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February 9, 2024

February 8, 2024

February 8, 2024
TOWNHALL — The Senate's border security and supplemental funding bill failed to earn enough support in a procedural test vote on Wednesday afternoon, confirming what became clear just a few hours after the legislative text was released on Sunday night: it was never going to become law. Despite the bill being declared "dead on arrival" in the House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate pressed ahead with the cloture vote that failed 49-50. Sixty "aye" votes were required to end debate in order to move the legislation ahead to a final vote on its passage.... (more)

February 7, 2024
BYRON YORK — Joe Biden is supposed to know something about legislating. After all, he spent 36 years in the U.S. Senate. He must have learned something in those decades. And yet Biden is the driving force behind one of the biggest Capitol Hill fiascos in years: the rapidly imploding "deal" on the U.S.-Mexico border, plus aid to Israel, Ukraine and Taiwan. It was Biden who insisted that those disparate subjects be linked – he threatened to veto any part that was passed alone – which turned out to be a fatal mistake given the impossibility of a majority in Congress agreeing on any immigration-related topic. Failing to agree on immigration guaranteed failure on the other policies.... (more)

February 5, 2024
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — The Supreme Court is preparing to weigh an unprecedented dispute over whether former President Donald Trump can be barred from state primary ballots, forcing the justices to convene during a time when the high court is not normally in session. Each high court term, which spans from early October until the end of June, the nine justices usually take a break from hearing oral arguments between late January and mid-February. This term, however, is not a normal one for the Supreme Court, which is already scheduled to consider the monumental constitutional question of whether Trump is barred from appearing on state primary ballots across the nation.... (more)

February 3, 2024
YOUTUBE — From Rosemary Siemans.com: ‘Take Time To Be Holy,’ recorded by Jack and Mary Siemans, May 24, 2023. A beautiful rendering of this classic hymn, with lyrics (Note: "whatever betide" at 1:47 means "whatever happens" in Middle English)... (more)

February 1, 2024
THE FEDERALIST — Yesterday, a reporter standing outside the Senate chamber told me that after four months of secrecy, The Firm™ plans to release the text of the $106 billion supplemental aid/border-security package — possibly as soon as today. Wasting no time, she then asked, “If you get the bill by tomorrow, will you be ready to vote on it by Tuesday?” The words “hell no” escaped my mouth before I could stop them. Those are strong words where I come from. (Sorry, Mom.)... (more)

February 1, 2024
YOUTUBE — EPOCH Times' Roman Balmakov masterfully analyzes the U.S. Supreme Court's decision — issued Jan. 22 without explanation — that allows the Biden administration to dismantle the razor wire installed by Texas to stop the unchecked invasion of the state's southern border by illegal immigrants. MUST WATCH.... (more)

February 1, 2024
MOVIE GUIDE — In 2023, Great American Family actress Danica McKellar committed to reading the entire Bible in one year. Using Tara-Leigh Cobble’s “The Bible Recap,” the actress read through the scriptures chronologically.... (more)

January 31, 2024
METRO VOICE NEWS — Influential psychologist Jordan Peterson continues to explore God and his word. “If categories just dissolve, especially fundamental ones, the culture is dissolving, because the culture is a structure of category,” he said. “That’s what it is. So in fact, culture is a structure of category that we all share. So we see things the same way. But that’s why we can talk, I mean, not exactly the same way, because then we have nothing to talk about. But, roughly speaking, we have a bedrock of agreement. That’s the Bible, by the way. So, I just walked through the Museum of the Bible in Washington. That was very cool. It’s a very cool museum.” The visit clarified his thinking about the Bible.... (more)

January 30, 2024

January 29, 2024

January 29, 2024
WORLDNETDAILY — The House Homeland Security Committee released draft articles of impeachment Sunday against Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. The first article of impeachment against Mayorkas is for “willful and systemic refusal to comply with the law” and the second is for “breach of the public trust,” according to a copy obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.... (more)

January 28, 2024
FOX NEWS — Popular school choice policies making their way through state legislatures across the country will result in government control over private and Christian schools and even homeschooling, said the head of a nonprofit focused on giving parents more authority over their children's education. "Putting government money in private and Christian schools will likely destroy them," Sheri Few, president and founder of United States Parents Involved in Education (USPIE), told Fox News. "We don't want to see private and Christian schools harmed, we don't want to see homeschool parents regulated, and that's exactly what's going to happen."... (more)

January 27, 2024
YOUTUBE — From Leicester’s De Montfort Hall, Aled Jones counts down the UK's top ten favourite hymns as voted for by you. The ten hymns were recently chosen as the UK’s most popular by Songs of Praise viewers in an online vote and include three by living hymn-writers, each of whom takes part in the programme. But which one will be the UK’s favourite?... (more)

January 26, 2024
TELEGRAM — Donald J. Trump: "We encourage all willing states to deploy their guards to Texas to prevent the entry of illegals, and to remove them back across the border. All Americans should support the commonsense measures by Texas authorities to protect the safety, security, and sovereignty of Texas, and of the American people."... (more)

January 26, 2024
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Around this time of year, we remember the infamous Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade of January 22, 1973, which condemned some 65 million preborn people in America to death in abortions. Although Roe was overturned, abortion is very much a pressing issue today. And it has been and continues to promoted in the name of “choice.” Pro-choice is a misnomer. Those who are pro-choice are in reality pro-abortion.... (more)

January 24, 2024
CLIFF KINCAID — You have probably heard about the scandal involving anti-Trump prosecutor Fani Willis and her well-paid lawyer lover/boyfriend. Their bizarre romantic and financial relationship may sink her case against Trump. If so, she will be replaced, and the case will go on. But having a lover on the payroll is not the real problem that taints the prosecutions against Trump, and it’s not the most important case.... (more)

January 24, 2024
PJ MEDIA — Donald Trump has handily won the New Hampshire Republican Party primary. DecisionDesk HQ called the race at around 8 p.m. ET, with 19% estimated reporting. Trump came in with 55.5% of the vote, followed by Haley in second place with 43.8% (see real-time results below). The result was widely expected, though the margin wasn't easily predicted. Prior to Ron DeSantis dropping out of the race, Trump reportedly had a roughly 10-point lead. Back in December, polls showed her much closer. Haley's campaign bet on a strong showing in Iowa but she came in third. She really needed a win in New Hampshire, or at least a strong second-place showing, to justify continuing her campaign. It is an indisputable landslide victory assuming Trump holds at 55% or more.... (more)

January 23, 2024
DAVID HARSANYI — The government shows up at your business and demands you pay the salaries of the regulators who lord over you. If you refuse, you’ll be ruined. You have little recourse. You’ve never even voted on the policy because no law implementing it exists. Bureaucrats in D.C. cooked up the idea, and a political appointee signed off on it.... (more)

January 21, 2024
AMERICAN GREATNESS — Among the left’s multi-pronged war on Western civilization, one of the most prominent is its assault on parental rights. Recall how when parents learned of and opposed radical public-school systems’ aims to diminish and, in some instances, terminate parental rights regarding their own child’s education, moral instruction, and physical well-being, these leftist indoctrinators colluded with the Biden Department of Justice and far-left mercenary smear merchants to harass and brand these dissenting parents as potential domestic terrorists.... (more)

January 21, 2024

January 21, 2024
WORLDNETDAILY — Last November, American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten annoyed the vast American homeschooling community by expressing bafflement at the trend to remove children from school. "What's behind the increase in homeschooling?" Weingarten posted on X (formerly Twitter), referencing an article on Axios with the same title. This apparent cluelessness drew snorts of derision from parents all over the nation, who didn't hold back on their responses by the thousands – so much so that Weingarten turned off replies to her post.... (more)

January 19, 2024

January 17, 2024
DAVID HARSANYI — Granted, I’m not a professional political consultant, but I’m starting to get the sense that the Democrats’ 2024 focus on “saving democracy” suffers somewhat from their constant efforts to demolish every basic norm of constitutional governance. Then again, maybe we just need to define our terms, since “democracy” has been stripped of any useful meaning. The word certainly doesn’t signify adherence to the Constitution — a document barely, if ever, mentioned by the contemporary left for obvious reasons.... (more)


Stephen Stone
HAPPY EASTER: A message to all who love our country and want to help save it

Stephen Stone
The most egregious lies Evan McMullin and the media have told about Sen. Mike Lee

Siena Hoefling
Protect the Children: Update with VIDEO

Stephen Stone
FLASHBACK to 2020: Dems' fake claim that Trump and Utah congressional hopeful Burgess Owens want 'renewed nuclear testing' blows up when examined

Curtis Dahlgren
My most unusual column: Why the English capitalized the word "I"

Tom DeWeese
The real way to end poverty, and it’s not by government

Jerry Newcombe
Is America pro-abortion?

Michael Bresciani
Trump hatred: America’s national shame

Pete Riehm
Enough! It’s not politics; it’s war!

Paul Cameron
Homosexuality Dominates Our Culture: I

Frank Louis
Kamala’s wall: To keep U.S. citizens in?

Linda Goudsmit
CHAPTER 34: In a World Obsessed with Feelings, Whose Feelings Matter?

Michael Bresciani
Tim Walz: Tampons in the boy’s bathroom, but no Christian teachers in the classrooms

Tom DeWeese
The compassion cartel getting rich on poverty

Jerry Newcombe
Socialism never works

Linda Kimball
The evil materialist faith of global Luciferianism, Technocracy, Socialism, and Marxism
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