Jake Jacobs
Stalin & Hollywood traitors
By Jake Jacobs
As we approach the 90th Academy Awards this Sunday, March 4th let us remember the words of the Father of the Communist Russian-Revolution Vladimir Lenin who declared, "of all the arts, for us the most important is cinema."
Soviet Communists created the "Comintern" whose goal was to infiltrate Western culture with Marxists ideology. The Soviets determined that Hollywood must become a mighty weapon of communist propaganda for the advancement of their Marxist cause.
Many Hollywood writers, directors, producers and even some movie stars become committed covert cultural-communist warriors working with the Soviet Comintern conveying in their cinema the glory of Stalin's Socialism.
The Soviet Comintern created a number of Hollywood clubs and organizations such as the New Theater League, Hollywood Anti-Nazi League, the League of American Writers etc. These Communists Fronts pretended to be pro-American while infiltrating Marxist anti-American ideas into Hollywood culture.
There were even more brazen overt Hollywood writers, directors, producers and actors who actually joined the CPUSA, "The Communist Party of the United States of America" and proudly spoke of their membership and dedication to the advancement of the Soviet-Marxist cause. Those who joined the Party became loyal Soviet patriots. Hollywood American members of the Communist Party were dedicated to what they called a "Soviet America," or the "U.S.S.A." The United States of Soviet America.
These Hollywood traitors, Benedict Arnold's of the cinema wanted the "triumph" of Soviet power in America. These comrades of the mass murderer Joseph Stalin took marching orders from the Kremlin.
The most fanatical among them remained loyal in the Party even after the signing of the Hitler-Stalin Pact in 1939 that launched World War II.
Our American history textbooks are filled with sympathy for the so called "Hollywood 10" that were allegedly abused by HUAC: The "House UnAmerican Activities Committee."
FACTS not covered in our textbooks: All of the "Hollywood 10" were members of the Communist Party. We've known their Communist card numbers since the 1940s. Dalton Trumbo was number 47187.
Dalton Trumbo was a famous Hollywood screenwriter for such Hollywood classics as Roman Holiday, Exodus, and Spartacus.
When Hitler signed his infamous pact with Stalin, and Germany and Russia invaded Poland brutalizing Europe, Trumbo justified the Nazi-Soviet brutality and attacked Winston Churchill and FDR.
Bryan Cranston plays a victimized Dalton Trumbo in the 2015 movie TRUMBO, an "agitprop" film that glorifies Dalton TRUMBO and ignores his admiration and dedication to Joseph Stalin.
Let me clarify some of the mythology that surrounds the Hollywood 10. HUAC did not violate their First Amendment right to free speech. They could speak and believe in anything they wanted. It was HUAC's job to determine whether the Hollywood 10 had joined a political party that was dedicated to the overthrow of the U.S. government. It is a fact that the CPUSA was dedicated to the destruction of life and liberty in America.
These Hollywood 10 Communists Party members cried about being refused jobs and attacked Hollywood executives as fascists. Those Patriotic Hollywood executives were simply exercising their right to hire whom the wished. They did not want to employ those who would aid and abed a Marxist political party that wanted to destroy all private property and private businesses.
To this day we hear actors like Sean Penn whose father Leo was one the of "Hollywood Marxists 10" declare "great humanitarians were blacklisted by Nazi's in Hollywood." The truth is the Hollywood 10 were dedicated to the sacrifice of the individual to the Communist collective and Stalin's totalitarian ways.
Thank God there were those in Hollywood like Walt Disney, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, Robert Taylor, John Wayne, and of course the great anti-communist warrior Ronald Reagan who did not fall for their lies and deception.
Hollywood fools of yesterday & today still have the freedom to spout their anti-freedom ideas freely and like Hollywood writers & producers of yester-year, we have the right and the freedom to reject their TOTALITARIAN ideas and expose their idiocy for what it is: TYRANNY!
© Jake Jacobs
March 3, 2018
As we approach the 90th Academy Awards this Sunday, March 4th let us remember the words of the Father of the Communist Russian-Revolution Vladimir Lenin who declared, "of all the arts, for us the most important is cinema."
Soviet Communists created the "Comintern" whose goal was to infiltrate Western culture with Marxists ideology. The Soviets determined that Hollywood must become a mighty weapon of communist propaganda for the advancement of their Marxist cause.
Many Hollywood writers, directors, producers and even some movie stars become committed covert cultural-communist warriors working with the Soviet Comintern conveying in their cinema the glory of Stalin's Socialism.
The Soviet Comintern created a number of Hollywood clubs and organizations such as the New Theater League, Hollywood Anti-Nazi League, the League of American Writers etc. These Communists Fronts pretended to be pro-American while infiltrating Marxist anti-American ideas into Hollywood culture.
There were even more brazen overt Hollywood writers, directors, producers and actors who actually joined the CPUSA, "The Communist Party of the United States of America" and proudly spoke of their membership and dedication to the advancement of the Soviet-Marxist cause. Those who joined the Party became loyal Soviet patriots. Hollywood American members of the Communist Party were dedicated to what they called a "Soviet America," or the "U.S.S.A." The United States of Soviet America.
These Hollywood traitors, Benedict Arnold's of the cinema wanted the "triumph" of Soviet power in America. These comrades of the mass murderer Joseph Stalin took marching orders from the Kremlin.
The most fanatical among them remained loyal in the Party even after the signing of the Hitler-Stalin Pact in 1939 that launched World War II.
Our American history textbooks are filled with sympathy for the so called "Hollywood 10" that were allegedly abused by HUAC: The "House UnAmerican Activities Committee."
FACTS not covered in our textbooks: All of the "Hollywood 10" were members of the Communist Party. We've known their Communist card numbers since the 1940s. Dalton Trumbo was number 47187.
Dalton Trumbo was a famous Hollywood screenwriter for such Hollywood classics as Roman Holiday, Exodus, and Spartacus.
When Hitler signed his infamous pact with Stalin, and Germany and Russia invaded Poland brutalizing Europe, Trumbo justified the Nazi-Soviet brutality and attacked Winston Churchill and FDR.
Bryan Cranston plays a victimized Dalton Trumbo in the 2015 movie TRUMBO, an "agitprop" film that glorifies Dalton TRUMBO and ignores his admiration and dedication to Joseph Stalin.
Let me clarify some of the mythology that surrounds the Hollywood 10. HUAC did not violate their First Amendment right to free speech. They could speak and believe in anything they wanted. It was HUAC's job to determine whether the Hollywood 10 had joined a political party that was dedicated to the overthrow of the U.S. government. It is a fact that the CPUSA was dedicated to the destruction of life and liberty in America.
These Hollywood 10 Communists Party members cried about being refused jobs and attacked Hollywood executives as fascists. Those Patriotic Hollywood executives were simply exercising their right to hire whom the wished. They did not want to employ those who would aid and abed a Marxist political party that wanted to destroy all private property and private businesses.
To this day we hear actors like Sean Penn whose father Leo was one the of "Hollywood Marxists 10" declare "great humanitarians were blacklisted by Nazi's in Hollywood." The truth is the Hollywood 10 were dedicated to the sacrifice of the individual to the Communist collective and Stalin's totalitarian ways.
Thank God there were those in Hollywood like Walt Disney, Gary Cooper, Clark Gable, Robert Taylor, John Wayne, and of course the great anti-communist warrior Ronald Reagan who did not fall for their lies and deception.
Hollywood fools of yesterday & today still have the freedom to spout their anti-freedom ideas freely and like Hollywood writers & producers of yester-year, we have the right and the freedom to reject their TOTALITARIAN ideas and expose their idiocy for what it is: TYRANNY!
© Jake Jacobs
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