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July 28, 2022
THE FEDERALIST — Chief Covid nag Dr. Leana Wen is back to lecture about the spread of a contagious virus, which can only mean one thing: Ignore her and every other “expert” because she likely has nothing helpful to say. Writing in the Washington Post on Tuesday, Wen declared that “containing” the relatively harmless “monkeypox” virus that’s going around “must be a top priority for the Biden administration.” In case you didn’t get the message, Wen wrote later in the same column, “Preventing this virus from taking hold and spreading broadly must be a top focus.”... (more)

July 28, 2022
PJ MEDIA — We all know that “white supremacists,” also known as “domestic violent extremists,” are the biggest terror threat the nation faces today; after all, Old Joe Biden, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland, and the FBI have told us so, and they wouldn’t lie to us, now, would they? In November 2021, FBI and Homeland Security Department officials increased investigations of “domestic extremists,” reiterating the claim that they are today’s foremost terror threat. The only thing lacking in this scenario has been actual white supremacist terrorists in any significant numbers.... (more)

July 28, 2022
ART MOORE — Declaring to the nation Wednesday from the Rose Garden at the White House that he's "feeling great" after a bout with COVID-19, President Biden made a series of statements that are not backed by the current science, including suggesting that people wear a mask indoors. When Biden once again touted the vaccines – which don't stop infection, as his own case illustrates – he relied on a number of false or unprovable assumptions in a dig at former President Trump.... (more)

July 28, 2022
ART MOORE — Dr. Anthony Fauci has insisted during the pandemic that immunity produced by a COVID-19 vaccine is superior to natural immunity derived from an infection, which contradicted his own researchers, the longtime conventional wisdom about respiratory viruses and his own pre-pandemic statements. The downplaying or dismissal of the power of natural immunity was the premise behind pushing vaccine mandates that have cost people their livelihoods and careers as well as their health in the case of many who report having suffered severe adverse effects.... (more)

July 25, 2022
LIFTABLE — There’s nothing like a health crisis to cause a person to rethink what truly matters in life. It will strip someone of their pride and get them thinking about spiritual matters, even those who are successful. Many would say John Tesh had it all. But the success of GRAMMY nominations, Emmy awards, hosting TV and radio shows, and being an internationally recognized concert pianist were not where he found strength and hope when he needed it the most.... (more)

July 25, 2022
PETER LEMISKA — A lot of Americans are mystified by Joe Biden’s historically low approval ratings. They see skyrocketing inflation, an abysmal economy, rising crime across the country, millions of unidentified foreigners flooding into our country across open borders, and a fumbling, doddering president. They see no positive outcomes from any of his policies. On top of that, there are the solid, credible allegations of influence-peddling, along with the unmistakable stench of political corruption. So most Americans are mystified – absolutely astonished – that Biden’s approval ratings are not lower than they are.... (more)

July 25, 2022
AMERICAN POLICY CENTER — Sorry, but we have been telling you for over 30 years that the globalists want to reduce the population by over 90%. I can understand why, for a while, some thought we were crazy. Population reduction was being done quietly through abortion, vaccines to sterilize people in Third World countries, promoting the gay lifestyle that can only bear children through surrogates, and convincing people that bringing a child into this world is a sin. For years, the Left has bemoaned the burden of "overpopulation"... (more)

July 25, 2022
WORLDNETDAILY — With the many health-care professionals across the nation who have been punished for their views on COVID-19 vaccines and treatments in mind, a Houston physician has filed a $25 million lawsuit against the hospital that suspended her privileges. Dr. Mary Bowden, in her a 19-page lawsuit, charges Houston Methodist Hospital published defamatory statements to news media and social media platforms. "The way they came after me was unprofessional, unprecedented against the spirit of bylaws of their bylaws," said Bowden, who resigned from the hospital last November after her privileges were suspended.... (more)

July 25, 2022
BOB UNRUH — Apparently, monkeypox now is an "emergency" for the world. That's after World Health Organization chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus over the weekend claimed to have broken a 9-6 tie with his decision to give the outbreak that status. According to a report from Breitbart, it's just the latest round of controversy involving Tedros. He is, the report explained, "the first W.H.O. director-general who is not a medical doctor and rose to the position after being accused of helping cover up multiple outbreaks of cholera in his native Ethiopia, where he served as foreign affairs minister and health minister under the now-outlawed Marxist party, the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF)."... (more)

July 25, 2022
ALL ISRAEL — Conservative podcaster and media personality Ben Shapiro spoke in Israel for the first time to a packed house of more than 2,500 attendees in Tel Aviv at the CAPC (Conservative Political Action Coalition) Israel on Wednesday night. “It's an honor to be here at my inaugural speech in Israel, or as I like to call it, my bar mitzvah,” he joked referring to the tradition for Jews in the diaspora to celebrate their coming-of-age parties in the Holy Land.... (more)

July 25, 2022
YOUTUBE — Joe Biden: "I was in the the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him, that's when I traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President, I don't know that for a fact." During a celebration outside the White House, President Biden – standing beside his Supreme Court nominee Justice-designate Ketanji Brown Jackson and Vice President Kamala Harris – once again fumbled his words, and the look on the Vice President's face in reaction was priceless.... (more)

July 25, 2022
RUMBLE — On Sunday Morning Futures with host Maria Bartiromo, Maria and her guests Dr. Ben Carson, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Dem. Rep. Ro Khanna, Rep. Kevin McCarthy, and Arizona governor candidate Kari Lake respond to July 24th’s breaking news, beginning with a report of Covid-infected Biden having video meetings with his staff.... (more)

July 25, 2022
DAILY MAIL — Hours after he was convicted on a misdemeanor contempt of Congress charge, former Trump advisor Steve Bannon made an appearance on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight' to declare: 'If I go to jail, so be it.' During the interview on Friday night, Carlson asked the former Breitbart editor how he felt about the possibility that he might be going to prison. Bannon remained defiant, telling the host: 'If I go to jail, I go to jail. I will never back off a second like I spent eight years as a Naval officer. I've committed my life to this program to get this done. '... (more)

July 23, 2022
ANDREW C. MCCARTHY — To the surprise of no one, a federal jury in Washington, D.C., has convicted Steve Bannon on two counts of contempt of Congress for defying subpoenas — one for testimony, the other for documents — issued last autumn by the House January 6 committee. The case took only three days to try, and the jury was out for about three hours. It was as straightforward as it gets: The subpoenas were issued, Bannon knew that they had the compulsory force of law, and he intentionally flouted them — i.e., his noncompliance was not an accident or mistake but a conscious choice.... (more)

July 22, 2022
ART MOORE — Is there anything to be learned from the fact that President Biden – and his top coronavirus adviser, Dr. Dr. Anthony Fauci – got COVID-19 after receiving four shots? Is it possible that the vaccine itself makes people more susceptible to infection from the SARS-CoV-2 virus? Fox News host Tucker Carlson explored that question on his program Thursday night.... (more)

July 21, 2022
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Did you read in the news about the three mosques in the U.S. that were set on fire just the other weekend? Did you hear in the mainstream media about the scores of attacks, including some firebombings, of the Planned Parenthood facilities by pro-life extremists? Did you hear about the harassment of the pro-abortion politicians and judges for their pro-choice stance? You didn’t? Neither did I, because none of those things happened. But the mainstream media has for the most part ignored the multiple churches and pro-life facilities that have been attacked in one way or another by pro-abortion forces in the last several weeks. Indeed, if they had been mosques or abortion providers, we would hear over and over about it.... (more)

July 21, 2022
DAILY MAIL — Ivana Trump's remains were carried from New York City to ex-President Donald Trump's New Jersey golf club after the former couple's children paid tribute to their "trailblazing" mother who served as an "embodiment of the American dream" during her funeral mass. Exclusive DailyMail.com photos show a hearse from Frank E. Campbell funeral home in Manhattan leading a procession of family and loved ones down 9th Avenue before entering the Lincoln Tunnel and heading toward the Trump National Golf Club Bedminster for a private reception. Ivana's three children – Donald Trump Jr, Eric, and Ivanka – all spoke at the service at St. Vincent Ferrer Church on the Upper East Side in front of 100 mourners, including Donald, his wife Melania, and their 16-year-old son Barron.... (more)

July 20, 2022
CURTIS DAHLGREN — "The past will not tell us what we ought to do, but what we ought to avoid." – Jose Ortega y Gasset "A fool contributes nothing worth hearing and takes offense at everything".... "Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all".... "It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it." – Aristotle... (more)

July 19, 2022
NEWSMAX — The Biden administration is looking into a narrow declaration to allow nationwide access to abortion pills, Politico reported on Tuesday. The effort is the most feasible among President Joe Biden's limited options and the one most likely to have immediate impact, according to Politico, which quoted three people said to be familiar with the plan.... (more)

July 19, 2022
YOUTUBE — Veteran newsman Mike Wallace interviewed Margaret Sanger – a chief inspiration for Roe v. Wade – about her views, values, and recommendations in a MUST-SEE conversation televised September 21, 1957. Beneath the constant twitching and scratching, the cynical feminist revealed that, shockingly, she believed that "the greatest sin is bringing children into the world." She also confirmed that when she was growing up, she and her siblings were known in the community as "children of the Devil," according to her biography.... (more)

July 18, 2022
YOUTUBE — Fox News host Tucker Carlson reacts to United States' population growth being fueled by migration on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.'... (more)

July 18, 2022
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT — Do you think the GOP will win a landslide victory in the November midterms? Do you think it will be a cakewalk? Boy, are you naive. I've been warning about what's coming for many months on my nationally syndicated radio show, "Wayne Allyn Root: Raw and Unfiltered" on USA Radio Network. It's all starting to happen just as my crystal ball predicted. First, I've been warning nonstop that Democrats are planning to steal the 2022 midterms, just like they clearly stole the 2020 presidential election. More on that in a moment.... (more)

July 18, 2022
RUMBLE — On Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker begins by spotlighting the view of Dr. Ronnie Jackson, former White House physician to G.W. Bush, Obama, and Trump, who says Joe Biden is in an obvious mental decline that should disqualify him from being president. By all indications – Tucker notes – Biden now has dementia, even "full-blown senility."... (more)

July 18, 2022

July 18, 2022
NEWSMAX — Betsy DeVos, a cabinet member in the Trump administration, is calling for abolishing an agency she once led: the Department of Education. Speaking with conservative activists in Tampa, Florida, on Saturday, the former secretary of education said, according to the Florida Phoenix, that the federal Education Department should be abolished, with education decisions handed to state and local boards.... (more)


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