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August 29, 2022
GATEWAY PUNDIT — *Attention Parents* “Do you know what’s being taught to your kids?”, Project Veritas asks in its promo for its new series on the brainwashing of American schoolchildren. Project Veritas on August 30 will begin to release its multi-part undercover series exposing the secret curriculum in American education that is indoctrinating your children.... (more)

August 28, 2022
TOWNHALL — Despite being told that elections were safe, secure and beyond corruption, President Joe Biden just said the quiet part aloud, making the Democrat party want to go into hiding once again. Last week, Biden told a group of rally goers that Democrats have a plan in place to “make sure no one, no one, ever has the opportunity to steal an election again.”... (more)

August 28, 2022
THE FEDERALIST — The Mar-a-Lago search warrant is interesting not only because of the high office of the individual whose papers were seized but also because of the low office of the person who signed it. The warrant illustrates the longstanding constitutional anomaly of letting magistrate judges sign search warrants. Leave aside how you feel about the former president. Leave aside what you think of January 6, 2021. Leave aside whether there was a good reason to issue the warrant. A more basic question is whether the Hon. Bruce Reinhart could constitutionally issue it.... (more)

August 28, 2022
BOB UNRUH — Hillary Clinton, back in 2016 during her second failed campaign for president, lashed out angrily at conservatives and those with traditional values in America. At an event in New York to collect cash for Democrats in the campaign, she said, "You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump’s supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic – you name it."... (more)

August 28, 2022
JUST THE NEWS — PragerU founder Dennis Prager says the problem with Republican candidates is that they campaign against their opponents, but not against the left and its ideology. Asked what fundamental question voters should think about when they go to the polls, Prager responded: "Do you want to be governed by the left or not?"... (more)

August 28, 2022
PJ MEDIA — A sarcastic new ad being rolled out nationwide captures the unfairness of Joe Biden’s executive order that forces hardworking, responsible Americans to assume the student loan debt of college grads. “This is awful policy and there’s real resentment brewing,” said Dan Conston, president of the American Action Network (AAN), the non-profit behind the ad. “Working Americans shouldn’t have to foot the bill for a handout to coddled elite college graduates who don’t like having to pay what they owe.”... (more)

August 28, 2022
PJ MEDIA — Organizers of a woke podcasting convention would have sent a trigger warning to their conventioneers if they’d only known that he was coming. Even assuming trigger warnings work, which they don’t, as a new study or any parent of a toddler can tell you, nothing could have prepared the attendees of the “Podcast Movement” convention in Texas for the loosing of an animal so dangerous and so contemptible that they may never get over the “pain” of witnessing it. Indeed, so dangerous was this animal, who had been allowed to roam freely and breathe their air, that woke conventioneers moved to immediately leash and lock it up like he was Peter Navarro or something.... (more)

August 27, 2022
LIFE SITE NEWS — Rembert G. Weakland, archbishop of Milwaukee from 1977 to 2002, icon of the liberal Church, and the most disastrous American bishop of his time, died at age 95, the Archdiocese of Milwaukee announced Monday. A theological dissident, practicing homosexual, radical liturgical revolutionary, and indefensible enabler of predatory priests, Weakland embodied the kind of failed episcopal leadership that has morally and financially bankrupted the Church in much of the Western world since the Second Vatican Council.... (more)

August 27, 2022
TOWNHALL — After days of waiting and a flurry of motions from the Department of Justice attempting to keep the affidavit used in the FBI's raid of Mar-a-Lago sealed indefinitely, a redacted affidavit was finally released on Friday afternoon just before the 12:00 p.m. ET deadline set by federal Magistrate Judge Bruce Reinhart. There was such a rush to view the affidavit, however, that the government's website where federal court records are posted completely crashed for nearly 30 minutes.... (more)

August 27, 2022
TRISTAN JUSTICE — Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook algorithmically suppressed stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop during the 2020 election at the request of the FBI weeks before the November contest. Speaking on Joe Rogan’s podcast on Thursday, Zuckerberg said the FBI approached employees at the tech giant to warn that the laptop was a vehicle of Russian interference.... (more)

August 25, 2022
NEW YORK POST — Nearly four of five Americans who’ve been following the Hunter Biden laptop scandal believe that “truthful” coverage would have changed the outcome of the 2020 presidential election, according to a new poll. A similar percentage also said they’re convinced that information on the computer is real, with just 11% saying they thought it was “created by Russia,” according to the survey conducted by the New Jersey-based Technometrica Institute of Policy and Politics.... (more)

August 25, 2022
JERRY NEWCOMBE — Is God making a comeback in some of the public schools of Texas? A news item last week gives a glimmer of hope that it may be so. 60 years ago this summer, the Supreme Court effectively banished God from the public schools. They did this in the first anti-school prayer case.... (more)

August 25, 2022
BREITBART — Thursday, during an appearance on Hugh Hewitt’s nationally syndicated radio show, Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) criticized President Joe Biden’s student loan forgiveness proposal. The Florida governor said not only was it a policy “disaster” in that it threatened to make economic problems worse, but he predicted it would be a political “disaster” because of the public’s reaction.... (more)

August 25, 2022
NEWSMAX — A former president's right under the Presidential Records Act trumps the statutes the FBI cited to justify the Mar-a-Lago search, David Rivkin Jr. and Lee Casey argued in an opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal on Tuesday. The two constitutional lawyers, who served at the Department of Justice and the White House Counsel's Office in the Reagan and George H.W. Bush administrations, stressed that the warrant used to search former President Donald Trump's residence suggests that ''the FBI had no legally valid cause for the raid.''... (more)

August 25, 2022
JOSEPH FARAH — The Twitter board is, indeed, covering up its "extreme, egregious deficiencies," and executives have no idea how many bots are actually on the platform, claims a whistleblower. So, Elon Musk’s suspicions are right after all. But it's much bigger than that. Hear me out. Twitter is little more than a disinformation front posing as an honest, consumer-driven social media site.... (more)

August 25, 2022
MICHELLE MALKIN — Here's the thing about Mitch McConnell and Elaine Chao. The granddaddy of Republican Beltway barnacles has inhabited the nation's capital in one form or another since 1968, when he worked as a Senate legislative aide. His wife, the daughter of a Beijing-kowtowing shipping mogul, snagged her first job in 1983 as a White House fellow under the Reagan administration. For a half-century, this Swamp duo has done out in the great wide open what Swamp things do: Grift. Rinse. Repeat.... (more)

August 25, 2022
FOX NEWS — California Highway Patrol (CHP) has released photos and videos recorded on the night of a May 28 crash involving Paul Pelosi, the husband of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who pleaded guilty to a DUI charge earlier Tuesday. The long-awaited video shows Pelosi's alleged slurred speech and what police previously described as "objective" signs of intoxication, as well as police asking him to perform field sobriety tests.... (more)

August 24, 2022
GATEWAY PUNDIT — Dr. Jill tested positive for Covid AGAIN on Wednesday in a ‘rebound’ case after taking Paxlovid earlier this month. “After testing negative on Tuesday, just now, the First Lady has tested positive for Covid-19 by antigen testing. This represents a “rebound” positivity,” a statement from Jill Biden’s Deputy Communications Director said.... (more)

August 24, 2022
BOB UNRUH — Fox News commentator Tucker Carlson has "crucified" "Lord Fauci," Joe Biden's chief of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, but better known as the know-it-all bureaucrat who claimed he was "science" on the issue of COVID-19. That's according to a report from Revolver.... (more)

August 24, 2022
MARGOT CLEVELAND — Last week’s raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home represented the culmination of a criminal investigation pushed by a partisan bureaucrat who called January 6, 2021, the “absolute worst” day of his life. And while since last Monday, the country has focused on the FBI’s raid of Trump’s personal residence, seeing that as the crossing of the Rubicon, the die was cast this spring when the DOJ went to the grand jury about Trump’s presidential records.... (more)

August 23, 2022
JOHN SOLOMON — White House Deputy Counsel Jonathan Su was a busy man, at least when it came to carrying out President Joe Biden's wish to eliminate former President Donald Trump's claims that materials and testimony from his presidency were covered by executive privilege.... (more)

August 23, 2022
CLIFF KINCAID — Although Republican Mitt Romney lost an easily winnable election in 2012, many conservative commentators and analysts believed that Romney would win no matter what Obama threw at him. These same commentators predicted Donald J. Trump would lose in 2016.... (more)

August 23, 2022
PETER LEMISKA — Hate is a destructive emotion that can rob us of our compassion, our dignity, and even our common sense. For six years now, Democrats have been consumed with an overpowering hatred of a man who left public office nearly two years ago. It’s the same man who gave our country energy independence, secure borders, and a strong economy with low inflation.... (more)

August 22, 2022
JOHN SOLOMON — Long before it professed no prior knowledge of the raid on Donald Trump's estate, the Biden White House worked directly with the Justice Department and National Archives to instigate the criminal probe into alleged mishandling of documents, allowing the FBI to review evidence retrieved from Mar-a-Lago this spring and eliminating the 45th president's claims to executive privilege, according to contemporaneous government documents reviewed by Just the News.... (more)

August 21, 2022
YOUTUBE — When law enforcement doesn’t prioritize its primary job of targeting violent criminals and behaves as if it has no accountability to the American people, it shouldn’t be surprised when law enforcement ends up with zero credibility and no one trusts it.... (more)


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