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May 28, 2018
DAN POPP — Let's say you had some fish...in a barrel...and people kept shooting them. Let's say that the fish were important to you for some reason, and you didn't want them to get shot. What would you do? Well, you might set up surveillance cameras around the barrel, and you might try to restrict access to guns. What else? Anyone have any other ideas? How about removing the barrel?... (more)

May 28, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — President Trump participated in a Memorial Day wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery on Monday to honor fallen service members and their families, promising those gathered that Americans "will never forget our heroes."... (more)

May 28, 2018
NEWSMAX — First lady Melania Trump issued her Memorial Day message Monday on Instagram, calling it a day "to remember that freedom isn't free." The first lady is currently recovering from minor kidney surgery, and has not been seen in public for two weeks. Shortly before her hospitalization, Melania Trump unveiled her "Be Best" campaign in a speech in the White House Rose Garden, which aims to "teach children the importance of social and self-awareness, positive relationship skills, and responsible decision making."... (more)

May 28, 2018
ZEROHEDGE — A photograph of two migrant children sleeping in a cage at an ICE detention facility quickly went viral on Sunday after several prominent liberals tweeted it in a white-hot rage at President Trump's immigration policy. After a laundry list of journalists and public figures angrily tweeted the photo – including CNN's Hadas Gold, NYT Mag's editor-in-chief Jake Silverstein, Obama speechwriter Jon Favreau and former LA mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, they deleted their tweets in shame when it emerged that the photo was taken in 2014, under Obama. Indeed – nobody thought to check the date on the attached article, published in June of 2014.... (more)

May 28, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Sam Clovis, a former national co-chairman of the Trump campaign, is one of three Trump figures known to have been contacted by FBI informant Stefan Halper during the 2016 presidential campaign. Clovis received an email, out of the blue, from Halper, whom he did not know, on August 29, 2016 -- after Halper had been in touch with Carter Page and just before he contacted George Papadopoulos.... (more)

May 28, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Gun-control activist David Hogg called Monday for perpetual social-media trolling of President Trump and for disruptive demonstrations at his brand-name hotels. He told his 809,000 followers that they should respond to every tweet posted by the president with demands for gun control.... (more)

May 28, 2018
NEWSMAX — A GoFundMe campaign started for the Indiana middle school teacher who swatted a gun out of a seventh grader's hand and tackled him to the ground has raised $55,000, The Hill reports. Noblesville West Middle School teacher Jason Seaman threw a basketball at the shooter and ran toward the bullets as screaming students ran for cover around 9 a.m. Friday.... (more)

May 28, 2018
ROBERT KNIGHT — The culture war reached into the quiet Washington, D.C., exurban town of Purcellville, Va. last week. This is how the left makes examples out of ordinary folks in order to transform America from the "home of the brave" into a nation of people deathly afraid to speak up. Who wants to be turned into an object of hate for offending one of the left's identity groups?... (more)

May 27, 2018
JERRY NEWCOMBE — About twenty years ago, I produced a story for D. James Kennedy Ministries on the subject of a school prayer case in Santa Fe, Texas. On the one hand, many parents and ministers were eager to promote godly influence in the school district. On the other hand, the judge ruled against such influence and did so with great hostility.... (more)

May 27, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn said former FBI Director James Comey "helped create a culture at the FBI that they were accountable to no one" and "it's going to be a long time before the reputation of the FBI regains its reputation as a law enforcement organization that has integrity and is above politics."... (more)

May 27, 2018
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — 'Isn't it a fact that you're a scumbag?" Our contretemps over the nomenclature of government informants has me unable to shake this arresting moment from my memory. In Manhattan, about 30 years ago, I was among the spectators basking in the majesty of Foley Square's federal courthouse when we were suddenly jarred by this, shall we say, rhetorical question. The sniper was a mob lawyer in a big RICO case; the target was the prosecution's main witness, the informant.... (more)

May 26, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — President Trump has ordered a crackdown on poor performance and misbehavior within the ranks of the federal workforce, senior administration officials said Friday. Mr. Trump signed a trio of executive orders that reform civil service rules by expediting termination for cause, revamping union contracts and limiting taxpayer-funded union work at agencies, said a senior administration official.... (more)

May 26, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Political conversations have grown increasingly nasty in recent years, and it may be spawning something even worse: a growing number of people taking their vitriol to another level by threatening members of Congress. In the past couple of months, the Justice Department announced action in four cases involving people who threatened serious harm, or even death, to federal lawmakers.... (more)

May 26, 2018
MICHAEL BARON — 'F.B.I. Used Informant to Investigate Russia Ties to Campaign, Not to Spy, as Trump Claims," read the headline on a lengthy New York Times story May 18. "The Justice Department used a suspected informant to probe whether Trump campaign aides were making improper contacts with Russia in 2016," read a story in the May 21 edition of the Wall Street Journal.... (more)

May 26, 2018
ABC NEWS — Several parents of victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre said that if former Broward Sheriff's Office Deputy Scot Peterson, who stood outside the school for several minutes while bullets rang out, had done his job, their children might not have lost their lives.... (more)

May 26, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Mike Rowe of "Dirty Jobs" fame says it's difficult to award work-ethic scholarships through his mikeroweWORKS Foundation due to America's "safe space movement." The host of Facebook's "Returning the Favor" told Fox News' Tucker Carlson on Thursday evening that each year it gets harder for him to essentially give out "free money" to Americans who need jobs training. His organization, which aims to close a professional skills gap, requires participants to write essays and sign a "sweat pledge."... (more)

May 24, 2018
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The swiftness with which the media have brushed aside Stefan Halper's role in the Russia investigation should be a sign that he's certainly more important than they're admitting. Halper was identified by the Daily Caller's Chuck Ross last weekend as the professor who worked in some still-unknown capacity to inform the FBI on the Trump campaign in 2016 as part of the agency's probe of Russia's election meddling.... (more)

May 24, 2018
WORLDNETDAILY — The "Deep State," the entrenched Washington bureaucrats who have worked to undermine every move by President Trump, may find details about their schemes on front pages soon. That's because FBI agents who have the information want Congress to subpoena them. Three sources in direct contact with active field agents who spoke to the Daily Caller said many agents would like to receive subpoenas from Congress "so they can reveal problems caused by former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe."... (more)

May 24, 2018
NEWSMAX — Rush Limbaugh angrily dismissed ex-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper's assertion an informant in the Trump campaign was spying on Russians to protect the candidate -- asking why there were not spies in Hillary Clinton's camp.... (more)

May 24, 2018
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump's accusations the FBI spied on his presidential campaign are "distorted," former Director of Intelligence James Clapper said Wednesday. Clapper, during an interview with Judy Woodruff on PBS's NewsHour, said there was "a big gulf between a spy in the traditional sense -- employing spycraft or tradecraft -- and an informant who is open about . . . who he was and what the questions he was asking."... (more)

May 24, 2018
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — 'Cruz just dropped out of the race. It's going to be a Clinton Trump race. Unbelievable." It was a little after midnight on May 4, 2016. FBI lawyer Lisa Page was texting her paramour, FBI counterespionage agent Peter Strzok, about the most stunning development to date in the 2016 campaign: Donald Trump was now the inevitable Republican nominee. He would square off against Hillary Clinton, the Democrats' certain standard-bearer.... (more)

May 24, 2018
BOB UNRUH — A lawsuit against YouTube's censorship of videos created by the conservative Prager University has gone to the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. The appeal was filed by the web-based organization run by columnist and commentator Dennis Prager after a district judge dismissed the case. Prager University describes itself as a "conservative nonprofit digital media organization that is associated with and presents the views of leading conservative experts on current and historical events."... (more)

May 24, 2018
SACRAMENTO BEE — An Oregon high school student is suing his school, saying it violated his First Amendment rights when it suspended him for wearing a Trump T-shirt. The student, 18-year-old Addison Barnes, told FOX 12 that he was asked to cover up a T-shirt he was wearing that said "Donald J. Trump Construction Co." on it, or leave school. The shirt also included a Trump quote: "The wall just got 10 feet taller."... (more)

May 24, 2018
WASHINGTON TIMES — Rahm Emanuel famously said that "you never want a serious crisis to go to waste," and apparently that included the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre. Two days after the horrific school shooting, the Chicago mayor advised then-Education Secretary Arne Duncan to "[t]ap peoples emotions" as they discussed how to leverage the tragedy to push for gun-control restrictions, according to emails published Wednesday by the Baltimore Post.... (more)

May 24, 2018
ANITA CRANE — On May 25, Irish citizens will vote on the 8th Amendment of their constitution. The government is allowing voters to choose abortion on demand, and voices from Ireland's two most famous rock bands have spoken.... (more)


Stephen Stone
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