision to detain and prosecute immigrants illegally crossing the border. Lost in the debate is any acknowledgment that President Obama's administration also used detention facilities. Current U.S. immigration laws, when enforced, have the consequence of temporarily separating adults who arrive with children into separate detention facilities in order to prosecute the adults.... (more)

June 20, 2018
DAILY WIRE — On Tuesday, CNN reported that FBI agent Peter Strzok, who helped head up both the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the Russian collusion investigation, was escorted from the FBI building last Friday.... (more)

June 20, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Much-investigated Carter Page is volunteering to help the FBI conduct its planned nation-wide anti-political bias training, saying he is an expert on the bureau's "reign of terror" against him. Perhaps no other Trump campaign associate has been more investigated by the FBI than Mr. Page, a New York energy investor who lived in Moscow and had many Russian business contacts.... (more)

June 20, 2018
THE HILL — The Trump administration on Monday pushed back against criticism from former first lady Laura Bush of its "zero tolerance" policy that has led to the separation of migrant families.... (more)

June 20, 2018
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON — Much has been written -- some of it either inaccurate or designed to obfuscate the issue ahead of the midterms for political purposes -- about the border fiasco and the unfortunate separation of children from parents. Rich Lowry's brief analysis is the most insightful.... (more)

June 20, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The national media have focused intense pressure on President Trump and the administration's "zero tolerance" border enforcement policy by weaponizing pictures and audio of distraught families in illegal immigrant detention centers.... (more)

June 20, 2018
DAVID FRENCH — I once had a pastor who never, ever delivered the Good News of the Gospel without first sharing the bad news. In fact, as he argued, the bad news is what helps us understand the enormous worth of the Good News. And what is that bad news?... (more)

June 20, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — The Trump administration finalized plans Tuesday to let small companies and the self-employed band together and buy health insurance outside of Obamacare's strict rules, moving to offer coverage to people priced out of the market by the 2010 health care law.... (more)

June 20, 2018
YAHOO — Just 13.9 percent of the US population smokes cigarettes, according to a US government report Tuesday which said the American smoking rate has reached "the lowest level ever recorded."... (more)

June 19, 2018
ALAN KEYES — A senator and a representative solemnly read a new pledge of allegiance today in a dramatic Flag Day ceremony on the Capitol steps. As a new flag donated by the American Legion was raised high over the Capitol dome, Sen. Homer Ferguson, R-Mich., and Rep. Louis C. Rabaut, D-Mich., intoned the words of the allegiance approved by Congress last week.... (more)

June 19, 2018
JOAN SWIRSKY — I remember as a young teenager going by myself to see "On the Waterfront" at the Whalley Theater in New Haven. I was so mesmerized by the performance of Marlon Brando (30 years old at the time) that it took a dozen more viewings – really, that's how many times I saw the film, maybe more – before I realized that the greatest actors of the day – Eva Marie Saint, Karl Malden, Lee J. Cobb, Rod Steiger – were also featured in the movie.... (more)


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