Curtis Dahlgren
"Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!" – President Reagan
DON'T HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON. Keep the Faith. It's World Freedom Day, which I'd be unaware of if I hadn't gotten a 2021 calendar from the Reagan Ranch (YAF). By January 1, 2021, 2020 will be hindsight, but the year gave us many lessons. First, the Left didn't hide its true colors. They wanted freedom to fail, especially the free economy and freedom of speech and religion. They will now be emboldened, so fasten your seat belt boys and girls.
"The 1619 Project, the New York Times' effort to revise America's understanding of history, is itself being revised – by the Times . . These alterations came in response to an avalanche of criticism from historians . . Best if it had recast the entire project by dialing down the BLM hyperbole that inspired and frames it." – National Review, 10/19/20
Egg on their face and blood on their hands? Churchill said he often had to eat his words, but they always tasted good. NR continues:
"President Trump has announced a '1776 Commission' to promote patriotic education. Good. Celebration of America's exceptional past was once uncontroversial; think of the 1976 bicentennial. The 1987 Commission on the Bicentennial of the United States Constitution chaired by Chief Justice Warren Burger, partnered with a battery of non-partisn civic organizations to educate Americans of the history and blessings of our national charter."
THOSE BLESSINGS are now called "privilege" by left-wing educrats, but thank God we still have RIGHT-thinking historians, just as there are traditionalist economists and medical people (a vaccine for the virus was just announced). President Trump predicted that – and was laughed at – and predicted that covid-19 would be off the radar screen as soon as the election was over (though technically it ain't over yet).
The Old Testament predicted a time of Great Hatred, and the New predicts a time of Great Awakening. No doubt every epoch has had an awakening or two (think the Reformation and the First Great Awakening in America in the 1700s that helped make our Independence possible). But we may be approaching the final Awakening of the Current Era (A.D. 2021?). I'm talking about the waking of the proverbial "10 virgins," five of whom won't be ready and beg the wise for "oil for their lamps" (one form of socialism). They will be told to "go get your own oil ('course they don't like any form of oil). In the parable, the oil represents the Power of the Holy Spirit.
Will you be "ready" for it? Don't hit the SNOOZE button. Call on the Lord and don't put Him on HOLD!
P.S. National Review recently reviewed "Live Not By Lies; a manual for Christian dissidents," James Person, Jr. the reviewer:
"While there are no Red Dawn-style concentration camps in the U.S., many militant progressives are mirroring other police-state tactics practiced overseas. Numerous figures within the worlds of American politics, media, academia, and in the street stand 'ready and eager' to . . [practice] public humiliation and professional ruin [as in China vs. the Uyghurs]."
The book's title is a salute to the final essay Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn wrote before being arrested by the KGB and deported. The author is Rod Dreher, a former NR contributor. Dreher says that a special target of these would-be cultural conditioners is Christianity in America – though within church walls there are numerous clergy and laity who respond with little but smiles and endless concessions to calls for overthrowing the faith's founding doctrines . . . "
PPS: None less than the Pope appears to be getting in on that act. Person says:
"The underlying and unwelcome message of Live Not By Lies is that fast approaching the doctrinally flabby, enervated Western church is a time of great trouble of a kind not seen in American history . . At least refuse to affirm that you do not believe . . If we must live under the dictatorship of lies, then our response must be 'Let their rule hold not through me!'"
© Curtis DahlgrenThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.