Linda Goudsmit
CHAPTER 36: When They Say 'We're Coming for Your Children,' Believe Them
Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*
By Linda Goudsmit
September 16, 2024

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America's children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

Canadian columnist Barbara Kay published an exceptional article, "When They Say 'We're Coming for Your Children,' Believe Them,"[1] in The Epoch Times on July 10, 2023. Kay provides an outstanding analysis of Marxist educational indoctrination in Canada, its parallels in the United States, and the awakening of the public to its catastrophic consequences. It is a thoughtful article that begins with acknowledging Canadians as an extremely tolerant people who have found the limit of their tolerance:

    The only domain in which we are witnessing a groundswell of citizen resistance is K–12 pedagogy, where Queer Theory—a gendered form of Marxism that rejects the "normal" in sexuality, including the notion of childhood "innocence"—is systematically imposed on vulnerable minds, with or without parental consent. Drag Queen Story Hour (DQSH) has become the cynosure of parental disquiet.

    A recent video clip of naked Pride marchers chanting "We're here, we're queer, we're coming for your children" went viral. LGBTQ spin doctors claimed the words were "taken out of context." Which begs the question of why male drag queens no longer stay in their lane of adult entertainment. What acceptable "context" encourages teaching children to "twerk" ("you just move your bum up and down like that")—an action simulating sexual intercourse?

    A majority of Canadians feel such organized sexualized messaging to young children is a bridge too far. They no longer believe DQSH is "family-friendly" or pure "entertainment." Some are calling it out for what it is: "grooming," building children's trust in men with an agenda that goes far beyond teaching about "diversity." They are saying so in protests against such events as a four-day drag theatre camp in B.C.

    In a news report, a progressive journalist deplored this surge of opposition, in particular some protesters' use of the word "groomer" as a "homophobic" trope, which, the journalist writes, "advocates say was used to vilify the LGBTQ2+ community in the 1970s and 1980s." It is true, that a vocal subset of gays was vilified in the 1970s and 1980s. A little research, though, would have uncovered information that might have tempered the journalist's indignation.

    In 1969 the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), a special interest group that advocated for abrogation of the age of sexual consent, became the first LGBT organization in Scotland, branding gay rights activism and child abuse lobbying as closely entwined goals there. From 1974 to 1984, PIE openly campaigned throughout the United Kingdom to normalize pedophilia as a legally and culturally acceptable practice. Such were the sexually freewheeling times, they were taken seriously at elite levels, even winning support from then Labour Health Minister Patricia Hewitt for such policies as reducing the age of consent to 10, and the decriminalization of incest. PIE activists were tactically sophisticated in their networking, branding pedophiles as an oppressed sexual minority, just like gays and lesbians.

    Here, PIE's alter ego is the North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), still nominally active, although radically diminished in numbers. Still, as late as 2005, one lawyer dubbed it "a trade school for pedophiles." In the '70s, NAMBLA attracted support from prominent gays, such as beat poet Allen Ginsberg, and was affiliated with the International Lesbian and Gay Association until 1994. Finally, the Human Rights Campaign, which would become the biggest LGBT advocacy group in the United States, declared, "NAMBLA is not a gay organization...and we thoroughly reject their efforts to insinuate that pedophilia is an issue related to gay and lesbian civil rights."

    Nevertheless, NAMBLA's website states that, true to its philosophy, its goal remains "to end the extreme oppression of men and boys in mutually consensual relationships" by "educating the general public on the benevolent nature of man/boy love" through "cooperation with lesbian, gay, feminist, and other liberation movements." The general public should not be expected to parse the distinction between "not a gay organization" and "cooperating with lesbian, gay...movements." When the only people publicly promoting pedophilia self-identify as gay, the fact that they are a subset of LGB, and not the norm, might be lost on ordinary people.

    A 1983 interview of two PIE representatives on Newsnight offers an insight into the creepiness of their strategy. They didn't say they were campaigning for the right of 50-year-old men to have sex with seven-year-olds. They talked about children's right to sexual liberation. Challenged to admit that sex is "shocking" to a child, one of the men says, "Not if they're properly educated...."

    "Properly educated." Today, under the rubric of Queer Theory—which does not recognize any boundaries of traditional sexual morality, decency, or age-appropriateness—that would be exposure of children, against the wishes of many parents, but with the blessing of pedagogical elites, to what used to be known as porn, such as the graphic memoir, "Gender Queer."

    And of course, defended as "education" about gender diversity and inclusion, children's continual interaction with drag queens. Amongst the drag queens touring schools and libraries, a small but repulsive roster of sex offenders has been exposed. Alarm bells are ringing, and not just for conservatives. Rational gays and lesbians—LGB—feel tainted by the obsession with children inherent to Queer Theory. It's noteworthy that no queer theorist of influence has ever condemned the acting out of pedophilic desire. Thus, the laudable (but alas, so far marginal) organization "Gays Against Groomers" was formed to counter the damage Queer Theory is inflicting on the LGB's hard-earned brand of unthreatening normalcy.

    DQSH's agenda is laid out in a January 2021 paper published in the journal Curriculum Inquiry, titled "Drag pedagogy: The playful practice of queer imagination in early childhood," co-authored by media studies doctoral candidate and drag queen Lil Miss Hot Mess (of "swish swish swish" fame) and trans-identified queer theorist Harper Keenan.

    The authors acknowledge that DQSH is meant not only as a model for learning "about queer lives," but also "how to live queerly." They write, "The future is queerness's domain.... The here and now is a prison house." (Translation: The traditional family home is a prison for children.) And, notably, "It may be that DQSH is 'family friendly,' in the sense that it is accessible and inviting to families with children, but it is less a sanitizing force than it is a preparatory introduction to alternate modes of kinship." (Translation: We are your children's new family.)

    For readers who seek a fully informed, in-depth unpacking of this frank and revelatory journal article, I recommend a seminar with indispensable cultural Marxism expert James Lindsay via his New Discourses podcast episode, "Groomer School 4: Drag Queen Story Hour."

    Forget about "context." When they say "we're coming for your children," believe them.

Barbara Kay's incisive article is a warning, to parents in Canada and the United States, of the clear and present danger that the UN's Comprehensive Sexuality Education poses to their children. (CSE is introduced in Chapter 17 and discussed at length in Chapters 19 and 20.) In Canada, as in the United States, denial is not a survival strategy. It is essential that parents understand how their compassion and tolerance are being exploited, and the victims are their vulnerable children.

Child psychiatrist Dr. Miriam Grossman's warning to American parents in Chapter 35 is also a warning to Canadian parents. The future the globalist predators envision for your children is planetary in scope. It requires the internationalization of both radical ideological goals and educational indoctrination. Both are provided by United Nations Agenda 2030 and its participating organizations, global policies, and initiatives worldwide.

Globalist social engineers are using radical gender ideology, politicized medicine, and associated agencies to groom children and intimidate parents. In America, Dr. Grossman identifies the Department of Education, American School Counselors Association, National Education Association, National Association of Social Workers, National Association of School Psychologists, and the National Association of Secondary School Principals as professional organizations that refuse to disclose a child's gender identity to parents. Further, Dr. Grossman names GLSEN, formerly the Gay, Lesbian & Straight Education Network, as the primary source of America's educational system capture:

    If there is a single organization responsible for transforming your child's teacher, principal, and guidance counselor into gender warriors, and filling your child's classroom with trans symbols, books, and flags, it's GLSEN.

    In their own words, GLSEN "strives to dismantle all identity-based oppressions in K–12 public and private schools.... GLSEN provides teacher training, lesson plans, school policy guides, "inclusive" curriculum, and Gender and Sexuality Alliance (GSA) clubs in schools nationwide. They collaborate with associations that accredit private and public schools and maintain a public policy office in Washington.

    A priority is recruiting students. This is done through GSA clubs and teacher indoctrination, of course, but also through school programs—always clothed in the language of respect, civil rights, and freedom.... (Miriam Grossman, Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness, pp. 124–125)

    Here's how GLSEN instructs your child's school to keep you in the dark:

    Some transgender and nonbinary students may not yet be out to their parents or guardians.... It is essential to have open communication and plans established with the student to go over potential circumstances. For instance, mail may be sent home with a student's prior and/or legal name, which may not be their affirmed name. If a student is not yet out to their parent(s)/guardian(s), using their prior name in correspondence may be the desirable course of action, although they use a different name amongst peers and educators in school. Educators and staff should work closely with the student to determine what changes are necessary, and where, to ensure their safety and well-being. (p. 126)

Make no mistake: ideological "educators" are aligning themselves with your child, against you! It is essential for parents to realize that the institutions they always trusted are no longer trustworthy. Dr. Grossman makes painfully clear the fact that schools, guidance counselors, doctors including pediatricians, even churches and synagogues, have embraced gender ideology and cannot be trusted.

Dr. Grossman's unequivocal opinion is that no one is born in the wrong body. Gender dysphoria is an emotional and psychological issue that cannot be remedied with hormone blockers and surgeries. As a child psychiatrist, she unapologetically identifies mental health as being in touch with objective reality, the world of facts, and mental illness as being out of touch with objective reality. Dangerous ideas are those that reverse mental health standards and definitions of mental health. Dangerous ideas replace the biological facts in objective reality with the feelingsthat govern subjective reality.

Early in her book, under the heading "Puberty Is Not a Disorder," Dr. Grossman states unambiguously:

    Puberty is not only about growing breasts or developing facial hair. It impacts nearly all organs and systems of the body. It's a complex biological process that we are far from understanding.

    Too many of my colleagues have forgotten that the body has its own wisdom. (p. 70)

In 2015 Dr. Grossman joined pediatricians Den Trumbull and Michelle Cretella, leaders of the American College of Pediatricians (ACP)—not the captured American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)—and wrote a letter to the journal Pediatrics:

We submit that children who dread the development of secondary sex characteristics are emotionally troubled.... In fact, puberty brings relief for the vast majority of children receiving therapy for GID (gender identity disorder) because hormone surges propel the development of their brains as well as their bodies and they come to identify with their biological sex. (p. 70)

Dr. Michelle Cretella was cited in my previous book The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage, Chapter 11 (pp. 66–67). I repeat here a section quoted from her 2017 interview with John Ritchie, "Dr. Cretella on Transgenderism: A Mental Illness Is Not a Civil Right":[2]

    Essentially, transgender ideology holds that people can be born into the wrong body: It's simply not true. We can demonstrate this by looking at twin studies. No one is born in the wrong body. So, to take that lie and essentially indoctrinate all of our children from preschool forward with that lie, we are destroying their ability for reality-testing.

    This is cognitive and psychological abuse. I want to say just a little more about that. The reason it destroys reality-testing is because most children at age three (preschool age) can correctly identify themselves by saying "I am a boy" or "I am a girl" and most children will not understand that a boy grows into a man and stays a man and that a girl grows into a woman and stays a woman. So, when many seven-year-olds see a man get into a dress and put on makeup, they may believe that he just became a woman. The other side is not being honest and not acknowledging that....

    So transgender ideology—yes, it's child abuse because we are gaslighting our children. And now that they're thoroughly confused, they will think that they really are the opposite sex and will be sent down a medical pathway. As they approach puberty, they will be put on puberty blockers and then on cross-sex hormones. That combination will permanently sterilize most, if not all, of those children and also puts them at risk for heart disease, diabetes, and various cancers. If girls have been on testosterone, which is their sex change hormone, for a full year, by age 16 they can get a double mastectomy. So, gaslighting, pubertal castration and surgical mutilation: It's institutionalized child abuse....

Dr. Grossman explains to parents:

    Puberty isn't an illness. We cannot presume that interfering with a complex biological process such as puberty, turning it on and off synthetically, can be accomplished without paying a price. Nowhere could the price be higher than with the brain....

    It's like Extreme Makeover: Teen Brain Edition. Before puberty, your son has the brain of a child. It will take about fifteen years, well into his third decade of life, to develop the brain of an adult. The hormones of puberty, estrogen and testosterone, drive puberty's explosive growth and restructuring of the brain. Puberty blockers interrupt a natural process and could have cognitive and emotional consequences.

    Consider the ability to rationally weigh actions, predict results, and balance pros and cons. The prefrontal cortex is the area of the brain that governs these executive functions. Consider it the CEO of the brain. You don't need a PhD in neurobiology to know the executive functioning of teens isn't the greatest. They easily forget their actions have consequences, and just how damaging those consequences might be.

    The prefrontal cortex is the last area of the brain to fully mature. If it is the thinking and planning part of the brain, the amygdala is the feeling part. It too is transformed by puberty.

    Over the years, the prefrontal cortex and amygdala develop and integrate. Puberty puts these systems into balance, helping young adults regulate their emotions, control impulsivity, and make better decisions....

    The sole animal study we have suggests puberty blockers may threaten brain maturation and cognitive maturity. Not only that, but puberty blockers also potentially trap kids in a permanent gender-identity crisis. (Lost in Trans Nation, pp. 70–71)

So, puberty blockers interrupt a natural process and can have cognitive and emotional consequences, including a permanent gender-identity crisis. Consider this from a political point of view. Puberty blockers have the potential to weaponize adolescents and young adults by arresting their emotional and cognitive development, freezing them in a permanent state of immaturity. Collectivism's promise of eternal dependence is eternal damnation in an underdeveloped adolescent mind that is easily exploited.

The medical pathway is a monstrous deceit designed to achieve ideological compliance through emotional regression. Unlike the political medicine of COVID-19, which achieved ideological compliance through emotional regression using its fear campaign, the politics of gender medicine achieves its objective through indoctrination, drugs, arrested emotional development, surgeries, and family rupture.

The medical pathway not only destroys your child's mind and body, it is designed to shatter your family bonds as well. The gender indoctrination pits child against parent, and offers the troubled child affirmation and affirming care from trusted teachers, counselors, and physicians. The child withdraws from the parents and finds comfort in his new family of choice at school and online.

The catastrophic effects on families are intentional, strategic, and part of the tactical War on America. The enemy understands that the Judeo-Christian nuclear family is the infrastructure supporting American life. Non-woke parents are considered ideological enemies of the state, obstacles who must be either removed or neutralized.

Dr. Grossman is horrified that her profession has been captured by radical gender ideology, and dismayed that both the American Psychiatric Association (APA) and American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) have embraced the radical gender dogma that puberty blockers and gender affirmation are, as she describes their stance, "the only safe and ethical treatment! If you don't support your child, he's at high risk of suicide." She considers it criminal malpractice for pediatricians to ignore the mediating effects of puberty, and for surgeons to act upon children's immature feelings with mutilating surgeries.

American medicine and American education no longer serve the interests of the United States of America or Americans. They are pawns of the globalist administrative state, captured institutions advancing anti-American Marxist ideology disguised as diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). The globalist social engineers are using DEI to collapse America from within so they can Build Back Better and impose globalism's New World Order.

The infrastructure for worldwide destruction of children's innocence is already in place within the United Nations organization of international institutions. Barbara Kay's August 12, 2023, article, "Alfred Kinsey: The Father of Modern Deviancy,"[3] is a far more detailed exploration of the sexualization of children, not confined to queer theory, but encompassing it. Kay refers to Dr. Judith Reisman's extensive research that focuses on Alfred Kinsey as the deviant and criminal source of the "children are sexual from birth" doctrine. (See Chapter 17 for an in-depth discussion of Kinsey's work.) Kinsey's doctrine is the foundation of today's radicalized sexual ideology seeking to "liberate" children from the taboo of adult-child sex. What has been traditionally considered criminal sexual contact with children is now being advanced as "liberation" and "sexual rights" of the child! Alfred Kinsey's deviance was a valuable asset in globalism's war on humanity.

In her novel Atlas Shrugged, author Ayn Rand famously wrote, "Show me what a man finds sexually attractive and I will tell you his entire philosophy of life." This extraordinary quotation is the key to understanding that power and control constitute the core dynamic of adult-child sexual relations. Men who find children sexually attractive are driven by their psychological need for power and control that is assured in the asymmetric power balance in sex with children.

When they say "We're coming for your children," believe them! The globalist social engineers are using pedophilia as a tactical weapon for achieving totalitarian control of society. Pedophilia is the nuclear weapon of mass psychological destruction supported and protected by the globalist leadership for decades. Pedophilia is an essential element of their efforts to groom today's children for tomorrow's planetary Unistate.

See also:


[1] When They Say 'We're Coming for Your Children,' Believe Them;

[2] Dr. Cretella on Transgenderism: A Mental Illness Is Not a Civil Right;

[3] Alfred Kinsey: The Father of Modern Deviancy;

*Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on,, and directly from Ingram in paperback.

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© Linda Goudsmit


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Linda Goudsmit

Linda Goudsmit is the devoted wife of Rob and they are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four. She and Rob owned and operated a girls’ clothing store in Michigan for forty years before retiring to the sunny beaches of Florida. A graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Linda has a lifelong commitment to learning and is an avid reader and observer of life. She is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, along with numerous current affairs articles featured on her websites and The Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage and her new release, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is, complete Linda’s quadrangle of insightful books that connect the philosophical, ideological, political, and psychological dots of globalism's War on America and individual sovereignty.

Linda believes the future of our nation requires reviving individualism, restoring meritocracy, and teaching critical-thinking skills to children again. Her illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy, offers youngsters new and exciting ways of solving their problems and having their needs met. Mrs. Goudsmit believes that learning to think strategically rather than reacting emotionally is a valuable skill that will empower any child throughout his or her life. Plus, in Linda’s words, “I have yet to meet the child who would prefer a reprimand to a kiss.”

Contact Linda at


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