Bob Kemp
Obama is a 'useful idiot' to Islam & America's enemies (Part 5 of 5)
By Bob Kemp
June 9, 2009

In this the final installation of a five part series, I am going to focus on the things that Mr. Obama is doing to weaken our national defense against foreign attack. I also want to take some time to examine how other nations are viewing and assessing our nations newly discovered weaknesses under the leadership of a man that has yet to make public his long form birth certificate, proving that he is a natural born citizen of the United States. I mention this again because in recent weeks it has become obvious that Mr. Obama's allegiance is not to the United States, but rather to other nations and peoples, nullifying his oath to defend the U.S. Constitution against ALL enemies. I also mention this again because to date he has spent $900 thousand dollars to three different law firms to keep his birth certificate and college records sealed and hidden away. If he was born in the U.S., wouldn't it be cheaper to simply produce the documents in questions?

National leaders are very good at detecting weakness in other nations. They observe, they listen, they read, they test, they provoke. Five of the eight years I served in the U.S. Air Force I was assigned to the National Security Agency. The NSA handles massive amounts of intelligence on a daily basis from around the world. The United States government is heavily dependent on the intel the NSA provides to collate with other intel to determine a nations strengths and weaknesses, as well as its intentions and capabilities. Surprisingly, some of the intel provided comes from the press. National and International news sources are monitored 24/7/365 to tip off the intelligence community of anything that may be of interest.

It should then come as no surprise that other nations follow much the same formula to determine our national leader's strengths, weaknesses, intentions and capabilities. Any developed nation has its own counterpart to our NSA, CIA, FBI, etc., and they use them to gage how vulnerable we are to a number of scenarios. Even Al Qaida has their own intelligence network, primarily dependent on humans to gather information without the aid of high-tech equipment and multi-billion dollar budgets. This type of intelligence gathering is known as Human Intelligence gathering. And as we have seen, they are very, very good at it.

My point in bringing all this up is simply to prove my point that those nations that do not have our best interest in mind are listening, reading, and as we are seeing with North Korea, testing and provoking us. I cannot help but wonder if Mr. Obama's attempts to weaken our government and nation are not intentional.

As Mr. Obama continues waste time appeasing other nations, those same nations are laughing at him and us as they prepare to exercise their own foreign policy plans. As Mr. Obama talks nuclear disarmament and cuts billions of dollars from national defense (during wartime), Russia is rearming itself. In a televised speech, President Dmitry Medvedev announced the "most important task is to re-equip the (Russian) armed forces with the newest weapons systems." Despite private talks with Mr. Obama and falling oil and gas revenues, the Russian military budget could rise as much as 30% in 2010. President Chavez of Venezuela has offered the Russian military full use of the Venezuelan island La Orchila as a temporary base for Russian strategic bombers. Now I ask you; why does Russia have need for such a base? What will Mr. Obama do about this? What will he do if the Russian Air Force decides not only to take advantage of this offer, but also decides to start utilizing the airfields in Cuba? They are available to them as well. On September 10, 2008 (coincidence?), two Russian Tu-160 Blackjack bombers did arrive in Venezuela. Each aircraft is capable of carrying 12 cruise missiles, and each can be fitted with a nuclear warhead. Also in 2008, the Russian navy conducted exercises off the Venezuelan coast. And in July 2008, Gen. Norton Schwartz said it is possible that the Russian government may begin basing strategic bombers in the Caribbean. We all remember how Russia rolled into the neighboring state of Georgia recently, and made certain demands. Yes, the Russian bear may have been in hibernation for a while, but its spring has arrived, and it has stepped out of the den. And what does our Secretary of Defense have to say about all this? Gates plays it down and suggests the U.S. may have to make do with less!

The Polish government trusted the U.S, for defense against the Russian bear. The U.S. and Poland had negotiated to deploy 10 ground-based missile interceptors on Polish soul to protect the Polish people from incoming Russian missiles. Now, Poland fears the U.S. is betraying them. According to Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, "We started discussing this with the United States and the U.S. assured us they would persuade the Russians that it was purely defensive and it would be a noncontroversial decision." But now, the U.S. is negotiating with the Russians and trying to stop the sell of Russian medium range missiles, capable of being fitted with nuclear warheads to Iran. The bargaining chip is the deployment of the anti-missile batteries in both Poland and the Czech Republic, one of Poland's allies. The Russians do not want the anti-missile batteries deployed for any reason to the former Soviet states. Mr. Obama, in an effort to appease the Russians, will sell out allies that desire to align themselves with the U.S and join NATO for common defense against a common threat. Rather than dealing with the new Russian (and old Soviet) threat from a position of strength, Mr. Obama would rather throw Poland and the Czech Republic under the bus. I can remember a time in recent U.S. history when the U.S. and its allies need never worry about threats and posturing from Russia because Russia knew our leadership possessed the will and the means to face them down at any moment.

Hezbollah gave Israel a bloody nose earlier this year using conventional weapons. This was a surprise to everyone, especially the Israeli government. FARC, Columbia's Marxist terrorists also use conventional weapons to attack and kill. Both the Russians and the Chinese are outspending the U.S. government on conventional weapons. And while Washington is on a spending spree to the likes of which Americans have never seen, the Pentagon is actually having to cut back, and even scrap plans that would help bring state of the art weapons to the 21st century battlefield. Weapons that can be operated remotely, reducing the number of fatalities to our brave warriors fighting our nations enemies and defending our liberties. Weapons like battlefield robots, sensors and combat vehicles controlled by a linked communications network. Rockets that can automatically change direction in midair and night-vision surveillance hovercraft. Yes, these and many other high-tech equipment plans are being shelved so Secretary of Defense Gates can cut $160 billion from those industries that have the technology and capability to provide such weapons to our military personnel. Sec. Gates is also rejecting the Air Forces request for the F-22 Raptor fighter aircraft only because none of these aircraft are being used in low-intensity Iran and Afghanistan operations. He stated the Air Force can wait because he does not see Russia and China as an immediate threat. He wants the Air Force to wait on development of the F-35, which is years away from being deployment ready. Unfortunately, the F-22 may be the only fighter aircraft that can evade the S-300 surface-to-air missile defense system Russia is selling to Iran. The Virginia-based think tank International Strategy and Assessment Service, calls the S-300 "one of the most lethal, if not the most lethal, all-altitude area defense" systems.

We know who Sec. Gates takes his orders from when it comes to budget. But I have to ask why would you wait years to introduce a new aircraft and other weapons systems to the military if they can be ready now for deployment? Once the equipment arrives, you still have to train your personnel to properly use them and work out any bugs and discover any real-world deficiencies the equipment may have. We are not supplying a 19th century cavalry unit with new sidearm's and rifles. This equipment has a significant R&D price tag associated with it, not to mention the price per copy and the training needed for such high tech equipment. I am not a pilot, but I have spoken with a few in the past, and there is always a big difference when transitioning from say an F-4 to an F-16, or an F-18 to the next step in development whether it's the F-22 or F-35. And every piece of machinery has its own idiosyncrasies that the operator must get accustomed to in the field under real-world conditions. If the United States military is to maintain its position as best equipped and trained, then the commands must have access to the latest equipment ASAP, not in a few years.

As Mr. Obama continues his nuclear free world vision campaign, there are those that are not listening. Note for example North Korea. Despite signing U.N. Resolution 1718, which prohibits nuclear bomb testing of any kind, the N. Koreans are doing just that. Not only are they testing, they are also test firing missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, and threatening to use nuclear weapons if provoked. How does a madman like Kim Jon-IL define "provoke"? Hmm. Also, the Iranians are not paying too much attention to Mr. Obama when it comes to their plans for nuclear weapons and the complete annihilation of Israel. Syria is on the same path as Iran. The Iranians are not only building their own missiles, but they are planning on purchasing medium range missiles from both N. Korea & Russia. The Russians and N. Koreans want the money, so they will sell, either outright or under the table. Now I ask you a question. If you just sold a boatload of missiles capable of delivering a nuclear warhead, would you be willing to disarm yourself? If you knew your sworn enemy (or even supposed ally) had nuclear capability, would you be willing to give up your right to defend your nation and your people against them with the same class of weapon? This has all been tried before, and it did not work. Maybe Mr. Obama's messiah complex makes him think he can succeed where others have not. Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) is what it was called during the cold war, and it is still a powerful deterrent today for some. I say for some because I do not believe the Iranian government would fear a counterstrike. They would appreciate being made martyrs in a Jihad, even if the majority of the Iranian people would not. The N. Koreans believe, and maybe with good cause, that the Chinese will stand by them and defend them. There is really only one way to find out.

Sec. Gates has also cut out of the missile defense budget $1.4 billion for 2010. One of the tools that the U.S. military is loosing due to this cut in missile defense if the Airborne Laser (ABL) program. This portion of the missile defense system would have been a modified Boeing 747 equipped with a megawatt-class, high energy Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL), which is designed to destroy incoming ballistic missiles in the boost phase of launch. Missiles like the ones Iran and N. Korea currently have are the actual type of missile the ABL is currently capable of detecting on launch, tracking and destroying. This defensive weapon is capable if knocking out multiple incoming ballistic missile threats at the speed of light from several hundred miles away. It was considered by many to be an important part of our layered defensive system against a nuclear attack.

In the stimulus package passed earlier this year by Congress (but never read), there was $4.5 billion targeted to modernize our nations electric power grid. The idea is to make it easier for utility companies to monitor power usage on a national level and plan better to make certain the power would be available to areas on demand and avoid brown outs or black outs. The problem with this is that it makes our national electric grid vulnerable to a cyber attack. Here is what Josh Pennell, President and CEO of IOActive, a technology research firm in Seattle had to say when he testified before the Department of Homeland Security in March, 2009, "With a smart grid, anybody with an eBay account and $80 can go and buy a smart meter, reverse-engineer it, and figure out how to attack the grid." And just recently, the Department of Homeland Security has acknowledged reports that foreign hackers had in fact penetrated the U.S. electrical grid and other systems and had left behind embedded software that could later be activated to disrupt these systems. If they are activated before all the power grids across the country are linked by computers, then the damage would be localized. But if the bugs are not located, and the grid is linked, then the damage could be nationwide. It only makes sense from the perspective of the Russians and Chinese to plant such a bug BEFORE the grid is nationalized because to do so afterwards would probably be much harder.

It was reported in the in April that President Ahmadinejad of Iran said, "You know well that today you are suffering from weaknesses. You have no choice. You can't make any progress through bullying policies."

Yes, the entire globe senses weakness coming from the Obama administration. And like hungry dogs, they are approaching in ever tightening circles, sniffing out the smell of increasing weakness and fear in Washington. As the U.S. lays in the shadow of past glory as a force to be reckoned with, our enemies are plotting our overthrow and demise as a free and powerful people. They listen to words of appeasement, and detect weakness. They read their daily intel reports, and detect a lack of commitment to our borders and our allies. They test our resolve, and find it waning. They provoke us, and we run to that paper tiger on our soul in New York City, the U.N., and watch as that group of spineless people take days to write a strongly worded resolution stating how mad they think they should be, but don't want to upset anyone so they choose their words carefully.

Gone are the days, for now, when we had a president with some backbone that called a spade a spade. Gone are the days, for now, when our president was not afraid to be politically incorrect. Gone are the days, for now, when our generals could prosecute a war without oversight and interference from Washington in a way that would bring about victory for the United States as well as honor and respect for our banner, Old Glory, wherever she may wave. Gone are the days when the sight of a sea-going vessel displaying the American flag could be certain that it could sail around the world without fear of attack from anyone, especially pirates. Gone are the days when America led the free world through strength and determination for a free people, and those seeking to be free from tyranny and oppression. Gone are the days when the United States led the world in producing quality products the world wanted to buy from us. We are now a nation of consumers, owing the pillars of our 21st century economy to a communist nation, thanks in no small part to elected national leaders that do not listen to those that put them in power, but do what seems right in their own eyes, taking our nation down a road that will lead only to death and destruction.

Mr. Obama is not a man. He is a traitor to everything we as Americans love and hold dear. His desire is to knock the four legs out from under our nation and weaken us to the point that we will accept whatever his government will hand out to us. His willingness to appease those who seek our ruin testifies to his goals. He is not willing to stand with the American people, but to lead us into slavery. Be careful Mr. Obama. The chains you make for others will also fit you and those you love. We are already enslaved to the Chinese to the tune of trillions of dollars. Next is what is left of Chrysler which may be bought up by Fiat. GM will soon follow. His government is forcing the closure of successful Chrysler and GM dealerships, some of whom dared to support Republicans. So this is his way of trying to silence any opposition. I suggest those dealerships being forced to close and violate your franchise agreement, reopen under the Ford brand!

His pro-abortion stand, which he freely exports overseas, shows his blatant disrespect for human life at any stage. His willingness to jump in bed with the E.U. demonstrates his lack of regard for American values. And his comments promoting Islam and denouncing America as a Christian nation shows he is willing to lie to the world if it will help him achieve his goals with the Muslim nations. They see him as one of them...because he is one of them. He identifies himself more closely with the Muslim nations because he sees himself as a Muslim, but he is too much of a coward to admit it publically. It is easy for him to do all these things and so much more because he has no allegiance to the United States, the Constitution, the military, the courts, or the people. While in Germany he described himself as a citizen of the world. Those are probably the only truthful words we have heard his speak publically. It is easy for him to betray the United States and bankrupt us because he is not an American. Everything he says and does testifies to this. His goal is to see the United States under the control of a foreign power.

© Bob Kemp


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Bob Kemp

Bob Kemp, an ordained Deacon, husband, father, and Sunday School Teacher, currently works as Concert Coordinator for a multiple Dove Award winning and Grammy Nominee Contemporary Christian Artist at Praise Ministries in Lindale, TX... (more)

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