Linda Goudsmit
Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America's children are the primary target of the globalist predators.
American-Canadian psychologist Dr. Kenneth Zucker, founder of Toronto's Child Youth and Family Gender Identity Clinic (GIC), is an internationally acknowledged expert on children and adolescents with gender dysphoria. His cautious "watchful waiting" approach respected the natural maturation process in which the vast majority of gender dysphoria resolves itself without medical intervention. In 2015, Toronto's Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, the hospital where Dr. Zucker's clinic was located, accused him of practicing conversion therapy, and of shaming and traumatizing patients. Dr. Zucker, who was psychologist-in-chief at the time, was fired and the hospital closed the clinic. He was eventually exonerated and awarded damages in a lawsuit against the hospital, but radical gender ideology had won the battle.
Dr. Miriam Grossman writes about Dr. Zucker's concerns about "iatrogenic persistence," the result of medical intervention discussed in Chapter 35:
Dr. Zucker calls social transition a dangerous psychosocial intervention "with the likely consequence of subsequent (lifelong) biomedical treatments... (gender-affirming hormonal treatment and surgery)." He argues it's an intervention often conducted by schools and other institutions unqualified to implement such a course of treatment.
In 2014, even the American Psychological Association still warned that "Premature labeling of gender identity should be avoided" and "early social transition...should be approached with caution to avoid foreclosing this stage of (trans)gender identity development." (Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness,[1] p. 121)
Before sex assignment surgery takes place, there is a process known as social transition, in which the student adopts a new gender identity, a new name, pronouns, often new clothing, hair style, and use of opposite-sex facilities such as bathrooms and locker rooms. During this period of social transition, parents, friends, and teachers are supposed to endorse the student's belief that he or she is in the wrong body. Dr. Grossman reminds parents that it is their responsibility to support objective reality, and advises parents that supporting a delusion is not a loving gesture, especially when it leads to harm:
"Affirmation" has a positive connotation, and when ideologues chose that word, it was a strategic move. Affirming your child seems kind and loving. Instead of distressed, she's comfortable. She's happy. But it's not kind or loving to validate an untruth.
Adults have a responsibility to represent reality. The reality is your daughter's sex was established at conception....
If you validate your son's girl identity, you agree that his body is wrong, and should be rejected. You confirm the disconnect between his mind and his physical reality. You agree he knows best who he is, and what he needs...think of the impact on your son. He feels he's a girl, and you agree! ... He's never felt so empowered. You've turbo-charged his self-esteem. Of course, it feels good, at least temporarily.
Consider also the possibility that your son's social affirmation may affect the wiring of his brain. You heard me right. Neuroplasticity is the well-established phenomenon in which thinking, behavior, and experience alter brain microstructure. Each time your son hears his new name and pronouns it's a learning experience that creates a memory. We all know repetition is key to learning. We know as well that the brain is constantly rewiring—its structure is changing—in response to life's experiences. (Lost in Trans Nation, pp. 119–120)
Dr. Grossman also warns parents about euphemisms, explaining the objective reality that "top surgery" is bilateral mastectomy, or breast amputation. In 2023, while she was writing her book, there were 45,375 girls seeking donations on GoFundMe to pay for what gender surgeons euphemistically call a "masculinized chest." She points out the staggering hypocrisy:
Mind you, these are the same people who insist that five-year-olds use anatomically accurate terms, not childish nicknames, for their genitals. They soberly instruct us to teach the words "scrotum" and "vulva" to kindergarteners. But the imprecise, trivial-sounding "top surgery"—that language is fine. (Lost in Trans Nation, p. 157)
Dr. Grossman is appalled by the explosion of "gender-affirming" surgeries on children:
And don't tell me these operations are only done on adults. In a study of 68 patients who underwent the procedure at Children's Hospital Los Angeles, almost half were girls between thirteen and seventeen, and that was way back in 2016. A letter from plastic surgeons at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine published in the journal JAMA Pediatrics reported between 2016 and 2019, the annual number of "gender-affirming chest surgeries" increased by 389 percent, likely a significant underestimate, because it included only surgeries performed in hospitals. Many of these procedures take place outside of hospitals in surgery centers owned by plastic surgeons. The letter documented that 77 percent of patients used private insurance or were self-pay, and the average cost was $30,000. (Lost in Trans Nation, p. 158)
This brings the discussion to insurance coverage. The Affordable Care Act (Obamacare) bars plans offered on Healthcare.gov from discrimination based on gender, which has been interpreted to include transgenderism, and this has led to broad coverage of gender surgery and an explosion in transgender surgeries.
A March 2018 article published in Modern Medicine, "Employee health insurance, Obamacare make sex change a new reality for 1.4 million Americans,"[2] reports:
Johns Hopkins' data shows that 61 percent of in-hospital surgical procedures for gender affirmation were covered by insurance between 2012 and 2014, compared with just 35 percent from 2006 to 2011. Tech companies like Amazon, Apple and IBM all cover the surgery for their employees.
Now, compare Johns Hopkins' data with the GlobeNewswire report in March 2020, "Sex Reassignment Surgery Market to hit USD 1.5 Bn by 2026: Global Market Insights, Inc."[3] The subtitle reads "U.S. sex reassignment surgery demand is estimated to expand at 24.5% CAGR (compound annual growth rate) during 2020 to 2026 owing to the continuously growing gender reassignment surgeries in the country."
Clearly, sex reassignment surgery is big business. Many are wondering how it is possible for these atrocities to be taking place.
Dr. Grossman writes:
Why do girls and young women dream of going under the knife and waking up with flat chests, and sometimes, to save a few bucks, without nipples? They have mental health problems, a traumatic past, family issues, or maybe just intense teenage angst and erroneously believe my colleagues who claim removing body parts will bring them relief. (Lost in Trans Nation, p. 158)
How in God's name are these atrocities taking place? Simple. The surgeons who carved up Jake, Ritchie, Scott [children's case studies], and others––leaving them infertile and disfigured––can justify their work: They provide gender-affirming care; they "follow WPATH's standards of care."
What is WPATH? Read carefully, parents, you need to know.
WPATH is the "World Professional Association for Transgender Health"—sounds impressive, right? Like a group of doctors with stethoscopes and pocket protectors, conducting research, examining evidence, and carefully formulating guidelines for clinicians? It may once have been, but no longer.
WPATH is an NGO formed in 1979. They promote their standards of care (SOC) as the model of best practice, the gold standard. Many, if not most, US hospitals, clinics, and private physicians and therapists base their practices on WPATH SOC.
How close to a gold standard are they? An independent, peer-reviewed analysis in 2021 gave them a quality score of zero out of six.
WPATH presents its approach to patients, parents, and providers as the only valid, evidence-based option, yet its recommendations have been formally rejected by Sweden, Finland, Norway, and Britain and questioned by medical groups in France, Australia, and New Zealand. Although WPATH guidance advises hospitals, clinicians, and even courts, WPATH itself suffers from identity confusion: while presenting as an unbiased science-based medical group, it is in truth an advocacy organization run by activists who have an unwavering goal of affirmation at all costs. (Lost in Trans Nation, pp. 187–188)
Dr. Grossman introduces the reader to psychiatrist Dr. Stephen Levine, who resigned from WPATH after twenty-five years of senior positions in the organization. In 2001, Dr. Levine, an authority on transgenderism and gender dysphoria in children and adolescents, chaired the committee that was developing WPATH's fifth Standards of Care. The committee recommended retention of the requirement for two letters of support from mental health providers prior to hormonal interventions, and another two letters before surgical interventions.
Richard Green, president of WPATH at the time, considered letters to be "gatekeeping" and appointed a new committee. SOC-6 required only one letter, and SOC-7 dispensed with letters altogether. Dr. Levine resigned, saying:
I resigned my membership in 2002 due to my regretful conclusion that the organization and its recommendations had become dominated by politics and ideology, rather than by scientific process, as it was years earlier.
Dr. Levine withdrew from WPATH because he recognized that political medicine is antithetical to scientific medicine, and medicine for social change is not health medicine. SOC-8 has no age restrictions or counseling requirements at all, and advances affirmation as the only solution to gender dysphoria. WPATH advocates blockers, hormones, and surgeries on demand, as it deceitfully promotes respect for patient autonomy (separation from parents) as its "ethical" principle.
Why is WPATH, a political activist organization, accepted as the medical authority on gender-affirming care? How can such malevolence be accepted as authoritative settled science? The answer may surprise you. Author Michelle Stiles offers an insightful explanation in her 2022 book, One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda.[4] It is an exceptional analysis of propaganda and how it is being used in America against Americans.
Stiles is a physical therapist with a thoughtful and incisive analytical mind. Her medical training adds a scientific dimension to her philosophical insights. She begins her book with a play on the ring verse from Lord of the Rings, J. R. R. Tolkien's epic high-fantasy novel published in 1954. The novel's title refers to the evil Dark Lord Sauron, ruler of the land of Mordor, who seeks to rule all of Middle-earth with the ring of power. Substituting "One Idea" for "Ring" in the verse, Stiles reminds the reader that megalomania is not just the stuff of literary fantasy:
One Idea to rule them all,
One Idea to find them,
One Idea to bring them all,
And in the darkness bind them. (p. 4)
What is this One Idea? The answer begins with a Frenchman, Gustave LeBon, whose 1886 book, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind,[5] is considered to be a seminal work on crowd psychology. LeBon explored the attributes of crowds and presented techniques for engineering public opinion that appealed to feelings rather than facts. This was a seismic shift in perspective, creating a new methodology for public debate that was initially used to sell an unpopular war to Americans in 1917.
Two-term president Woodrow Wilson (1913–1921) appointed progressive journalist George Creel to head the Committee on Public Information (CPI), created by executive order on April 14, 1917, six days after the United States formally declared war on Germany and entered World War I. Creel's job was to sell the war to a skeptical and hesitant American public, so they would support the war effort and endure their inevitable sacrifice in men and money. Creel's manipulative marketing campaign, "Make the world safe for democracy," was wildly successful.
Michelle Stiles describes "the extensive propaganda apparatus that Creel euphemistically titled "The House of Truth," including:
Division of News
Foreign News Division
Advertising Division
Division of Pictorial Publicity
Division of Films
Division of Speaking
Four Minute Men
Junior Four Minute Men
Speaking Circuit
National School Service Bulletin (pp. 10–11)
Stiles explains:
The "House of Truth" was designed and created to ensure that everyone was pulling in the same direction. For those who would not, dissenting ideas were monitored, codified as illegal, and censored. Creel established the following acts and groups to suppress dissent:
Snitch Patrol: Four Minute Men [local leaders, businessmen, professional men] were encouraged to identify, interrogate, and even report people in their communities who expressed anti-war sentiment.
Espionage Act (1917): Upheld censorship of ideas considered deleterious to the war effort.
Sedition Act (1918): Made any criticism of the Wilson Administration illegal. (p. 12)
CPI hired American publicist Edward Bernays to help build support for the war domestically and abroad. Bernays, the nephew of Sigmund Freud, referred to his CPI work as psychological warfare. He realized that if you could persuade the public to accept an unpopular war by avoiding rational arguments for and against involvement, and appeal to people's feelings instead, you could convince anybody of anything. Bernays applied the principles of propaganda to marketing, and became the father of public relations.
Bernays exploited LeBon's mass-persuasion techniques for civilian use, applying them to commercial businesses. In his 1928 book, Propaganda,[6] Bernays tries to remove the negative wartime connotation from the word propaganda, presenting propaganda as a legitimate marketing tool and necessity for orderly living. He begins the book with a stunning paragraph, and then continues with a surprising level of naiveté:
Chapter 1
Organizing Chaos
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country....
They govern us by their qualities of natural leadership, their ability to supply needed ideas and by their key positions in the social structure. Whatever attitude one chooses toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by the relatively small number of persons—a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million—who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.
It is not usually realized how necessary these invisible governors are to the orderly functioning of our group life.... (pp. 37–38)
The instruments by which public opinion is organized and focused may be misused. But such organization and focusing are necessary to orderly life.
As civilization has become more complex, and as the need for invisible government has been increasingly demonstrated, the technical means have been invented and developed by which opinion may be regimented. (pp. 39–40)
It is the purpose of this book to explain the structure of the mechanism which controls the public mind, and to tell how it is manipulated by the special pleader who seeks to create public acceptance for a particular idea or commodity. It will attempt at the same time to find the due place in the modern democratic scheme for this new propaganda and to suggest its gradually evolving code of ethics and practice. (p. 45)
Edward Bernays demonstrated a shocking naiveté regarding how the psychodynamics of propaganda and social engineering would be used by the invisible government. Michelle Stiles is not so naive. She explains how Bernays himself established the prototype. The idea for selling anything from pianos to ideas was the switch from established techniques of the "hard" sell to the new techniques of the "soft" sell.
Rather than relying on the facts and merits of a product or idea (hard sell), the new methodology required creating a demand for the product or idea. Bernays called it the science of "creating circumstances." This is how it works. In the old days if a salesman wanted to sell a piano, he would talk to the customer about the merits of the piano. Not anymore. Bernays explained that the trick was to present the piano in ways to make the customer demand the piano. This was accomplished through "influencers" in collaboration with media.
In his book, Bernays explains that the modern propagandist must create the circumstances that result in demand for the piano, so he arranges an exhibition attended by key people called "influencers." The exhibition is staged in a gorgeous drawing room with rare books, tapestries, and the piano.
The music room will be accepted because it has been made the thing. And the man or woman who has a music room, or has arranged a corner of the parlor as a musical corner, will naturally think of buying a piano. It will come to him as his own idea.
Under the old salesmanship the manufacturer said to the prospective buyer, "Please buy a piano." The new salesmanship has reversed the process and caused the prospective buyer to say to the manufacturer, "Please sell me a piano." (Propaganda, pp. 77–78)
Bernays applied LeBon's new techniques for engineering public opinion to sell cigarettes to women as "sexual liberation." Bernays arranged for photographers to "catch" a woman "spontaneously" lighting up a Lucky Strike cigarette in public during the 1929 Easter Parade on Fifth Avenue. His wildly successful Torches of Freedom campaign sold cancer-causing cigarettes to women by appealing to feelings rather than to facts. Is this starting to sound familiar?
Stiles explains how Bernays used stagecraft to sell products, and how politicians could do the same to sell ideas:
Debate, reasoning, and the appeal to truth were now passé. Bernays showed how the savvy political leader could orchestrate events, dramatize issues, steer public opinion, and create demand for a predetermined solution waiting in the wings—just off stage.
Dramatizations would be created to appear as organic grassroots concerns percolating in and through the population at large, creating the illusion of spontaneous synchronicity. Subsequent tailored "interventions" would be supplied later by astute political leaders. Only after the collective national mind had been primed in this manner, would a political leader take a stand to influence the national "discussion."
In reality, no discussion was intended—or desired. The staged sequence of events was choreographed to win support for the predetermined outcome regardless of the merits of the issue. (Stiles, One Idea to Rule Them All,pp. 52–53)
Bernays was using the Hegelian dialectic to create more demand for cigarettes, just as stagecraft was used to sell World War I to Americans in 1917. Political theater, like political medicine and politicized educational indoctrination, requires a foundational shift from facts to feelings in order to succeed.
This brings our discussion back to Michelle Stiles's book title, One Idea to Rule Them All, and how Bernays's invisible government is exploiting stagecraft and abusing the psychodynamics of propaganda with coordinated repetition in order to socially engineer the acceptance of transgenderism.
WPATH, the primary authority/influencer on transgenderism, unapologetically advocates surgery for aligning the body with the mind, rather than therapy for aligning the mind with the body. Why? What is the social purpose of this therapeutic reversal? To answer these questions, we must remember that political medicine is about social change, not public health. Political medicine is using the same artifice to create demand for transgenderism that Bernays used to create demand for cigarettes. The actions may be separated by 100 years, but the processes for change are the same manipulative and deceitful Hegelian dialectic.
Dr. Miriam Grossman's horror is expressed in her description of WPATH's latest Standards of Care, SOC-8:
The Standards of Care introduced a new sexual orientation: an individual who is "assigned male at birth (AMAB) and wish[es] to eliminate masculine physical features, masculine genitals, or genital functioning."
I wish it weren't so, but in WPATH's latest SOC, a chapter is dedicated to eunuchs. Boys and men seeking castration are now under the ever-widening "gender-nonconforming" umbrella. They identify as people without testicles, so castration affirms their identity....
WPATH's 2022 conference kicked off with a keynote from the Admiral [Rachel Levine, the transgender admiral and Assistant Secretary of Health for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)]: "Our task quite simply is to educate the public in the United States and throughout the world.... We have the power to expand the boundaries of science and of public understanding." (Lost in Trans Nation, pp. 193–194)
Educate the public is a powerful euphemism for indoctrinate the publicdelivered by a "trusted" authority representing the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. In reality, the Admiral is a transgender ideologue delivering a self-serving political narrative disguised as public health, selling transgenderism to an unsuspecting public.
Dr. Grossman concludes her remarks about affirming surgeons with a chilling warning:
Trans is old. Nullo is new.
Some affirming surgeons are ready and willing to perform whatever fits a patient's fleeting fancy: phalloplasties, vaginoplasties, bilateral mastectomies, and hysterectomies; castration and "eunuch affirmation surgeries"; or even "genital nullification" leaving patients with no genitals at all. One affirming surgery clinic's website states:
Genital nullification, Nullo, or Eunuch procedures involve removing all external genitalia to create a smooth transition from the abdomen to the groin. In some cases, this involves shortening the urethra. For patients born with a uterus, a hysterectomy is required prior to any genital nullification procedure. Your specific goals can be discussed with one of our surgeons to develop a plan that works for you.
The last line means that if you want a penis and a vagina, that's okay too. Just tell us what you want, we create custom-made genitals....
Understand that once the gender ideologues achieve one goal, without hesitation they move to the next. Now the monstrous "bottom surgeries" have been normalized, as if they're not sterilizing, savage procedures with too many debilitating complications, pain, and woes to count. But before you know it, they're normalizing eunuchs and "nullo" surgeries, creating bodies that appear neither male nor female....
We can't get used to all this.
It's just "gender-affirming surgery," nothing to see here—that's the goal, so they can go further to the next deviant thing, and the next.
Too many believe this is all about compassion, respect, and rights. That's a cover. The goal has always been the breakdown of norms. (Lost in Trans Nation, pp. 194–195)
Dr. Grossman exposes the "gender-affirming" industry as ideologically driven political medicine, guilty of using euphemisms to advocate transgenderism. Political medicine rejects biological facts and embraces feelings as its new metric for rationalizing surgical interventions on emotionally disturbed patients. It exploits Bernays's stagecraft, the science of creating the circumstances, to create the escalating demand for "gender-affirming" surgeries. Political medicine is weaponized medicine. It endorses subjective reality, rejects objective reality, and pressures society to accept madness as sanity in its campaign to collapse America from within.
Michelle Stiles concludes her book with reflections on the future in a section titled "Losing Reality Bit by Bit." Her remarks are particularly relevant because the War on America is a war of attrition:
Every ten years, a generation that has been raised in comparative freedom from propaganda dies off and is replaced by a generation incubated and grown up in a culture of deception. How much longer before the ability to think for oneself is completely extinguished?
Will there be anyone alive who can lead us back to the "old" idea of truth and authentic relationships that existed prior to the propaganda tsunami that was unleashed in the 20th century and now pervades the 21st century?
What happens when even the desire for truth has been obliterated, and all that remains is fictitious reality masking the underlying tyranny that is willingly accepted by the stupefied masses?
Those who were alive during the middle of the great propaganda debate and perceived the danger were true prophets of the age.
They had ominous words to say about the future of mankind, Aldous Huxley being the most prominent:
There will be, in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing dictatorship without tears, so to speak, producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them, but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda or brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods. And this seems to be the final revolution. (Brave New World Revisited, 1958, Aldous Huxley, p. 253)
Aldous Huxley was describing the globalist elite strivings for totalitarian control and one-world government. Transgenderism is prelude to transhumanism and technocracy in globalism's planetary managerial Unistate.
See also: https://goudsmit.pundicity.com/28069/chapter-37-euphemisms-propaganda-and-losing
[1] Lost in Trans Nation: A Child Psychiatrist's Guide Out of the Madness, Miriam Grossman, Skyhorse Publishing, 2023
[4] One Idea to Rule Them All: Reverse Engineering American Propaganda, Michelle Stiles, 2022
[5] The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind, Gustave Le Bon, Dover Publications, 1895
[6] Propaganda, Edward Bernays, Horace Liveright, 1928
*Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on barnesandnoble.com, amazon.com, and directly from Ingram in paperback.
Contact Linda at info@lindagoudsmit.com
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See Linda's previous articles for her book Space is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is:
- INTRODUCTION: Freedom is an adult enterprise
- CHAPTER 1: What Is Reality?
- CHAPTER 2: The Art of Psychological Warfare
- CHAPTER 3: 'Birdman' and the Reality Revolution
- CHAPTER 4: The who and the what of behavior
- CHAPTER 5: America requires an educational revolution
- CHAPTER 7: Politicized education
- CHAPTER 8: Constructivism Impedes Reality-Testing
- CHAPTER 9: Norman Dodd interview
- CHAPTER 10: Objective reality is required for a free society
- CHAPTER 11: Critical Race Theory: A species of the ideological thought genus Marxism
- CHAPTER 12: Seeding Race Wars
- CHAPTER 13: Fomenting Race Wars Begins in Kindergarten
- CHAPTER 14: Changing Hearts and Minds
- CHAPTER 15: Conflict Theory and the Hegelian Dialectic
- CHAPTER 16: Ideological Invasion
- CHAPTER 17: Cultural Terrorism Comes to America
- CHAPTER 18: American Marxism: The Biden Regime—Obama's Third Term
- CHAPTER 19: From sex education to sexuality education
- CHAPTER 20: In their own words: The sexual revolution begins in Kindergarten
- CHAPTER 21: Montessori and Drag Queen Story Hour
- CHAPTER 22: What Is Social Justice?
- CHAPTER 23: Legalizing pedophilia—The Sorensen Report
- CHAPTER 24: The politics of pronouns
- CHAPTER 25: Philanthrocapitalism and Collectivism
- CHAPTER 26: Pronouns and Publishing
- CHAPTER 27: Pronouns and Pantheism
- CHAPTER 28: Pantheism, Gnosticism, and Marxism
- CHAPTER 29: Gnosticism, the Frankfurt School, and Freirean Education
- CHAPTER 30: Marxists Past, Present, and Future
- CHAPTER 31: Marxism, Gnosticism, and Transgenderism
- CHAPTER 32: Transhumanism, Big Lies, and the Great Reset
- CHAPTER 33: Weaponizing Children: The Gospel of Yuval Harari
- CHAPTER 34: In a World Obsessed with Feelings, Whose Feelings Matter?
- CHAPTER 35: Artificial Intelligence and America's Children
- CHAPTER 36: When They Say 'We're Coming for Your Children,' Believe Them
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