Jake Jacobs
They won the textbooks & took God out
By Jake Jacobs

Vladimir Lenin the Father of the Communist-Russian Revolution use to love to say: "Give me four years to teach the children & the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." We all know the horrible and deplorable legacy of Soviet-Socialism's atheistic government controlled schools.
It was Columbia University Professor of Sociology Todd Gitlin – a one-time president of Students for a Democratic Society – who when lamenting about Ronald Reagan becoming governor of California in 1967 and Richard Nixon becoming president of the United States in 1969, declared "The New Left lost the politics of the Sixties but "We won the textbooks!"
I want you to think about that for a moment. "We won the textbooks!" Todd Gitlin, this radical Socialist of the Sixties, professor at Columbia University, and fellow comrade of radical militant Socialists like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, unabashedly bragged about "winning the textbooks!"
"Winning the textbooks is really code-speak for "Winning the classrooms!" While these comrades didn't win their Communist revolution in the streets in the Sixties they did put on a suit, earned their Ph.Ds and became the teachers of today's teachers; thus they are winning in the classrooms through politically correct control over teachers, curriculum, textbooks, and students.
I noticed this left-wing victory early in my teaching career as the textbooks and curriculum I was given to use was very conveniently devoid of the impact Christianity played in Western Civilization and/or in American history. When teaching my World History class on slavery and the abolition movement in England, my textbook, in dealing with the two key players in the ending of slavery in the U.K., William Wilberforce and Equiano, the textbook I was told to use said nothing about their passionate love of Jesus Christ and how Christianity played a key role in motivating them in their thirty-year-long fight to outlaw slavery.
When you read Equiano's wonderful 1789 autobiography, which was a best-selling book and helped enlighten people on the evil of slavery, you find it full of Christian theology, scriptural references and his love of Jesus Christ. In my World History textbook, not a word on this. When you read William Wilberforce's Real Christianity (1797), like Equiano, you find its pages full of Christian theology, scriptural references and his love of Jesus Christ that motivated him as a member of parliament to pass laws to end the slave trade and slavery. In my World History textbook, not a word on this.
Young Americans now more than ever you need to be diligent and disciplined in your search for the truth and you need to be wise as a serpent to discern the lies before you and harmless as a dove as you present the self-evident reality of the GOD who is there!
This is Jake Jacobs may the God of Israel-the God who is really there Bless you and until next week always remember the truth shall set your free.
© Jake Jacobs
January 20, 2018

Vladimir Lenin the Father of the Communist-Russian Revolution use to love to say: "Give me four years to teach the children & the seed I have sown will never be uprooted." We all know the horrible and deplorable legacy of Soviet-Socialism's atheistic government controlled schools.
It was Columbia University Professor of Sociology Todd Gitlin – a one-time president of Students for a Democratic Society – who when lamenting about Ronald Reagan becoming governor of California in 1967 and Richard Nixon becoming president of the United States in 1969, declared "The New Left lost the politics of the Sixties but "We won the textbooks!"
I want you to think about that for a moment. "We won the textbooks!" Todd Gitlin, this radical Socialist of the Sixties, professor at Columbia University, and fellow comrade of radical militant Socialists like Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, unabashedly bragged about "winning the textbooks!"
"Winning the textbooks is really code-speak for "Winning the classrooms!" While these comrades didn't win their Communist revolution in the streets in the Sixties they did put on a suit, earned their Ph.Ds and became the teachers of today's teachers; thus they are winning in the classrooms through politically correct control over teachers, curriculum, textbooks, and students.
I noticed this left-wing victory early in my teaching career as the textbooks and curriculum I was given to use was very conveniently devoid of the impact Christianity played in Western Civilization and/or in American history. When teaching my World History class on slavery and the abolition movement in England, my textbook, in dealing with the two key players in the ending of slavery in the U.K., William Wilberforce and Equiano, the textbook I was told to use said nothing about their passionate love of Jesus Christ and how Christianity played a key role in motivating them in their thirty-year-long fight to outlaw slavery.
When you read Equiano's wonderful 1789 autobiography, which was a best-selling book and helped enlighten people on the evil of slavery, you find it full of Christian theology, scriptural references and his love of Jesus Christ. In my World History textbook, not a word on this. When you read William Wilberforce's Real Christianity (1797), like Equiano, you find its pages full of Christian theology, scriptural references and his love of Jesus Christ that motivated him as a member of parliament to pass laws to end the slave trade and slavery. In my World History textbook, not a word on this.
Young Americans now more than ever you need to be diligent and disciplined in your search for the truth and you need to be wise as a serpent to discern the lies before you and harmless as a dove as you present the self-evident reality of the GOD who is there!
This is Jake Jacobs may the God of Israel-the God who is really there Bless you and until next week always remember the truth shall set your free.
© Jake Jacobs
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