Jake Jacobs
Walkergate and my mother
By Jake Jacobs
While visiting my ailing and vulnerable 86 year old mother last night she said to me "Governor Walker is a crook like Richard Nixon." When I asked her why she thinks this way she told me that she watched a program on Wisconsin Left-Wing TV she called "Walkergate." As I heard her explain the "Walkergate" program I became angry inside, not at my lovely mother, but at the Elite Left-Wing Media and the Democrats of the state of Wisconsin for using the Media to manipulation vulnerable minds through deception, distortion, fabrications, lies, Orwellian language perversion and complete illogical conclusions in an attempt to destroy Wisconsin's brave Conservative and Christian Governor Scott Walker. Politicians know the demographics of senior citizens and the political power they have at the voting booth and they also know that the TV to many senior citizens is not only their primary or sole companion but their primary or sole source of political information. Thus they become the most exploited and abused of American citizens. Many senior citizens like my mother do not have access to, the inclination for or the know how when it comes to working with computers or social networking. They do not know how to go around ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, BBC et.al.They are at the mercy of the Elite Left-Wing media as they are feed large doses of secular left-wing Democratic dogma daily like a drug controlling their minds, indoctrinating their hearts and shaping their worldview.
For over twenty five years at both the High School and College level I have taught my students to "trust but verify" and to "learn to discern" whether what they are being taught is accurate, authentic and truthful. I take them out of the world of political correctness, language manipulation and propaganda and into the world of historical context, historical correctness, empirical evidence and primary source documentation. I teach them that just because a so called expert has a Ph.D. or that a majority or consensus conclusion by a group does not mean they have or are teaching you the truth. We have all heard the age old Latin adage "caveat emptor" buyer beware, well I always teach my students "listener beware" for you never know when you are being fed a dangerous dose of dogma designed to destroy truth while constructing and molding your thinking and actions.
I started this article with my anger over Left-wing agitprop media manipulation because now more than ever in Wisconsin and America not only are senior citizens being duped, fooled, cajoled, controlled, and lied to but so are millions of Americans of all ages. Let me use my state of Wisconsin as a micro example of this maniacal macro manipulation. In November of 2010 the people of Wisconsin spoke laud and clear (as did the rest of America) that they were tired of Democratic big government politicians spending money we don't have(too many Republicans are guilty of this too) and taxing hard working citizens with unreasonable rates. As I cover in my book MOBOCRACY, for the first time since 1969 Wisconsinites elected a Republican Senate, Assembly and Governor. Being true to their word and campaign promises they immediately set out to erase the inherited Democratic deficit budget of $3.65 Billion. In December, 2010 when Governor elect Walker made an attempt to dialogue and negotiated with the public sector Unions they cried out "Slave wages!" & "this means War!" Once Governor Walker's Budget Bill was introduce in February, 2011 the mob broke lose as Wisconsin public sector Unions cried out once again "Slave wages" and declared War on Wisconsin as they rejected the Governors modest request that we pay 5% into our pension fund and 12% into our health care expenses. As tens of thousands of Democrats, mobocrats, "sick" teachers and students, unionists, public employees, college kids looking for fun, anarchists, socialists, communists, Teamsters, AFL-CIO, SEIU, and Hollywood Lefties stormed Wisconsin's capitol building in Madison our 14 Democratic Senatorial Representatives shirked their elected responsibilities and absconded to Obama's politically corrupt city of Chicago and hid like Al Capone of yesteryear.
With unwavering determination to keep their promises and to do what was right for the vast overwhelming majority of citizens of the state of Wisconsin, our Republican Governor, Senators and Assembly-persons in the face of being called Hitler, Stalin, Mubarak, evil, scum, haters and a number of things I will not put in print and with ever growing death threats, family harassment, Media lies and the constant need for police protection passed Act 10. In less than one year the Republicans balanced a $3.65 billion Democratic deficit without raising taxes on families, individuals and job creators and without cutting spending for legitimate services. Governor Walker gave local governments the tools to reduce their costs for labor without layoffs or program cuts. Across the state school districts for the first time in decades were free to go into the marketplace to purchase health insurance at non-union controlled companies and saved millions of dollars for the hard working taxpayers of Wisconsin.
The mobocrats and Democrats told us that the sky was falling and that a Dictator had taken over Wisconsin. In spite of their bombastic balderdash,rancorous rhetoric, sophomoric slogans,vile vitriol and physical abuse one year later Wisconsin has become an example of what can be accomplished when citizens and politicians of virtue, frugality and character stand up to corrupt big government politicians and union thugs and say: No more spending! The Buck stops here! Not on our watch!
Unfortunately the mobocrats continue to cry out "show me the money!" as their eternal entitlement mindset makes them hell bent to continue their spoiled socialism at the expense of hard working Wisconsin citizens. The "Walker is Hitler" protesters of last winter are back with a vengeance as they have succeeded at taxpayers expense in a $10 million Recall Election of Governor Walker, Lt. Governor Kleefisch and at least 3 Republican Senators.
Additionally with the blessings of President Obama, Democratic and Union money in the millions is pouring into Wisconsin in their attempt at a Summer 2012 Recall coup d etat. Obama, the Union Thugsters, the Democratic Party, the anarchists, socialists, communists, secular progressives know that if they can circumvent the legitimate Wisconsin Election of 2010 (which they are still stinging over) with an illegitimate Recall full of bogus signatures and angry spoiled public workers, they can stay in power across America and continue to usher in their socialistic transformation of our Great Republic under God, the transformation that I, and many, many others have been warning America about for 5 years now!
My fellow Americans, many of us were not fooled in 2008 but millions of Americans were!
We must help our neighbors to go beyond Oprah, Hollywood, the Unions, corrupt politicians and the sold out Elite Media, and get them back to the virtuous values that made this Republic under God the greatest Nation in history. While many of us are awake, we must gallop in 2012 in the Spirit of Paul Revere and the Minutemen...we must sound the Church bells, we must shout it from the roof tops, we must as in 1775 and 1776 cry out to awaken our fellow Americans out of their stupor and warn them that "the Socialists are coming, the socialists are coming!"
Wake Up America! Our Republic calls out to us! Our Fore-founders beckon us to defend our Republic under God before it is too late. The Greek word NIKE means Victory. It's time to get off the couch, put on your running shoes and "Just Do It!" for Freedom and for our children and our children's children.
© Jake Jacobs
March 15, 2012
While visiting my ailing and vulnerable 86 year old mother last night she said to me "Governor Walker is a crook like Richard Nixon." When I asked her why she thinks this way she told me that she watched a program on Wisconsin Left-Wing TV she called "Walkergate." As I heard her explain the "Walkergate" program I became angry inside, not at my lovely mother, but at the Elite Left-Wing Media and the Democrats of the state of Wisconsin for using the Media to manipulation vulnerable minds through deception, distortion, fabrications, lies, Orwellian language perversion and complete illogical conclusions in an attempt to destroy Wisconsin's brave Conservative and Christian Governor Scott Walker. Politicians know the demographics of senior citizens and the political power they have at the voting booth and they also know that the TV to many senior citizens is not only their primary or sole companion but their primary or sole source of political information. Thus they become the most exploited and abused of American citizens. Many senior citizens like my mother do not have access to, the inclination for or the know how when it comes to working with computers or social networking. They do not know how to go around ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN, PBS, BBC et.al.They are at the mercy of the Elite Left-Wing media as they are feed large doses of secular left-wing Democratic dogma daily like a drug controlling their minds, indoctrinating their hearts and shaping their worldview.
For over twenty five years at both the High School and College level I have taught my students to "trust but verify" and to "learn to discern" whether what they are being taught is accurate, authentic and truthful. I take them out of the world of political correctness, language manipulation and propaganda and into the world of historical context, historical correctness, empirical evidence and primary source documentation. I teach them that just because a so called expert has a Ph.D. or that a majority or consensus conclusion by a group does not mean they have or are teaching you the truth. We have all heard the age old Latin adage "caveat emptor" buyer beware, well I always teach my students "listener beware" for you never know when you are being fed a dangerous dose of dogma designed to destroy truth while constructing and molding your thinking and actions.
I started this article with my anger over Left-wing agitprop media manipulation because now more than ever in Wisconsin and America not only are senior citizens being duped, fooled, cajoled, controlled, and lied to but so are millions of Americans of all ages. Let me use my state of Wisconsin as a micro example of this maniacal macro manipulation. In November of 2010 the people of Wisconsin spoke laud and clear (as did the rest of America) that they were tired of Democratic big government politicians spending money we don't have(too many Republicans are guilty of this too) and taxing hard working citizens with unreasonable rates. As I cover in my book MOBOCRACY, for the first time since 1969 Wisconsinites elected a Republican Senate, Assembly and Governor. Being true to their word and campaign promises they immediately set out to erase the inherited Democratic deficit budget of $3.65 Billion. In December, 2010 when Governor elect Walker made an attempt to dialogue and negotiated with the public sector Unions they cried out "Slave wages!" & "this means War!" Once Governor Walker's Budget Bill was introduce in February, 2011 the mob broke lose as Wisconsin public sector Unions cried out once again "Slave wages" and declared War on Wisconsin as they rejected the Governors modest request that we pay 5% into our pension fund and 12% into our health care expenses. As tens of thousands of Democrats, mobocrats, "sick" teachers and students, unionists, public employees, college kids looking for fun, anarchists, socialists, communists, Teamsters, AFL-CIO, SEIU, and Hollywood Lefties stormed Wisconsin's capitol building in Madison our 14 Democratic Senatorial Representatives shirked their elected responsibilities and absconded to Obama's politically corrupt city of Chicago and hid like Al Capone of yesteryear.
With unwavering determination to keep their promises and to do what was right for the vast overwhelming majority of citizens of the state of Wisconsin, our Republican Governor, Senators and Assembly-persons in the face of being called Hitler, Stalin, Mubarak, evil, scum, haters and a number of things I will not put in print and with ever growing death threats, family harassment, Media lies and the constant need for police protection passed Act 10. In less than one year the Republicans balanced a $3.65 billion Democratic deficit without raising taxes on families, individuals and job creators and without cutting spending for legitimate services. Governor Walker gave local governments the tools to reduce their costs for labor without layoffs or program cuts. Across the state school districts for the first time in decades were free to go into the marketplace to purchase health insurance at non-union controlled companies and saved millions of dollars for the hard working taxpayers of Wisconsin.
The mobocrats and Democrats told us that the sky was falling and that a Dictator had taken over Wisconsin. In spite of their bombastic balderdash,rancorous rhetoric, sophomoric slogans,vile vitriol and physical abuse one year later Wisconsin has become an example of what can be accomplished when citizens and politicians of virtue, frugality and character stand up to corrupt big government politicians and union thugs and say: No more spending! The Buck stops here! Not on our watch!
Unfortunately the mobocrats continue to cry out "show me the money!" as their eternal entitlement mindset makes them hell bent to continue their spoiled socialism at the expense of hard working Wisconsin citizens. The "Walker is Hitler" protesters of last winter are back with a vengeance as they have succeeded at taxpayers expense in a $10 million Recall Election of Governor Walker, Lt. Governor Kleefisch and at least 3 Republican Senators.
Additionally with the blessings of President Obama, Democratic and Union money in the millions is pouring into Wisconsin in their attempt at a Summer 2012 Recall coup d etat. Obama, the Union Thugsters, the Democratic Party, the anarchists, socialists, communists, secular progressives know that if they can circumvent the legitimate Wisconsin Election of 2010 (which they are still stinging over) with an illegitimate Recall full of bogus signatures and angry spoiled public workers, they can stay in power across America and continue to usher in their socialistic transformation of our Great Republic under God, the transformation that I, and many, many others have been warning America about for 5 years now!
My fellow Americans, many of us were not fooled in 2008 but millions of Americans were!
We must help our neighbors to go beyond Oprah, Hollywood, the Unions, corrupt politicians and the sold out Elite Media, and get them back to the virtuous values that made this Republic under God the greatest Nation in history. While many of us are awake, we must gallop in 2012 in the Spirit of Paul Revere and the Minutemen...we must sound the Church bells, we must shout it from the roof tops, we must as in 1775 and 1776 cry out to awaken our fellow Americans out of their stupor and warn them that "the Socialists are coming, the socialists are coming!"
Wake Up America! Our Republic calls out to us! Our Fore-founders beckon us to defend our Republic under God before it is too late. The Greek word NIKE means Victory. It's time to get off the couch, put on your running shoes and "Just Do It!" for Freedom and for our children and our children's children.
© Jake Jacobs
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