Linda Goudsmit
Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America's children are the primary target of the globalist predators.
It is time to take a look at what the globalists have in mind for little Johnny and Humanity 2.0. We begin with a history lesson provided by Dr. Michael Rectenwald in his April 14, 2023, article, "Hacking Humanity: Transhumanism":[i]
The term transhumanism was coined by Julian Huxley, the brother of the novelist Aldous Huxley and the first director-general of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). In an essay entitled "Transhumanism," published in the book New Bottles for New Wine (1957), Huxley defined transhumanism as the self-transcendence of humanity:
The human species can, if it wishes, transcend itself—not just sporadically, an individual here in one way, an individual there in another way, but in its entirety, as humanity. We need a name for this new belief. Perhaps transhumanism will serve: man remaining man, but transcending himself, by realizing new possibilities of and for his human nature.[1]
One question for transhumanism is indeed whether this transcendence will apply to the whole human species or rather for only a select part of it. But Huxley gave some indication of how this human self-transcendence might occur: humanity would become "managing director of the biggest business of all, the business of evolution...."[2] As the first epigraph to this Part makes clear, Julian Huxley was a proponent of eugenics. And he was the President of the British Eugenics Society.[3] It was in his introduction of UNESCO, as the director-general that he suggested that eugenics, after the Nazi regime had given it such a bad name, should be rescued from opprobrium, "so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable."[4] As John Klyczek has noted, "In the wake of vehement public backlash against the atrocities of the Nazi eugenic Holocaust, Huxley's eugenics proper was forced to go under-ground, repackaging itself in various crypto-eugenic disguises, one of which is 'transhumanism.'"[5]
Contemporary transhumanist enthusiasts, such as Simon Young, believe that humanity can take over where evolution has left us to create a new and improved species—either ourselves, or a successor to ourselves:
We stand at a turning point in human evolution. We have cracked the genetic code; translated the Book of Life. We will soon possess the ability to become designers of our own evolution.[6]
Transhumanism is simply the latest variation of globalist elitism and supremacist ideology, including its eugenics program disguised as "progress" and "evolutionary biology." Rectenwald continues with references to Yuval Harari, the writer, historian, and children's book author discussed in Chapter 33:
In a 2018 World Economic Forum statement, Harari spoke as the self-proclaimed prophet of a new transhumanist age, saying:
We are probably among the last generations of Homo sapiens. Within a century or two, Earth will be dominated by entities that are more different from us, than we are different from Neanderthals or from chimpanzees. Because in the coming generations, we will learn how to engineer bodies and brains and minds. These will be the main products of the 21st century economy.[7]
No longer capable of mounting a challenge to the elite as in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, and having no function, the feckless masses will have no recourse or purpose. Exploitation is one thing; irrelevance is quite another, says Harari. And thus, as Harari sees it, the remaining majority will be condemned to spend their time in the Metaverse, or worse. If they are lucky, they will collect universal basic income (UBI) and will best occupy themselves by taking drugs and playing video games. Of course, Harari exempts himself from this fate.
As for the elite, according to Harari, their supposed superiority to the masses will soon become a matter of biotechnological fact, rather than merely an ideological pretension, as in the past. The elite will not only continue to control the lion's share of the world's material resources; they will also become godlike and enjoy effective remote control over their subordinates. Further, via biotechnological means, they will acquire eternal life on Earth, while the majority, formerly consoled by the fact that at least everybody dies, will now lose the great equalizer. As the supernatural is outmoded, or sacrificed on the altar of transhumanism, the majority will inevitably forfeit their belief in a spiritual afterlife. The theistic religions that originated in the Middle East will disappear, to be replaced by new cyber-based religions originating in Silicon Valley. Spirituality, that is, will be nothing but the expression of reverence for newly created silicon gods, whether they be game characters, game designers, or the elites themselves.
[1] Julian Huxley, "Transhumanism," New Bottles for New Wine, London: Readers Union, Chatto & Windus, 1957, page 17.
[2] Ibid., page 13.
[3] "Past Presidents," Adelphi Genetics Forum, August 10, 2022, https://adelphigenetics.org/history/past-presidents/. The Adelphi Genetics Forum was originally named the British Eugenics Education Society and was founded in 1911. It changed its name to the British Eugenics Society in 1926 and changed its name again to the Galton Institute in 1989. In 2021, it changed its name yet again to the Adelphi Genetics Forum.
[4] Julian Huxley, "UNESCO: Its Purpose and Its Philosophy," Unesdoc.unesco.org, 1946, https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000068197, page 21.
[5]John Adam Klyczek, School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education, Trine Day, 2019, page 207.
[6]Simon Young, Designer Evolution: A Transhumanist Manifesto, Prometheus, 2005, Kindle Edition, Location 273.
[7]World Economic Forum, "Will the Future Be Human? —Yuval Noah Harari," YouTube, World Economic Forum, January 25, 2018, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hL9uk4hKyg4.
The stunning hubris of the globalist elite is rivaled only by the danger of its collaboration with government. This collaboration between business and government is the military-industrial complex President Eisenhower warned the nation about in his 1961 Farewell Address:[ii]
A vital element in keeping the peace is our military establishment. Our arms must be mighty, ready for instant action, so that no potential aggressor may be tempted to risk his own destruction.
Our military organization today bears little relation to that known by any of my predecessors in peace time, or indeed by the fighting men of World War II or Korea.
Until the latest of our world conflicts, the United States had no armaments industry. American makers of plowshares could, with time and as required, make swords as well. But now we can no longer risk emergency improvisation of national defense; we have been compelled to create a permanent armaments industry of vast proportions.... This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience.... Yet we must not fail to comprehend its grave implications.... In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist....
Akin to, and largely responsible for the sweeping changes in our industrial-military posture, has been the technological revolution during recent decades.
In this revolution, research has become central; it also becomes more formalized, complex, and costly. A steadily increasing share is conducted for, by, or at the direction of, the Federal government.
Today, the solitary inventor, tinkering in his shop, has been overshadowed by task forces of scientists in laboratories and testing fields. In the same fashion, the free university, historically the fountainhead of free ideas and scientific discovery, has experienced a revolution in the conduct of research. Partly because of the huge costs involved, a government contract becomes virtually a substitute for intellectual curiosity. For every old blackboard there are now hundreds of new electronic computers.
The prospect of domination of the nation's scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present and is gravely to be regarded.
Yet, in holding scientific research and discovery in respect, as we should, we must also be alert to the equal and opposite danger that public policy could itself become the captive of a scientific-technological elite.
President Eisenhower predicted the globalist enemy within. His prescient warning is now 21st-century reality and the existential threat to our constitutional republic. Eisenhower's reference to research and the domination of the nation's scholars is today's politicized education industry that includes politicized law and medicine. From preschool to advanced degrees, ideological experts have indoctrinated Americans against America for seven decades. Indoctrinated graduates entered their chosen fields as "experts" who began indoctrinating the next generation, who then indoctrinated the next.
We are in the throes of an informational and psychological culture war. There are no bullets in this war. I often reflect on the saying "The pen is mightier than the sword." Its profound meaning lies in the fact that thought precedes behavior. If you can change people's thinking, you can change their behavior. It is the operating principle foundational to educational indoctrination and thought reform––the primary weapons of the information/psychological globalist War on America.
Weaponized education is bludgeoning society with anti-American collectivist ideology in every sector of life. The Marxification of education (Chapter 29) is enhanced with Artificial Intelligence (AI), the prize of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. AI is the medium and the message.
Educational reformer John Klyczek, referenced above in the Rectenwald article "Hacking Humanity," is the author of School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education.[iii] Klyczek explores the hidden dangers of AI's robot companions in his June 13, 2023, informational video, "Moxie and the Great Reset: How Moxie the Robot Uses GPT AI to Data-Mine Your Kids' Socioemotional-Learning Algorithms."[iv]
Moxie is the latest creation of California artificial intelligence company Embodied, which develops companion robots. Moxie, who looks like Star Wars' robotic droid R2-D2 but is able to communicate like the humanoid C-3PO, was originally designed as a robot companion for children with social and emotional deficits. Considered assistive technology, the premise was that the companion robot would help autistic and mentally retarded children with the anxiety they experience in human interactions.
Klyczek explains:
Moxie is marketed as a "Helping Friend" that substitutes human caretakers and replaces them as robo-babysitters that monitor disabled children during parent-therapist conferences.... Of course, over time, just like transhuman ed-tech, robotic AI ed-tech will eventually creep more and more into mainstream classroom integration until it is employed to boost competence outcomes for students classified as healthy and able-bodied.
Klyczek discusses the capability of augmented robot systems (ARS) for children's storytelling activities. The ARS are able to measure children's levels of satisfaction, sensory immersion, and media recognition. This is significant because these areas correspond to the CASEL wheel, discussed in Chapter 20, that measures Social and Emotional Learning (SEL). Satisfaction corresponds to interest, sensory immersion to engagement, and media [robot] recognition to empathy.
Klyczek exposes several areas of serious concern to parents:
- Moxie will be expanded—used in general classroom for SEL goals
- Data mining of student bio-psychometrics
- Facial recognition for emotional reactions
- Replaces human interactions
- Using children to enhance manufacturer's own GPT-AI capacity
- Funded by WEF Partners Amazon, Intel, Sony, Toyota
- Deeply entrenched in global corporate technocracy network with over 60 overlapping memberships between WEF and Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, United Nations, World Bank, and Bilderberg
- Represented at 2023 Bilderberg Meeting by Sam Altman, Microsoft, DeepMind (Google), Google
- Moxie stores much of its data in Google Cloud
- Moxie retains text files of whatever the child says before deleting the actual audio file
- Moxie retains data points of facial expressions before it deletes the actual photo
- Embodied retains access to all information even though it cannot link it to a specific user
The hidden goals of Moxie, the "Helping Friend," are data mining your children, enhancing the AI capabilities of companion robots for the manufacturer, and grooming your children for interaction with robots rather than humans, and for life in the 21st-century globalist Unistate. The information collected is a treasure trove of data for social engineering in the classroom, and another surreptitious method of separating children from their parents without parental knowledge.
The political parallels between teaching whole-word reading and using augmented robots for teaching are disturbing. Both began and were marketed as systems to help children with disabilities. Both were (or, in the case of Moxie, will be) subsequently applied to normal children, with catastrophic outcomes, for political gain. As discussed in Chapter 5, the detrimental effects on children's brains and their ability to actually read the written word in English were known as early as 1955, when Rudolph Flesch exposed the whole-word method as the culprit in his book, Why Johnny Can't Read: and what you can do about it.
The damage done by the American education industry in its insistence on teaching children to read using whole words is well documented. Yet whole-word methodology continues and has been expanded from whole-word reading to the Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child[v] model (WSCC) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
The CDC website describes WSCC in predictably glowing terms. It is essential for parents to recognize the staggering Marxist dualism in WSCC and its 10 Components. Parents are presented with familiar, constructive terms that do not at all mean what parents understand them to mean. For example, "integration and collaboration between education leaders and health sectors" is actually the collaboration between teachers, counselors, psychologists, sexuality instructors, etc., to indoctrinate American children in radical leftist norms. The "student-centered" approach is actually the total immersion of the students in anti-American, anti-family, anti-Judeo-Christian propaganda without parental knowledge. From CDC's website:
- Physical education and physical activity.
- Nutrition environment and services.
- Health education.
- Social and emotional climate.
- Physical environment.
- Health services.
- Counseling, psychological and social services.
- Employee wellness.
- Community involvement.
- Family engagement.
Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC)
The education, public health, and school health sectors have each called for greater alignment that includes integration and collaboration between education leaders and health sectors to improve each child's cognitive, physical, social, and emotional development. Public health and education serve the same children, often in the same settings. The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child (WSCC) model focuses on the child to align the common goals of both sectors to put into action a whole child approach to education.
What is the WSCC model?
The Whole School, Whole Community, Whole Child, or WSCC model, is CDC's framework for addressing health in schools. The WSCC model is student-centered and emphasizes the role of the community in supporting the school, the connections between health and academic achievement and the importance of evidence-based school policies and practices. The WSCC model has 10 Components:
The CDC prides itself on the collaboration between government and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to finance its WSCC initiatives:
- Alliance for a Healthier Generation
- Boys and Girls Club of America
- National Association of School Nurses
- National Network of Public Health Institutes
- SHAPE America
Funded Non-Governmental Organizations for Healthy Schools
Through the National Collaboration to Promote Health, Wellness, and Academic Success of School-Age Children, CDC Healthy Schools funds five national non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to complement and strengthen the work of State Public Health Actions grantees. These NGOs support the 1305 granteesand their organization's constituents to promote and implement proven policies, practices, and programs in at least one of the following school health priority areas:
Priority Area 1—Physical Education and Physical Activity in Schools
Priority Area 2—School Nutrition Environment and Services
Priority Area 3—Out of School Time Healthy Eating and Physical Activity
Priority Area 4—School Health Services for Managing Chronic Conditions
The NGOs that support the following priority areas are:
CDC Healthy Schools also funds the National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) to provide technical assistance and professional development activities that will build the capacity of state health departments. This will equip school health and education leaders with greater knowledge, skills, and abilities to implement proven strategies that create healthier environments for students. Initiatives such as these are essential to help leaders from across the country access practical tools and resources to promote the health [including mental health] of their student population.
SHAPE America (SHAPE is an acronym for the Society of Health and Physical Educators) is a particularly notable NGO. Its website, shapeamerica.org,[vi] proudly features its alignment with National Sex Education Standards:[vii]
National Sex Education Standards
SHAPE America is proud to have worked with the Future of Sex Education (FoSE) and the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) as a contributor and reviewer in the development of the National Sex Education Standards: Core Content and Skills, K–12 (Second Edition). SHAPE America is also proud to officially endorse the final document.
These latest standards reflect advancement in research regarding sexual orientation, gender identity, social, racial and reproductive justice, and the long-term consequences of stigma and discrimination. Other additions include: advances in medical technology, the emergence of digital technologies and the growing impact of social and sexually explicit media on relationships.
Readers will remember that SIECUS is an ideological and political instrument for social change. SIECUS proudly describes its goals in the acknowledgements section of the National Sex Education Standards, second edition:
Through policy, advocacy, education, and strategic communications efforts, SIECUS advances sex education as a vehicle for social change—working toward a world where all people can access and enjoy their own sexual and reproductive freedom.
Parents need to understand the deceptive way words are being used. The definition of physical health includes sexual health, and the definition of sexual health is inclusive. "Inclusive" is defined by diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) standards, which means sexual health includes presenting transgenderism and every iteration of non-binary gender identification as normal variations on a theme of non-binary sexuality. Male/female heterosexuality is no longer the accepted norm; every conceivable form of sexual behavior, including pedophilia, is presented as a normal variation of inclusive sexual behavior.
There are no restrictions on sexual behavior or gender identity in a society that has been driven into subjective reality, where feelings rather than facts determine social policy. The entire American education industry is collaborating in the usurpation of parental authority by adopting CDC guidelines that are themselves aligned with the United Nations' internationalized curricula for education, including sex education.
Child psychiatrist Dr. Miriam Grossman (Chapter 31) is an unapologetic and outspoken advocate for children's mental health. She has written an essential book to help parents understand the horrific ideological collaboration between our weaponized education and judicial systems, particularly Child Protective Services (CPS). Together, they have redefined "mental health" in political terms, and are participating in a joint effort to replace parental authority with government-approved radical gender ideology.
CPS considers the homes of parents whose conservative views insist on the scientific facts of biology to be abusive and unsafe environments for children. CPS is empowered by the state to remove the children from the home and rehome them. This is an Orwellian reality, and extremely dangerous for the children, for their parents, and for America. Biological sex, gender, and sexual behavior have been weaponized in America by the enemies of freedom. The cultural terrorism that Hungarian Marxist George Lucács unsuccessfully attempted in Bolshevik Hungary in 1918 is effectively collapsing America from within in 2024.
Dr. Grossman's book, Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness,[viii] is an essential tool for parents whose children remain in American schools, both public and private. The book begins with a Dedication:
This book is dedicated to the parents of kids with Rapid-Onset Gender Dysphoria and to the groups who support them.
I spoke with you from your cars, basements, and bathrooms. You huddled and whispered behind closed doors, as if seeking my help was criminal behavior. You're not criminals, you are heroes. The criminals are the therapists, teachers, school counselors, and sex educators who indoctrinate your children with falsehoods, and the doctors who then disfigure and sterilize them. They are guilty of crimes. Their day will come. (p. ix)
Before the Introduction, Dr. Grossman includes A Note on Language:
We face a crusade, a juggernaut, that seeks to demolish male and female, and its success hinges on the control of language. Under those circumstances, to call a man "she" is not a kindness, it's a concession—to a scheme to control our beliefs and advance an agenda, one pronoun at a time.
In this book, I emphasize that male and female, after being established at conception, are permanent. I urge parents to be honest and consistent with their children, and to at all times stay grounded in biological reality. I have always done that in my office, and I'm not going to stop now. (p. xxv)
Dr. Grossman continues:
For me this is a black-and-white issue. Most things in life are nuanced, but this is not one of them. This is—and here's a word you don't expect to hear from a doctor—evil. It's evil to indoctrinate children and young adults with falsehoods and to drive a wedge between them and their loving parents. It's evil to encourage them on a path that leads to harm. And it's evil to describe it all as a journey to authenticity, and to entice children with glitter and rainbows....
The trans issue is not a debate with reasonable and moral people on both sides, it's a war. It's a destructive, cult-like crusade that targets your children 24/7; there's hardly a place that's free from indoctrination, slogans, flags, and emojis. You must gird yourselves with knowledge, confidence, and support and oppose the onslaught as much as possible....
Starting with new names and pronouns and ending too often in the operating rooms, the trans journey is an assembly line. One step leads to another, and it's difficult to get off, so your goal is to prevent your child from ever climbing on.... (p. xxx)
I regret to inform you that with this matter, the sources you've always trusted—your child's school, pediatrician, and therapist—will likely provide ideologically driven misinformation. They will direct you and your child down a perilous path....
I'll explain that transgender ideology is a system of beliefs, like a religion. It has a unique language and [10] Articles of Faith. While the language and beliefs are bizarre, they are taught as sacred facts. The core belief––that biology can and should be denied—is a repudiation of reality.... (p. xxxi)
I will explain how the American Psychiatric Association (APA) reclassified gender disorders as normal variations of human expression—another dangerous idea. (p. xxxiii)
Articles of Faith
Behold GENDER IDENTITY; it liberated you from oppression, from the harsh constraints of biology.
GENDER IDENTITY is sacred; thou shalt not question it; thou shalt not turn away from it to hard science, for GENDER IDENTITY is jealous and cannot tolerate the scientific method.
Remember GENDER IDENTITY, to keep it holy. Behold, it is both fixed and fluid; healthy and needing drugs and surgeries; do not admit contradictions.
Thou shalt consider "male" and "female" arbitrary assignments; thou shalt deny their establishment at conception.
Thou shalt affirm all gender identities with all your heart and all your soul, so that you will be an ally and keep your livelihood.
Do not misgender [use a pronoun other than the one chosen by the adherent].
Do not deadname [use the adherent's birth name].
Thou shalt not explore anxiety, ADHD, trauma, or autism; thou shalt always invoke the minority stress model [the hypothesis that sexual minority health disparities are produced by the social stress faced by sexual minority populations due to their stigmatized status].
Thou shalt honor the self-diagnosis and judgment of minors and young adults. Thou shalt not recognize their emotional and cognitive immaturity.
Gatekeeping is an abomination. Thou shalt therefore scorn psychotherapy, and place your trust in breast binding, penis-and-testicle-tucking, pills, patches, syringes, scalpels, implants, and prosthetics. (p. xxxx)
But of all the lies and dangerous ideas promoted, Dr. Grossman says the most pernicious one is that gender affirmation is the only safe and ethical treatment! If you don't support your child, he's at high risk of suicide.
Dr. Grossman explains that gender dysphoria (GD) is a symptom, and symptoms can be caused by a variety of conditions. Further, gender dysphoria is complex and is different at different ages of onset. She distinguishes three types of GD: adult-onset, early-onset in young children, and late- or adolescent-onset in teens and young adults. The resolution of gender dysphoria is called desistance. In 1994, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition, stated that "only a very small number of children with gender identity disorder [as it was called then] will continue to have symptoms...in later adolescence or adulthood."
In other words, it is a stage of development that usually corrects itself without intervention. Before 2012, the onset of gender identity disorder was practically unheard of. In 2018, Dr. Lisa Littman, a Brown University physician, researcher, and academic, noticed an unusual trend in her small town. "Teens from the same friend group were announcing transgender identities on social media, one after another, on a scale that greatly exceeded expected numbers." (Lost in Trans Nation, p. 40)
Dr. Littman began investigating and found that adolescents and young adults were suddenly experiencing gender dysphoria for the first time. She coined the term Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD) to describe the new phenomenon. Dr. Littman theorized that "these kids may have rapidly adopted a transgender identity as a 'maladaptive coping mechanism to avoid feeling strong or negative emotions.'" (Lost in Trans Nation, p. 41)
Dr. Littman was worried that the teens were not being screened for pre-existing and current mental health issues. Instead, they were being fast-tracked for gender affirmation and transition. Dr. Littman wrote about "cluster outbreaks" and explained them as "social contagion." She discussed the limitations of her research, and strongly recommended further study and the careful evaluation of distressed teenagers before the use of treatments that have permanent effects such as cross-sex hormones and surgery.
Dr. Littman went further and confronted the gender establishment narrative, saying that social and medical affirmation may cause "an iatrogenic persistence of gender dysphoria in individuals who would have had their gender dysphoria resolve on its own." (Lost in Trans Nation, p. 46) Iatrogenic is any harm caused by a medical intervention.
The medical community came out vehemently against Dr. Lisa Littman, in the same way it pilloried British gastroenterologist Dr. Andrew Wakefield when he questioned the safety of the multi-dose measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) vaccine and its possible connection to autism in children. Instead of appropriately investigating Dr. Littman's concerns, the medical and gender establishment attacked her and presented gender-affirming care as settled science—a particularly dangerous lie.
Dr. Miriam Grossman courageously exposes the institutional capture of American medicine by radical Marxist gender ideology. She denounces its resultant gender-affirming care as political medicine, which is endangering an entire generation of children with ideological medicine and ideological indoctrination in school.
Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness is an extraordinary examination of the transgender movement, its psychosocial dynamics, and its political purpose. The book concludes with helpful appendices of practical information and important suggestions for parents dealing with schools, CPS, therapists, and the Internet.
Dr. Grossman's message is heroic and crystal clear: Parents must arm themselves with accurate information in order to protect their precious children from a "perilous social movement that erases 'male' and 'female' and aims to revolutionize what it means to be human."
[i] Hacking Humanity: Transhumanism, The Great Reset and the Struggle for Liberty: Unraveling the Global Agenda, Michael Rectenwald, World Encounter Institute, 2023
[iii] School World Order: The Technocratic Globalization of Corporatized Education, John Klyczek, Trine Day LLC, 2019
[viii] Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness, Miriam Grossman, Skyhorse Publishing, 2023
*Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on barnesandnoble.com, amazon.com, and directly from Ingram in paperback.
See also: https://goudsmit.pundicity.com/28046/chapter-35-artificial-intelligence-and-america
Contact Linda at info@lindagoudsmit.com
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See Linda's previous articles for her book Space is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is:
- INTRODUCTION: Freedom is an adult enterprise
- CHAPTER 1: What Is Reality?
- CHAPTER 2: The Art of Psychological Warfare
- CHAPTER 3: 'Birdman' and the Reality Revolution
- CHAPTER 4: The who and the what of behavior
- CHAPTER 5: America requires an educational revolution
- CHAPTER 7: Politicized education
- CHAPTER 8: Constructivism Impedes Reality-Testing
- CHAPTER 9: Norman Dodd interview
- CHAPTER 10: Objective reality is required for a free society
- CHAPTER 11: Critical Race Theory: A species of the ideological thought genus Marxism
- CHAPTER 12: Seeding Race Wars
- CHAPTER 13: Fomenting Race Wars Begins in Kindergarten
- CHAPTER 14: Changing Hearts and Minds
- CHAPTER 15: Conflict Theory and the Hegelian Dialectic
- CHAPTER 16: Ideological Invasion
- CHAPTER 17: Cultural Terrorism Comes to America
- CHAPTER 18: American Marxism: The Biden Regime—Obama's Third Term
- CHAPTER 19: From sex education to sexuality education
- CHAPTER 20: In their own words: The sexual revolution begins in Kindergarten
- CHAPTER 21: Montessori and Drag Queen Story Hour
- CHAPTER 22: What Is Social Justice?
- CHAPTER 23: Legalizing pedophilia—The Sorensen Report
- CHAPTER 24: The politics of pronouns
- CHAPTER 25: Philanthrocapitalism and Collectivism
- CHAPTER 26: Pronouns and Publishing
- CHAPTER 27: Pronouns and Pantheism
- CHAPTER 28: Pantheism, Gnosticism, and Marxism
- CHAPTER 29: Gnosticism, the Frankfurt School, and Freirean Education
- CHAPTER 30: Marxists Past, Present, and Future
- CHAPTER 31: Marxism, Gnosticism, and Transgenderism
- CHAPTER 32: Transhumanism, Big Lies, and the Great Reset
- CHAPTER 33: Weaponizing Children: The Gospel of Yuval Harari
- CHAPTER 34: In a World Obsessed with Feelings, Whose Feelings Matter?
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