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January 18, 2019
FRANK PAVONE — The largest annual pro-life demonstration of the year is about to take place this Friday in Washington, D.C., reminding everyone of the disastrous Roe v. Wade decision issued by the Supreme Court on Jan. 22, 1973, and legalizing abortion throughout pregnancy.... (more)

January 16, 2019
DAILY SIGNAL — William Barr told the Senate Judiciary Committee he wouldn't be intimidated by anyone, including President Donald Trump, who nominated him to serve as attorney general. "I am not going to do anything that I think is wrong, and I will not be bullied into doing anything I think is wrong. By anybody. Whether it be editorial boards, or Congress, or the president," Barr said Tuesday in response to questions by Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill.... (more)

January 16, 2019
DAILY CALLER — Republican South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham brought the house down Tuesday when he delivered a deadpan crack about President Donald Trump having his phone number.... (more)

January 16, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — An Atlanta-area man has been accused of plotting to destroy the White House and other government buildings in Washington, D.C. The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported the suspect is Hasher Jallal Taheb of Cumming, Georgia. The report said all threats were neutralized and the suspect, who was arrested in Gwinnett County and briefly appeared in court Wednesday, apparently was working alone.... (more)

January 16, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — In a speech from the Senate floor Wednesday morning in which he blamed President Trump for the partial government shutdown -- saying the country is "suffering self-inflicted damage" -- Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer let it slip that the American people voted for a wall by voting for Trump.... (more)

January 16, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — An organizer of the latest migrant caravan was arrested on rape charges in Honduras. Juan Carlos Molina, the subject of an arrest warrant since August 2015, was on his way to the United States to seek asylum after raping his minor cousin, Diario La Tribuna reported, according to the Gateway Pundit.... (more)

January 16, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — In an interview Monday with CNN, the chief Border Patrol agent for the San Diego sector challenged the network's characterization of the surge on the border by migrants Sunday as a "peaceful protest" of women and children gone awry, noting the vast majority of arrests were of adult males who did not qualify for asylum.... (more)

January 16, 2019
NEWSMAX — The White House says President Donald Trump has signed a bill that will require some 800,000 federal employees to be compensated for wages lost or work performed during the partial government shutdown. Wednesday's bill signing was closed to the media. The House and Senate had voted to give the workers back pay whenever the federal government reopens.... (more)

January 16, 2019
NEWSMAX — The man behind a GoFundMe "Trump Wall" campaign now has permission to transfer $7 million of the money he raised to his new plan to privately pay for construction of a wall along the Mexican border, CBS News is reporting. Brian Kolfage, a wounded veteran from South Florida, started his "Trump Wall" campaign in December and was able to raise about $20 million from more than 300,000 people.... (more)

January 16, 2019
NEWSMAX — Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg has canceled appearances at events in Los Angeles and New York in the upcoming weeks following surgery in December to remove cancerous nodules from her lung, CNN reports. "Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg regrets that she is unable to attend the talk with David Rubenstein at 92Y on Feb. 6," the 92nd Street Y in Manhattan wrote in an email to CNN. "She is curtailing travel and focusing on her work while recuperating from recent surgery."... (more)

January 16, 2019
ART MOORE — Republican Rep. Steve King's remarks on race in a New York Times story were "too close for comfort," but the paper's charge that previous statements by the Iowa congressman were "racist" is "completely bogus," said Fox News senior political analyst Brit Hume Tuesday night.... (more)

January 16, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — Two leaders of the Southern Poverty Law Center, Richard Cohen and Heidi Beirich, have been sued in federal court in Washington, D.C., by the Center for Immigration Studies under the nation's organized crime law for "falsely" designating CIS as a "hate group."... (more)

January 15, 2019
ALAN KEYES — President Trump's televised address to the nation last week was an act of impeccable statesmanship. He said what was needed, in the way it needed to be said. He addressed the cost -- in human lives, seething disorder, and money -- of the dereliction of duty characteristic of his immediate predecessors (Democrats Obama and Clinton, and Republicans George H.W. and George W. Bush). They neglected or refused to carry out the Constitution's mandate to see that our nation's immigration laws are faithfully executed.... (more)

January 15, 2019
CLIFF KINCAID — The slogan of The Washington Post is "Democracy dies in darkness." So I did a search of recent articles on its website about its billionaire owner, Jeff Bezos, who does business with the CIA and NSA and finds himself in the middle of a sex scandal that makes even liberals cringe. I found a story about his announced "split" with his wife in which a lawyer is quoted as saying "the couple's amicable joint statement indicates that the split probably won't be messy or protracted." The lawyer added, "Sounds like they are making an effort to do this the right way and not make it into a public spectacle."... (more)

January 15, 2019
MARINE CORPS TIMES — The Pentagon announced late Monday that it is extending the mission of active duty troops to the Mexico border through September, marking almost a year-long domestic deployment of forces there. The approximately 4,500 active duty and National Guard forces now on the border were first sent there in late October 2018 to meet a request from President Donald Trump and the Department of Homeland Security to secure border entry points from thousands of immigrants traveling north through Mexico to seek asylum in the U.S. Several units have rotated in and out during that time, and have been tasked to lay concertina wire, barriers and help assist border patrol agents at points in Texas, Arizona and California.... (more)

January 15, 2019
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump is facing an organized "coup" at the Department of Justice, his former attorney John Dowd said Monday. During an appearance on "The Brian Kilmeade Show" on Fox News Radio, Dowd said current and former officials at the DOJ and FBI were out to get Trump from the beginning.... (more)

January 14, 2019
GREGG JARRETT — Pointing to a New York Times story revealing the FBI investigated in 2017 whether President Trump was a covert Russian agent, Fox News analyst Greg Jarrett concludes "dishonesty and corruption are endemic" at the bureau. Jarrett, in an opinion piece for FoxNews.com, said the "accusation itself was ludicrous on its face."... (more)

January 14, 2019
NEWSMAX — President Donald Trump tweeted on Sunday that the United States has begun withdrawing from Syria. "Starting the long overdue pullout from Syria while hitting the little remaining ISIS territorial caliphate hard, and from many directions," Trump wrote. "Will attack again from existing nearby base if it reforms. Will devastate Turkey economically if they hit Kurds. Create 20 mile safe zone."... (more)

January 14, 2019

January 14, 2019
NEWSMAX — ABC Chief White House correspondent Jonathan Karl on Sunday said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's report is "almost certain to be anti-climactic." Karl, who was on "This Week with George Stephanopoulos" discussing the bombshell report in The New York Times and Washington Post that said the FBI opened up a counterintelligence investigation into President Donald Trump in the days after he fired James Comey because they were suspicious of his behavior, also said there has been no proof of collusion between Trump's campaign team and the Russians during the 2016 presidential election.... (more)

January 14, 2019
JEN KERNS — Even though the left-wing media will never give him credit, President Trump has been far tougher on Russia than his predecessor, Barack Obama. For starters, it was President Obama who, according to Reuters, was "caught on camera" saying to a Russian leader that he'll have more flexibility after the election -- not President Trump.... (more)

January 14, 2019
FOX NEWS — GoFundMe could be returning more than $20 million in donations to help fund a U.S.-Mexico border wall if donors don't redirect their funds to a newly created nonprofit, reports said Friday. Triple-amputee U.S. Air Force veteran Brian Kolfage, 37, created the campaign, dubbed "We The People Will Fund The Wall," last month. It quickly went viral and has amassed more than 338,000 donors. But the campaign failed to reach its $1 billion goal.... (more)

January 14, 2019
NEWSMAX — The Capital Area Food Bank has organized five free pop-up markets in the Washington D.C. area to provide fresh produce and canned goods to help government employees during the partial federal shutdown, WUSA9 reported. All furloughed government employees and federal contractor are eligible to receive the items.... (more)

January 14, 2019
WORLDNETDAILY — Does an American gun range have the right to exclude Muslims who are members of the Council on American-Islamic Relations because of the group's ties to terrorism? That question could soon have a legal answer as a Muslim has filed a discrimination suit against the owners of a gun range in Oklahoma.... (more)

January 12, 2019
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — President Trump has the constitutional and legal right to invoke his emergency powers to divert funds to build a wall along the southern border without running afoul of the Constitution or the law, according to top legal analysts.... (more)


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