Marita Vargas
The season of reconciliation
By Marita Vargas
And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ...be ye reconciled to God. (II Corinthians 5: 18-20)
The season of reconciliation opened officially on February 17 this year. Its other name is Easter. It is our yearly liturgical reminder that Christ is reconciling all things to himself — all things — including draconian health care proposals, duplicitous politicians and the socialist takeover of one-sixth of the American economy.
Reconciliation is the time of repentance. It is a good time for Americans to repent of the national sin of abortion. It is no accident of history or national destiny that twelve (or thereabouts) righteously angry legislators (Okay one has sold out and the others are dropping like Toyota stock), have it within their power to stop the freedom killing health care bill. The oppressors believe they have everything in place for the full seizure of power. But if we are a good people we can stay the hand of the oppressor even though it is the eleventh hour. We can become a good people by throwing ourselves on the mercy of God and recognizing our worst national sin.
Reconciliation is the time of self-examination. We all must recognize our part in allowing the slaughter of the innocents among us. The empire of death is based on many lies and allowing them to remain unchallenged is guilt enough. The basic truth is simple. Life does begin at conception. (As the A.M.A. knew long before Roe.) It is a person in the womb. (Despite Harry Blckmun's lawyerly dithering on the issue.) Women who choose death for their child are really women who believe they have no other choice. (As the Silent No More witnesses attest.) Abortion does pave the way for elimination of the disabled, the incapacitated, the elderly, those termed inferior (genetically and/or racially), and the inconvenient. (As Obama's Science Czar is happy to point out.) The abortion movement has actively worked to undermine traditional morality in the young, eliminate opposition to its program, and export its chief product to third world countries. (Visit the archives at the website of the Human Life Review for a thorough run-down on these topics.)
Reconciliation is the time of redemption. As we move through the forty days of lent, we are reminded of the forty weeks of gestation; we are reminded of a time that leads to new life. All of us can be a part of redeeming the time. We can pray for an end to abortion. We can fast recognizing that it is a spiritual battle we face. We can share the message of hope for new life with others. We can remind ourselves and others that this life is a prelude to the truly new life that begins with the enjoyment of God in Heaven. We can take part in Forty Days for Life activities across the country. We can trade the darkness of abortion for the light of the Gospel.
Reconciliation is the time of resurrection. Christ the Lord is risen indeed!
The grave clothes could not bind Him; the tomb could not hold Him. We too are set free.
After his resurrection Christ gave spiritual food to his disciples at Emmaus. We have been invited to the feast that gives us strength to face every test that comes our way.
Christ commissioned the twelve to share the Gospel. We have been commissioned to share the story of his love and forgiveness.
Christ's followers witnessed the Ascension. We have an advocate who sits at the right hand of the Father.
Christ's faithful friends received the Holy Spirit. We have been given the power to bear witness to the miracle of eternal life.
Death has been conquered!
Why have we allied ourselves with the power of death against the best interests of the human race? Death can win only if we adopt a shrunken and shriveled definition of man. It cannot win if we proclaim that mankind is made in the Image and Likeness of God.
Harry Reid could be great if he were reconciled to these truths.
Nancy Pelosi could be great if she were reconciled to these truths.
Barak Hussein Obama could be great if he were reconciled to these truths.
And all of the following could be great if they were reconciled to these truths and were committed to voting for life and not for death: John Boccieri (OH 16); Mike Ross (AR 4); Paul Kanjorski (PA 11); Steve Driehaus (OH 1); Charlie Wilson (OH 6); Joe Donnelly (IN 2); Jim Oberstar (MN 8); Dale Kildee (MI 5); Brad Ellsworth (In 8); Jerry Costello (IL 12); Marcy Kaptur (OH 9); Mike Doyle (PA 14); Alan Mollohan (VW 1); Tom Periello (VA 5); James Langevin (RI 2); Baron Hill (IN 9); and Jason Altmire (PA 4). (Status on health care bill vote may change before this is published Call them today.)
Not to mention that they could save the nation from slipping into despotism.
Pray for them.
With God anything can happen. They and we can be ambassadors for Christ actively seeking to reconcile all of humanity and all of creation to God.
We are like those twelve silent men of the jury in To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus Finch has summed up his defense of the innocent Tom Robinson. His final admonition to the jury is ringing in our ears, as applicable to us today as it is to our wavering leaders: "For God's sake, do your duty."
For God's sake, and for the sake of the innocent preborn; and for the sake of our nation, let us all do our duty.
© Marita Vargas
March 15, 2010
And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; to wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. Now then we are ambassadors for Christ...be ye reconciled to God. (II Corinthians 5: 18-20)
The season of reconciliation opened officially on February 17 this year. Its other name is Easter. It is our yearly liturgical reminder that Christ is reconciling all things to himself — all things — including draconian health care proposals, duplicitous politicians and the socialist takeover of one-sixth of the American economy.
Reconciliation is the time of repentance. It is a good time for Americans to repent of the national sin of abortion. It is no accident of history or national destiny that twelve (or thereabouts) righteously angry legislators (Okay one has sold out and the others are dropping like Toyota stock), have it within their power to stop the freedom killing health care bill. The oppressors believe they have everything in place for the full seizure of power. But if we are a good people we can stay the hand of the oppressor even though it is the eleventh hour. We can become a good people by throwing ourselves on the mercy of God and recognizing our worst national sin.
Reconciliation is the time of self-examination. We all must recognize our part in allowing the slaughter of the innocents among us. The empire of death is based on many lies and allowing them to remain unchallenged is guilt enough. The basic truth is simple. Life does begin at conception. (As the A.M.A. knew long before Roe.) It is a person in the womb. (Despite Harry Blckmun's lawyerly dithering on the issue.) Women who choose death for their child are really women who believe they have no other choice. (As the Silent No More witnesses attest.) Abortion does pave the way for elimination of the disabled, the incapacitated, the elderly, those termed inferior (genetically and/or racially), and the inconvenient. (As Obama's Science Czar is happy to point out.) The abortion movement has actively worked to undermine traditional morality in the young, eliminate opposition to its program, and export its chief product to third world countries. (Visit the archives at the website of the Human Life Review for a thorough run-down on these topics.)
Reconciliation is the time of redemption. As we move through the forty days of lent, we are reminded of the forty weeks of gestation; we are reminded of a time that leads to new life. All of us can be a part of redeeming the time. We can pray for an end to abortion. We can fast recognizing that it is a spiritual battle we face. We can share the message of hope for new life with others. We can remind ourselves and others that this life is a prelude to the truly new life that begins with the enjoyment of God in Heaven. We can take part in Forty Days for Life activities across the country. We can trade the darkness of abortion for the light of the Gospel.
Reconciliation is the time of resurrection. Christ the Lord is risen indeed!
The grave clothes could not bind Him; the tomb could not hold Him. We too are set free.
After his resurrection Christ gave spiritual food to his disciples at Emmaus. We have been invited to the feast that gives us strength to face every test that comes our way.
Christ commissioned the twelve to share the Gospel. We have been commissioned to share the story of his love and forgiveness.
Christ's followers witnessed the Ascension. We have an advocate who sits at the right hand of the Father.
Christ's faithful friends received the Holy Spirit. We have been given the power to bear witness to the miracle of eternal life.
Death has been conquered!
Why have we allied ourselves with the power of death against the best interests of the human race? Death can win only if we adopt a shrunken and shriveled definition of man. It cannot win if we proclaim that mankind is made in the Image and Likeness of God.
Harry Reid could be great if he were reconciled to these truths.
Nancy Pelosi could be great if she were reconciled to these truths.
Barak Hussein Obama could be great if he were reconciled to these truths.
And all of the following could be great if they were reconciled to these truths and were committed to voting for life and not for death: John Boccieri (OH 16); Mike Ross (AR 4); Paul Kanjorski (PA 11); Steve Driehaus (OH 1); Charlie Wilson (OH 6); Joe Donnelly (IN 2); Jim Oberstar (MN 8); Dale Kildee (MI 5); Brad Ellsworth (In 8); Jerry Costello (IL 12); Marcy Kaptur (OH 9); Mike Doyle (PA 14); Alan Mollohan (VW 1); Tom Periello (VA 5); James Langevin (RI 2); Baron Hill (IN 9); and Jason Altmire (PA 4). (Status on health care bill vote may change before this is published Call them today.)
Not to mention that they could save the nation from slipping into despotism.
Pray for them.
With God anything can happen. They and we can be ambassadors for Christ actively seeking to reconcile all of humanity and all of creation to God.
We are like those twelve silent men of the jury in To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus Finch has summed up his defense of the innocent Tom Robinson. His final admonition to the jury is ringing in our ears, as applicable to us today as it is to our wavering leaders: "For God's sake, do your duty."
For God's sake, and for the sake of the innocent preborn; and for the sake of our nation, let us all do our duty.
© Marita Vargas
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