Curtis Dahlgren
Note: Republished from June 6, 2019
"Dogma lives loudly in you." – Senator Dianne Feinstein, to a (Christian) judicial candidate
EVEN PEOPLE IN LALA LAND CAN SEE that it's gone loony. Harvey Weinstein wasn't the only snake out there. By the way, snakes and the apple got a bad rap in Paradise (my family raised apples). Something was lost in the translation. The "fruit" of the tree could be plural and symbolize all kinds of fruits from age to age. Anything from excessive vodka to sex in Lala Land to cotton candy, crack, and OPM.* Self-destructive habits. The very first lie was "You shall not die" (the guy who sipped brake fluid died because he couldn't stop).
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say that the fetus is nothing but "a blob of tissue" (a lie).
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say that parents can't opt their kids out of your sex indoctrination "classes" (they're not using just bananas and cucumbers anymore for condom demonstrations).
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say that people can use any shower room they "prefer."
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say that nude bike rides and gay prides are evidence of progress (pride still goes before a fall, and winter is coming.
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say that there is "life devoid of value" (the German rationalists said that a hundred years ago, and look where that took them).
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say that statements of conscience are forbidden by law.
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say that freedom from religion trumps freedom OF religion and its public expression.
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say that we must keep faith "separate" and private (castigated, squelched, and bastardized).
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say that we can't even utter the name of our God, but "Allah" is okay.
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say we can't even give an opinion on issues such as evolution, climate change, connection between abortion and breast cancer, the true percentage of homosexuals, or a Fourth Dimension and more than five senses. Or Intelligent Design.
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say that your dogmas are "correct" but ours are "discriminatory."
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you say "You didn't build that" and (*) steal Other People's Money, by calling yourself a "service" (the Internal Revenue Service).
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you approve a Watergate-in-reverse (done electronically instead of by burglars).
Your dogma lives loudly in you when you project your own mental pathology upon our President, who won fair and square.
We could say more, but – Jimminy Crickets – where'd we go wrong? How long Eternal, how long?
P.S. It's easy to see where we went wrong when you find out what your "tenured" professors are spewing forth. An example or two:
"We need to think very, very clearly who the enemy is. The enemy is the United States of America and everyone who supports it." – Haunani-Kay Trask, U. of Hawaii
"Thanksgiving is the day the dominant white culture celebrates the beginning of a genocide that was, in fact, blessed by the men we hold up as our heroic founding fathers . . [who had] moral values and political views virtually identical to Nazis?" – Robert Jensen, U. of Texas-Austin
PPS: A few more for good measure:
"I want Wayne LaPierre's head on a stick." – Erik Loomis, U. of Rhode Island
"My experience has been that the majority of activists have stayed the course [the "kampf"), devoted to overthrowing everything hateful about this government and corporate structure . . " – Berardine Dohrn, Northwestern U.
"Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home." – Bill Ayres, U. of Chicago
© Curtis DahlgrenThe views expressed by RenewAmerica columnists are their own and do not necessarily reflect the position of RenewAmerica or its affiliates.