Dennis M. Howard
The abortion bomb
By Dennis M. Howard
Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life recently stirred up a hornet's nest on the Left by saying that the abortion toll was as if "several atomic bombs have already gone off."
However, that was perhaps the understatement of the year.
Here at Movement for a Better America, we've been using the A-bomb comparison for twenty years, starting with our 1996 video called "The Abortion Bomb." Back then, our ad campaign compared abortion to "wiping out the entire population of our 40 largest cities." The ads brought replies from all 50 states and from as far away as Moscow, Rome, and Australia.
Since then, the abortion toll has soared. By Election Day this year, the U.S. abortion toll will reach 60 million – which is equal to the entire population of our 87 largest cities from New York all the way down to cities the size of Winston-Salem, N.C.
That's far beyond the devastation visited on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where 30% of the people were killed. In fact, 60 million abortions is 428 times as many people as died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It's as if two-thirds of our entire country had suffered a nuclear holocaust.
And for those who don't like comparing abortion to the A-Bomb, how about 9/11? Three thousand innocent lives were taken that day in an attack that struck terror in the hearts of America. Yet we continue to abort 3,000 innocent unborn Americans every day. Do the math: 60 million abortions are like 20,000 9/11's!
Sadly, we still have pro-abortion politicians who think 60 million abortion are not nearly enough. They defend federal funding for abortion and insist on subsidizing Planned Parenthood to the tune of $550 million a year. That's $1600 for every abortion Planned Parenthood performs!
In fact, the abortion toll is far worse even than all the battle deaths suffered by our military in World War II. Back then, we had 16 million men and women in uniform, but the casualty rate for battle deaths throughout that entire war was just 1.8%.
By comparison, we've aborted 30% of our entire younger generation – Gen X, Y and Z. That's 16 times greater than our casualty rate in World War II. Altogether, we suffered 291,557 battle deaths in that war. The abortion toll since 1967 is 206 times greater!
Let's face it, abortion is far more dangerous than going to war.
Unfortunately, this message still has to sink in with most Americans, including a great many Christian leaders. How many churches forget to even pray every Sunday to end abortion? Yet there have been 3,157 abortions for every Catholic Church in the United States! That's enough people to fill the average church 3 or 4 times over on Sunday.
We pray for vocations, we pray for the poor, we pray everything else, but we forget to pray "for all the women and babies at risk for abortion this week around the world." Such a prayer might just wake up a few sleeping Christians. And save the lives of millions of babies.
So what can and should we do about it?
First, let's acknowledge that Abraham Lincoln showed amazing vision when he said, "In America, public opinion is everything." Today – 150 years later – we live in a media-saturated society that has dramatically changed the values held by the average American, including a great many church-going Christians who are indifferent to the abortion holocaust.
That's not hard to understand when the data shows that the average American spends 165 hours watching television or on the Internet for every hour he spends in church on Sunday. All of us have grown up used to viewing thousands of seductive commercial messages every day.
That's why political correctness is such a powerful force today. If we don't actively support efforts that speak out against the prevailing culture, we shouldn't be surprised that we've grown far too comfortable with secular values . . . and too complacent about defending our freedoms as Christians and citizens. That's exactly what the ideologists on the left had in mind.
We're like the goldfish in the fishbowl where the water keeps getting dirtier and dirtier until the goldfish croaks. He never knew what happened until too late. The time has come to clean the fishbowl and change the culture . . . at least if you want our great country to survive.
You can help change the culture by doing these three simple things:
1. Make your voice heard by forwarding this message to friends and fellow church members who share your concern about the current direction of the country. Include this link in your own emails, or in your posts on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. Just go to: http://www.movementforabetteramerica.org/
2. Let your favorite candidates know why you think the abortion holocaust should be the #1 issue in the current political campaign. Nothing else – even Islamic terrorism – has done greater damage to America and to the younger generation now coming into its own. Candidates want your vote. Make them work for it.
3. Help us bring this message to folks in key markets around the country through Talk Radio. There is no more effective way to break down the wall of political correctness. Your donation of $25, $50, $100 or more can help us do that. Send your donation today to: Movement for a Better America, PO Box 472, Mt. Freedom, NJ 07970-0472. Remember: A better America is up to you!
© Dennis M. Howard
September 14, 2016
Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life recently stirred up a hornet's nest on the Left by saying that the abortion toll was as if "several atomic bombs have already gone off."
However, that was perhaps the understatement of the year.
Here at Movement for a Better America, we've been using the A-bomb comparison for twenty years, starting with our 1996 video called "The Abortion Bomb." Back then, our ad campaign compared abortion to "wiping out the entire population of our 40 largest cities." The ads brought replies from all 50 states and from as far away as Moscow, Rome, and Australia.
Since then, the abortion toll has soared. By Election Day this year, the U.S. abortion toll will reach 60 million – which is equal to the entire population of our 87 largest cities from New York all the way down to cities the size of Winston-Salem, N.C.
That's far beyond the devastation visited on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, where 30% of the people were killed. In fact, 60 million abortions is 428 times as many people as died in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It's as if two-thirds of our entire country had suffered a nuclear holocaust.
And for those who don't like comparing abortion to the A-Bomb, how about 9/11? Three thousand innocent lives were taken that day in an attack that struck terror in the hearts of America. Yet we continue to abort 3,000 innocent unborn Americans every day. Do the math: 60 million abortions are like 20,000 9/11's!
Sadly, we still have pro-abortion politicians who think 60 million abortion are not nearly enough. They defend federal funding for abortion and insist on subsidizing Planned Parenthood to the tune of $550 million a year. That's $1600 for every abortion Planned Parenthood performs!
In fact, the abortion toll is far worse even than all the battle deaths suffered by our military in World War II. Back then, we had 16 million men and women in uniform, but the casualty rate for battle deaths throughout that entire war was just 1.8%.
By comparison, we've aborted 30% of our entire younger generation – Gen X, Y and Z. That's 16 times greater than our casualty rate in World War II. Altogether, we suffered 291,557 battle deaths in that war. The abortion toll since 1967 is 206 times greater!
Let's face it, abortion is far more dangerous than going to war.
Unfortunately, this message still has to sink in with most Americans, including a great many Christian leaders. How many churches forget to even pray every Sunday to end abortion? Yet there have been 3,157 abortions for every Catholic Church in the United States! That's enough people to fill the average church 3 or 4 times over on Sunday.
We pray for vocations, we pray for the poor, we pray everything else, but we forget to pray "for all the women and babies at risk for abortion this week around the world." Such a prayer might just wake up a few sleeping Christians. And save the lives of millions of babies.
So what can and should we do about it?
First, let's acknowledge that Abraham Lincoln showed amazing vision when he said, "In America, public opinion is everything." Today – 150 years later – we live in a media-saturated society that has dramatically changed the values held by the average American, including a great many church-going Christians who are indifferent to the abortion holocaust.
That's not hard to understand when the data shows that the average American spends 165 hours watching television or on the Internet for every hour he spends in church on Sunday. All of us have grown up used to viewing thousands of seductive commercial messages every day.
That's why political correctness is such a powerful force today. If we don't actively support efforts that speak out against the prevailing culture, we shouldn't be surprised that we've grown far too comfortable with secular values . . . and too complacent about defending our freedoms as Christians and citizens. That's exactly what the ideologists on the left had in mind.
We're like the goldfish in the fishbowl where the water keeps getting dirtier and dirtier until the goldfish croaks. He never knew what happened until too late. The time has come to clean the fishbowl and change the culture . . . at least if you want our great country to survive.
You can help change the culture by doing these three simple things:
1. Make your voice heard by forwarding this message to friends and fellow church members who share your concern about the current direction of the country. Include this link in your own emails, or in your posts on Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites. Just go to: http://www.movementforabetteramerica.org/
2. Let your favorite candidates know why you think the abortion holocaust should be the #1 issue in the current political campaign. Nothing else – even Islamic terrorism – has done greater damage to America and to the younger generation now coming into its own. Candidates want your vote. Make them work for it.
3. Help us bring this message to folks in key markets around the country through Talk Radio. There is no more effective way to break down the wall of political correctness. Your donation of $25, $50, $100 or more can help us do that. Send your donation today to: Movement for a Better America, PO Box 472, Mt. Freedom, NJ 07970-0472. Remember: A better America is up to you!
© Dennis M. Howard
The views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.
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