Fred Hutchison column
Frederick J. Hutchison attended Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, as an undergraduate, and Cleveland State University to get his Master's degree in business. He was a CPA and MBA and worked as a technical expert in governmental auditing and accounting for the Ohio Auditor of State until he underwent surgery for a brain tumor in the winter of 1997, after which he was granted a disability pension that freed him to pursue his passions. This enabled him to pursue writing, politics, and the intellectual and spiritual treasures that were the joy of his heart. This was the beginning of a twelve-year period of authorship, which includes his first book titled The Stages of Sanctification.
Fred was a man of many interests and had a passion for intellectual exchange, the arts, culture, history, politics, and spiritual studies. He was a brilliant seeker of truth. He was a philosopher, historian, psychologist, student of classical literature, science buff, and political writer. He claimed to be a classic autodidact (self-taught) and polymath (student of many subjects), and he chased intellectual excitement for most of his life. He was designated as a "Christian Intellectual" by a Department of Philosophy of Talbot University program.
Fred was an author, mentor, speaker, counselor (to close friends), and witness to everyone who knew him. His passion was the restoration of Christian values in the United States, and he was a frequent contributor to RenewAmerica. His essays on the history of conservatism came out of a desire to see real, meaningful cultural and spiritual awakening in this country.
Fred's brain tumor recurred and he died at age 60 on August 10, 2010. He left behind a great treasure of wisdom, and a sterling example we can follow with confidence.
Fred was a man of many interests and had a passion for intellectual exchange, the arts, culture, history, politics, and spiritual studies. He was a brilliant seeker of truth. He was a philosopher, historian, psychologist, student of classical literature, science buff, and political writer. He claimed to be a classic autodidact (self-taught) and polymath (student of many subjects), and he chased intellectual excitement for most of his life. He was designated as a "Christian Intellectual" by a Department of Philosophy of Talbot University program.

Fred's brain tumor recurred and he died at age 60 on August 10, 2010. He left behind a great treasure of wisdom, and a sterling example we can follow with confidence.
Fred Hutchison
January 23, 2014
Originally published April 7, 2008
I have been writing a series of essays on the five kinds of conservatives, but only recently realized that there are also . . .
Fred Hutchison
December 27, 2013
Originally published December 21, 2006
Augustus Caesar's actions in Rome started a chain of events that governed the circumstances of Christ's birth in . . .
Fred Hutchison
December 12, 2013
Originally published April 2, 2008
In consideration of a gay advocacy column by Ann Fisher, a gay rights bill in the legislature, and a public invitation . . .
Fred Hutchison
November 22, 2013
Originally published March 17, 2008
The birth of the conservative intellectual movement in the 1940's happened at about the same time that the nihilistic . . .
Fred Hutchison
October 31, 2013
Originally published March 11, 2008
In our journey through history, we have reached the culture war of the twentieth century that began in the 1920's and . . .
Fred Hutchison
October 17, 2013
Originally published January 14, 2008
In 1920, Edith Wharton wrote The Age of Innocence, which was about the high society of Old New York in the 1870's. She . . .
Fred Hutchison
October 3, 2013
Originally published October 29, 2007
In the last essay (part 7), we considered how Hegel propagated the cult of modernism. The modernists had faith in the . . .
Fred Hutchison
September 19, 2013
Originally published October 18, 2007
Columnist Jonah Goldberg's heart is in the right place about the right to life, but he is a naive innocent when it . . .
Fred Hutchison
September 13, 2013
Originally published October 1, 2007
Conservatism passed through a series of fiery trials during the nineteenth century. The previous essay (part 6) viewed . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 30, 2013
Conservatism passed through a series of fiery trials during the nineteenth century. I will tell the tale in two parts. This essay will view conservatism and . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 22, 2013
Originally published July 31, 2007
Prior to 1600 A.D., much of what we now regard as conservative ideas was taken for granted by most people of the West. . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 15, 2013
Originally published June 25, 2007
According to traditional conservatism, a large part of our wisdom comes to us from the past. According to Christian . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 8, 2013
Originally published June 11, 2007
Historically, Europe enjoyed three periods of rapid cultural advance: 1) 1050-1250 A.D., 2) 1375-1520, and 3) 1600-1750. . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 1, 2013
Originally published May 13, 2007
My last essay was A Brief History of Conservatism, Part 1, 800 B.C. to 1300 A.D. During that journey of 2,100 years, we . . .
Fred Hutchison
July 25, 2013
Originally published May 8, 2007
Is a married couple who aborts their child more likely to divorce? If so, is there a direct relationship between high . . .
Fred Hutchison
July 18, 2013
Originally published April 20, 2007
During this time of political setbacks for conservatives, it is a good time to consider the vital role of Conservatism in . . .
Fred Hutchison
July 11, 2013
Originally published March 31, 2007
The central philosophical problem of modern democracy is the clash between natural law theory and social justice theory. . . .
Fred Hutchison
July 4, 2013
Originally published March 7, 2007
Leo Strauss (1899-1973), the father of Neoconservatism, predicted that liberalism must give way to relativism and that . . .
Fred Hutchison
June 27, 2013
Originally published February 13, 2007
Democratic politics is ultimately a battle of worldviews. A rising worldview will eventually prevail over a declining . . .
Fred Hutchison
June 20, 2013
Originally published January 17, 2007
Both the Roman Republic and the American Republic enjoyed a period of energy and vitality. The thesis of this essay is . . .
Fred Hutchison
June 13, 2013
Originally published December 7, 2006
Frances Schaefer once said, "There are not many men in the house." What he meant was there are not many worldviews, and . . .
Fred Hutchison
June 6, 2013
Originally published November 19, 2006
In this essay, we shall consider the nature of moral reasoning and why it essential to the health of a republic. We . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 30, 2013
Originally published November 3, 2006
This essay asks two questions: Are Europeans in the throes of passive cultural and political suicide as they ignore the . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 23, 2013
Originally published September 8, 2006
In 1921, Karel Capek wrote the play RUR (Rossum's Universal Robots), about machines that became intelligent and turned . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 16, 2013
Originally published August 26, 2006
The war by America, Britain, and Israel against Islamist terrorism is destined to be a long war in which all the depths . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 9, 2013
Originally published August 9, 2006
During part one of this essay, we took a tour of history, beginning with the birth of European civilization and finishing . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 2, 2013
Originally published July 22, 2006
Every civilization has a theory about what man knows and how he knows it. The theory of a particular civilization will . . .
Fred Hutchison
April 25, 2013
Originally published July 11, 2006
In advance of the 2006 World Cup football (soccer) games in Germany, 40,000 women were estimated by several major internet . . .
Fred Hutchison
April 18, 2013
Originally published June 30, 2006
American Muslims tell us that Islam is a religion of peace. Jihadist leaders abroad describe Islam as a religion of war . . .
Fred Hutchison
April 11, 2013
Originally published June 1, 2006
In my prior essay, I described seven historical waves of bad ideas for education that are responsible for the American . . .
Fred Hutchison
April 4, 2013
Originally published May 17, 2006
The crisis in public education is well known. High dropout rates, low test scores, deficits in reading, math, and history, . . .
Fred Hutchison
March 28, 2013
Originally published April 14, 2006
In an earlier essay, I called for a national conversation on illegal aliens. Thankfully, we are finally having that . . .
Fred Hutchison
March 21, 2013
Originally published April 11, 2006
We, the men of America, are still here in spite of forty years of gender warfare against us. We are still here because . . .
Fred Hutchison
March 14, 2013
Originally published April 2, 2006
The culture war is in part a fight against evil. This essay will focus upon the nature of evil, how we should confront . . .
Fred Hutchison
March 7, 2013
Originally published March 18, 2006
Theology has more influence on world views and on political ideologies than most people can guess.
One particular . . .
Fred Hutchison
February 28, 2013
Originally published March 3, 2006
Last fall, I had extended e-mail debates with two credentialed scientists. One was a defender of Einstein, and the other a . . .
Fred Hutchison
February 21, 2013
Originally published February 15, 2006
The worldview of political liberalism suffers from an inner contradiction that must in time prove fatal. The historic . . .
Fred Hutchison
February 14, 2013
Originally published January 19, 2006
The cultural war debate often centers on life and death issues such as abortion and euthanasia, and the question of . . .
Fred Hutchison
February 7, 2013
Originally published January 4, 2006
The traditional definition of a sociopath is one who is "morally insane." When a culture becomes morally insane, it . . .
Fred Hutchison
January 31, 2013
Originally published November 29, 2005
When President George W. Bush nominated Harriet Miers for the Supreme Court in Oct. 2005, it was a prototypical . . .
Fred Hutchison
January 24, 2013
Originally published November 6, 2005
In my last issue analysis titled The Revolt against Reason, I wrote, "It is up to the conservative movement and . . .
Fred Hutchison
January 17, 2013
Originally published October 29, 2005
The culture war is part of a collision of two worldviews. Can the disagreements between these worldviews be settled . . .
Fred Hutchison
January 10, 2013
Originally published October 6, 2005
Those who believe that man has an innate nature and design generally oppose abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, stem . . .
Fred Hutchison
January 3, 2013
Originally published September 30, 2005
The culture war is deadlocked. Conflicts between contradictory worldviews generally produce clear winners and losers, . . .
Fred Hutchison
December 27, 2012
Originally published September 15, 2005
The California legislature voted to legalize gay marriage on Sept. 6, 2005. Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed the . . .
Fred Hutchison
December 20, 2012
Originally published August 27, 2005
I am writing a book about Western culture, and I also write essays about the culture war. Obviously, I am interested in . . .
Fred Hutchison
December 13, 2012
Originally published August 18, 2005
President George Bush once said that public schools should expose students to both evolution and intelligent design . . .
Fred Hutchison
December 6, 2012
Originally published June 22, 2005
America has a de facto policy of open borders and virtually unlimited immigration along the southern border with Mexico.
. . .
Fred Hutchison
November 29, 2012
Originally published June 1, 2005
The issue of patriotism has become unusually contentious in American politics. To gain perspective of our present partisan . . .
Fred Hutchison
November 22, 2012
Originally published May 20, 2005
The policy of Senate Democrats in 2005 to filibuster conservative nominees for the Supreme Court — coupled with . . .
Fred Hutchison
November 15, 2012
Originally published April 19, 2005
The fight between the right-to-life movement and the right-to-die camp has all the ferocity and bitterness of two . . .
Fred Hutchison
November 8, 2012
Originally published April 12, 2005
By coincidence, both Terri Schiavo and Pope John Paul II, the great advocate of the value of life, had feeding tubes . . .
Fred Hutchison
November 1, 2012
Originally published March 25, 2005
The state and federal judges who have reviewed Terri Schiavo's* case are influenced by the medical diagnosis made by a . . .
Fred Hutchison
October 25, 2012
Originally published March 19, 2005
When a controversial issue in science is politicized and seems to become a fad, does an ordinary person have the tools to . . .
Fred Hutchison
October 18, 2012
Originally published February 28, 2005
The seminal idea of western music is that music reflects the harmonies and moral order of the universe and, therefore, . . .
Fred Hutchison
October 11, 2012
Originally published February 17, 2005
"We didn't need dialogue. We had faces." Gloria Swanson spoke these lines when she played Norma Desmond, a fading star . . .
Fred Hutchison
October 4, 2012
Originally published February 10, 2005
This essay is a rebuttal of the philosophy of materialism and its modern use to deny the existence of God.
Atheists . . .
Fred Hutchison
September 27, 2012
Originally published February 4, 2005
Last September, I wrote an essay about the rise of the new atheism which began with the birth of modernism, around 1750 . . .
Fred Hutchison
September 20, 2012
Originally published January 28, 2005
In September 2004, Discover Magazine had a special Einstein issue. Fifty-eight pages of glossy magazine space was . . .
Fred Hutchison
September 13, 2012
Originally published January 23, 2005
A coherent philosophy or ideology must be true to the world view upon which it is based. When a philosophy or ideology . . .
Fred Hutchison
September 6, 2012
Originally published January 17, 2005
In 1980, I wrote a twenty-page paper in which I predicted the collapse of liberal humanism. A year or two earlier, I . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 30, 2012
Originally published January 7, 2005
Happiness cannot be long sustained unless one lives a life of meaning and purpose. How does one obtain a strong sense of . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 23, 2012
Originally published December 30, 2004
Deism had a rapid rise to popularity and an even more rapid fall into oblivion. The rapid extinction of the once . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 16, 2012
Originally published December 9, 2004
The postmodern worldview is schizophrenic. It is split in two, and the two parts contradict one another. Francis . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 2, 2012
Originally published December 2, 2004
The Conservative movement has many intellectual streams. Some of the names that readily come to mind are Traditionalist . . .
Fred Hutchison
July 26, 2012
Originally published November 23, 2004
"I, wisdom, dwell with prudence....By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. By me princes rule, and nobles, and . . .
Fred Hutchison
July 19, 2012
Originally published October 28, 2004
Marriage is the indispensable foundation and building block of our culture.
We are in the midst of a hideous culture . . .
Fred Hutchison
July 12, 2012
Originally published October 26, 2004
Have you ever noticed how some judicial decisions defy common sense? The cold, abstract words of their decrees often . . .
Fred Hutchison
July 5, 2012
Originally published October 15, 2004
It was nice to listen to an intelligent articulate political debate for a change. Alan Keyes is probably the nation's . . .
Fred Hutchison
June 28, 2012
Originally published September 28, 2004
During the culture war of the last forty years, Evangelicals, devout Catholics, and moralists have been migrating . . .
Fred Hutchison
June 21, 2012
Originally published September 22, 2004
Lee Harris, author of Civilization and its Enemies, believes that neither liberals nor conservatives understand . . .
Fred Hutchison
June 14, 2012
Originally published September 14, 2004
When I was eighteen, I knew that the left is generally deceived. It required a few years to find out what the core . . .
Fred Hutchison
June 7, 2012
Originally published September 9, 2004
Debates about abortion are often very heated because they involve a head-on collision of worldviews. Abortion cannot . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 31, 2012
Originally published August 24, 2004
The scientists whose voices are quoted in the popular press sound like they are certain about global warming. But do . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 24, 2012
Originally published August 5, 2004
In this essay, I shall consider the transcendent source of justice, the universal moral law on which justice is based, . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 17, 2012
Originally published July 21, 2004
Fighting fallacies one at a time as they spring from a false ideology is like Hercules' battle with the Hydra — a . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 10, 2012
Originally published July 13, 2004
As I was sitting in a restaurant eating breakfast and reading the newspaper, I perused the voting records of the nine . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 3, 2012
Originally published July 8, 2004
This essay begins with a recap and commentary on Thomas Sowell's brilliant critique of the old liberal obsession with . . .
Fred Hutchison
April 26, 2012
Originally published June 26, 2004
Certain aspects of the culture war have ancient roots. One of the central points of disagreement regards the existence of . . .
Fred Hutchison
April 19, 2012
Originally published June 17, 2004
In this essay, I discuss some psychological similarities between Postmodernism and barbarism. Both seem to inflict some of . . .
Fred Hutchison
April 12, 2012
Originally published June 13, 2004
How important was freeing the slaves to Abraham Lincoln? Was that his top priority? How did Lincoln view his primary . . .
Fred Hutchison
April 5, 2012
Originally published May 31, 2004
I coined the term "Hard Postmodernism" as a shorthand reference to a set of theories of cultural determinism. I define . . .
Fred Hutchison
March 29, 2012
Originally published May 20, 2004
This essay begins with a brief outline of the rise and collapse of Modernism. In the aftermath of that collapse, a number . . .
Fred Hutchison
March 22, 2012
Originally published April 28, 2004
Over twenty years ago, I had an intermittent conversation about homosexuality with a gay man at work. Although he . . .
Fred Hutchison
March 15, 2012
Originally published February 14, 2004
Baron Montesquieu (Mahn-tes'-kyoo) De Secondat (French political philosopher, 1689–1755) wrote The Spirit of the . . .
Fred Hutchison
March 8, 2012
Originally published February 8, 2004
The culture war might be likened to fighting a war against a coalition of powers. Imagine WWI-style trench warfare on a . . .
Fred Hutchison
December 24, 2009
By now, most of my readers have heard of the scandal nicknamed "Climategate," involving the suppression of information that contradicts a supposed consensus of . . .
Fred Hutchison
December 14, 2009
In the movie Ben Hur, one of the Persian Magi who worshipped Christ in Bethlehem returned to Judea 30 years later to see the adult messiah-king. The old Magi . . .
Fred Hutchison
November 26, 2009
Conservatives will soon have one of the great joys of this life: the joy of rebuilding with like-minded comrades. I happen to believe that the time for . . .
Fred Hutchison
November 15, 2009
Letter to the Editor, First Things
Robert George defines a person as a "dynamic unity of body, mind, emotion, will, and spirit." This is very similar to how . . .
Fred Hutchison
September 27, 2009
The Glenn Beck show sometimes displays a picture of the capitol building with a giant snake wrapped around the dome. This chilling image age is unforgettable. . . .
Fred Hutchison
September 21, 2009
Last November, the American people elected a man president who has never had management or executive experience, and who has only had two years experience in . . .
Fred Hutchison
September 17, 2009
Prior to the twentieth century, no one called health care a right. The idea seemed to have originated with the Progressive Movement in the early 20th century. . . .
Fred Hutchison
September 3, 2009
One can see a grassroots revolution in America in three places: The "tea parties" in the public square, the noisy "town hall" meetings between congressmen, . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 27, 2009
Renew America, now recognized by as one of the top ten conservative web sites in the U.S., stands out as being the most Christian of the ten and the . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 12, 2009
Don't believe what you are told by Obama, Inc. about the proposed legislation to regulate medicine and medical insurance. Does this mean they are telling lies? . . .
Fred Hutchison
August 10, 2009
Natural law is a vital part of the conservative intellectual heritage. Among the five ancient kinds of conservatism, natural law is the second oldest. Natural . . .
Fred Hutchison
July 13, 2009
Self-deceiving pride leads the sons of Adam into many foolish vanities and conceits. Some people concentrate on the petty vanities, and others indulge in . . .
Fred Hutchison
July 10, 2009
Columnist Bob Herbert has historical amnesia about the Vietnam war but has total recall about the liberal myths of the anti-war movement. The central theme of . . .
Fred Hutchison
June 15, 2009
People are searching for the meaning of life as much now as they ever did. However, meaning is harder to find today because of a very tough skepticism in today . . .
Fred Hutchison
June 1, 2009
This is part 2 of an essay in which we are considering the "emergent church" — a postmodern cult disguised as a church — and the "seeker-sensitive church" . . .
Fred Hutchison
May 18, 2009
Part 1 of this essay deals with the rise of the "emerging church," which is postmodern and heretical. As such, it is a double threat to doctrinally orthodox . . .
Fred Hutchison
April 23, 2009
We have traveled a long way through the history of conservatism and are nearing the end of the story. It is 2009, and I am doing post mortems of the disastrous . . .
Fred Hutchison
April 2, 2009
President George W. Bush appointed a handful of neoconservatives to positions of power and influence. These officials were highly visible and controversial. . . .
Fred Hutchison
March 17, 2009
(Letter to the editor — the Columbus Dispatch)
In a spectacular moment of irrationality and moral confusion, columnist Gwinne Dyer drew a moral equivalent . . .
Fred Hutchison
February 26, 2009
In the last essay in this series, part 15, we discovered in history a strong correlation between Christian spirituality and the vitality of Western culture. . . .
Fred Hutchison
January 10, 2009
We live in an age in which the great man has become a rarity. We little understand how impoverished we will be when we can no long bask in the light of great . . .
Fred Hutchison
January 5, 2009
In our walk through the history of conservatism, we have reached the period running from 1973 to 1988. In 1973, abortion was legalized, and 1988 was the last . . .
Fred Hutchison
December 22, 2008
"Hark the herald angels sing, glory to the new born king."
Have you ever noticed that during the Christmas season, we sing a lot more about the birth of . . .
Fred Hutchison
December 20, 2008
Letter to the editor of First Things: regarding Messianic Gentiles and Messianic Jews
Mark Kinzer is justified in his complaint that the Jews have been . . .
Fred Hutchison
November 24, 2008
The meltdown of the conservative movement is a greater calamity than losing an election! The civil war among conservatives has left an unknown number of . . .
Fred Hutchison
November 3, 2008
Does Barack Obama believe in the universal moral law? Hard to tell. Obama insists he is a Christian and admits that evil exists, but answers questions about . . .
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.