Marita Vargas
'I have a dream'
A tribute to the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. during Black History Month 2009
By Marita Vargas
February 17, 2009

It is Black History Month. The accomplishments and victories of the black people will become a thing of the past if there is no history being made. Because while it is well known that black Americans at 12% of the population undergo 37% of the abortions in this country,[1] what is happening is seldom stated in its starkest terms. If a community does not have children, it has no future. If it has no future it will have no accomplishments to celebrate in years to come. If this trend continues the only dream that will be realized will be that of Margaret Sanger and her racist Negro Project of 1939-1940. For you see the eugenics-minded abortion industry has been working toward this day.

But I have a dream. I have a dream that black men and women will put an end to the black genocide of abortion and in so doing that they will put an end to the scourge that has taken the lives of all of our pre-born children. My dream was fueled on the Walk for Life West Coast when the Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr. addressed the crowd of 30,000 people of all racial backgrounds this past January 24th, 2009. For you see while he was acknowledging that we face challenging times under a president who sees it as his mission in life to facilitate abortion at home and around the globe, God will send us our Moses.

God already has. Moses has come in the form of Pastor Walter B. Hoye II of Oakland, California. Moses has come in the form of the Rev. Dr. Clenard H. Childress, Jr. himself. Pastor Hoye is Founder and President of the Issues4life Foundation, which actively works to unite black leaders and their people to work against abortion. The Rev. Childress is Founder of Black His New Jersey based group educates the black community regarding the very real danger it faces in abortion. Soon there will be a dozen black Moses-like leaders across this great but weakening nation, and then a hundred, and then a thousand who will stand and cry: "Let my people go!"

They will say: "The blood of black babies cries out to us from the abortuaries of America. Their plaintive voices cry for a hearing from the dumpsters and garbage cans and medical waste containers that house their sacred remains. They have no voice but our voice. They have no heart but our heart. They have no will but our will. But let me tell you that 'we as a people will get to the promised land.' But we cannot get there if we destroy the promise of new life. We cannot get there if 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' does not apply to all, most especially to the most vulnerable black baby among us. We cannot get there if in the womb where God is performing the miracle of creation in our day, we allow a violation more cruel than the meanest racial slur. No people can long stand under such an assault. No nation can survive when its power brokers and policy makers connive to prevent black babies from seeing the light of day, as if to say: "No life for you; you're not good enough."

It was a great national sin, when a child had to be told she could not visit an amusement park alongside white children. It was a national sin when she was told that she could not slake her thirst with the cool waters of a playground fountain because she was the wrong color. It was a national sin when her teeming mind and obvious gifts could not be granted full reign in the best institutions of higher learning this land had to offer. It was a national sin and God alone could grant us healing from such sin in the wake of true repentance.

But it is a cosmic sin to slay the innocent in his mother's womb, to say to the entire world that future generations of black men and women do not matter. That is the politics of the abortion industry, and it is genocide. No bureaucrat with his calculator can make palatable the diabolical calculus that places black infant life on the scales against "the public good" and finds it wanting. I tell you it is a cosmic sin.

It is a cosmic sin to tell the black mother in the ghetto that her baby's life must be considered against that of a hypothetical crime wave. It is a cosmic sin to tell a desperate woman that her child's life will not make a large enough contribution to the nation's GNP. It is a cosmic sin to breathe in the halls of legislative deliberation the opinion that more monies must be released to "help" black woman deliver their child over to the abortionist's knife.

A merciful God cannot look upon such sin and destruction and stay the hand of retribution for long. That is why all black men and women must take to the streets in non-violent protest to bring an end to the assault against black infant life. I know we will be joined by God-fearing white, Asian, Hispanic and Native people among us. I know it is our only hope to get to the Promised Land."


[1]  John R. Lott, Jr. and Sonya D. Jones. Abortion Rate Among Black Women Far Exceeds Rate for Other Groups, April 9, 2008. (

© Marita Vargas


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Marita Vargas

Marita Vargas believes in freedom of speech and in civil discourse. Because for decades the American people have been silenced, intimidated, and poorly informed, they are in danger of losing their freedoms for the simple reason that they rarely discuss the underlying reasons for the current state of affairs. She can be reached at


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