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August 26, 2023
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT — We learned several things from the GOP debate Wednesday night. Former President Donald J. Trump was the biggest winner – by a mile. First, he won by not showing up and having to lower himself to fight the entire gang of also-rans who want his old job. Second, by not participating, Trump won by taking all the attention away from the competition – thereby depriving anyone on that stage of gaining ground on Trump's huge 40-point lead.... (more)

August 26, 2023
WORLDNETDAILY — I will probably lose good friends over this, but it has to be said. Traditional unions, such as the Autoworkers or Longshoreman, perform a valuable service for their members. They negotiate wages, benefits and to some extent employment levels within private corporations. I have no problem with this.... (more)

August 25, 2023
FLORIDIAN PRESS — As mask mandates return in certain parts of the country, Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo is telling people to not comply. "What do you call re-imposing mask policies that have been proven ineffective or restarting lockdowns that are known to cause harm?" posted Ladapo on X this morning. "You don't call it sanity. These terrible policies only work with your cooperation. How about refusing to participate"... (more)

August 24, 2023
JOHN GIZZI — More than a few political prognosticators who do not have a favorite Republican candidate told Newsmax on Wednesday night that the true winner of the first GOP presidential debate was actually the contender who sat it out. "The winner was [former President] Donald Trump and the losers were all candidates not named Donald Trump," said historian and Chapman University Prof. Luke Nichter. "And the key moment was when the others tried to be combative and Trump-like to try to break through."... (more)

August 23, 2023
THE HILL — Megyn Kelly went after Fox News’s first GOP presidential debate Wednesday night, calling the evening “lame,” with poor questions and without a clear winner. Eight of the nine top candidates faced off in Milwaukee in the race’s first debate, with former President Trump absent. Kelly, a former Fox News personality, didn’t seem impressed by her former employer’s production, posting during the debate, “I’m bored.”... (more)

August 23, 2023
JUST THE NEWS — The 2024 election season officially kicks off Wednesday night in Milwaukee, where eight Republicans will engage in the first presidential debate and field questions about their prospective White House agendas. The Republican National Committee confirmed on Tuesday that eight candidates had qualified for the debate, including Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, former Vice President Mike Pence, former Arkansas Gov. Asa Hutchinson, and North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum.... (more)

August 23, 2023
JOSEPH FARAH — It took Joe Biden two weeks to make it to Hawaii after the devastating wildfires that likely will have killed upwards of 1,000 people as some 850 are still missing. It was not a good day for him, after he compared the disaster to his own apocryphal kitchen fire in his Delaware home in 2004. Biden was met with obscene catcalls as his motorcade passed rows of disgruntled residents who had received $700 checks after losing their homes.... (more)

August 23, 2023
BOB UNRUH — A newly released video shows police in Marion, Kansas, physically raiding the home of the 98-year-old co-owner of a local newspaper that the police chief had accused of improper behavior. What the New York Post called the "unprecedented raid" is being blamed for the woman's cardiac arrest and death just 24 hours later.... (more)

August 23, 2023
PETER LABARBERA — With new COVID variants, including BA.2.86 and EG.5, in the news, the same media and activists on the Left who were most fanatical about masks and other heavy-handed COVID policies during the pandemic are now pushing mask mandates again. Conservatives warned it could be a precursor to a return to oppression in the name of fighting COVID, and vowed collectively not to "comply."... (more)

August 21, 2023
PJ MEDIA — If you’ve read my stuff before, you know I’ve taken it upon myself to be the Paul Revere of the Great Reset, if Paul Revere drove a 2005 Mazda Tribute. #HateToBrag. Klaus Schwab and his evil teams of toilet people aren’t trying to hide their plans for global domination. Quite the contrary, they write and speak openly about how they intend to impound our cars and purloin our sirloin for cleaner clouds or something.... (more)

August 21, 2023
DICK MORRIS — Whenever an inexperienced neophyte runs for president and ventures into foreign policy, he almost always puts his foot in his mouth due to ignorance and lack of preparation. Now Vivek Ramaswamy, an interesting candidate, has made a big blunder by calling for a cut in U.S. aid to Israel. He even wants its hostile Arab neighbors to get U.S. aid equal to what Israel gets.... (more)

August 21, 2023
YOUTUBE — Russian-American Lex Fridman – a computer scientist, podcaster, and artificial intelligence researcher – interviews Robert Kennedy, Jr. about who God is and how a person can know Him. Fridman is a research scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.... (more)

August 20, 2023
FOX NEWS — Kevin Sorbo opened up about being canceled in Hollywood for years because of his Christian beliefs and conservative views. The 64-year-old actor skyrocketed to international fame when he starred as the Greek demigod Hercules in the hit show "Hercules: The Legendary Journeys" for six seasons from 1995 to 1999.... (more)

August 20, 2023
WASHINGTON EXAMINER — Entrepreneur and Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy is being lauded by conservatives across social media after posting his 10 "truths" to X. "1. God is real," he began the list. "2. There are two genders. 3. Human flourishing requires fossil fuels. 4. Reverse racism is racism. 5. An open border is no border..."... (more)

August 20, 2023
WORLDNETDAILY — The CIA is being sued over helping the Joe Biden campaign in 2020 unleash the so-called "Dirty 51" letter through which a list of former intelligence officials sought to interfere in the election by describing the Hunter Biden laptop scandal as Russian disinformation.... (more)

August 20, 2023
WAYNE ALLYN ROOT — Folks, now you know it. I know it. Everyone with a brain knows it. Even Democrats (deep down) know it. The 2020 election was stolen. The debate is over. How do I know? Because both the feds and Georgia just indicted our former President Donald Trump for talking about, questioning, and trying to investigate a stolen election. When the communist thugs, bullies and tyrants make it a crime to question a stolen election, in a country built around free speech, it's 100% proof they stole the election.... (more)

August 20, 2023
BOB UNRUH — Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has released a bombshell about the latest indictment, from the state of Georgia, of President Donald Trump. That indictment, which critics have charged makes it illegal to make a phone call or hold a meeting, claims that Trump and more than a dozen others engaged in illegal actions to contest the 2020 election results.... (more)

August 19, 2023
WORLDNETDAILY — Former Director of National Intelligence John Ratcliffe said new documents involving Joe and Hunter Biden were a “smoking gun and the bloody knife” Thursday. Republican Rep. James Comer of Kentucky, the chairman of the House Oversight Committee, demanded access to documents from then-Vice President Joe Biden’s emails Thursday in a letter to the National Archives and Records Administration. A May 26, 2016, email to one of then-Vice President Joe Biden’s pseudonyms discussed an upcoming meeting with then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.... (more)

August 18, 2023

August 18, 2023
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Last week, in scanning various headlines, I was delighted to see—among all the bad news—this story: “George Washington’s 110 Rules of Civility.” The link they have brings the reader to the Mount Vernon website. This isn’t advice George Washington doled out. Rather, it’s a series of aphorisms that he learned as a youth that greatly impacted his life. If you want to know what made the father of our country tick, read the “Rules of Civility.”... (more)

August 18, 2023
TWITTER — In the Aug. 17 episode of "Tucker on Twitter," Tucker Carlson and GOP presidential hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy explored a wide range of issues, but focused mainly on the urgent need for Americans — especially American youth — to awaken to what it means to be an American.... (more)

August 17, 2023
JOSEPH FARAH — See how easy it is to sue the government and Google for censoring all of us? All it takes is a little money and the will to do it. Like Robert F. Kennedy Jr. A federal magistrate judge has set an emergency hearing on Kennedy request for a temporary restraining order barring Google from censoring his speech on YouTube during the 2024 campaign. Kennedy, a candidate for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, filed a complaint in the U.S. District Court Northern District of California against Google, LLC and its wholly owned subsidiary YouTube, LLC, last week.... (more)

August 17, 2023
THE FEDERALIST — Hillary Clinton — the woman who to this day denies the results of the 2016 election and whose campaign is responsible for the treasonous Russia-collusion hoax — should be facing her own criminal election “conspiracy” charges, instead of cheering on the Fulton County, Georgia, indictment against former President Donald Trump and 18 of his lawyers and advisers for challenging the 2020 election.... (more)

August 15, 2023
ANGEL STUDIOS — Sound of Freedom is a powerful film based on a true story. It depicts the remarkable journey of Tim Ballard, a former Homeland Security agent, as he battles against human trafficking. His relentless pursuit of justice exposes the dark underbelly of this global crime, leaving an indelible impact on the fight for freedom.... (more)

August 15, 2023
DEBRA HEINE — A grand jury in Georgia voted to indict Donald Trump on Monday over his efforts to expose the 2020 election fraud in the state and reverse his loss. The 41-count indictment levied by Fani Willis, the District Attorney for Georgia’s Fulton County, includes: violating the Georgia RICO Act; Solicitation of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer; Conspiracy to Commit Impersonating a Public Officer; Conspiracy to Commit Forgery in the First Degree; Conspiracy to Commit False Statements and Writings; Conspiracy to Commit Filing False Documents; Conspiracy to Commit Forgery in the First Degree; Filing False Documents; and Solicitation of Violation of Oath by a Public Officer.... (more)


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Stephen Stone
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