Jake Jacobs
The Twilight Zone of Marxist Angela Davis @ Lawrence University today
By Jake Jacobs
After my Speech on ANGELA DAVIS @ Lawrence University tonight, I went across Lawrence's beautiful campus to hear Dr. ANGELA DAVIS' Speech.
I had 12 in my audience. Angela had 1200.
I spoke of Martin Luther King's, I Have A Dream Vision of the reality of Equality & Liberty for ALL as expressed in the Declaration of Independence....
Angela spoke of Black Lives, Muslim Lives, "Trans" Lives, Lesbian Lives , Latin Lives, Gay Lives and that ALL lives mattered, but interesting enough she did not include Jewish and European heritage Lives....Did the mostly Anglo-Euro American crowd catch that Orwellian perversion of reality? Angela used more Labels than the IRS Tax Code. She spoke on tolerance and diversity but showed no tolerance towards the heritage of European ancestry? Hmmm... I wonder who it was that wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments, the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, 1964 etc. etc. etc. her selective historical narrative is not only self-serving to the tune of $20,000 a Speech, her narrative perverts the historical reality of the greatness of our Republic.....
She spoke of Appleton being occupied land by those who were of our Founders heritage...the crowd loved her!!! They adored her and they absorbed her diatribe against Anglo Man, & Israel Man....She praised the 50th Anniversary founding of the Militant Black Panthers....
I left disgusted and saddened to know that her Worldview has become the predominate worldview of academia and many of the institutions in the land....Tonight event was endorsed by the Appleton Post-Crescent, Lawrence University, Celebrate Diversity Fox Cities (Kathy Flores) and many churches...how ironic to hear songs on God with the Keynote Speaker rejecting the God they sang to....how "Twilight Zone-ish" that the audience did not understand the bizarre juxtaposition of Angela Davis' Atheistic, Marxist and Racial divisiveness versus the teachings of Jesus Christ and non-violence of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.

© Jake Jacobs
January 20, 2016
After my Speech on ANGELA DAVIS @ Lawrence University tonight, I went across Lawrence's beautiful campus to hear Dr. ANGELA DAVIS' Speech.
I had 12 in my audience. Angela had 1200.
I spoke of Martin Luther King's, I Have A Dream Vision of the reality of Equality & Liberty for ALL as expressed in the Declaration of Independence....
Angela spoke of Black Lives, Muslim Lives, "Trans" Lives, Lesbian Lives , Latin Lives, Gay Lives and that ALL lives mattered, but interesting enough she did not include Jewish and European heritage Lives....Did the mostly Anglo-Euro American crowd catch that Orwellian perversion of reality? Angela used more Labels than the IRS Tax Code. She spoke on tolerance and diversity but showed no tolerance towards the heritage of European ancestry? Hmmm... I wonder who it was that wrote the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the 13th, 14th & 15th Amendments, the Civil Rights Acts of 1957, 1960, 1964 etc. etc. etc. her selective historical narrative is not only self-serving to the tune of $20,000 a Speech, her narrative perverts the historical reality of the greatness of our Republic.....

I left disgusted and saddened to know that her Worldview has become the predominate worldview of academia and many of the institutions in the land....Tonight event was endorsed by the Appleton Post-Crescent, Lawrence University, Celebrate Diversity Fox Cities (Kathy Flores) and many churches...how ironic to hear songs on God with the Keynote Speaker rejecting the God they sang to....how "Twilight Zone-ish" that the audience did not understand the bizarre juxtaposition of Angela Davis' Atheistic, Marxist and Racial divisiveness versus the teachings of Jesus Christ and non-violence of Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.

© Jake Jacobs
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