Mark West
By Mark West
"The borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7
Our President introduced a new "catch phrase" into the vernacular of American economic malaise as he said, "You see, the flow of credit is the lifeblood of our economy."
Pardon me Mr. President, but credit is far from being the "lifeblood" of our economy. Unfortunately, the media has taken to this as the phrase of the hour. However, this mantra is not true and if followed will lead to dire consequences for our economy.
Take a moment to digest this fact, the economic problems arose because of overleveraging or in terms we can all regurgitate...too much debt...to much "flow of credit"!
We are so overleveraged that even our "representative" government is operating on an annual budget deficit, meaning that we are borrowing money just to exist...to pay for all of our politicians' promises!
We've been duped into believing that our economic security rests upon our ability to borrow?! Fortunately, today you can know that it most certainly does not!
While credit flow may help speed up some commercial processes, it is not the guarantor of commerce in and of itself. Commerce existed prior to credit and will continue to exist long afterward.
How do we create more commerce? Investment! Now, don't misunderstand, I'm not only talking about the Wall St.-type investing that contributed to this econo-mess. We must focus on where we are...how can I invest myself in my own sphere of influence.
We are designed with a character that includes ingenuity, imagination, diligence, determination, intelligence, and creativity. Unique as we are made, we each can and must invest ourselves to fix this mess. Big brother can't and won't!
Do not let the politics of the day undermine your self-worth. You will overcome! You will survive! No matter what comes you cannot forget who you really are...You are an American! You are a contributing part of what continues to make this nation the greatest in the world.
You are the lifeblood of the economy! You, not "the flow of credit," are what makes America exist. Don't you ever forget it!
© Mark West
March 13, 2009
"The borrower is servant to the lender." Proverbs 22:7
Our President introduced a new "catch phrase" into the vernacular of American economic malaise as he said, "You see, the flow of credit is the lifeblood of our economy."
Pardon me Mr. President, but credit is far from being the "lifeblood" of our economy. Unfortunately, the media has taken to this as the phrase of the hour. However, this mantra is not true and if followed will lead to dire consequences for our economy.
Take a moment to digest this fact, the economic problems arose because of overleveraging or in terms we can all regurgitate...too much debt...to much "flow of credit"!
We are so overleveraged that even our "representative" government is operating on an annual budget deficit, meaning that we are borrowing money just to exist...to pay for all of our politicians' promises!
We've been duped into believing that our economic security rests upon our ability to borrow?! Fortunately, today you can know that it most certainly does not!
While credit flow may help speed up some commercial processes, it is not the guarantor of commerce in and of itself. Commerce existed prior to credit and will continue to exist long afterward.
How do we create more commerce? Investment! Now, don't misunderstand, I'm not only talking about the Wall St.-type investing that contributed to this econo-mess. We must focus on where we are...how can I invest myself in my own sphere of influence.
We are designed with a character that includes ingenuity, imagination, diligence, determination, intelligence, and creativity. Unique as we are made, we each can and must invest ourselves to fix this mess. Big brother can't and won't!
Do not let the politics of the day undermine your self-worth. You will overcome! You will survive! No matter what comes you cannot forget who you really are...You are an American! You are a contributing part of what continues to make this nation the greatest in the world.
You are the lifeblood of the economy! You, not "the flow of credit," are what makes America exist. Don't you ever forget it!
© Mark West
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