Frank Louis
Did Kamala tell her minions to create havoc at future Trump Rallies? I think maybe so
By Frank Louis
September 12, 2024

I hate to have to do this on the 23th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attack on our nation. However, it seems most have already forgotten this attack anyway. But we may have just been attacked again in an equal if not even more devastating and lasting assault on our nation: Yesterday’s debate and the potential, lasting outcome this year’s election could have on our nation’s future. Concerned? I am.

VP Harris stated: “I’m going to actually do something really unusual, and I’m going to invite you to attend one of Donald Trump’s rallies, because it’s a really interesting thing to watch,” Who was she talking to?

I will be brief as I am sure there is already just too much being written, said, discussed, “debated” etc on the subject of Tuesday’s debate. But I have not seen one report on this well rehearsed , seemingly “off the cuff’ remark, VP Harris made. Her open invitation to her supporters to attend Trump Rallies. Listen closely to the Left folks. Of course, David Muir will catch this statement as being some keen, sophisticated application of sarcasm, having confessed to missing President Trump’s attempts. They tell the truth, albeit often encrypted in some “secret-code:” NewSpeak. What they accuse those on the Right of doing.

Anyone notice how great the Trump Rallies are… Setting aside, of course his being shot while others were killed and injured by a sniper. I make a point to view them all (Trump’s rallies) online using the RSBN app. If you don’t have it on your computer or phone, get it. Remember in 2016, the occasional protestors at the rallies? How the media lambasted President Trump rand his supporters regarding the expulsion of these individuals. I think this is going to experience a comeback. Tenfold.

Have you noticed the protestors have been missing these days? So, how can the Left ruin these events one may ask? Oh, I know, get protestors – in bulk- to show up, organized. Invite them on the sly, in secret, during the debate. Like they say President Trump sent that message to Russia on national TV years back. To steal an old quote from SNL: “That’s the ticket, yeah…” She did it folks. She just instructed the Antifa, BLM and other violent mobs to show up for Trump events. She just sent out a call for many on the Left to, in her own words, “attend one of Donald Trump’s rallies.”

We have heard, Ad infinitum actually, how President Trump secretly gives encrypted orders to the extreme Right, to launch “attacks on our democracy” they tell us. He does this by instructing those on January 6 to go riot at the Capital. He did this in “Charlottesville” we have been told over and over in very melodramatic Oscar winning diatribes. We even heard Tuesday’s Debate moderators voice these “untruths’ aka “lies” throughout the debate with no pushback or factcheck.'s Justin Peters’ critique this morning of the event’s moderators stated “ Their questions were sharp, their research was on point, their approach was calm, and they even managed to pull off some real-time fact-checking without coming across as excessively partisan.” And went on to claim it was the best moderated debate of the Trump era. Can someone fact-check these fact-checkers? Please. Nothing they claimed was accurate and they never fact-checked Kamala.

While they claimed he (Trump) made secret messages during press conferences to Russia we were told regarding Hillary’s 32,000 emails, Maxine Waters (Rep D. CA as if you didn’t already know), in 2018 was extending her olive-branch, barking: ”If you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they're not welcome anymore, anywhere.” Chuck Schumer’s “whirlwind” comments regarding the Supreme Court… The Summer of Love and “mostly peaceful” attacks on police, businesses and individuals, in several major cities, including Washington DC. Need I go on? Who is sparing this on?

Kamala has reversed many positions and stolen even more from her opposition. We were recently told by Bernie Sanders she is just being “pragmatic” in her positioning. Understand what being “pragmatic” means here?

To be sure, I took the time to do some investigation on the use of the word “pragmatic.” I came across “The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy” and an article titled “ The Pragmatic Theory of Truth, (First published March 21, 2019 with a substantive revision Mon May 22, 2023) Here’s an excerpt: “Pragmatic theories also tend to view truth as more than just a useful tool for making generalizations. Pragmatic theories of truth thus emphasize the broader practical and performative dimensions of truth-talk, stressing the role truth plays in shaping certain kinds of discourse. “ Huh?

To quote Pontius Pilate, (John 18:38) “What is truth?

By the Way, ever eat at a dog restaurant? “Although the consumption of dog meat is frowned upon in most Western cultures, the consumption of dog meat is a centuries-old practice in many other parts of the world. Particularly in some Asian and African countries…” (World Population Review) Just a thought.

Hold on folks. The next several weeks may be a real ride. Hold on.

© Frank Louis


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Frank Louis

Frank Louis is a print and on-air commentator who offers opinions and solutions on and for the economy, social issues, and the future of this nation. In the Old Testament, Nehemiah 4: 14 instructs us to fight for our houses; something we need to be doing now. Our future generations depend on it!... (more)


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