Warner Todd Huston column

Warner Todd Huston's thoughtful commentary, sometimes irreverent often historically based, is featured on many websites such as renewamerica.com, townhall.com, opinioneditorials.com, and americandaily.com, among many, many others. He has also written for several history magazines, and appears in the new book "Americans on Politics, Policy and Pop Culture," which can be purchased on amazon.com. He is also the owner and operator of Publius' Forum. Feel free to contact him with any comments or questions at igcolonel@hotmail.com
Warner Todd Huston
January 15, 2012
There has been a lot of lament by the far left in America that the Tea Party has somehow driven the Republican Party to conservative extremes. This, however, is . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 13, 2012
Remember back in the days of the debate over Obamacare when unions were the biggest voices screaming in support of the legislation? Many labor union bosses said . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 10, 2012
While the Old Media has been ecstatic over recent job numbers, claiming that some 200,000 jobs have been added to the economy, we should note that while Obama . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 8, 2012
Apparently, Mitt Romney and his surrogates want you to know that you should not vote your conscience or your principles this primary election. You should vote . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 5, 2012
The 2012 Iowa Caucuses are now over and in a nail biting ending the two highest vote getters were separated by only eight votes. So, what did this caucus prove? . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 4, 2012
Here at the site we often take Hollywood to task for its outrageous liberalism, and rightfully so. Of course it's our job to look for the worst cases to alert . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 1, 2012
My friend Michael Bates has raised some interesting — if technical — points. He notes that Ron Paul could very will win Iowa but still come away . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 29, 2011
Romney did it again. On Fox News he linked Romneycare to conservative principles, an outrageous act in the eyes of any conservative. But hold the boat, people, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 28, 2011
Top ten lists at year's end are always subjective, to be sure. But some lists seem rather obviously out of whack at first glance. Politico's "Top 10 political . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 26, 2011
Each year, with the onset of Christmas, we are treated to another gauzy, fluff piece about how great Kwanzaa is by yet another PC spewing columnist. This year, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 24, 2011
When Howard Dean became a surprise front runner in the Democrat primary of 2004 doing so on the basis of a strong Internet-based campaign effort, tongues began . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 23, 2011
Abdullah Faaruuq, a Muslim "spiritual advisor" and chaplain from Boston-based Northeastern University, was a key speaker at a fundraiser for al Qaeda's Ma . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 21, 2011
President Obama and his various quislings and underlings still cannot bring themselves to say that the USA is under attack by radical Islamists. This is the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 17, 2011
Did you know that the only reason those famed "Reagan Democrats" voted for Ronald Reagan in 1980 and 1984 was because they were... uh... racists? Well on the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 15, 2011
In the category of bigotry and hatred spares no religion, we find such hatred hiding behind religion in one "Rabbi" Joshua Hammerman of New York City. Hammerman . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 12, 2011
You know a government project is headed for disaster when even the New York Times becomes skeptical about it.
In a recent article, the "newspaper of record" . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 9, 2011
Jose Antonio Vargas is the perfect example of media bias. He presents himself as both an activist for illegal immigrants and a "journalist." He's uniquely . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 6, 2011
There was once a famous liberal congressman from New York who reminded his opponents that they could have their own opinions but not their own facts. This, of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 4, 2011
I meant to get to this last week, but "historian" Douglas Brinkley is so forgettable as a writer that it all slipped my mind. But, it's a slow news day, so let . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 3, 2011
The Barbi Twins are no longer big fans of the Obammessiah. They think he's turned his back on the horses. No, not the ones at the race track — well, maybe . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 1, 2011
With this week's Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing of American Airlines, we again see the results of unions having a hand in destroying American businesses. We also . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 29, 2011
It's hard to believe but Frank Rich's latest exercise in the fantasist's art comparing JFK to Obama is a wonder to behold. It really is. One might think it . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 28, 2011
A whack nut Occupy Wall Street sympathizer in South Carolina was a bit miffed when Governor Nikki Haley "allowed" the police to begin arresting the dregs at . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 26, 2011
The indefatigable Steven Ertelt reports another outrage from the infanticide fanatics at Planned Parenthood. Apparently Planned Parenthood is advocating that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 24, 2011
Ron Fournier of the National Journal has committed the same mistake in political analysis that far too many others on both sides of the aisle make. He thinks, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 23, 2011
This past weekend the Washington Post published a hit piece on the grand opening of a museum in Georgia dedicated to the birthplace of U.S. Supreme Court . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 19, 2011
General Motors was too big to fail. This is why President Obama had to ride in on his white steed with billions of taxpayers dollars in hand to bailout GM . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 17, 2011
In her exclusive interview with Representative Gabrielle Giffords (D, AZ), ABCs Diane Sawyer began with a retrospective of the terrible crime committed against . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 16, 2011
In 2008 a pipeline operated by Pacific Gas & Electric exploded destroying several homes and killing 72-year-old Wilbert Paana. Since that time authorities have . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 14, 2011
In the upcoming Republican primary I am not voting for Brian Williams, Brett Baier, Scott Pelly, Wolf Blitzer or any other member of the Old Media. I am trying . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 9, 2011
Last year for the 2010 midterms Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln was in trouble with her reelection. Up until 2010 most felt her seat was a safe one but . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 4, 2011
One of the reasons that our economic recovery has been so slow is that the Obama administration has opened a continuous avalanche of regulations affecting jobs, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 3, 2011
There is a lot of talk about the high cost of regulations (in fact, a lot of talk from me about them). But how do you put a number on that cost? Well Sam . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 2, 2011
Juli Weiner of Vanity Fair may have thought she was being "clever" with her Nov. 1 blog post, but instead she looks by turns blindly partisan, foolish, ignorant . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 1, 2011
Talk about making a mistake everyone can see! Atheists in California have done a disservice to their own crusade to spread atheism by launching a new billboard . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 29, 2011
John Tillman, CEO of the Illinois Policy Institute, penned an op ed in the Chicago Tribune touting what he claims is the common ground between conservatives and . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 26, 2011
A popular, longtime Doctor from central Illinois has been sidelined by employer Springfield-based Memorial Health System because he has not become proficient . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 25, 2011
The left-wing media's newest attack on Rick Perry is an attempt to make him into a "birther" — one of those folks that think Barack Obama is not a natural . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 22, 2011
A Southern Illinois newspaper reports what should be an ominous warning for Obama occurring in Illinois, his homestate. His margin of victory is narrowing in . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 21, 2011
Politico unleashed an incredibly misleading smear job on Herman Cain this week by attacking "his" Godfather's Pizza in a faux taste test in both written and . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 20, 2011
A recent New York Times article revealed that the Pentagon briefly considered engaging in cyberwarfare at the outset of the actions in Libya, but decided . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 19, 2011
As a result of years of budget deficits and wasteful spending by the state legislature, California faces difficult budget challenges for the next ten years. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 18, 2011
There are a few major reasons that this Occupy-Whatever "movement" is as hollow as a Halloween pumpkin. One is that they are employing the sort of rhetoric with . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 14, 2011
When is a national park not a national park? When it is "themed" toward one small segment of the population by a government infected with PCism. That is what U . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 13, 2011
Another in a long line of explosions and other catastrophic safety failures occurred at the end of September when a natural gas pipeline built and owned by . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 11, 2011
Phil Kerpen has a warning for you, America. He wants to alert you to the fact that Barack Obama is using his powers to create regulations to undermine Congress, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 9, 2011
This is the funniest thing I have ever...
This is the funniest thing I've ever....
Seen in my life.
Seen in my life.
A bunch of child-like . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 8, 2011
During the latest campaign appearance disguised as a presidential press conference, President Obama uttered one straight out lie that stands out above the rest . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 6, 2011
Sadly, ABC's The View is what passes for as "intelligent" conversation on TV, these days. The View yacker Joy Behar's blather is also indicative of the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 3, 2011
Tougher than Arizona's, Alabama's new immigration law is a perfect example of the best way to put limits on illegal immigration. Sadly these are laws being . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 1, 2011
I have been interested these days to hear the left citing George Washington, the father of our country, to support their ideas against the GOP and their hope . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 30, 2011
In a recurrence of its bout with Bush Derangement Syndrome, MSNBC recently relied on a left-wing, green activist to assert that the whole Solyndra scandal was . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 29, 2011
It is a lie that serves as the left's basic narrative for the birth of the Tea Party movement and this weekend it was The New York Times's turn to push that lie . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 28, 2011
Obama's Environmental Protection Agency is completely put of control. Now it wants to implement new regulations that would destroy 183,000 private sector jobs . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 25, 2011
In a good sign for blogger free speech, a lawsuit against a high profile conservative blog in Illinois has just been tossed out. A political contributor brought . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 23, 2011
Back on August first the whole country was waiting for the House of Representatives to raise the debt ceiling and offer a continuing resolution to prevent a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 21, 2011
Obama's Department Of Justice claims that Texas redistricting is somehow "unfair" because Democrats have lost power. Therefore the DOJ is going to take the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 20, 2011
Michael Barone, one of America's premier political analysts, unleashed a corker this week looking over how sold out to unions our president as been. It is . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 19, 2011
There is a town in Tennessee whose government owns more cars than they even have employees to drive them. This is the sort of excess that every anti-big . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 17, 2011
Once again an Obama regulatory agency tries to give itself wild new powers, powers that would crush American energy and natural resource development, powers . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 16, 2011
A new measure has been introduced in the Michigan House of Representatives that would ban school districts from automatically deducting union dues from teachers . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 14, 2011
True to form, even as he says he wants to cut regulations, Obama's regulatory army is marching hard against business and this week the president's Labor Dept. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 12, 2011
The Italians have caused an outrage among American firearms customers. A Italian company named Chiappa Firearms sent out a press release (in Italian) last week . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 11, 2011
In one of the most disgusting examples of the self-absorption of the union mind set, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka decided that his 9/11 memorial would not . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 10, 2011
I had to laugh when I found out about the left's newest protest du jour. They are hopin' mad, don't cha know? So mad that they are busy organizing marches, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 9, 2011
Barack Obama is nothing less than a hypocrite on his admonitions over public discourse and the latest example of this truth lies in his refusal to condemn the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 8, 2011
In a recent article on the dissatisfaction of Big Labor we once again we see making its way into what is otherwise supposed to be a normal, everyday "news" . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 7, 2011
An elementary school in Fort Collins, Colorado came under fire last week for having placed in the school a smaller sized Saudi Arabian flag in a higher, more . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 6, 2011
People have made millions on self-help books telling people how to take their first steps down that road to success. Whole aisles in the bookstores are stuffed . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 3, 2011
The American left and its handmaidens in the Old Media spent 24 hours desperately trying to spin Obama's attempt to schedule a joint session of Congress on the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 1, 2011
A new study finds that Illinois ranks at the bottom of states with the worst climate of government union accountability in the nation. The Land of Lincoln ranks . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 30, 2011
Kerry Picket had an interesting report in the Washington Times on the 28th. Apparently President Obama's uncle Omar, an illegal alien living in Massachusetts, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 29, 2011
Well, let's get the ball rolling on another broken promise from The One, Barack Hussein Obama, shall we? I mean, every time we think we are done chronicling his . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 27, 2011
I go after the left all the time for opposing free speech and for doing its best to shut down citizens, especially at townhall events. Well here is an example . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 25, 2011
Obama and his union-sold Department of Labor has spent the last three years trying every legal trick, and some merely arrogant ones, to help unions get away . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 23, 2011
Every time we turn around these days President Obama is touting the idea that the "future" of America lies in green energy and one of those greenie ideas is an . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 21, 2011
The Hill has an interesting, if not a bit slanted, report about the faux grassroots efforts of unions and left-wing advocates to pretend they are somehow just . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 19, 2011
After running on the claim that he'd make presidential records more available and after criticizing George W. Bush and Vice President Cheney for "secret . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 15, 2011
Remember when South Carolina Representative Joe Wilson called out "You Lie!" when Obama claimed in his 2009 state of the union address that his Obamacare plan . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 14, 2011
In Pennsylvania union thuggery, violations of the law, and criminality is abundant in the strike by the Communications Workers of America against Verizon. It's . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 12, 2011
In yet another example of collusion between "the press" and the Democrats, Bill Kelly of Chicago tried to ask a question of Democrat Senator Dick Durbin at a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 10, 2011
Remember back in the early 1960s when blacks could get any job they wanted in the American airline industry? Oh, and remember back then how no one smoked cuz it . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 8, 2011
On MSNBC, John Kerry told us that Tea Party ideas are not "real" ideas, not "factual," and thinks that the media should stop reporting on anything that smacks . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 5, 2011
Back in September of 2010, a gas pipeline running underneath the city of San Bruno, California ruptured. The resulting explosion killed eight people. A recently . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 2, 2011
Robert Reich, former Secretary of Labor under Bill Clinton, lefty political commentator, and so-called "economist," is despondent over the failure of President . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 1, 2011
We all know that the Old Media is filled with double standards where it concerns treatment of conservatives and liberals. Last week we found yet another example . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 28, 2011
The New York Times is never one to let a good tragedy go to waste when it can turn that sad incident into a bludgeon with which to bash American conservatives, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 27, 2011
It is a sad truth that from coast to coast our departments of children and family service (DCFS) agencies are in disarray. All too often they ill serve the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 22, 2011
We've been talking for the better part of the year about how the Obama administration is using its powers to regulate labor and business relations to attack . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 20, 2011
Imagine the gall of Gordon L. Wray Jr. to die without first getting Obama's permission! I mean, it takes a real yutz to die before The One waves his royal hand . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 13, 2011
First Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan tried to have published for public consumption all the names and addresses of every gun owner in her state. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 9, 2011
Well, maybe John Sexton and I both gave Obama a little too much credit on this "intercontinental railroad" gaffe? When he and I wrote about this little gaffe we . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 6, 2011
Every few weeks for months now leftist bloggers have been happily touting the "fact" that our second president, John Adams, passed the first "national . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 5, 2011
If you needed yet another example of why government employees should never be allowed to join unions, this is it. In Racine, Wisconsin the local fireman's union . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 2, 2011
Obama's is one of the most disastrous foreign policies of any president ever. His latest outrage is the dual absurdities of, on one hand putting Israel on a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 30, 2011
Since the early days of Barack Obama's run for the presidency, you know, right after he became Senator Obama in 2006, he's been slighting the media in ways . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 29, 2011
Senator Tom Coburn (R, OK) is trying to break heavy with the Tea Partiers — and for that matter his own party — by encouraging Republicans to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 26, 2011
Once again St. Sabina, the "Catholic" Church on Chicago's South Side, makes the news for race-baiting and down talking our U.S. Constitution. This time it is . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 24, 2011
When Barack Obama threw millions of our tax dollars at General Motors to "save it," the administration claimed that it would not involve itself in the "day-to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 23, 2011
President Barack Obama came before the American people tonight to unleash his latest campaign speech disguised as a foreign policy address. It was a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 21, 2011
Barack Obama's interference in the business operations of Boeing new Dreamliner manufacturing project will likely cause thousands of workers in South Carolina . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 16, 2011
President Obama claims that he wants to "create jobs," and is happily touting several policies that he claims will create jobs in this jobless, non-recovery. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 14, 2011
What's the best way to counter what you think are the lies coming from your opponents? Is it to make up lies of your own? Apparently MoveOn.org thinks so. On . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 12, 2011
Yes, it's time for another tale of millions of your tax dollars wasted by the NEA on "art" in America.
Supporters of the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 11, 2011
Half of America's energy comes from coal-fired power plants but Obama's new EPA rules would about destroy the coal industry driving our energy costs through the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 9, 2011
The debate about healthcare coming from the Democrats is steeped in purposeful misdirection on one hand and a complete lack of any real knowledge about what . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 7, 2011
The New York Times' Nicholas Kristof is a simpleton. There is really no other way to say it, no gentler phrasing possible, to explain how childish and . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 4, 2011
The Atlantic's Yoni Appelbaum has a troubled little mind. He seems to be an excitable sort, too. I say this because during this 150th anniversary of the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 1, 2011
Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz is a Democrat Congresswoman from Florida and is currently the head of the Democrat National Committee. She is also one . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 28, 2011
Those anti-capitalist college professor types that used to sneer at America and supported the murderous antics of the Soviets had for a short time after the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 27, 2011
Most Americans are under the mistaken assumption that we as voters can elect someone to make changes in our government. Whether the government of our city, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 24, 2011
This could shape up as a major battle between supporters of infanticide and pro-lifers in 2014. Pro-abortion forces will likely flood the Volunteer State with . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 23, 2011
On Friday Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu schooled President Obama — who is clearly out of his depth — on Middle East diplomacy. This . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 21, 2011
One of the main forces behind the Tea Party movement and the disgust that many Americans have with the federal government is its supreme arrogance and its . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 20, 2011
The "gang of six" is a group of senators who had taken it upon themselves to come to some sort of agreement over the competing budget ideas between Republicans . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 19, 2011
Bill Clinton wants the government to "correct" what you say on the Internet, folks. Should the government listen to the former panderer-in-chief, we'll go from . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 18, 2011
The Washington Post had a recent piece saying that it looks like Washington is finally coming to the stark realization that the benefits and pensions of federal . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 17, 2011
Indiana's highest court has turned against our rights and the Constitution of the United States. The Supreme Court of Indiana has just decided that the Fourth . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 15, 2011
In a story by Jay Root for the Associated Press, the news wire service tries to tar the entire Tea Party movement with guilt by association claiming that it was . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 13, 2011
Barack Obama's Executive Order that requires federal contractors to disclose the political contributions they have made is garnering bi-partisan opposition on . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 12, 2011
Richard Cohen is what passes for an opinion editorialist in the Washington Post — not a learned one, just a bloviating one. Cohen's latest, "The Myth of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 11, 2011
The Associated Press is reporting that resistance to right-to-work laws is coming from a surprising source in many states where the legislation has been lately . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 10, 2011
Columbia University announced last week that its Graduate School of Journalism is awarding its highest award to America's enemies, Al-Jazeera TV.
The . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 29, 2011
Brandon K. Thorp, a gay activist from the alternative weekly Broward-Palm Beach New Times newspaper, is only the latest left-winger to launch into a verbal . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 27, 2011
In yet another union-styled outrage, Democrats backed by union thugs in Wisconsin are using the personal information of voters found on recall petitions to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 26, 2011
Like all too many Americans TIME Magazine proves that it doesn't know what is worth celebrating, noting, or memorializing in this world. Time doesn't know what . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 24, 2011
The left is desperate to color Wisconsin Rep. Paul Ryan's GOP budget plan (The Path to Prosperity, as it is styled) as the end of America, crazed to call his . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 22, 2011
It wasn't long ago that Indiana Democrats fled the Hoosier state so that they could avoid doing their job in the state legislature. These Democrats self . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 21, 2011
Making it easier every day to assert that Democrats hate the U.S. Constitution, once again we find a Democrat in Congress expressing disgust with the law of the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 20, 2011
If there was any doubt about how hostile the Old Media is toward tax cuts, spending cuts, and making government accountable and Constitutionally justifiable, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 15, 2011
Yes, it's that new age of Democrat political civility rearing its ugly head yet again. During an April 12 debate on gun control Pennsylvania State . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 14, 2011
The nanny state in the people's republic of Chicago rears its ugly head once again where a school principal has accused parents of trying to poison their own . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 13, 2011
I guess being the president of the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) means not having to do your own homework. Just ask AFT President Randi Weingarten. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 12, 2011
Alright you evil, rotten, racist, white oppressors, it's time once again for the "White Privilege Conference," this year to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota on . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 10, 2011
Sorry Tea Partiers, but the GOP won this budget battle despite that you didn't get all you wanted, this was a major GOP win. In fact, treating it otherwise . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 8, 2011
In a blow to the autonomy of the media it has been discovered that employees of two Old Media outlets are the happy beneficiaries of hundreds of thousands of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 6, 2011
Did you know that there are no laws to prevent government agencies from raiding your computer's remotely hosted back up files, your third party emails, your . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 5, 2011
A few weeks ago AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka used the Civil Rights movement as a comparison for his union work. He wanted his audience to imagine that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 1, 2011
Government union members of AFSCME Council 24 are circulating letters to local businesses in southeast Wisconsin threatening them that if they don't come to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 31, 2011
A few days ago I wrote about how the Obama administration has stuffed the upper echelons of management at General Motors with government lackeys who have no . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 30, 2011
Several news sources have been working for days to get to the bottom of a story that might end up revealing that the head of one of Democrat Illinois Governor . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 24, 2011
The Obama Administration has proclaimed TARP and the subsequent bailout for General Motors a great success. US Treasury Deputy Timothy Massad recently said, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 23, 2011
Newsweek has published another one of those aren't-Americans-Stupid articles wherein we find that few Americans know anything about either our history or our . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 21, 2011
The military action in Libya undertaken by a "coalition of the willing" at the end of last week is, from an American perspective, as vexing as it is elating. On . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 18, 2011
Politico has a sad tale to tell about former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (I just love that: former. Say it with me, FORMER House Speaker). The once powerful . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 17, 2011
Once in a while a story of the sort of arrogance in government that should make every fair-minded American sick at heart comes out to show how Democrats act . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 16, 2011
For some strange reason the left-wing Internet site Slate.com thinks that the City of Detroit needs a statue erected to an anti-Christian, anti-American pop . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 15, 2011
Recently I was part of a conference call with Senator Ron Johnson (R, Wis). Johnson is a member of the GOP wave that over took Washington in the 2010 midterms. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 13, 2011
Patriots and activists from 23 states are about to gather together on March 25 and 26 in Houston, Texas to attend the True The Vote Summit, an effort to make . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 10, 2011
Journolister and Washington Post writer Ezra Klein is another one of those liberals in the elite Old Media trying to pretend that there is no Islam in . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 9, 2011
Sometimes a single picture is enough to put the left's folly in crystal clear terms and we have one for you today.
The current crop of militant atheists have . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 8, 2011
What do they say about denial, that it isn't just a river in Egypt? That old quip constantly is brought to mind as President Obama and his administration prove . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 5, 2011
This is the text of an address I gave to a men's luncheon in Niles, Illinois on March 3, 2011. Niles and its neighbor Skokie are heavily Jewish areas in the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 4, 2011
Without having any substantive proof of its claims, once again the Old Media takes the word of The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), a group that says right . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 3, 2011
In a recent interview with Channel 4 TV News in Milwaukee, President Obama denied that government employees are responsible for the "budget problems" that the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 2, 2011
The left-wing Internet-based group calling itself "Anonymous" briefly took down the website of the conservative activist group Americans For Prosperity on . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 1, 2011
A lot has been said about the thuggish behavior of these teachers in Wisconsin and other union toughs across the country who have been caught on tape calling . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 28, 2011
You know the old saying, "stupid is as stupid does"? Enter the AFL-CIO's Richard Trumka, one of the most violence prone union presidents in America, who has . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 25, 2011
The lies that have been peddled by the unions in Wisconsin are legion. They are claiming that Walker has a budget surplus he's hiding, he isn't. They have been . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 23, 2011
You might recall that with great fanfare and the slobberingly positive coverage by the Old Media, President Obama made Reagan-like and claimed that he thought . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 22, 2011
First came the disgrace of supposedly intelligent teachers in Wisconsin sporting hundreds of signs calling Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker "Hitler" and now . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 19, 2011
It must be nice to work for the government. Sadly it's the most lucrative way to make a living in American history. To "win life's lottery" all you have to do . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 17, 2011
The American Conservative Union (ACU) is the entity that runs the biggest annual conservative event, the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). Next . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 9, 2011
John Kartch over at Americans for Tax Reform found President Obama's claim that he hasn't raised taxes a bit, shall we say, quixotic. At one point in the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 7, 2011
We are still living in Ronald Reagan's era, despite the constant refrains from Democrats and the left that Reaganism is long dead. As we observe his 100th . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 6, 2011
Now this is more like it. Back in October of 2010 the Summer County, Tennessee School Board decertified the Sumner County Education Association (SCEA), the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 4, 2011
The Obama Administration is quickly becoming the most corrupt administration in American history. Recently we reported about the mounting number of waivers that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 3, 2011
After all these years in politics, Mitt Romney has finally found something he isn't going to flip flop on — so far, anyway. Romney recently started a tour . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 1, 2011
POLITICO posted a piece last week that shows the arrogance of our duly elected Senators in Washington D.C. After reading this piece, one gets the impression . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 29, 2011
Without question we are living through the worst economic times in generations and Barack Obama's policies aren't helping alleviate the pain. Pain is, indeed, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 28, 2011
The left-wing website Talking Points Memo (known as TPM) is worried that the Tea Party-backed True The Vote effort in Harris County, Texas — home of the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 27, 2011
With the anniversary of Roe v. Wade it is the perfect time to highlight the fact that the millions upon millions of federal tax dollars that have gone to fund . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 26, 2011
Apparently for at least ten years our U.S. Senators have been creating operating rules that allow them to get out of doing one of their most important jobs: . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 25, 2011
The inch deep analysis that we get from the illiterati in the left-media shows that they have agendas, sure, but no grasp of history, logic, or facts. No better . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 24, 2011
The Epoch Times has a stunner of a story for January 22. Unbeknownst to most Americans, China insulted the United States right in front of Obama and the world . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 22, 2011
Remember those hoary days of raucous protest when anti-war protesters sent thousands of people into the streets sometimes with only a days notice? Now consider . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 20, 2011
Barack Obama has given more payoffs, sweetheart deals, and new favorable regulations to Big Labor than any president in history. They should love him for his . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 19, 2011
On Tuesday, President Obama had an op ed published in the Wall Street Journal. In it Obama insisted that our economy has been hurt by "unreasonable burdens on . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 18, 2011
Radio talker Rush Limbaugh got in dutch with Fox News commentator Charles Krauthammer for saying that Obama supporters were "slobbering" over his address at the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 16, 2011
Lincoln Chafee was the bane of conservative talk radio when he was the RINO Senator from Rhode Island. Now that he is a newly minted "independent" and has . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 13, 2011
Last night in Arizona someone planned a memorial service and a pep rally broke out. In a wildly inappropriate display of mirth, rock star adulation, screams . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 11, 2011
Rahm Emanuel is not the union's favorite man. He has had union detractors since his days pushing the North American Free Trade Act (NAFTA) during the Clinton . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 10, 2011
An extreme, left-wing Democrat group calling itself 21st Century Democrats has had the gall to send out an email blast using as a fundraising tool Saturday's . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 9, 2011
Even as the early, sketchy details of the shooting incident in Arizona were still emerging some members of the left-leaning media were already trying to tie the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 3, 2011
On the Sean Hannity Show on Fox News this week, Democrat Kirsten Powers offered some misinformed political analysis. Naturally, her analysis heavily favored the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 1, 2011
My friend George Scoville, who works for the CATO Institute, asked a question that really does go to show the left's hypocrisy. This time the question reveals a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 31, 2010
For the entertainment industry's practitioners of political correctness, 2010 was another banner year. Even as conservatives have made deserved headway in La La . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 30, 2010
Years after most Americans retire, in fact years after the federal retirement age of 68, more than 100 U.S. Postal Workers in their 90s are still getting 75 . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 29, 2010
In 1997 a Brooklyn teacher was accused of attempting to molest a sixth-grade girl at PS 138. As it happened, he admitted the behavior, but no criminal charges . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 28, 2010
Some of you may have missed this story since it was published on the day after Christmas (and a Sunday at that), but Obama's death panels are back, this time . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 27, 2010
ABC News talking head Cokie Roberts was shilling for the Obama administration once again on Good Morning America during an interview with former Clinton . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 24, 2010
Every year I post a pre-Christmas piece on the farce that is Kwanzaa. This year will be no exception. Note, some of the newspaper articles I quote are several . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 22, 2010
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder told ABC News that he has "sleepless nights" over his worry about domestic terrorists. He thinks that Americans, natural born . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 21, 2010
The Old Media is up to its old tricks again, this time making the GOP the fall guy for the failure of the latest immigration bill. Nearly every news outlet is . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 18, 2010
All too often it is an upside down world in our American court systems. Here we have two more stories that really argues for the word "impeachment" to get far . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 17, 2010
Senator Mark Kirk (R, IL) is raising a red flag over the defense bill because the Democrat led House of Representatives and Democrat led Senate has slipped in a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 15, 2010
In a few days the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is expected to release its final decision on whether or not 17,000 women across the country will have the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 14, 2010
On Dec. 11, 2010, I attended a townhall meeting held in the 14th Congressional District featuring Congressman-elect Randy Hultgren and newly minted Senator Mark . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 10, 2010
The government is over spent. This single fact is beyond dispute. Even Democrats say so. We have but to recall that Democrat after Democrat attempted to run for . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 8, 2010
A few days ago the miserable Helen Thomas, famed long-time Washington correspondent, let her hatred for Jews get the best of her once again. At a workshop held . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 6, 2010
As most of you know last week I was down in Cancun, Mexico reporting on the U.N. Climate Change Summit (officially called COP16/CMP6). It was several days of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 1, 2010
CNN indulged a classic left media tactic by misleading with a headline in a recent piece on former Governor Sarah Palin. The headline, if read by itself, seems . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 27, 2010
It's a holiday and some might say we should be charitable to the unfortunate. By unfortunate usually they mean those that don't have as much as you and I. But . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 26, 2010
A pro-Israel education group called Z Street is claiming that Obama's IRS has violated its Constitutional rights by denying it tax exempt status solely because . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 25, 2010
What is it called when a government creates a state-sponsored "news" agency, again? Ah yes, it's called government propaganda. And that is what the Obama . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 23, 2010
Most media-watching conservatives have simply been flabbergasted at how the Old Media establishment has so neatly come together to destroy Sarah Palin. The . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 20, 2010
With the recent midterm election and the resulting GOP tidal wave that is about to inundate Congress, many people have wondered aloud if net neutrality was dead . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 19, 2010
If conservatives intend to translate Tea Party enthusiasm into actual power they are certainly going to have begin to put like-minded folks into office and not . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 17, 2010
The 2010 elections are now history. If there was any lesson from this Republican tidal wave that swept across the country it is that the vast majority of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 15, 2010
If leftists are good at one thing it is staying on message. Since 2006 when Nancy Pelosi was raised to the dizzying heights of Speaker of the House of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 13, 2010
Marc Theissen recently asked some very important questions about where the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) is getting the mountains of cash that it . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 11, 2010
Is card check dead? Not completely, but if the recent votes on various state ballot initiatives of four states is any indication it sure seems to be on its last . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 10, 2010
President Barack Obama's now concluding trip to India seems to have turned out to be a failed or at the very least unhelpful effort. His false starts, unhelpful . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 9, 2010
Just before election day the liberal blogs were aflutter with news that 95 Democratic Congressional candidates had taken the pledge to support Net neutrality if . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 7, 2010
Tyler Durden of Zero Hedge asks an interesting question about the latest jobs data that the Obama administration has released to the public — and to a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 29, 2010
Forbes created an interactive map where Americans can find out what sort of mess their state is in. All you need do is roll your mouse cursor over your state . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 26, 2010
Every once in a while one must risk breaching decorum and call a spade a spade. In this case sentient people cannot avoid affirming the stark truth that former . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 25, 2010
Thanks to Jeff Dunetz at Yid With Lid we have found out that a former ACORN worker turned director of the League of Women Voters has been heard justifying . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 23, 2010
If anyone wants a current example of what is looming ahead for medical science at the hands of Obamacare, the Avastin controversy is a perfect one. The Food and . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 20, 2010
First of all, despite all the chest puffing by sports-freaks and rock-music geeks who want to say that Civil War and WWII reenactors are "weird," the very fact . . .
Anti-American George Soros and unions attempting to put power of CA redistricting in their own hands
Warner Todd Huston
October 19, 2010
Bloomberg News is reporting that Charles Munger, Jr., son of Berkshire Hathaway Inc.'s Charles Munger, has thrown his fortune behind an effort to defeat a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 16, 2010
The world is rejoicing that the miners trapped for over a month in the bowels of a mountain in Chile are finally rescued. As the rescue was ongoing President . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 13, 2010
Some of Obamacare's most destructive forces are quickly becoming common knowledge. We have, for instance, become painfully aware that Obama's claim that we all . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 12, 2010
The Old Media went into a feeding frenzy when it was revealed that News Corp., the owner of Fox News, had donated $1 million to the Republican Governor's . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 8, 2010
Forbes has published its world's most powerful women list and on that list, in the top slot no less, is Michelle Obama, the wife of the President of the United . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 6, 2010
Politico has a delicious story detailing how lefty bloggers seem to be on the outs with the Obama administration over their constant stream of complaints . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 2, 2010
Naturally the Old Media is doing its level best to pump up the "One Nation" rally. The lefty protest is gathering in front of the Lincoln Memorial on the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 1, 2010
In an address to the United Nations on Thursday, Sept. 23, President Obama pledged to preserve a "free and open Internet" and would call out nations that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 29, 2010
The Constitution of the United States of America. Journalist Mary Dejevsky wrote about it, but she sure hasn't the first clue about what it does, what it means, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 28, 2010
It looks like House Energy and Commerce Chairman Henry Waxman, (D-Calif) is so desperate to get a Net Neutrality bill out of the House before the recess that he . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 27, 2010
The leftists are trying to emulate both Glenn Beck and the Tea Party movement by having their own march on D.C. and it is coming in but a few days. They are . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 25, 2010
Leave it to University liberals to suddenly take strong stands just when it makes absolutely no difference at all.
Domestic terrorist William Ayers, close . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 23, 2010
Earlier this month the Obama administration floated a trial balloon about changing the way vehicle information stickers on new cars would be structured. The . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 21, 2010
Was Washington's WJLA TV anchorman Doug McKelway fired because he dared appear too conservative to suit the station's left-wing news director and general . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 19, 2010
One of the interesting things of this election cycle has been to see what sore losers RINOS and country club Republicans are becoming. Since the Tea Party . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 18, 2010
"I think people underestimate how disastrous this could be," says a Democrat Congressional staffer who worries over losing his job once all the new Republicans . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 17, 2010
In Washington D.C. on Sept. 12 I attended the star studded premiere of the new film America at Risk: The War With No Name, featuring Newt and Callista Gingrich . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 15, 2010
Ben Smith of Politico noticed that two "influential writers broadly in sympathy with Obama" recently floated the notion that as the nation turns rightward and . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 8, 2010
Whenever I think of this new Staples sports stadium deal going down in Los Angeles I can't help but think of the "bread and circuses" that contributed to the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 6, 2010
For those that thought faded journo Jimmy Breslin had passed on to his great reward, fear not for ol' Jimmy is back and this time he wants you all to know that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 5, 2010
He grew up in Indonesia, his father was a Kenyan, and he's been fighting the perception that he isn't much of an American since he became a nationally known . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 2, 2010
It almost sounds like the set up to a "guy walks into a bar" joke — or maybe a knock-knock joke — but the Washington Post's Dana Milbank made an assessment . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 31, 2010
The new film Machete is born of a joke. No, really. In 2006 when Quentin Tarantino was gearing up for his double feature movie experience Grindhouse, he . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 30, 2010
CNN reports that an employee contracted with the state of Virginia for 12 years seems to have never actually done any work for the agency she was attached to, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 28, 2010
Looks like the AFL-CIO is no longer even trying to hide the fact that it no longer sports a traditionally American political outlook. The labor union has . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 26, 2010
For 20 years or more the left has initiated a steady campaign to destroy the free expression of religion in America. From attacking on government property any . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 23, 2010
Roger Ebert is nothing if he isn't a knee-jerk leftist, absolutely without a single original political or cultural thought in his head and his latest meandering . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 22, 2010
Between 2000 and 2008 one of the left's most cherished ways to ridicule President Bush was to point out how often he went golfing. Bush's golfing was a clear . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 21, 2010
When will Obama's gifts to unions (at the expense of the taxpayers) ever end? On the heels of a $26.1 billion teacher union bailout, now Democrats are . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 20, 2010
The Obama administration and the Democrat Party has yet again instituted new rules to allow unions to get out of having to report their financial doings to the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 19, 2010
The intellectual dishonesty of Democrats is simply breathtaking. To show exactly how out of whack Democrat's ideology is, they are protesting the site and date . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 17, 2010
The L.A. Times has a heartwarming story of literary giant Ray Bradbury who at 90 is not afraid to tell everyone exactly what he thinks. A gathering of admirers . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 15, 2010
Those chickens have come home to roost... or at least they will during the upcoming mayoral election in the Windy City if the new reality TV show being shopped . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 14, 2010
After the heming and hawing by the Obama administration over whether we should bring terror suspects to trial before military commissions, Obama's DOJ and DOD . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 12, 2010
Thanks to CATO's Jim Harper, we discover that the slovenly work of Obama's Congress is so bad that they are now passing bills that they haven't even bothered to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 10, 2010
As we are sonorously and endlessly told, the Southern Poverty Law Center is all about exposing the "hate" and working for "civil rights" in America. But a new . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 8, 2010
Last month I wrote about the California healthcare case involving Skilled Healthcare LLC. The Nursing Home company was accused by trial lawyers of violating . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 7, 2010
Well, folks, this is bound to happen more and more as time rolls onward in this New Media world of ours. A blogger is in trouble with local Ohio officials who . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 5, 2010
In an August 2 editorial the Washington Post's Howard Kurtz cried a river over the rancor he saw in today's media calling it a "nastiness index" that continues . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 3, 2010
Politico's Kenneth Vogel has an interesting piece on a book that Tea Party activists are starting to glom onto as an administrative guidebook of sorts. The book . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 1, 2010
For proof that man can take any great idea and turn it to evil comes a story from Saudi Arabia, our "ally" in the Mideast. This story also shows that advanced . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 30, 2010
Today two stories have recently appeared reporting NBC Political Director Chuck Todd's reaction to the revelations of the JournoList, that website were avowed . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 28, 2010
You really have to hand it to Media Matters for America. I mean, they deserve an Olympic Gold Medal for the gymnastics that they evince while spinning the news . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 24, 2010
We have finally reached the number one, most left-biased journalist in America today on our top ten count down and our most biased journo pick probably won't . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 23, 2010
Second place looms large and it is quite an honorable — or maybe onerous — award on our top ten most left-biased working American journalists list. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 22, 2010
Number three on our list almost violates the criteria that I set up in the first piece I wrote for this series. I said then that denizens of the Old Media that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 21, 2010
All week we've been exploring America's ten most left-biased working journalists and now we come to spot number four on the list. And so, for his close . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 19, 2010
Welcome once again to our top ten most left-biased working journalist list and now it's time for number five in the countdown. As we begin our downward slope to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 18, 2010
Continuing with our top ten most left-biased journalists working in America today, at number six we feature the redoubtable... or is it just doubtable... Rick . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 17, 2010
As we continue our Summer series of the most left-biased journalists working in the Old Media today it's time for number seven on the list. We've done Cable TV, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 16, 2010
As we continue with America's most left-biased, working journalist list we feature a journo that takes herself quite seriously as a non-opinion styled . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 15, 2010
As we continue our list of the top ten most left-biased journalists working in America today (See part one here), we have to nominate Liz Sidoti of the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 14, 2010
Over the next ten we will present to you America's top ten journalists that are most biased to the left.
On this list you will find denizens of the Old Media . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 9, 2010
When times were flush, I guess it didn't seem so outrageous for the First Lady of the White House to fly about the country "visiting" places as if she were an . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 7, 2010
Chicago Sun-Times financial reporter Terry Savage wrote a little opinion piece this week about a kid's lemonade stand she came across in a ritzy, liberal . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 6, 2010
In his recent trip to Racine, Wisconsin, President Obama claimed that his stimulus policies worked and "saved jobs." He also said that his policies staved off . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 4, 2010
America is fast coming to a crossroads from which there will be no return if we take the wrong path. Do we take the road that leads away from America and toward . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 2, 2010
This morning Ben Smith of Politico posted a story that essentially mislead readers about what newfound conservative hero Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 30, 2010
In the wake of the new Supreme Court decision on the 2nd Amendment, we have this illuminating story from Ohio and if this isn't the perfect example of why . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 29, 2010
At long last the 2nd Amendment has been considered a personal right per the Supreme Court of the United States. In McDonald v the City of Chicago the Supreme . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 26, 2010
On June 24 the House of Representatives passed by a bare minimum number of votes the DISCLOSURE Act, a law that is supposed to be a new effort to get around the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 25, 2010
It must have been a slow news day for the Washington Post's Adrian Higgins. Either that or someone made him upset that day and he wanted to take some anger out . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 23, 2010
Columnist Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, a 2007 Pulitzer Prize winner, has found the enemy and he is us. During a recent episode of the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 22, 2010
The Chicago Tribune has a long lament of an article bellyaching about how so many wonderful and devout Muslim grocery store owners in Chicago are somehow forced . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 20, 2010
On the eve of Father's Day, I heard on the air on Chicago's WIND AM some typical left-wing babble about families. A fellow calling himself a doctor waxed . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 18, 2010
In April I had a story that raised a ruckus in New Jersey. To celebrate women's history month, Maude Wilkins Elementary School thought it would be cool for . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 17, 2010
Last week two Massachusetts High School teachers took it upon themselves to protest against the U.S. Military as students that had announced plans to join our . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 15, 2010
Well, she's a former alcoholic, drug addict, washed up actor, shock therapy patient (no, really) and one-time princess to the universe, but now Carrie "Princess . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 13, 2010
In the week following the Israeli boarding of boats piloted by Turkish "peace activists" off the coast of Gaza Caroline Glick and the good folks at the Hebrew . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 10, 2010
A Virginia-based publisher has decided that the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution and other founding books are likely offensive and they want their . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 8, 2010
Last weekend I attended a townhall meeting held by my congressman. During the question and answer period one theme came to the fore that is all too common in . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 4, 2010
What is it with these left-wing entertainers that have to insult people while they accept their dubious awards? Why can't these lefties just graciously accept . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 3, 2010
Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid is quietly trying to nationalize rules governing every police, fire and first responder union in the nation. Through . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 31, 2010
Left-wing, hack writer Joe McGinniss is showing signs of instability. Like a wife beater, he's now blaming Sarah Palin for being alarmed and upset that he — . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 29, 2010
This is the face of tyranny. A Michigan State Senator has introduced an Orwellian bill that would provide for the licensing of journalists. There is no doubt . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 28, 2010
For decades unions have mishandled their pension funds. These funds have been embezzled into the pockets of union chiefs, they have been wasted on needless . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 26, 2010
Unions are meant for one thing and one thing only: to "get" for its members. They have one purpose and that is to take as much from an employer as they can take . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 24, 2010
For the first time in nearly 20 years, Hawaii's First Congressional District will be represented by a Republican. Charles Djou has won the special election to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 20, 2010
Political pundits and poll watchers all across the nation are abuzz with the "tea party win" of Rand Paul, winner of the Kentucky primary for U.S. Senator. Mr. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 19, 2010
The barbaric Muslim practice of mutilating the genitals of little girls apparently is A'OK with the American Academy of Pediatrics, at least just a little bit, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 17, 2010
These "frail racist white people" better beware of La Raza "forefront of the revolution," at least so says Mexican racist and hatemonger Ron Gochez. Ordinarily . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 16, 2010
Every Democrat I know likes to act as if it were the GOP that fights dirty. Of course, every time I ask them for an example they just stare back blankly at me â . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 14, 2010
It is, as we all know, the year 2010 and the era of Obama has fairly begun. Accordingly the commissars of good art taste in our schools have spoken: no kid's . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 12, 2010
One of the aspects of the inaptly named Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is the card check rule that is meant to make creating a union easier for unions and . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 10, 2010
Big Brother says elderly visitors to federally funded meals at a Georgia senior citizen's center aren't allowed to pray to that absurd, dangerous Christian God . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 6, 2010
We all know of the great slights that Hollywood deals out to the American right. We see them all the time. From the TV shows that casts Republicans as villains, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 4, 2010
Did you know that if you cared about the U.S. Constitution you are a racist? Oh, and did you also know that being against big government and being against . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 2, 2010
Why was this story not national news? Outrageously, firemen in Flint, Mich. went about the city setting fires instead of putting them out last month and all . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 29, 2010
Nothing says "media bias" like coffee in the morning.
If anyone ever wanted to see an example of the bias of the Old Media no better example can be found . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 27, 2010
Rush Limbaugh and a few other radio hosts have made it a center piece of the attack against President Obama, the Tea Partiers have often put such sentiment on . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 23, 2010
A few weeks ago several British civil service unions launched a two-day strike over cuts in severance pay that the government authorized for workers that were . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 21, 2010
The self-delusional world in which liberals wallow truly is amazing. It takes an Olympic gymnast's level of agility to warp your logic enough to think like one . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 15, 2010
For decades abortion supporters argued that restrictions on abortion would cause women to die in unsafe "back alley abortions" all across the land. This scare . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 13, 2010
Today, in his guise as the Washington Post's ombudsman, Andrew Alexander posted a discussion about the recent misreporting by the Old Media about the various . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 9, 2010
Margot Magowan a blogger for the San Francisco Chronicle must have gone to college. I say that not because she seems so well educated, but because she seems to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 8, 2010
National Public Radio has decided to change its labels for the two sides of the abortion issue. Unfortunately, its change skews the debate rhetorically in favor . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 5, 2010
I guess as a youngster she was busy designing wacky, risqué outfits when she should have been learning the definitions of words, but Madonna — the famed . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 2, 2010
Some have wondered how Hollywood works. There is the romantic version where a writer of talent writes an outstanding, heartfelt script, a director of vision . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 1, 2010
On the campaign trail, now President Obama regularly excoriated lobbyists. He said he'd make the government "open and transparent" and said he'd make it hard . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 30, 2010
Candace de Russy over at National Review posted an alarming example of Obama power grab. Or perhaps more precisely it's yet another alarming example of an Obama . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 29, 2010
Immigration is a difficult issue for conservatives these days. It is fraught with emotions and passionate feelings. Worse, whenever someone tries to discuss the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 26, 2010
Small-government conservatives have always been suspicious of government. Whether city, county, state or federal all government is looked on as a troublesome . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 25, 2010
News is all over the country that the often criminal group the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is dead, folding its tent, kaput. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 24, 2010
Amusingly enough the Washington Post has a blog called PostPartisan. I say amusing because it is obvious that there is nothing "post" partisan about it if a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 22, 2010
There has never been a trial of a fallen national leader that would stand up to the scrutiny of good criminal law. They have always been politically motivated, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 21, 2010
The last book of the famous Lord of the Rings Trilogy is ripe for some updating, so here's a proposal to that end. The Dark Lord Sauron is a perfect evil . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 19, 2010
Last week an article appeared in the Wall Street Journal that gave me pause even as it evoked outrage. It proved that the India has more backbone than America . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 17, 2010
"If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 15, 2010
Pajamas Media is capitalizing on its earlier coverage of the Tea Party movement and has launched Tea Party TV. As the PR release says, "Expanding on its . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 12, 2010
What is it that the left and the Old Media said about the Tea Party movement? Didn't they say it was not really filled with regular folks and didn't they say it . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 11, 2010
It's a veritable cornucopia of Obamagandistic musical agitprop. You'll recall the militaristic, fascist-styled Obama youth corps from 2008 where a line of inner . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 8, 2010
We send our young adults to university to be educated in the ways of the world, we all know. Following that well-worn path, young James Schackleford decided on . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 7, 2010
Illinois State Senator Dale Risinger (R, Peoria) has offered a bill in Springfield that drives our society further along the path of making parts of the human . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 5, 2010
Nicholas Kristof rightly celebrates a new book highlighting the evils of the forced marriages of pre-teen girls to older men. Kristof is also right to reveal . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 4, 2010
Remember when Florida Congressman Mark Foley was outed for sexual misconduct with male pages in the House of Representatives in 2006? You'll recall that the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 3, 2010
The liberal media's newest meme is to claim that the tea party movement is made up exclusively of John Birchers, militia types, racists, and "birthers." . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 2, 2010
The Philadelphia Inquirer published a reader feedback opinion editorial from reader Stan Isaacs that is as outlandish as it is indicative of the disregard for . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 1, 2010
Barack Obama, it was claimed, would "repair" our reputation both with our enemies and our friends. So how has he done? Let's take Britain for example. Has he . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 26, 2010
On February 24, Moe Lane posted a short piece alerting one and all to the fact that one of the Republican candidates for Washington State's 3rd Congressional . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 25, 2010
Two weeks ago the U.S. Senate passed new rules that would require new spending to be offset somewhere else in the budget, the so-called paygo rule. They did . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 24, 2010
Many of us on the right like to claim that the Old Media is just an arm of the Democrat Party. Of course some of that on our part is bombast, but incidents like . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 22, 2010
No clearer difference can be seen in how the Old Media and its left-wing compatriots treat mass killers, terrorists and nutjobs than the way Abdul Farouk . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 19, 2010
In Democrat political consulting circles Pat Caddell is a big name. One-time adviser to President Jimmy Carter and longtime political strategist for the left, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 18, 2010
A photojournalist from the St. Petersburg Times in Florida is very upset at you people. He wants you all to know that you should be ashamed of yourselves for . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 16, 2010
About $135 million of our tax dollars in federal stimulus is being wasted on an upgrade for the Edith Green-Wendell Wyatt Federal Building in Portland, Oregon, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 15, 2010
Is President Obama a surprising gun rights supporter? He might be if the Chicago Tribune's Steve Chapman is correct. And Chapman isn't the only one. It seems to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 14, 2010
These last 20 or so years has seen a bifurcated treatment of Abraham Lincoln. There are the enthusiasts and hagiographers that still revere him as the best that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 10, 2010
When you are asked what is the "worst car of all time," what first runs through your head? The Le Car, the Corvair, maybe the Edsel? Cars that had horrible . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 9, 2010
Marvel Comic's Captain America is the mightiest soldier with the super powerful secret soldier formula that makes him a super man. Sadly, this musclebound hero . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 6, 2010
Well, the Chicago controlled Illinois media has done it again. It's allowed another unsavory Democrat candidate with criminal propensities to slide by unnoticed . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 5, 2010
Unlike the U.S., Canada does not have the right of self-protection enshrined in its laws. Where we Americans have the coverage of the Second Amendment to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 3, 2010
The Tea Party folks keep getting mad at me for saying that in the end they might prove ineffective in races at levels higher than local because they aren't . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 1, 2010
Government is often called the "necessary evil." But whatever it is, as each day passes we see that the "evil" part of that axiom seems ever more true. We can . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 29, 2010
In his State of the Union speech, the president puffed up his chest, fixed his Mr. scornful face, and once again pulled out the populist's handbook to bash . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 28, 2010
I was excited to be able to snag an interview with the head man — or rather woman — in President Obama's TelePrompter crew, Ima Prizenteur. Her official . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 26, 2010
Once Scott Brown took away the Democrat majority in the Senate by becoming the Republican's 41st vote based in large part on the fact that Massachusetts voters . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 25, 2010
Pollster Frank Luntz is trying to hawk his new poll on gun laws commissioned by the left-wing group Mayors Against Illegal Guns. He's trying to sell the concept . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 24, 2010
Long time Chicago Democratic Politician Monique Davis is the poster child for arrogance. Davis is a State Rep that has been involved in many flaps centered . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 22, 2010
One of the worst writers in political punditry, a man with a little deserved reputation as a thinker and analyst, is New York Times columnist Paul Krugman. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 21, 2010
Louisiana State Senator A.G. Crowe (R, Slidell) is introducing a bill for the 2010 legislative session in Baton Rouge that would make Obamacare illegal if it . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 20, 2010
Union operative Melissa King of the Laborers International Union of North America (LIUNA) has been arrested for stealing $42 million in union funds to support . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 18, 2010
The special election in Massachusetts for the open Senate seat once held by Teddy Kennedy is the hottest political story of the day. The race is so close that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 17, 2010
Everyone is always talking about how corrupt Illinois politics is. Well, it's been that way since day one. Since I live here (I'll take your condolences) I . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 15, 2010
The Associated Press had an extensive story reporting on First Lady Michelle Obama's White House garden on Jan 13. The story included the tidbit that her . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 14, 2010
A new book about the Tea Party movement — and a movement it really is — will soon be hitting the shelves. "A New American Tea Party" penned by John M. O . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 12, 2010
For several days now the Old Media has been indulging in a steady attack on former Mayor Rudy Giuliani that tends to misdirect readers away from his criticism . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 10, 2010
One of the tricks that the Old Media consistently uses to paint conservatives as walking on the dark side is to call Republicans who lean left "moderates," . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 8, 2010
Imagine a state law that says that any federal agent that comes into said state and runs afoul of a new state law should be considered a felon! Well, that is . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 6, 2010
Now, I thought that the Obama Administration was all about the "humane" treatment of the terrorists being held at the Guantanamo Bay detention facility? Right? . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 5, 2010
A left wing narrative has for some time been developing centered on abuse of Iran's democratic demonstrators at the hands of Iranian officials. You may have . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 4, 2010
The Politico published a Jan. 2 we-shoot-the-messenger styled story about lefty bloggers and Democrat activists who are upset that the Rasmussen polling group . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 29, 2009
Canadian David Frum is like the cross-eyed marksman, he can see the target but just can't ever hit it. The self-styled conservative has been the Old Media's . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 28, 2009
It's the end of 2009, the "aughts" are over, and we are about to embark on a new year — and what else are they but the "aughts"? Well, besides mostly a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 23, 2009
I've always been amazed at liberals when it comes to their absurd penchant for acting as if animals are somehow just like people. This anthropomorphizing of the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 21, 2009
CUNY Graduate Center professor David S. Reynolds has an idea. He wants to pardon an American criminal that is a known murderer and fanatic and who led a life . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 18, 2009
There hasn't been much news about it in the U.S. but an American citizen has been arrested by Cuban authorities and has been placed in one of Cuba's most secure . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 17, 2009
Big Labor has, for the most part, fallen all over itself to help its patron President get his Obamacare policies passed in Congress spending millions to do so. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 16, 2009
For the Family Research Council, Ken Blackwell and Ken Klukowski warned in a Washington Times op ed that a case on gun rights that will soon come before the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 14, 2009
On yet another appearance on the Oprah Winfrey show, President Barack Obama broke his own arm patting himself on the back telling the talk show maven that he . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 13, 2009
Today I have read a piece of "journalism" by a freelance writer whose Slate article shows me why the profession has fallen on such hard times. The piece on fast . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 10, 2009
Last night I was invited to attend a Christmas get together sponsored by the Illinois Policy Institute. This year's theme was feeding the hungry in Africa and . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 9, 2009
Believe it or not, the UN just whined that climategate is the Russian's fault. It appears that the United Nation's position is that the obvious cover-up of the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 8, 2009
A just finished audit has shown that massive fraud and multiple violations of Ohio's voting law has been uncovered in a recent ballot initiative effort. Among . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 3, 2009
With President Obama carrying on his "jobs summit" this week blaming business for "not hiring enough workers," it is interesting to see the reaction of at least . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 2, 2009
Al Gore flies all across the world destroying the environment with his travels so that he can sell the fantasy of globaloney. Hundreds of government officials . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 28, 2009
The reason that I could never get elected to any government position is the same reason why conservatives have a tough time getting elected and, if they end up . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 25, 2009
The Chicago Tribune has an interesting story that shows that Obama's $787 billion stimulus really didn't do much by way of creating any new jobs in Illinois. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 24, 2009
A few years ago, Francis Fukuyama was widely criticized for his book claiming that mankind had seen "The End of History." Fukuyama contended that liberal . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 22, 2009
An anti-Palin screed somehow ended up on Psychology Today's website. I know, I know, it's shocking that Psychology Today could sponsor something that is less . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 19, 2009
Either today or later this week, Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev) wants the Senate to vote on a "motion to proceed" on the Senate's version of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 15, 2009
Get ready because I am going to slap George W. Bush around a little bit. Now, don't get me wrong, it isn't like I hated him. After all I voted for him twice. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 10, 2009
Andrew Bast of Newsweek thinks he's got the real reason behind Major Nidal Hasan's murderously criminal rampage at Fort Hood last Thursday. Could it be that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 6, 2009
There's not much that union supporters and I can agree upon. But here is one incident where I can wholeheartedly support the aggrieved members of the Service . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 30, 2009
For Constitution Day this year at Sacramento City College Associated Student Government (ASG) President and student Steve Macias arranged for a group named . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 27, 2009
On August 13 I posted a piece wherein I facetiously asked "Why does Obama hate the poor?" Then I pointed out that the cash for clunkers program was likely to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 20, 2009
President Barack Obama is putting the finishing touches on making a mockery out of the unsupportable claim that Democrats care about women's rights by his . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 16, 2009
President Obama has gone out of his way to "diversify" the federal bench with his spate of nominations of various minorities chief of which was his successful . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 12, 2009
The Old Media wholly ignored the story, but one of the extremists that Barack Obama appointed as a so-called czar in his government had to step down when the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 9, 2009
It has been used to excuse the chopping off of hands and feet, it has been used as an excuse to stone women that have been victims of rape, and it has been used . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 6, 2009
Eric Boehlert of Media Matters is the worst kind of American. In fact, it's hard to count him as an American at all except by accident of birth. It is plain . . .
Warner Todd Huston
October 2, 2009
America's kids are too fat. Right? Don't we hear that all the time? Isn't it a steady mantra from the left that America is suffering from an "epidemic" of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 30, 2009
We are discovering that Obama's promised transparency only goes so far in reporting where stimulus money ends up going. The new tracking website, Recovery.gov, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 28, 2009
You read that headline right. A woman who was watching her neighbor's kids each school morning for 40 minutes before the bus came is being accused of being a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 25, 2009
You read that headline right. A woman who was watching her neighbor's kids each school morning for 40 minutes before the bus came is being accused of being a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 22, 2009
The Hill is reporting that Obama is now "open" to a newspaper bailout. Well, welcome to the state run media.
Not long ago Senator Ben Cardin (D- Md.) . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 18, 2009
Many elitist American leftists like to go about claiming that it is only Americans that are dunces on foreign matters. There is some truth to the accusation . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 15, 2009
In a new 60 Minutes interview, President Obama made a big show about telling correspondent Steve Kroft that he "owns" healthcare if it goes wrong and that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 12, 2009
In a section innocuously titled "School-Based Health Clinics," the House bill, H.R. 3200, seems to set up Democrats to invite groups like Planned Parenthood . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 9, 2009
President Obama is going to offer "his" healthcare prescriptions tonight at a special joint session of Congress. But why is he doing this now? After all, the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 8, 2009
Once again the extreme left goes into a conservative-bashing theory without the slightest knowledge of human nature not to mention owning even a tiny bit of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 4, 2009
With each passing day we see mounting proof that President Obama and his White House really haven't a clue about modern medicine. Doctors all across the nation . . .
Warner Todd Huston
September 2, 2009
ABC's Jake Tapper has an interesting look inside the Obama messaging factory as it appears to be making plans to change its way of trying to sell Obamacare to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 31, 2009
If this isn't the perfect example that liberals don't care who has to die in order to make sure that left wing policies win the day, then nothing does. We can . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 25, 2009
Michael Kent Curtis, the Donald Smith Professor of Constitutional and Public Law at Wake Forest University, has not only proven his ignorance of the facts, but . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 23, 2009
Travel writer Arthur Frommer recently said that he will never visit any place in Arizona again. Is it because he was badly served at a Denny's in Flagstaff? . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 17, 2009
Charles Coop, a blogger for CBS News, has returned from a much too short vacation and has chimed in with another prosaic opinion that has been making the rounds . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 14, 2009
It isn't just out of the goodness of their hearts that Big Labor is gearing up to spend millions to help President Obama to jam Obamacare down the throats of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 10, 2009
The L.A.Times' Dan Neil is confused. He thinks that the so-called progressive movement is right on all the issues, but he just cannot understand why they can't . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 4, 2009
Remember back during the Carter years when that good ol' president from Georgia was frightened by a killer rabbit? Remember how real men everywhere ridiculed . . .
Warner Todd Huston
August 1, 2009
Homeschooling is a growing trend in the United States today. Many thousands of parents wary of government indoctrination of their children, not to mention tired . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 30, 2009
Franklin Roosevelt thought controlling prices of things would right the depressed economy. Today, more economists every day are admitting that his efforts . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 28, 2009
In an "analysis" on how President Obama is dealing with the race issue, AP writer Charles Babington seems to have based his take on what happened to Harvard . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 24, 2009
Let's try a thought experiment. When I say "victory," what do you think of? Do you think of winning the World Series? Do you picture that famous photo of the U . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 22, 2009
It may seem silly, but the singular fact about freedom is that having it means you have the God given right to ruin your own health without government saying . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 20, 2009
We are speeding headlong toward a time when our Congress will have become just like Mad King George's Parliament, that body from which in 1776 the American . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 14, 2009
Of his Social Security program, Franklin D. Roosevelt once said that the whole thing had nothing to do with helping the aged. "They were politics all the way . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 10, 2009
For those that want universal healthcare, the panacea of "coverage" is expected to "give" all those currently without healthcare coverage the access they need . . .
Warner Todd Huston
July 6, 2009
It seems that on July fourth, The New York Times saw fit to smirk at both American patriotism and Christianity. A recent Times article about the erection of a . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 30, 2009
The Washington Post had an interesting article on June 25 headlined, "A First Lady Who Demands Substance." I think it was meant to highlight that fact that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 24, 2009
See, we know that it isn't wild-eyed, hyperbole to say that slavery is "just like" our current healthcare debate because Glenn W. Smith of the extremist left . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 19, 2009
These days, government lives to feed itself. It's the old "nose in the tent" theory. Give 'em an inch, they'll take a mile. And government never fails to make . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 15, 2009
Back in 2005, the Old Media was all atwitter over a supposed "plant reporter" at a Bush press conference. The Old Media made a big deal out of this guy and used . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 11, 2009
Early in May, Lawrence High School of Lawrence, Kansas fired government and history teacher Tim Latham. Latham charges that District 912 fired him because he is . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 9, 2009
You want a blatant example of the Old Media's over-the-top, gobsmacked love affair with Obama? Well, one would be hard pressed not to see Time Magazine's latest . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 5, 2009
Well, I am just as shocked as Simon Dumenco over at AdvertisingAge.com is that the leading anti-journalist of our day, Arianna Huffington, was just awarded the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
June 2, 2009
Nuclear power is the most environmentally friendly power of all, low on emissions, does not require destructive mining or drilling efforts to feed it, and is . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 30, 2009
Naturally from our vantage point, Barack Obama is a left-wing terror as president. To name just a few things, he is turning our system from one of capitalism to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 28, 2009
On March 6, Obama's mouthpiece, Robert Gibbs, happily told the nation that the Obama "stimulus" plan had saved the jobs of 25 Cops in Columbus, Ohio. This was . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 26, 2009
President Obama sent a wreath to the Confederate memorial at Arlington cemetery during the memorial services to recognize the sacrifices and service of the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 22, 2009
Are we beginning to see the first cracks in the idea of "universal jurisdiction," the international busy body "law" that said that any nation can arrest the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 19, 2009
I hate to pull an "I told you so," but... well, I told you so. Remember a few days ago when I showed how an unsubstantiated rumor becomes political "fact" in . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 14, 2009
Some may look at Obama's defense funding request coming in at about $144.6 billion as a welcome reduction over the 2008 budget of $186 billion. Some may also . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 7, 2009
After several years of missteps and dunderheaded RINOist policy proscriptions, Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham got one right for a change. The unctuous . . .
Warner Todd Huston
May 4, 2009
Amy Davidson of the New Yorker should take up bowling or gardening because history doesn't seem to be her thang, if you will. In the aftermath of Barack Obama's . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 28, 2009
Someone needs to sue Santa Monica High School for education malpractice on behalf of the ill-educated Sean Penn. I mean, the man is nearly illiterate and he . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 24, 2009
I will admit it. I am a subscriber to the Claremont Review of Books. Whatever you make of that, don't imagine that I am one of those pointy-headed, University . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 20, 2009
We conservatives have two major problems. I've said it dozens of times before but one of those problems is that we don't do "join" well. The left, on the other . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 16, 2009
Our friend from Detroit, Jacob Appel, thinks that gays need government reparations and the Detroit Free Press was so enamored of his idea that it published his . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 14, 2009
On the heels of the odious report by the State of Missouri, recently retracted, focusing on so-called "right-wing terrorism" and implying that every right of . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 10, 2009
This is just the sort of bias against Sarah Palin and her family that is de rigeur in the Old Media. CBS seemed taken aback in an April 6 report that Governor . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 7, 2009
Sometimes you just have to laugh at the Pauline Kael-like left. It seems that leftists in America are either mentally stunted or living in such an enclosed, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
April 3, 2009
Canada, oh Canada. What the heck happened to ya? I suppose it is nothing more mundane than that our northern neighbor has succumbed to the same sort of nihilism . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 30, 2009
Thus far, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has made two diplomatic blunders during her visit to Mexico that the U.S. Old Media are shockingly uninterested in . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 26, 2009
I propose that "Dueling Banjos" replace our current national anthem. Remember the 1972 movie Deliverance with Burt Reynolds? OK, recall that scene of the goofy . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 23, 2009
Two March 19 editorials on Obama's failure to create post-partisanship in D.C., both from lefties, can't be farther apart from each other in their conclusions. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 20, 2009
Our institutes of "higher" learning are all about being inclusive. They are stridently for freedom of speech and stand 100% behind the concept of open political . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 16, 2009
One of the most odious aspects of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) is the card check feature. This feature gives unions the "option" to supplant a secret . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 13, 2009
Why are Democrats such liars? I know that sounds harsh, but this penchant for labeling a law, act, or bill with a lie as a title is gallingly Orwellian and it's . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 10, 2009
This is not a story of bias in the media. It is a story, rather, that affects both the Old Media of newspapers, TV and radio, as well as the New Media of the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 6, 2009
The assignment for Central Connecticut State University student John Walberg and his two classmates was to give an oral presentation on a "relevant issue in the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
March 3, 2009
Back on January 29, we discussed the daily strategy phone call engineered by Obama's Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel for friendly TV commentators and "reporters." . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 24, 2009
One of the fixes that Democrats are insisting upon to save people's homes is the idea of the "modified mortgage." A modified loan is an offer to homeowners . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 21, 2009
For the Chicago Tribune, Romney supporter turned Obama man Douglas Kmiec indulged in quite a litany of name-calling, finger pointing and demagoguery against the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 18, 2009
Who Watches The Watchers? -A Comic Book As Political Commentary and a new blockbuster movie soon to hit theaters
If you thought the last Batman movie, The . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 13, 2009
Back in 2007, many media outlets and their co-conspirators on the left were aghast that George W. Bush would try to place an "opposition researcher" for the GOP . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 12, 2009
The winter in Alaska has been a particularly harsh one this year. The early winter piled on top of economic hard times has caused some troubles for native . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 8, 2009
Recently, we wondered aloud how anyone could expect a Secretary of Labor that has had a long history of being a member of various Big Labor groups can be . . .
Warner Todd Huston
February 4, 2009
This is why newspapers deserve to be buried in the dust bin of history, at least unless they clean up their act. For well over 20 years a southwest suburban . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 30, 2009
Politico reports that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel holds daily chit chat sessions with several Old Media pals every morning to start his day. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 26, 2009
Terrorists, murders, oppressors and Islamofascists understandably were not very fond of George W. Bush. Neither were the fellow travelers of the aforementioned . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 22, 2009
An extremely liberal co-worker of mine — he's in the past said that the "rich" should be killed, for instance — asked me a serious question by which he felt . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 19, 2009
In his Saturday remarks during his campaign train ride, President-elect Barack Obama issued some soaring rhetoric about the state of the country today. At least . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 16, 2009
TIME magazine got a twofer on a recent screed headlined "Is Israel Losing the Media War in Gaza?." Not only did TIME use its article to take a few swipes at . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 14, 2009
OK, we all know how corrupt and venal the various governments in Illinois are, right? Well, let's talk about some good news in the Land of Lincoln for a change. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 9, 2009
Once it became known throughout the state that Governor Blagojevich was being entertained by the U.S. Attorney for his creative attempts to shore up his . . .
Warner Todd Huston
January 5, 2009
Some new tough questions are being asked about Black Lake Golf Club, the luxury golf course owned by the United Auto Workers union in Cheboygan County, Michigan . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 31, 2008
The Associated Press is classy, indeed. They can't even keep sniping at Sarah Palin out of a story announcing the blessed birth of her grandson. Ah, but wait, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 27, 2008
The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has launched a wonderful little feature that will run until Barack Obama takes the oath of office next month. They are calling it . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 23, 2008
Mitch Potter of the Toronto Star is the quintessential example of a self-hating European, I must say. He is a journalist that sides with those who advocate the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 20, 2008
Of course we are all roaming around trying to figure out what will work, what hasn't worked and whose fault it all is. Powell blasts Limbaugh, Limbaugh replies, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 17, 2008
You may have heard of the saying "nature abhors a vacuum"? In essence, it means that once something disappears nature quickly fills the hole left behind. Well, . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 14, 2008
In another ridiculously lionizing report, the Chicago Tribune has capitalized on the silly 1998 claim by Toni Morrison that Bill Clinton was the "first black . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 10, 2008
On Tuesday morning of December 10, I sent out my piece titled "Thomas Jefferson says forget about Barack's birth certificate." I was sure it would raise the . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 9, 2008
Well. I am sure that this is going to anger some of you. But, I have to say it anyway...
OK, I have basically stayed silent about this whole Obama birth . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 7, 2008
A criminal without legal status deported by US immigration officials is the subject of the latest pity party thrown by The New York Times. The Times seems to . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 3, 2008
It seems that Froma Harrop of Creator's Syndicate news service was on vacation from just about five days before the general election until today and she's just . . .
Warner Todd Huston
December 2, 2008
During the campaign, Barack Obama had a singular reaction to nearly every one of his associates, sponsors, advisers and friends that were challenged by his . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 30, 2008
Obama is starting to feel a bit of pressure from members of the far left of his own party who are beginning to raise their eyebrows over the fact that he hasn't . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 26, 2008
Time magazine wants so badly to make Obama into the next Abraham Lincoln — so noble that he's willing to include political enemies in his cabinet — that . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 20, 2008
Interestingly, Dan Morain of the L.A. Times had discovered back in April that Barack Obama has a pretty thin resume prior to being elevated to the presidency. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 17, 2008
Well, I guess that settles it. We don't need any political discussion or economist's studies. The auto industry officially needs a bailout. It's just a fact. . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 11, 2008
News services in Israel are on fire with talk that Barack Obama has just sent a supporter of the terror group Hamas as his envoy to Syria and Egypt to relay . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 9, 2008
On November 5, the Associated Press put out a story on how the so-called Bradley Effect theory is now finished. You'll remember the Bradley Effect as the effect . . .
Warner Todd Huston
November 6, 2008
Originally Appeared in Human Events 11/03/08
The L.A. Times' Peter Nicholas had a rather revealing piece about Barack Obama that causes yet another concern . . .
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.