Jake Jacobs
"The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be"?
By Jake Jacobs

The famous Carl Sagan an American astronomer and cosmologist, winner of two Emmy's for his PBS series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, use to love to say over and over again "the Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be" the is and all that will ever be."
Sagan's adulation of the cosmos as eternal and not needing God to create it has influenced our schools from Kindergarten to College. Even the classic children's book The Berenstain Bears in The Bears's Nature Guide: A Nature Walk Through Bear Country declares that, "Nature is all that IS or WAS or EVER WILL BE."
Lawerence Krauss, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist professor at my alma matter, Arizona State University and director of "Origins Project" has written a very popular book "A Universe From Nothing" where he teaches that God is irrelevant to the origins of the Universe and that our Universe or Something came from Nothing which is in reality something like particles, black space, etc. etc. I know! I know this sounds nonsensical and illogical but Dr. Krauss says that quantum mechanics and physics cans prove that something from nothing which is really something.
In reality Krauss book should be titled "A Universe from Something" but Krauss very clever atheistic agenda has as it's ultimate goal the destruction of a believe in the Universe having a Creator, especially personal Creator of the Bible, the God YAHWEH, the God of Israel.
There is nothing new under the sun spoke Solomon over 3,000 years ago! 2,000 years ago the Apostle Saul-Paul in Athens, Greece spoke to the "Philosophers-Scholars-Debaters" of their day & proclaimed Jesus as GOD, the resurrection of the dead, repentance or the changing of your heart and mind towards GOD and "YOM-YAHWEH", the day of the LORD-God when He will judge the world.
Today in 2018 A.D. From Dawkins to Hawking to Harris & Krauss these Neo-Atheists presuppositional weltanschauung or worldview under the guise of science, is philosophically Anti-God. Anti-Jesus. To quote Lawrence Krauss "I'm Anti-Theist!...So forget Jesus. The Stars died so you could be here today."
It is NOT in the Stars that "we live and breath and have our being" it is in YAHWEH-God-Jesus Christ-YeShua the Messiah, that we live and breath and have our being. Seek Him daily.In the book of 1 Corinthians 1:20, the Apostle Paul writes "where is the wise man? where are the philosophers, the scholars and the world's brilliant debaters? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?" Of course He has! In Romans 14:11 the Apostle Paul, quoting the Hebrew Prophet Isaiah 45: 23 declares "It is written: "'As surely as I live,' says YAHWEH, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God."
Let us pray that these Apostles of Atheism see the error of their ways and let us be diligent to teach our children that God is and He loves us!
This is Jake Jacobs, may YAHWEH-God Bless and until next week always remember the truth shall set you free. Here is Dr. J's ONE NATION Video on this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvXZ-TsQEpY
© Jake Jacobs
February 11, 2018

The famous Carl Sagan an American astronomer and cosmologist, winner of two Emmy's for his PBS series Cosmos: A Personal Voyage, use to love to say over and over again "the Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be" the is and all that will ever be."
Sagan's adulation of the cosmos as eternal and not needing God to create it has influenced our schools from Kindergarten to College. Even the classic children's book The Berenstain Bears in The Bears's Nature Guide: A Nature Walk Through Bear Country declares that, "Nature is all that IS or WAS or EVER WILL BE."
Lawerence Krauss, a theoretical physicist and cosmologist professor at my alma matter, Arizona State University and director of "Origins Project" has written a very popular book "A Universe From Nothing" where he teaches that God is irrelevant to the origins of the Universe and that our Universe or Something came from Nothing which is in reality something like particles, black space, etc. etc. I know! I know this sounds nonsensical and illogical but Dr. Krauss says that quantum mechanics and physics cans prove that something from nothing which is really something.
In reality Krauss book should be titled "A Universe from Something" but Krauss very clever atheistic agenda has as it's ultimate goal the destruction of a believe in the Universe having a Creator, especially personal Creator of the Bible, the God YAHWEH, the God of Israel.
There is nothing new under the sun spoke Solomon over 3,000 years ago! 2,000 years ago the Apostle Saul-Paul in Athens, Greece spoke to the "Philosophers-Scholars-Debaters" of their day & proclaimed Jesus as GOD, the resurrection of the dead, repentance or the changing of your heart and mind towards GOD and "YOM-YAHWEH", the day of the LORD-God when He will judge the world.
Today in 2018 A.D. From Dawkins to Hawking to Harris & Krauss these Neo-Atheists presuppositional weltanschauung or worldview under the guise of science, is philosophically Anti-God. Anti-Jesus. To quote Lawrence Krauss "I'm Anti-Theist!...So forget Jesus. The Stars died so you could be here today."
It is NOT in the Stars that "we live and breath and have our being" it is in YAHWEH-God-Jesus Christ-YeShua the Messiah, that we live and breath and have our being. Seek Him daily.In the book of 1 Corinthians 1:20, the Apostle Paul writes "where is the wise man? where are the philosophers, the scholars and the world's brilliant debaters? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?" Of course He has! In Romans 14:11 the Apostle Paul, quoting the Hebrew Prophet Isaiah 45: 23 declares "It is written: "'As surely as I live,' says YAHWEH, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will acknowledge God."
Let us pray that these Apostles of Atheism see the error of their ways and let us be diligent to teach our children that God is and He loves us!
This is Jake Jacobs, may YAHWEH-God Bless and until next week always remember the truth shall set you free. Here is Dr. J's ONE NATION Video on this topic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CvXZ-TsQEpY
© Jake Jacobs
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